The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 175: Whatever It Is, It’s Important To Do It With Enthusiasm and Vigor

Chapter 175: Whatever It Is, It’s Important To Do It With Enthusiasm and Vigor

TN: Shout-Outs Section!

<<Scheduled report.>>

<<Shout-Out Progress for March: 3/8>>


The strategy itself is simple.

First, Ill employ a Ninjutsu to grab Peonys attention.

During that timeframe, Ichinose-san will shoot Aka, who will be disguised as a bullet, as close to the Dragon as possible.

It would be ideal if the bullet can hit one of Peonys branches or vines.

Then, through the instant-shadow created by Aka, Momo and Kiki will arrive and try to persuade the Dragon.

Thats it.

Thats all there is to my plan.

Instead of having the Dragon join you as your companion, your plan is to join the Dragon as its companionIt amazes me how foolish your plan is

President Igarashi is flabbergasted at our plan.

I dont blame her, though. After all, I also think so too.

Its a foolish plan.

Not only do I have to participate in this foolish plan of mine, I have to involve my friends into it as well.

I wonder how many times I had to bet my life in the past 10 days.

On top of that, I wonder how many times I had to bet the lives of Ichinose-san, Momo, Kiki, and Aka.

If I was a genius, or if I was a bit smarterIm sure I wouldve come up with a better and safer strategy.

For an average Joe like me, however, this is the best I can do.

Ah, I feel numb, numb from the battles, the world, and the insignificance of lives.

I understand that this isnt good for me, but I cant seem to shake off the feeling.

In just 10 days, my mentality and my sense of values have changed drastically.

Dont you also have the desire to live as you please?

Suddenly, her words resurface in my mind.


No, dont think about it.

Right now, I should be focusing on executing the plan.

I exit the Safety Zone through Momos Shadow Migration.

Ive arrived at a location which is far away from the Dragon but close enough to Peony that I could attract its attention.

Peony hasnt noticed me yet.

Im not sure whether its because of its battle with the Dragon or because its enemy detection ability is subpar.

Frankly, I dont care, but Ill make sure that its attention is on me in a moments time.

Now, I hope this goes well

I activate a certain Advanced Ninjutsu while praying in my heart.

The Art of Ginormous Growth.

The next instant, a huge version of myself whose height easily surpasses the height of a building appears



Peonys body stiffened for a second.

What is that?

Out of thin air, a Giant had appeared during its fight with the Dragon.

The Giant was several times taller than the Dragon, and Peony recognized its face.

Through a blurry memory, Peony realized that the Giants face resembled that of the humans from yesterday.

But the human shouldnt have been that big.

Along with a fearless grin, the human began charging towards Peony, wading through pillars of concrete that laid by its feat. [1]

Seeing this, Peony thoughtits worth devouring

It was still locked in a struggle against the Dragon, but Peonys attention was already directed towards the Giant.

Peony was famished, and its stomach was constantly growling in hunger.

On one hand, there was the tiny Dragon which could only offer Peony a single bite despite its might.

On the other hand, there was the Giant which had considerable volume despite its lack of might.

If Peony had to choose, there was no doubt that it would choose the latter over the former.


Trembling, Peony shot out countless vines at the Giant.

The Giant did not attempt to avoid the vines, and soon enough, they effortlessly pierced through the Giants body.


That was Peonys only impression.

However, Peonys attack, or rather, its meal, was not over yet.

The tips of the vines which penetrated the Giant changed shape to look like the mouths of Venus flytraps. Then, they started to devour the flesh of the Giant.

Musha musha. Gatsu gatsu. Gucha gucha. Mogu mogu. Gokuri.

In a matter of seconds, the Giant get devoured by Peony after letting out a horrible scream.


That was Peonys honest opinion after consuming the Giant.

Ah, this is nowhere close to being enough.

It was such a huge prey, but it was not enough to satisfy Peony.

Peony was once again assaulted by an acute pain due to its hunger.

It was then.

Whats wrong? Im still alive and kicking, you know?


Peony was shocked.

The Giant which Peony thought it had gobbled up appeared once more.

Moreover, the Giant looked bigger than the one before.

Huh? Why?

Some questions arose, but Peony soon dismissed them.


Peony believed that the Giant had revived itself so that it can be eaten again.

Ah, how wonderful.

Peony ignored the trivial questions that came to its attention and focused on biting the Giant, completely forgetting about the tiny Dragon.

