The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 156: The Nastiness of “The Right to Question”

Chapter 156: The Nastiness of “The Right to Question”

Well, then

Ichinose-san and I who have entered a random civilians house decide to hear the full story from Rikka-chan and Shibata-kun.

As per usual, Shibata-kun is being hostile to me for some reason, but I ignore it.

The summary of their stories goes like this:

While they were exploring, they found the mutated Glasses-kun fighting against some Goblins.

They tried to ask Glasses-kun about the situation, but he fled as soon as he saw them.

Rikka-chan chased after Glasses-kun in pursuit after annihilating the remaining Goblins in two seconds.

Around the time they reached the border of the City Halls Safety Zone, they entered my detection range.

The rest of the story involves us rushing in with a motorcycle and subduing him.

Thats about it.

To put it another way, neither of you know anything in detail?


Thats right

Rikka-chan and Shibata-kun answer in the affirmative.

Their expressions are dark, and the same goes for the other students.

Glasses-kuns new appearance must have shocked them quite a bit.

I inspect Glasses-kun who is still knocked out.

His hair has turned gray while his skin has become as coarse as the earth.

I doubt that theres blood flowing underneath it.

His eyes are closed shut right now, but I remember his eyes being red where it should be black and black where it should be white.

He really does resemble the Zombies that Ive encountered in town.

To put it bluntly, I doubt hes human anymore.

What happened to him?

(The most likely possibility. is Evolution?)

After all, there are Evolutionary Paths such as Cyborg and Lizardman that would lead to non-human-like appearances.

Glasses-kuns figure can be explained if he had managed to reach LV30 and decided on the Zombie race listed in his Evolutionary Paths.

(But is that really the case here?)

Then why was he so frightened when he saw us?

Why did he run away from Rikka-chan?

Nishino-kun and the others trust Glasses-kun to a significant extent.

Not only that, Ive been told that he is knowledgeable about classic settings in light novels and anime.

If he had really evolved, he could have explained it to them upon their reunion.

Its not like Nishino-kun is the type of person that would reject him by saying, As if we can trust your words!

He wouldnt have run away without any explanation unless hes guilty of something.

(He isnt an imposter, is he?)

I check his name on the Mail List.

The name Ono Keita is displayed on there, so he is definitely not a fake.

What else is a feasible explanation?

Hm? Where are you going, Onii-san?

Ill be leaving my seat for a moment. He might panic again if Im here when he wakes up.

Eh, but

Dont worry. Ill be in the adjacent room, so call for me if anything happens.

Oh, then Ill also

Ichinose-san attempts to grab onto the hem of my clothes and follow me, but I persuade her otherwise.

Ichinose-san, please stay here.


Aisaka-san needs you right now, Ichinose-san. Please stay by her side.

Ah yes, I understand.

Ichinose-san nods.

Rikka-chan is bowing apologetically.

Dont sweat it. Also, stop looking like youre about to cry.

(Momo, Aka, Kiki. Ill be leaving them in your hands.)


(Furu furu)


It should be fine if I leave Momo and the others around Ichinose-san.

Momo is hiding in Ichinose-sans shadow, Aka is mimicking as a part of her clothing, and Kiki is curled up on Ichinose-sans lap.

Theyll be able to respond immediately in the event of an emergency.


I enter the adjacent room and open my status plate.

Ill be collecting information with The Right to Question.

Although I could have done it in front of them, I can concentrate better this way.

Also, it would be better to tell them the information after Ive studied it in some depth.

(If it wasnt due to an Evolution, theres only one other answer)

Its probably what everyone thought of when they first saw Glasses-kun.

However, no one had the courage to say it.

They all looked the other way because they didnt want to accept it.

Humans can turn into monsters.

Theres a chance that its true.

(So lets confirm it)

The Right to Question should answer it for me.

Its not like an answer appears for every question, but I have a strong feeling that it will for this one.

I type in the question to The Right to Question.

Can a person turn into a monster?

I close my eyes and press on the Enter key.

The answer should be out already.


