The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 83: Test of Loyalty

Chapter 83: Test of Loyalty

As its consciousness began fading away, it prayed.

I dont want to disappear

The world had suddenly changed.

It had been separated from its mate. (TN: Still not sure whether Momo is related to this.) Want to return

But its wish was never granted.

Its freedom was robbed after being captured by a strange power.

Above all, its body was heading towards death.

I dont want to die

It wished dearly.

But the wish was not answered.

The only salvation was the sensation that came from the strange chain (which the human casted) unraveling itself.

Probably, the chains would lose their effect when it perished.

But what good would that do?

It was already too late to do anything.

I dont want to die

It prayed once again.

It still had things left to do.

Something that must be done.

Someone it had to meet.

It was unacceptable for it to die.

{ ZazaAcceptedZazaza}


A noise rang inside its head.


There it was again. The volume gradually increased as if it was trying to maintain a grasp on its consciousness.



{Will be done-}

{Skill[ ]Zazazaza}

What was it trying to say?

Interestingly, it didnt feel any discomfort.

And the words the followed were heard clearly.

{-Commening Evolution-}

It lost its consciousness.

Lets see now

Readying my weapon, I step forward. The monster tamer is obviously flustered.

What impossible it cant be

Shaking her head and moving backward, the monster tamer looks menacingly towards me.

That that dark wolf was my greatest fighting power!! Its level was above 20!! Thats twice as high as mine! It had powerful skills as well! For this to happen after strengthening it its unreasonable! Illogical! She argues while spitting out saliva. She looks like a child throwing a tantrum.

Anyways. that dark wolf was over level 20? No wonder it was so strong. But there wasnt any announcement like the one from back when I defeated the high orc. Was the dark wolf not named? My level only increased by 1 too. I thought it was different from the other monsters, but was I mistaken? No, this is best. I wouldnt want situations like the one with the high orc happening so often. And it was just yesterday that it happened.

Oh right, I should retrieve the magic stone. The stone is already within the retrievable perimeter of the Item Box. When I try to take it in it fails.Huh? I try it again only to fail again. What does this mean? Despite the wolfs death, does the magic stone still belong to the monster tamer? Well, thats fine. Leave that for now.

Kuuuuu! Not yet! Its not over yet!

Below her feet, several monsters appear from the dark. An orc and three goblins. So there are still some left.

Monsters! Earn me some timeeh?

She stops on her track. It is a matter of course. After all, I have already crushed them using some heavy machinery.

{ You have gained experience. }

I hear the voice of heaven. Sorry, but you cant delay me with this kind of monsters. I get near the monster tamer after quickly removing the heavy machinery.


The monster tamer attempts to flee with her back against us. However, before she succeeds, a small gunshot is heard. Its from Ichinose-san. The bullet accurately imbeds itself in the monster tamers thigh.


She falls on the spot and screams in pain. Now that the dark wolf has died, the auto-defense of the darkness seems to have disappeared along with it. This is just a speculation, but I believe that she can take some of the status and skills of her familiars. That can explain the strength that she displayed in the cafeteria and why the dark wolf didnt utilize the automatic defense function during our fight. On the flip side, now that her monsters are dying left and right, her status should be decreasing as we speak.

Damn it! DAMN IT!

She is still trying desperately to run away. I speedily arrive in front of her.

This time, it is truly the end.

Hi,hiiii! W-wait! Time out! Please! Dont kill me!

She begs while looking up at me. Her expression is different from the one that she had in the cafeteria. She really has no way out this time.

I apologize for what happened just now! I wont do this kind of thing ever again! So please! Let me leave!

I can be your companion, no, your slave! Please use me as you please! Im sure I can be of some use! This body will be yours! I dont mind using it however you like! Right! You can embrace me as many times as you want! She is desperate. She doesnt want to die. She is uttering with only that in mind. Unfortunately, her voice doesnt reach my heart. How would I trust someone that tried to kill me? Considering Momo and Akas existence, the monster tamer is too dangerous. My heart is already set in stone. Its just me who is hesitating. Im just not determined enough.

Have you finished saying your last words?

My cold voice surprises even myself.

!! N-no! I dont want it! I dont want to die! I DONT WANT TO DIE! While shaking her head from side to side, she starts to sob.