It was will to do anything to satisfy its hunger.


Caught it.

I inwardly heave a sigh of relief and stare at whats happening overhead.

Peonys vines are making short work of my Giant.

Meat is splattering everywhere, and so is the blood.

To be honest, its quite a terrible sight to behold.

(It doesnt harm me in any way, though)

The Advanced Ninjutsu known as The Art of Ginormous Growth does not make me grow big or anything. Instead, it creates a giant image of myself in front of me.

In actuality, the images that I create are virtually powerless.

If I order them to destroy a building, they would simply slip through it without being able to cause a scratch.

The same thing happens when I tell them to scoop something up.

Theyre essentially illusions with mass.

The images can speak and be touched by others, but they cant do anything else.

A technique that exists solely to attract monsters.

Thats what The Art of Ginormous Growth is.

When I first got it, I thought it was a useless Ninjutsu because of its limited functionality.

The fact that it required a lot of MP didnt help improve my evaluation.

(Creating one image uses up 100 MP. What kind of low efficiency is that)

There were two reasons why I didnt bother using this Ninjutsu during yesterdays battle with the Dragon.

First off, as I mentioned, the Ninjutsu consumes a stupendous amount of MP.

My maximum MP is only slightly above 300 right now.

In other words, I wouldve run out of MP in the blink of an eye after creating three images. Considering how this is after the reduction from Reduced MP Consumption, I believe my hesitation to activate the Ninjutsu was justified.

The second reason was that the images can only be created in front of the users eyes.

This means that I would have been roasted alongside my image if the Dragon had unleashed its breath onto us.

That wasnt a risk I was willing to take.

Distracting the Dragon with The Art of Cloning was a much better alternative.

(Of course, this logic only applies when my opponent is a regular monster)

Against Peony, Im convinced that nothing can be as effective as The Art of Ginormous Growth.

Yesterday, I was able to get a glimpse of Peonys thought process with the link created through my Tracking skill.

Its thoughts were so disturbing that I almost threw up, but thanks to that, I was able to learn one thing:

Peony is in a constant state of hunger.

I dont know why this is the case, but Peony is unnaturally obsessed with eating.

Thats why I assumed that Peony would bite onto anything thrown towards it as long as its big, and my assumption turned out to be correct.

Even now, Peony is greedily devouring my giant image.

The image is only an illusion without any real substance, so Peonys stomach should remain empty even after devouring it. However, Peony doesnt seem to have noticed.

If Peony took the time to observe carefully, it wouldve realized that I am standing right beneath the image, but Peony doesnt react to my presence at all.

What a terrifying obsession towards eating.

Eating probably means everything to Peony. It doesnt care about anything else.

Im just glad we can earn some time with this.

(But Ill only be able to create one more image)

I didnt think Peony would devour the giant so quickly in a matter of seconds.

I can probably only last another minute.

If the Dragon doesnt recognize us as its companion in that time period, well be done for.

(The rest is up to you guys)

While praying internally, I focus on whats happening in front of me.


Wan! Wan!


Did Momos voice reach the Dragon?

Based on the Dragons frozen figure, I can confidently say that it did.

Since the Dragon has Telepathy and Thought Resonation, I speculated that it would be able to understand the words of those from other races, including humans and dogs.

Thankfully, I was right.

With this, weve cleared the first stage of the plan.

However, its still too early to be feeling relieved.

After all, its up to the Dragon whether or not to accept the preposition set forth by the Heavenly Voice.

If Momo manages to persuade the Dragon into accepting, the Dragons name should appear on the list of party members.

Im keeping my status screen open at all times so that I can check if and when the Dragon accepts.

.As expected, its name isnt on the screen.

I guess that would be the natural reaction.

No one in their right mind would accept after hearing something so suspicious.

But please, trust us.

Once you join our party, we can bring you into the Safety Zone.

You can heal your wounds there before setting out to battle Peony again.

Wan! Wan! U~oooooooooooooon!

Momo desperately appeals to the Dragon.

I dont know whether the Dragon understands what Momos saying, but it probably does.

Momo doesnt seem to have any trouble talking with Aka and Kiki, so she should also have a skill similar to Thought Resonation.

Kyu! Kyu! Kyuuuu!


Wan! Wanwan! Kuun

Kyu! Kyu! Kyuuu!