I take in a deep breath and slowly open my eyes.

The answer is displayed on the screen.


The silent voice of the system shakes my brain.

Ah, this system truly has a nasty personality.

It answers questions of these natures very clearly.

Next, Ill be asking follow-up questions.

What are the conditions for humans to turn into monsters?

The Right to Question replies immediately to this as well.


The conditions are as follows:

Mutation due to over-ingestion of magic stones.

Side effects of certain skills or occupations.

Effects of certain offensive skills.

Parasitism by certain monsters.

Entry into certain areas.

Evolving into certain races.


Various conditions are listed.

To think there are so many ways for humans to turn into monsters

There are many things to take note of, but the first condition is especially concerning.

Over-ingestion of magic stones.

In short, people can transform into monsters by swallowing magic stone?

But whod want to eat that?

Previously, I tried one out while handing Momo a magic stone, but it wasnt something someone would be able to eat.

Should I try it again?

Ill just spit it out before swallowing it.

I take out a Goblins Magic Stone (Minimal) from the Item Box and toss it into my mouth.

Its a stone through and through.


Its hard and tastes disgusting.

It isnt something a person would want to eat.

Its literally just a stone.

No, but if you think about it, Momo, Kiki, and Aka eat them deliciously, dont they?

I thought it was just the difference between humans and animals, but is there something else to it?

I continue asking questions.

How can humans ingest magic stones?

The answer appears in an instant.

Negative emotions under specific conditions that exceed a certain threshold.

What does that mean?

Negative emotions under specific conditions?

Negative emotions as is sadness and despair?

I ask for more details, but no reply is given.

I also inquire about the other conditions of turning into a monster.

What kind of skills and occupations? Which areas? Which races?

No answer is provided.

Every time I ask for clarification after a certain question is answered, it refuses to answer me further.

Ill consider it a harvest just for the fact that I learned about what conditions have to be fulfilled to become a monster.

Well have to be mindful not to meet these conditions.

Newtype is essentially still a human being, not a monster.

The Right to Question confirms this.

I type in my next question.

Its something I absolutely must know.

Is it possible for a human who has turned into a monster to revert back?

Whats the answer?

There isnt any response.

Damn it!


I pound on the ground without thinking.

Its just like before.

It feels like someone is intentionally blocking information from us.

No, that might actually be the case.

Youre looking down on us!

I rephrase the question several times, but nothing changes.

Either an Answer does not exist, or I dont have the access to it yet

Regardless, its unlikely that Ill get anything more out of this.

Lastly, I ask whether its fine for animals to ingest magic stones.

The answer is No problem.

Rather, for animals, it seems like they tend to actively eat magic stones based on their survival instincts.

For a second, I wonder whether the system thinks humans dont have survival instinct, but I conclude that its probably because the system groups humans and animals in different categories.

Although animals and monsters have their own Race, they dont have Occupations to speak of.

Despite having access to the same system, there seems to be clear differences between humans and other organisms.

(Thats about everything)

I turn my attention to the next room.

It appears the Glasses-kun has regained his consciousness.

(If I enter the room, hell be scared again)

Since thats the case, Ill eavesdrop on their conversation with Listening Ears.

I know its slightly rude to do so, but theres no helping it.

N? This!! Where am I!?

Oh, Onon. Youre awake.

R-Rikka? Shibata-kun and everyone else as well?

After waking up, Glasses-kun notices the petrified clone of Aka that is binding him.

Also, Glasses-kun, I dont know if youve noticed, but you just straight up called her Rikka instead of Rikka-chan or Rikka-san.

Sorry about the restraint, but its to prevent you from running away again.

Lets have a serious talk, Ono. Whats up with yer figure? And why did ya run away from us?

Y-youre too cclose, Shibata-kun!

AHN? What does that have to do with Ow! Whats wrong with you, Rikka?

Im. Telling. You. Shibacchis face is scary, so distance yourself from him. Otherwise, he might not be able to tell us what he knows.

O-okay Eh? Im that scary? For real?

