The World Is Mine For The Taking

Chapter 8 - 2 - The Woman Named Shredica (2)

Chapter 8: Chapter 2 - The Woman Named Shredica (2)

Amon explained to me that night that after I enrolled in the academy, she embarked on a project titled the "Create a Smartphone for Master" project.

Two years ago, I casually remarked to myself, 'Damn, I want a smartphone.' Amon overheard me and inquired, 'What is that?'.

I explained what it was and mentioned that it didn't exist in this world since technological development here lagged behind Earth.

Intrigued, she then asked me about how it was made. Since I wasn't actually aware of the specifics, I improvised by concocting a mishmash of ideas and incorporating elements I at least knew existed in a smartphone. Amon diligently took note of everything I said, her expression earnest throughout the process.

After that, it seemed she immersed herself in a quest for items resembling the ones I had mentioned. For those that eluded her or perhaps didn't yet exist in this world, she skillfully fashioned them herself. This undertaking commenced immediately after my departure for the academy.

After collecting an array of materials and crafting numerous prototypes, she succeeded in creating the first-ever smartphone in this world. And this accomplishment unfolded just a month after my departure for the academy.

I couldn't help but stand in awe of Amon's brilliance. The original creator of the cellphone likely toiled for years in its development, and for the device to metamorphose into a smartphone, it undoubtedly underwent a prolonged evolution. Yet, she achieved this milestone in a mere month.

Overwhelmed with pride in her achievement, that night, I engaged in passionate, intense lovemaking with her until she was so utterly drained she fainted. Following that, I allowed myself to luxuriate in rest, drifting into slumber alongside her in bed.


The early morning hours were upon us, and although I lacked the visual cue of a clock, I estimated it to be around 4 A.M.

Glancing to my left, I beheld a brown-haired beauty still immersed in slumber, her naked form serenely resting on her side. Memories of the previous night flooded back, recalling how I thoroughly pleasured her in every conceivable way. From intense exploration of her every orifice to engaging in kinky roleplays and indulging in elements of S&M, it had been an exhilarating and memorable night. One might even go as far as to call it a fantastic night.

I couldn't entirely fault myself for pushing Amon to her limits, especially considering the significant effort she had exerted on my behalf. Desiring a smartphone and yearning for her company, I might have gone a tad too far last night. Well, perhaps more than a tad.


The voluptuous woman stirred, rousing from her deep slumber. The scant sheet that had barely clung to her feet slipped away entirely, descending from the bed. Gradually, she opened her eyes, fixing her gaze upon me. Her stare lingered, the flush of her cheeks deepening to a vivid crimson that extended up to her ears. Eventually, she graced me with the warmest morning smile.

"Good morning, Master," she greeted. "How was it? My body, that is."

"It's as intoxicatingly incredible as ever."

"Really? That's a relief."


"Because I thought you might be weary of my body now that you have a new girl by your side."

She referred to Gabrielle. Both of my women were undeniably the jealous type. I wasn't complaining, as a hint of jealousy was cute in its own right. Yet, did they truly believe I would abandon them just because I was adding more women to my collection? Did they lack that much trust in me?

"Nonsense. Why would I ever grow tired of a body as astonishing as yours?"

"T-Thanks," she said with a blushing smile as she sat upright on the bed. When she realized I wasn't getting up and just staring at her, confusion flickered in her eyes. "Aren't you going back to the academy? You'll be late if you don't move soon, you know."

"Don't worry about me being late," I replied. "I want to stick around a bit longer."

Amon blushed. "Um, Master, I don't think I'll be able to work efficiently if you're planning on doing it again with me."

She must have thought I was up for another round, ready to go until she collapsed. As tempting as it was, I had to hold back; otherwise, I'd be seriously late.

"When I said I want to stick around, I meant I want to be close to you," I explained.

"Oh. I-Is that so?" she responded, a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"That's why I need you to move over here for a sec. Let's indulge in some pillow talk or something."

"A-Are you sure nothing... unusual is going to happen?"

"It's just cuddling. Don't worry."

"O-Okay," she replied hesitantly, sinking down next to me. My gaze lingered on her, and I reached out to caress her cheeks. They gradually warmed under my palm, and it felt incredibly relaxing. I wanted to stay in this moment for a while.

"It's strange," Amon suddenly confessed.

"What's strange?" I probed.

