The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 131: Interlude

Chapter 131: Interlude

That night, Nishino had dinner with his friends after uniting with them. The menu was curry.

Having restored the electricity, large-scale rice cookers and electric stoves became functional again, allowing them to enjoy a much diverse set of dishes.

Even so, cooking for dozens of people was not an easy task, so there was only so much they could serve. Regardless, the curry that they had for the first time in such a long time was so heavenly that they almost cried.

(Shimizu-san mentioned how they worked hard to make dinner nutritious) In reality, curry was something they could have normally eaten for 300 yen.

Nevertheless, everyone including his friends and the employees of the City Hall were crazy about the food in front of them.

This must have been what Shimizu-san wanted to see.

As for the person in question, she was wearing a bandanna on her head and serving food with the other women.

Ifu delicis, ifnt if? (Its delicious, isnt it?) Yeah also, swallow your food before speaking. Oogay. (Okay.)

Really you have something on your cheek. Here, Ill wipe it off for you, so stay still. He wiped off the food on Rikkas cheek with his handkerchief.

Thanks, Nisshi. Ill give you this carrot as a sign of my gratitude. Youre only giving it to me because you dislike it. Dont be picky with your food and eat it properly.


Dont buuu me. Geez

Despite saying that, Nishino ate half of the carrot for her. He did not notice that his friends were silently watching the situation unfold.

Everyone, please listen to me as you eat. Its regarding tomorrows battle. When he announced the topic of their discussion, everyones expressions shifted.

While their spoons continued to move, their lines of sight were concentrated on Nishino.

I can pretty much guess what Mayor Uesugi and Shimizu-san plan on having us do. With that in mind, I would like you all to pay attention to some things. He began explaining about what the most likely strategy would be, what their roles will be, and the general strength of the City Hall to his companions.

Everyone listened what he was saying and made sure that they did not miss a single word. This alone displayed their trust in him.

Thats about it. Also, our team has a new no, two new members. They will be joining us later on. Eh? What kind of people are they? A gal who had an appearance like Rikka posed the question to Nishino.

For one, theres Ichinose Natsu. You guys were in the same class, so you should know her right? Eh! T-that girl?

She expressed shock upon hearing Ichinose being mentioned. It was the same for everyone else in the group.

Nishino, having taken into consideration the fact that people believed Ichinose dropped out of school to avoid being bullied by Rikkas group, looked towards her.

Rikka, can I tell them? Yes.

They had to first get rid of the misunderstanding. Nishino, who got Rikkas consent, explained her actual relationship with Ichinose.

When he finished, the gal-like girl opened her mouth and spoke with an apologetic tone.

S-so thats what happened I should really apologize. I looked away from the truth because I was scared of being dragged in Me too. So thats why Ono was moving around so desperately. Damn it. I wont let them off so easily the next time I see them. The others also expressed their apology to Ichinose and revealed fury towards the perpetrators.

Although they were labeled as Delinquents and Bad Apples in school, they cherished their friends and had a sense of comradery.

As for the other one its a bit more complicated. He might be a little late in joining. What does that mean?


Nishino explained in a way such that his colleagues would not be affected regardless of whether or not Kazuto came back disguised as Ichinose.

Kazuto didnt ask this of Nishino, but he did this to minimize the confusion that might ensue.

(For the time being, this explanation should suffice. Kudou-san told me not to reveal the truth to Shimizu-san and the others working at the City Hall, but I wonder how I should go about hiding it?) Ugh, Nishino let out a sigh inside his heart. Although he wanted to complain about being forced to do all the thinking, he knew that it was for the best.

After all, Kazuto and Ichinoses strengths were too impressive for him to dismiss.

Not only did they have a variety of different occupations and skills, they also possessed the ability to control monsters.

Nishino understood that the two peoples comprehensive fighting abilities were so high that his group would not emerge victorious even if they ganged up on the duo.

(Command doesnt work on him at all, and if we were to clash with them, I have no idea how Rikka, our main force, would react To think so far before contacting us What a guy) It was actually a surprise that they desired cooperation over subordination. With so much power on their hands, it wouldnt have been strange for the two to be oppressive like President Igarashi.

(We agreed on a trial period, but its likely because he wants a more accurate grasp of our strengths) He was certain that Kazuto would decide whether they were worth joining hands with by observing tomorrows battle.

However, that was also what Nishino desired.

He wanted to have a good estimate of their strength so that he could put them to good use.

(Fufufu, Im counting on you, Kudou-san) Truth be told, most of the events that happened were the results of pure coincidence, but Nishino was oblivious to this fact.

He had a bad habit of reading too deeply into his opponents thoughts.

While watching him, Rikka gently transferred the piece of carrot onto his plate.

Nijou Kamome was on the rooftop of the City Hall. She had dinner early and switched watches with somebody.

It was so that she could make time to explore a little bit more. [1] Ever since the world changed, she had been searching for a man. A man named Kudou Kazuto, her former colleague and senior.