I told you, havent I? Even Natsun is still scared of you.


I can imagine whats happening just from their words and presence .

Shibata-kun probably stuck his face close to Glasses-kuns so that he can ask questions, but Rikka-chan chastised him, so hes depressed now.

(That said, Shibata-kuns face is indeed scary)

His glare, his countenance, and the way he speaks are all rough.

At the same time, however, hes caring towards his friends and is a Doctor, which makes him sound smart.

What are you, really?

So can you tell us, Onon? What happened before we met each other?


Glasses-kun falls into a deep thought.

Eventually, he opens his mouth.

Im not qualified to be with everyone.

Whats that?

Whaccha even saying, huh? Do ya even know how desperately we searched for ya?

Well, the same can be said for me!

Glasses-kun shouts back at Shibata-kuns words.

I wanted to see you guys! I really did! Although Ive become like this I still wanted to meet everyone. Its just when we eventually met, I was convinced that I was no longer the same as the rest of you, and my body started to move by itselfThats why I ran away Also, I used these hands to do them in


Glasses-kuns voice begins to tremble and his presence starts to change.

Thats right. I did nothing wrong. It was all their fault Yet why do I have to go through something like this! Dont mess with meDont mess with me, dont mess with me, dont mess with me!

H-hey, Ono? Whats wrong?


I immediately stop eavesdropping and charge towards the next room.

This is bad.

Glasses-kuns ambiguous presence is turning more and more into a Monsters presence.

Just as I am about to enter the next room-

Thats right. You are not in the wrong.

I suddenly hear someone speak.

A shiver runs down my spine.

Who is it? That sounded like an outsider.

What could this mean?

Enemy Detection isnt picking up anything wait.

There isnt any reaction?


I realize that Ive forgotten about a certain possibility.

Im exasperated of my own stupidity.

Im an idiot! How could I have forgotten about that already!

I activate a skill as soon as I am inside the room.

Shadow Cage!

My shadow spreads out from my feet and covers the entire room.


Whats this?

My body is sinking

The students are horrified, but there isnt any time for me to explain right now.

Its one of my skills! It wont harm you! Please stay still!

Shadow Cage.

As its name suggests, its a skill that locks its targets inside a Shadow Cage.

Its similar to diving into Momos shadow. The only difference is that the targets wont be able to move about freely inside Shadow Cage.

Originally, this skill is meant for restraining monsters and making them immobile.

Ill be taking advantage of that property this time around.


My shadow swallows up the students and Glasses-kun.

With that out of the way, I activate my next skill.

Earth Style Ninjutsu.

Just as Ichinose-san and the students finish sinking into my shadow, I dive into the ground.

Almost simultaneously, a huge something flattens the house.


The sound of destruction sends a shock wave through the air.

Even as I am hiding in the ground, the vibration is transmitted to me.

What was that?

I emerge from the ground a short distance away.

Smoke is rising from the scene of the destruction, and from a slight gap, I see that the house and the surrounding buildings have been crushed.

A huge silhouette is standing in the center of the debris.

Youre joking

The existence that has flattened the house - is a Golem.


No, it cant be.

Its only half as huge, and some parts of it clearly differ from Titan.

(A different one)

There wasnt any reaction from Enemy Detection.

That means there werent any foreign presences in the vicinity.

Unfortunately, this doesnt always hold true.

For example, the skill cant detect monsters like Mimics, Slimes, and Golems.

Golems in particular dont give off any signs until they are just about to appear.

There are Golems other than Titan Such a thought never occurred to me.

I mean, its not even fair for more of them to exist

Impressive reflex. You also have some interesting skills.

Its that voice again.

Its coming from the top of the Golems head.

Who are you?

A human?

No, its presence is the exact opposite of a humans theres no doubt that its a monster.

Standing there is a young man with a mediocre appearance. Its hair is black and its clothes are plain.

On its waist is a terrifying longsword that is disproportionately big.

I believe this is our first time meeting each other. Its my pleasure to make your acquaintance, owner of Precocious.

Having said that, he no, It cackles.

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