The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 152: Aka’s New Skill

Chapter 152: Aka’s New Skill

Using Momos Shadow Migration, we instantly regroup with Ichinose-san.

For some reason, Ichinose-san greets us with a pout as we arrived at the top of a building.



Why the long face?

Nothing. Why do you ask?

No, theres definitely something going on.

Her bad mood is apparent as she kicks a pebble nearby while pouting.

Whats going on?

I think hard for a moment before coming up with a certain explanation.

Is it perhaps because we werent able to fight together?

Is she upset over how she didnt get to have a turn in the fight?

No, I doubt Ichinose-san is the type to get mad over something so minor.

I said that as a joke to lighten up the conversation, but



Ichinose-san turns away awkwardly with a blush.

My guess was correct!?

Eh for real?


Ichinose-san remains silent.

Momo rubs herself against Ichinose-san as if shes trying to say, I totally get you.

Momo, why are you empathizing with Ichinose-san?

Its a mystery

Ah, I digress.

Akas strength has recovered, so lets head back.

Good point By the way, Kudou-san, whats Aka-chans new skill? You havent told me yet, yes?

Oh, youre absolutely right. I havent filled you in about that, have I?

Because of various matters, I didnt have the opportunity to explain.

Aka, can you demonstrate the new skill?

Furu furu.

Aka shakes to indicate its agreement.

Biki biki.

Akas body begins to solidify.

Accompanied by a dull thud, Aka falls to the ground a few seconds later.

Did it become a stone?

Yes, this is Akas new ability, Petrification.

This is the new skill that Aka received upon eating Titans Magic Stone (Large).

Petrification is a skill that transforms ones weight and texture into that of stones.

Is Aka-chan not going to move at all?

Thats because its a stone. As a stone, Aka will remain immobile.


Ichinose-san is confused.

Let me explain more clearly.

While it is in this state, Aka wont be able to move or use other skills. It will simply stay where it solidified into a rock.

W-wait a minute! What kind of a skill is this? Whats the point of becoming a rock?

Watch this.

I calm down the confused Ichinose-san and take out a hammer from the Item Box.

I aim for Aka and swing down the hammer as hard as I could.

H-hey, Kudou-san, what are you?

Ichinose-san tries to stop me in a hurry, but its too late to do so.


A loud sound reverberates around me.

K-Kudou-san!? What have you done?

Look closely. Not a scratch remains on Aka.

Huh?Y-youre right!

The petrified Aka is completely uninjured.

On the contrary, the hand that I just used feels numb.

Its actually starting to hurt.

Aka in its petrified state is rather hard. Its probably impossible to hurt Aka as it is now unless its struck by something as devastating as the pile bunker or the Ichinose Special.

Although Aka looks like a stone right now, its actually much harder than even iron.

In addition, in this form, Aka has a high resistance against fire, the nemesis of all slimes.

Without a source of extreme heat, it would be very difficult to melt the petrified Aka.

Furu furu.

Aka cancels its Petrification and returns to being a slime.

Then, it stretches out its body and petrifies itself again, turning into a strangely shaped stone pattern that reminds me of a stone circle.

Petrification can be used regardless of shape or form?


Even Aka-chans copies?

Of course.


Ichinose-sans eyes lights up in awe.

She probably understands the true value of this skill now.

On numerous occasions, Akas defensive capabilities have helped us tremendously.

However, until now, Aka only served as a cushion to absorb some of the damage for us.

On the other hand, Aka can now literally turn into an iron wall.

A defense revolving around both hardness and softness.

No one else is more suitable for the role of a wall than Aka.

But the value of Akas Petrification does not lie solely on its defense.


Its true that Akas Petrification boasts an astonishing defense.

Nonetheless, there is something even more impressive than that.

What can it possibly be?

I decide to spend some more time telling Ichinose-san about the skills other merit.

Actually, the Petrification skill does not have a time limit.

-!? Is that really the case?

Yes, it is.

Its true.

Aka can stay petrified for hours, tens of hours, or even hundreds of hours.

The same applies for Akas clones.

Normally, a clone would disappear after a certain period of time.

However, if the clone is in a petrified state, it will remain forever petrified until the Petrification is undone.

Its just a skill that turns the user into stone, but for us, there is no better skill to ask for.

Ichinose-san puts her hand on her chin and eventually comes to a realization.

You mean!?

Thats right. This skill complements Momos Shadow Migration very well.

Momos Shadow Migration allows a party to move from one party members shadow to another.

The memory of us splitting up Aka and designating its clones as Coordinates for our hit-and-run strategy against Titan surfaces in my mind.

Not only will the new combo be very effective during battles, itll also increase the efficiency of our explorations.

A petrified clone of Aka can be considered a Save Point that will never disappear.

The maximum travel distance of Momos Shadow Migration is around a hundred meters, so we cant move to the shadow of a party member who is a kilometer away.

But what if we were to have Intermediate Points?

By repeating the process of going from point A to point B, which is 100 meters away from point A, a distance of one kilometer can be covered almost instantly.

Ichinose-san gulps down.

She realizes what this implies.

Reduced travel time.

The benefit that this can bring to us is immeasurable.

Regardless of whether were trying to gather information, procure food, or subjugate monsters, it will be much more efficient than before.

Lets have Nishino-kun cooperate in setting up petrified clones of Aka at regular intervals. By doing this, well be able to dramatically expand the scope of our activities.

Yes, youre right.

The only issue that remains is that we cant use Shadow Migration without Momo, but I already have a solution in mind.

Its time to make up for the progress that we have lost during our sleep.

We leave soon after to get into contact with Nishino-kun.


Meanwhile, Nishino was returning home after ending his discussion with Fujita and the others.

(We werent able to learn anything about the neighboring town)

The SDF members including Towada refused to tell the truth.

What on earth was dwelling there?

What was making them so scared?

(Were clueless at this point, but if push comes to shove, Ill Command them to speak)

As it wouldnt be a Command that demand people to harm themselves, the Command would most likely succeed and compel the JDF members to confess.

However, this ran the risk of shattering their relationship afterwards.

As such, Nishino wanted to keep this as a final resort.

(On a different note, the levels of the residents are rising steadily)

More and more people were becoming skill holders under the persuasion of Shimizu and Goshogawara.

Some people became more conscious of the dangers that surrounded them. Others wanted to regain control over their own lives.

But of course, there was still a portion of the people that adamantly refused to stand back up.

What to do with these people was a concern that had to be addressed in the near future.

(I should also focus on raising my level )

During their discussion, a Mail had arrived from Rikka.

She had apparently raised her level again during their morning exploration.

If nothing went wrong, it was just a matter of time before she reached LV30.

This was precisely what was pushing Nishino forward.

Nobody would wish to follow an incompetent leader, and Nishino was too proud to let others piggyback him.

Should I also join the exploration team in the afternoon?

When he arrived back at their base, he sensed someones presence inside the house.

Have they returned already?

They finished much earlier than I anticipated.

No, could it be Kudou-san?

Nishino opened the door and headed towards where the presence was coming from.

Upon seeing him enter the living room, the person in question smiled and said, Thank you for all your efforts, Nishino-kun. Excuse me for intruding without permission.

She was someone he was acquainted with.

At the same time, she was someone he wanted to avoid most.

Student Council President Igarashi

Realizing who the unexpected visitor was, Nishinos face tensed up.

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