The night breeze washed past her cheeks. It was May, and the nights were still cold.

Ah in the end, there werent any clues today either She arrived at the City Hall three days ago. She went out to search with her colleagues every day, but she wasnt able to find any trace of the person she was looking for.

Her colleagues told her that it was better to give up, but she refused to do so.

Hes alive. Im sure I can meet him again.

Kamome was sure of it.


Tomorrow was the day of their decisive battle against the Ants. It was going to be fiercer than any of the battles she had experienced.

There was a chance that casualties would occur. There was a chance that she would be among the dead.

(I definitely dont want to die.) She had to survive. She had to survive and meet with that person again.

He was willing to talk to her when she had no place in the company. They exchanged casual greetings, held casual conversations, and had a casual relationship. He casually radiated warmth that was like the Sun.

She wanted to meet him again and tell him her feelings.

As such, she had to survive.

She held her fist tightly in front of her chest.

Kazuto Senpai where are you? I want to see you.

No one heard the murmur which melted into the darkness of the night.

They had actually met already, but she would not notice this until later on.

The outer wall of the City Hall.

Kazutos former colleagues were smoking there.

No one was around to scold them even if they smoked indoor, but it had become somewhat of a habit for them.

Also, they were able to speak here without the worry of being overheard. They could complain and express their dissatisfaction without being mindful of the surroundings.

Ugh how annoying. What are you planning to do tomorrow? Is there anything we can do except participate? But isnt it like, a much more dangerous operation? Isnt that why the mayor and Shimizu-chan is working so hard? Also, isnt she strangely motivated these days? Ah, youre right. Shes oddly motivated in front of that old man named Fujita. Is she interested in him or what? Uwa, what a strange taste. Whats good about an old man like him? They laughed vulgarly.

To begin with, why do we have to work so hard? Isnt this precisely the work of the police and the Self Defense Force? Im telling you, they all died together. Theyre a useless bunch. What they said werent exactly incorrect. There was a police station near the City Hall, but the officers were mostly already dead.

They were overrun by the monsters and the Golem before they learned of the existence of skill and stats.

If they had survived, they would have definitely become stronger, but their luck ran out.

Were doing our best here, and I want some kind of rewrad Like what?

Well, a woman! Its been a while since the world has become like this, and Im pent up. I dont care whether its Shimizu or Nijou. I just want them to you know Oh, then I want the blonde girl. Her chests are like so damn huge. Do you think shell agree if I ask? I prefer the girl with the gun. Its always the calm ones that are passionate in bed. Each of them revealed their own desires. However, that was all they did.

They were doing it to release their stress. After all, they knew that any type of selfish action would bounce back on them.

Until this day, that was.

In that case should we do it? One of the men smoking asked.

What? What are you suggesting? Well, you see, my level went up in todays exploration, and I got my hand on an interesting skill. He happily explained the effects of his new skill. Listening to the wonderful ability that the skill came with, their expressions slowly changed.

Are you serious?

Of course. The situation is already at its worst. Whats wrong with what I said? In this type of situation, the ones that live as they like are the winners. What do you say? He looked around at his colleagues.

They were silent for a second, but Okay, Im in!

Im on board as well!

Thats right. Were just trying to have some fun. One by one, they all raised their hands. Seeing that, the man who proposed the idea nodded in satisfaction.

Okay, then lets do our best tomorrow and claim our rewards. OHHH!!!

Desire was swirling in their eyes as they threw away the cigarettes.

There was someone listening in on them at the rooftop of a building which was a short distance away from the City Hall.

It was there.

Hahaha, humans are such amusing creatures. They have so much reason and intelligence, yet why do they lack so much cohesion? No, is it the other way around? Do they disregard unity precisely because they have their own desires? Anyway, how arrogant they are. I never get tired of watching. It continued to stare at the direction of the City Hall while grinning inorganically.

But this is troubling. I thought Id be able to acquire a massive amount of experience here, but to think that it was an Off-Limits Zone. Then, it turned to where its feet were.

Dont you agree, Titan? BORURURURU.

It released a low rumble. The building where It was standing on swayed due to the sound.

Oops, dont drag me into this. I get it that youre angry, but your anger should be directed towards those humans, correct? The swaying stopped when It tried to reason with the Golem with a slightly panicky voice.

It helps that youre so understanding. URURURURU

Ah, its okay. Theres a way to break into the Off-Limits Zone. BURURU?

Its true, you know? Well, its actually something only you can do. I dont have enough strength yet. Thats why I called you here. Im saved that youre reasonable, unlike that Queen Ant and that Black Wolf. URURU

Dont mind it. What was the saying thats appropriate for this kind of situation? It remembered after pondering for a moment.

Ah, yes. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Dawn.

The curtain rose on the seventh day.


[1] By explore Im guessing that shes just keeping watch.

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