Kiki steps out of the Shadow to speak to the Dragon as well.

Kikis sudden appearance surprises the Dragon, but just like what happened with Momo, it doesnt immediately try to attack her.

By the way, Im a clone created by the main body using The Art of Cloning.

My role is to constantly check my status plate and report back to the main body by canceling the Ninjutsu the moment the Dragon decides to join the party [2].

The main body is busy dealing with Peony right now, so I, the clone, must keep an eye on the status plate.

Thanks to Reduced MP Consumption, the main body was able to summon one clone with the MP left over after using The Art of Ginormous Growth.

Even so, considering how rapidly the main bodys MP is depleting, we only have one more minute to spare.

Things are progressing much more quickly than I anticipated.

(Please! Please quickly accept !)

Suppressing the sense of urgency, I stare at Momo and Kiki intently.

Suddenly, a change occurs.

A tremendous amount of murderous intent oozes out from the Dragons body, giving me a chill to the bone.


Next, the Dragon raises itself from the ground with evident anger


and exhales loudly.

That alone covers me in cold sweat and makes me shiver in fear.

Scary! Scary! Scary!

The overwhelming sense of dread makes me want to undo the Ninjutsu.

Precisely at that moment, the Dragon roars.



I somehow manage to remain standing.

Unfortunately, Momo and Kiki get directly hit by the roar and are blown away, rolling several times on the ground in the process.

Momo! Kiki!


When I rush forward to help them, the Dragon stops me in my path.

It slams its tail in front of me as if its warning me to back off.

Cracks have appeared on the ground where its tail has landed.


No I cant afford to undo the Ninjutsu right now.

As things stand, Momo and Kiki will!



Momo and Kiki stand back up, wobbling.

They look my way, assuring me that theyre fine.

Momos eyes are telling me that she hasnt given up yet, and so are Kikis.

Wan! Wan!

Kyuuu! Kyu!


Ignoring the shouts of Momo and Kiki, the Dragon blows them away once more.

However, they do not give in.

They stand back up time and time again to persuade the Dragon.

My chest feels like its getting crushed.

Damn it!

All I can do is stand here and watch.

As a clone, I cant use skills or send out party applications.

Hence, Im left with no choice but to put my trust in Momo and Kiki as I powerlessly watch on.

Please! Work! WORK!

I pray desperately, clenching my teeth and curling my fist while my eyes are locked onto the status screen.


KyuKyuuu! Kyuu! KYUUUUUUU!

Momo and Kiki have been thoroughly beaten up.

In just a few seconds, the Dragon has wounded Momo and Kiki with its roars.

Their bodies are tattered and riddled with injuries.

Even then, Momo and Kiki refuse to back up.

Their eyes are still alive.

Every time they get knocked down, they struggle back up, screaming, pleading, and begging with their sore throats.

It was then.

The Dragon suddenly twitches and twists its neck to stare at me.

Our gazes meet.

I shudder in fear, but I endure it to the best of my abilities.

If I look away now, Im afraid that everything will be over


The Dragon growls, slightly impressed.

For some reason, this gets on my nerves.

Thats enough from you!

I clench my fist very hard.

My patience is at its limit.

I glare at the Dragon.

Agree to the message, you idiot Dragon! Do you understand what situation youre in!? Youll die if you stay like that! Everythings over if you die! You want to fight, correct!? You want to beat that monster, correct!? Then join us! Join our party! FIGHT WITH USSSSSSSS!!

I bellow out a shout so loud that my voice cracks and my throat threatens to collapse.



Momo and Kiki also cry in desperation.

Its unclear whether or not our cries were able to reach the Dragon.

The Dragon opens its mouthand lets loose a breath.


A split second later, Peonys vines which were stealthily approaching us from behind gets burned down.



The Dragons roar shakes the heaven.

Did it justprotect us?

Our eyes meet once again.

The Dragon grins, not looking as sarcastic as before.

Its the sort of grin that one would show an ally

Could it be that

I check the status plate in a hurry.

At the very bottom of the list


Party Members


Dark Dog LV 3


Creation Slime LV 5

Ichinose Natsu

Newtype LV 2


Carbuncle LV 2

Blue Dragon LV 38


the Dragons species name is proudly displayed.


[1] The literal translation should be pillars of rocks, which Im assuming are buildings.

[2] Reference to how Naruto can un-summon his shadow clones.

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