FinallyI finally have the chance to live as I want. There are so many things left that I want to do. I dont want it to end here I dont want to die noNOOOO. The knife on my hand shakes. Sweat drenches my back, and an unpleasant sound is heard from within.

Isnt it fine? Just spare her.

Shes a girl! Shes crying!

Isnt it fine to just hand her over to the students after tying her up?

Why is there a need for you to dirty your own hand?

You can even have Ichinose-san do the deed.

You cant do it.

You cant do it. You cant. You cant. You cant.

Stop. I have to stop having these thoughts. I shake my head as if Im trying to clear my thoughts. This will be my first stepping stone. Its a wall that I have to overcome. To survive in this world, this is the stepping stone for my determination. Personally, I dont want to commit murder. But the difference in being able to do the deed or not could vastly influence my scope of actions. Just like this time. Faltering and hesitating could put my companions in danger. So I must make up my mind as well.

{ Experience has reached a certain threshold }

{ Stress Tolerance has leveled up from LV6 to LV7 }

{ Experience has reached a certain threshold }

{ Stress Tolerance has leveled up from LV7 to LV8 }

{ Experience has reached a certain threshold }

{ Stress Tolerance has leveled up from LV8 to LV9 }

The voice of heaven responds to my resolution. For a moment, it feels like my mind has become lighter.


After a deep breath, I look at the monster tamer once again. Her face is dyed with despair. I would most likely remember that expression forever. I will never forget it.


AndI swing down the blade Or so I thought.


The blade is stopped midair by a small shield of darkness.


It is apparent that this situation is not planned by the monster tamer. She appears shocked. Whats going on? The dark wolf should be dead already Tsu perhaps

I turn back and glance at the location where the dark wolfs magic stone should be.

Its gone.

The dark wolfs magic stone isnt there. In the midst of confusion, another event occurs. The darkness which has spawned in front of the monster tamers eyes expands to the size of a fist. From there, darkness swells up and erupts. It falls to the ground like a waterfall and instantly spreads out. I fly away by reflex, but the monster tamer who has lost her mobility gets caught up in the darkness.

Wh-whats this? Uwaaaaaaaaa!

She gradually gets swallowed up while screaming. Starting from her legs, moving on to her wrists, and gradually to her torso. It is as if the darkness has its own consciousness, chewing on her with its will.

Hiiiii! H-HELP ME!!!

She is engulfed completely, and her scream is no longer intelligible.


I feel something terrible. I cant stop perspiring. What is this massive pressure?


Shouting, I dash towards her and carry her body.

Kudou-san! Is that?

I have no idea! But its dangerous! We should leave now!

Without waiting for a response, I start running. The darkness which has been spreading like mud starts expanding radially with terrible momentum. From the center, a beast arises. More precisely, it is the manifestation of darkness in the shape of a monster. A deformed beast with its legs, torso, tail, ears, and fangs painted pitch black.

Is this the dark wolf? No, thats cant be. That thing is much more threatening. A monster so peculiar and heterogeneous.


It raised its voice as if trying to announce the beginning of despair.

{ Unannounced Announcement }

{ An individual whose racial level has reached its upper limit has appeared } { Confirmed that conditions have been met }

{ Commencing the search for similar individuals }

{ No applicable results }

{ Certified as a unique individual}

{ Confirmed the destruction of the individuals body }

{ Confirmed the safety of the individuals core }

{ Connecting Connecting Success }

{ Commencing the reconstruction of the individuals body }

{ Informing the creation of a new race }

{ Reconstruction of the special new race High Undead Dark Wolf has been completed } { The target individual is recognized as a named monster }

{ The target has been bestowed the name of Schwarz }

{ A bonus has been granted }

{ Bestowal of unique skill Wolf King complete }

{ Intimidation has been granted. Blast/Breath has been granted. Clawing has been granted. Grant Attribute has been granted } { Various statuses have increased }

{ Scheduled Report}

{ Named Monsters: 41 Occurrences }

{ Subjugation of Named Monsters: 3 Occurrences }

{ Manifestation of Unique Skills: 22 Occurrences }

{ Death of Individuals with Unique Skills: 10 Occurrences }

{ The continued expansion of Chaos Frontier has been confirmed. }

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