The World Is Ending And I Am Surrounded By Female Zombies

Chapter 142 - 142 I Just Like To Be Calculative

142 I Just Like To Be Calculative

“Big… Big brother, we were all bewitched by him!”

“Yes, yes, yes, we didn’t even want to fight you.”

“Since you’re such a kind savior, I don’t think you’ll hold it against us.”

These people smiled apologetically, but they didn’t dare to put down their weapons.

“I’m sorry, I… just like to be calculative,”

Wang Ran said, as he opened the cabin door.

A survivor was directly sent flying out of the cabin.

The remaining four were not in a good state either. They had no choice but to drop their weapons and grab onto anything they could in the plane.

Wang Ran smiled slightly, picked up a horned hammer, and started to tap away at their fingers.

One… Two…

A person flew away.

Another one …

He kicked.

Another person flew away.

Soon, all the survivors were sent flying.

Wang Ran grabbed the body of the man in the suit and threw it outside.

All clean!

Wang Ran closed the cabin door and clapped his hands.

When Liu Shiyao heard the silence in the cabin, she walked out of the cockpit.

Wang Ran was alone in the cabin.

“They’re all…”

Liu Shiyao could guess where those people had gone.

“They’ve all jumped to Pochinki.

“That’s not important. Let’s talk about our bet first.”

Wang Ran smiled.


Liu Shiyao gritted her teeth.

She didn’t expect human nature to be this ugly.

We’ve just saved you, and now you want to kill and hijack the plane.

Liu Shiyao was completely defeated this time.

“Alright! I’ll work for you for three months.”

Liu Shiyao sighed.

She would not go back on her word.

However, after this incident, she had a better understanding of human nature.

In the future, if someone asked for help, she would have to think carefully.

“Come, come, come. Since you’re working for me, start with this first.”

Wang Ran pointed at the pool of blood on the ground.

It was from the man in the suit.

Liu Shiyao frowned slightly.

She was a senior researcher!

Now, she had to work like a maid…

Forget it, forget it. Why did she make this bet, in the first place?

Liu Shiyao took a piece of cloth, kneeled on the ground, and started wiping.

It had to be said that watching a mature woman, dressed in black silk and a tight skirt, wiping the blood off the ground, really made Wang Ran’s blood boil.

After all, Xiaoyu, Momo, Tang Tang, and Wu Jiaxin were still young.

Wang Ran had never come into contact with someone as mature and charming as Liu Shiyao.

Wang Ran had no choice but to take out two cans of iced Red Bulls from the refrigerator and put them into his belt to cool down.

Soon, the helicopter began to land.

This was a biotechnological industrial park on the outskirts of J-city.

The largest research institute in the south was here.

It just so happened that there was a landing pad on its roof.

It would make matters highly convenient.

Jiaxin, you stay here and guard the helicopter.

“If there’s anything, inform us through the walkie-talkie.”

Wang Ran ordered.

Although Wu Jiaxin was not very experienced in combat, what little she had experienced had been valuable lessons.

Last night, after Wang Ran’s advancement, Wu Jiaxin’s strength had been significantly improved.

Even if a Mutated Zombie with golden eyes came, she would be able to hold her own.

“Yes, Master!

“You guys have to be careful too!”

Wu Jiaxin ran her fingers through her hair and gave Wang Ran a smile.

It was a endearing.

“Well, if you think you’re in trouble, you can climb up the streetlamp.

“You should be quite good at it.”

Wang Ran joked.

“Master, you’ve gone too far!

“You’re still mentioning this!

“Besides, if I encounter someone I can’t beat, what’s the use of climbing the streetlamp?!”

Wu Jiaxin’s cheeks puffed up.

“Alright, we’ll be leaving now. Be careful.

Wang Ran patted Wu Jiaxin’s head and then got off the plane with Tang Tang and Liu Shiyao.

“Tang Tang, you’re in charge of protecting Liu Shiyao.

“Liu Shiyao, take this gun. Remember to save it for emergencies.

“Try to aim for the head or the heart.”

Wang Ran gave Liu Shiyao an M1911 pistol.

Liu Shiyao nodded. Most government scientists had been trained with firearms for self-defense, so she had some experience.

The three of them went downstairs and arrived at the courtyard of the industrial park.

“Researcher Liu, you should be more familiar with this place than us.

“Where is the equipment we’ll be needing?”

Wang Ran asked.

“This industrial park looks like a large biotechnology company on the surface, but its core is actually underground.

“The actual research centers are on the first to fifth basement levels.

“We’ll leave from the main building.”

In this situation, there were no government secrets for Liu Shiyao to hide, for there were none left to protect.

Liu Shiyao navigated their path. Wang Ran walked in the front, and Tang Tang followed behind.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the main entrance.

There were many bloody footprints on the ground at the entrance.

Without a doubt, the situation inside must be very tragic.

From the number of footprints, not many people had escaped.

In other words, there should be a lot of zombies inside, and there might be a lot of Mutated Zombies.

“By the way, what is this place researching?

“More viruses?”

Wang Ran asked.

If viruses were involved here, there was no telling what sorts of mutations lay within.

Wang Ran wasn’t worried about superhuman strength, but he was less certain about other oddities.

“This place specializes in the study of organisms and cells.

“The northern base is the one that studies viruses.

“Don’t worry, there shouldn’t be any virus leakage or anything of that sort here,”

Liu Shiyao explained.

Wang Ran nodded. Basically, he could be a little reckless now.

Wang Ran kicked open the door of the main building.

In the hall, many zombies turned their heads to look at the door.

“Tang Tang, you just have to look after her.”

As Wang Ran spoke, he waved his hammer and charged forward.

Now, Wang Ran could already hold the hammer with one hand, and killing zombies was especially easy.

The entire hall was soon filled with body parts.

After killing these ordinary zombies, Wang Ran saw a figure flash past the corner of the wall not far away.

It was conscious and had the mind to escape. It must be a Mutated Zombie.

Now, Mutated Zombies had become smarter. As soon as they saw Wang Ran coming their way, they immediately ran away.

Wang Ran smiled. This was good. You’re sensible, and I’ll be spared the effort. Everyone will be happy.

After clearing out the zombies in the hall, Liu Shiyao located a special elevator.

“To get to the basement research center, this is the only way.

“They all run off their independent power supplies. As for whether it’s nuclear power or solar power, I’m not certain.

This elevator is the only one that’s currently functional in the entire building.”

Liu Shiyao swiped her work pass and opened the elevator door.

She had not been here for more than two years, but her work pass still checked in.

Wang Ran and Tang Tang also followed her into the elevator.

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