"Being with a man," she admitted, a vulnerable look in her eyes.

"What's so unusual about that?" I questioned.

"I never thought I'd find happiness like this. When those bandits had me, I believed it was all over. I resigned myself to the idea that I'd never experience something like this with a man. I was teetering on the edge of being sold as a sex slave, you know? I genuinely gave up on the notion of sharing an intimate connection like this with a man. Just accepted my grim fate as it was."

She extended her hand, delicately intertwining her fingers with mine as I continued to caress her flushed cheeks.

"That's why I'm grateful you saved me that day. Without you, I'd probably be trapped in some hellhole, my body used by people without a shred of decency."

"Do you resent our life together now? Since I practically command you in a sexual manner, treating you like my plaything?"

"Resent it? No way," she responded without hesitation. "Even if you treat me like your plaything, I don't really mind. I've dedicated myself to giving you my body, my soul, everything I have to offer. That's why I won't despise the life I'm in. This life, entwined with the man of my dreams, is pure bliss."


"I love you intensely, master. It feels like I wouldn't survive if you were to abandon me."

"Abandon you? Ridiculous. I won't leave you. You're my woman."

Amon giggled, a playful melody that echoed in the room. "Hehe, that's right. I'm yours. As your possession, I'll willingly follow you to the very end of time."

Amon was so incredibly sweet and cute that my morning wood turned into a raging beast.

"Sorry, Amon. But you're to blame for this," I said, lunging at her like a hungry animal. It took three rounds of intense pleasure and filling her up with my cum before I finally relented.

Afterwards, we headed to the bathroom where I couldn't resist fucking her once more. Then, with a promise to meet again next month, I bid her farewell.

By now, it was 9 A.M., and I was seriously late. Deciding to skip class altogether, I planned to instruct Gabriella to come up with an excuse for my absence.


I eyed the smartphone Amon had gifted me.

Well, damn. What the hell? It legitimately resembled a smartphone. Sure, no internet, but it operated like the real deal.

Clock, calendar, calculator, music, and even a camera – it boasted all the features you'd expect from a smartphone in my world.

Opting to explore the camera first, I opened it, and a spark of surprise lit up my eyes. Ah, so she infused it with some magic to make it work. Crafty move, Amon. I decided to capture a selfie, my grin etched in a frozen moment. Upon reviewing the photo, I was astounded by its quality. It outshone the camera on my Earthly smartphone.

"Sheesh, now I can capture moments with the women I fuck using this, huh? Looking forward to documenting my conquests," I mumbled, casually swiping the photo to the left. Another image emerged – this time, a snapshot of Amon straddling me. I had taken it earlier, intending to relish the memory of how divine she looked as I fucked her.

Turning my attention to the calendar, I delved into the intricacies of this alternate time system. A year here aligned with Earth's, but the months danced to a different tune. One spanned a mere 25 days, while another stretched out luxuriously to 35. My birthday, the 24th day of the 11th month, earned the prestigious label of 'Master's Day,' as per this realm's calendar. Classic Amon, sculpting a holiday in my honor.

"Well, next up is the clock," I muttered, delving into its workings. Mirroring Earth's, the clock ticked away 24 hours a day, a touch of gravity magic thrown in for good measure. How Amon stumbled upon these principles was a mystery. Was she the clandestine descendant of Einstein, unraveling the secrets of time dilation in a fantasy realm? Intriguing.

Enough musings on that. Time to dive into the realm of music. Expecting emptiness, I was met with a delightful surprise – a song titled in the language of this world. The track, 'I Love You, Master,' adorned the screen, the vocalist none other than Amon herself. I stared at it with a wry smile. She was undoubtedly devoted.

Eager to fill the musical void that had persisted for 18 years in this music-less world, I played the song. To my surprise, it was genuinely good.

"My master is a good man who always tends to my needs ?. Sure, he's a bit naughty, but that's precisely why I adore him so much ?. My master is the love of my life, an affection so deep that living without him is unfathomable. I'd willingly lay down my life for his sake ?. Oh~ Master, my love for you knows no bounds..."

Despite the sincerity embedded in the lyrics, a wry smile refused to vacate my face. The sweetness of it all was becoming almost overwhelming. Seriously, now anyone with a smartphone could tune into this sentimentality? Ugh, I just wanted to bury myself in a hole and hide.

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