The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 421 405 How far is the impact of the story technique?

"The captain was spotted falling in the clerk's office and was immediately given a potion by his men. I immediately regained consciousness, but the next day I fell down again, and that day lasted for about a week. I showed the doctor that it was because it was too weird, but the cause was unknown and I went to home care. The potion stopped working for some reason from then on."

"Potion doesn't work?

Mr. Jaggi makes a surprised voice.


Melissa's expression distorts her so that she can suffer.

Mr. Etchey, who was next door, holds Melissa's hand.

"I decided to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor because the potion stopped working. Still, the symptoms got worse and worse. I had Etchey come as an auxiliary because there were many days when I was unconscious and I was anxious to care for her alone. On that first day Etcher noticed that the poison was mixed with the medicine, and I immediately gave him a poisoning potion..."

Mr. Melissa shakes his head to the side.

"What happened to the doctor who prescribed that drug?

"That's what got me looking for that doctor right away, but he's missing. I don't even know where the lieutenant I asked you to go."


The deputy chief is missing?

Not embedded in surgery?

Oh, speaking of which, you've heard the deputy chief is missing.

That's crazy, isn't it?

There are two deputy commanders in this village?

I've never heard of it.

"Um, is there two deputy commanders?

"What? There's only one deputy chief?

Melissa answers my question in wonder.


"But it looks like there's a missing deputy commander and a vice commander who's in surgery."

I tilt my neck with a strange look on Melissa's face to my question.

Could that be my mistake?

"Oh, bad. The captain was missing, so he took one of the assistants as deputy captain. Exactly because the vigilante gets confused when the captain is sick and even the deputy captain is missing."

I see.

Acting deputy chief?

I was thrilled to see if there was something here, too.

I hope you don't complicate the story any further.

"Is there such a person? We don't know!

Mr. Etcher asks Mr. Nargas.

Melissa is also snorting at Mr. Etchey's words.

Mr. Nargas, who saw it, frowned.

"Didn't you announce that you had set up a deputy chief?

"As far as Melissa and the others are concerned, no announcement seems to have been made. I didn't know we were going to the woods on a mission to find the missing deputy commander."

Mr. Nargas holds his head in Mr. Early's words.

"But we were embedded in the surgery, too. When I came back from my assignment, I called the deputy chief deputy chief, but I didn't particularly care. You would have taken that for granted, wouldn't you?

Jaggi hammers at Mr. Pial's slightly tired voice.

I knew the conversation was getting tough, so I'll have the tea Melissa put me in.

In the meantime, the deputy chief is embedded in the operation, and the real deputy chief is missing.

That's all I got clear.

So, there are few things on the table that need to be announced.

So can the information that the captain and Mr. Gilmouth were fighting also mean that the villagers are not uncomfortable?

"You're a pain in the ass in the ass. We haven't even found a magic team yet."

Mr. Nargas nods at Mr. Jaggi's words.

Melissa and the others look at them like that worried.

"I wonder what's the beginning"


Mr. Nargas tilts his neck at your father's words.

"This is the beginning of this problem. Wasn't there anything before Gilmouth went crazy with his surgery?

More than 2 years ago.

It is the village adventurers and the villagers who are here who know that.

When I look at Mr. Nargas and the others, I get a more and more harsh look.

Did you remember something?

"I don't remember"

"" Huh?

Your father and I have a voice in Mr. Jaggi's words.

Don't you remember?

What do you mean?

... maybe with the situation where me and your father got our memories skipped on the magic team or something?

"I feel like my memory is flying by the way"

Mr. Pial looks just like Mr. Jaggi.

"Because it was two years ago?

"No, something's wrong with that. Sometimes I remember well... and remember what happened recently?

"... Indeed"

Mr. Early and Mr. Nargas look much worse.

"It's possible they erased your memory."

"Erased? Can you do that?

Mr. Nargas's expression was strong in his father's words.

The others, too, are staring at your father.

"Oh, it's possible to erase memories with magic. Me and Ivy were helped before the surgery activated, but still partial memories were erased."

I nod and agree, as Mr Nargas and the others see me.

"Right. Is there such a magic formation?"

When Mr. Pial's voice sounded in the room, everyone quieted down.

They each seem to have something in mind.

Melissa and the others leave the room when they prepare a new cup of tea and something light to eat.

They also had a pretty tired look than they had seen the first time.

In the quieter room, the sound of Frem's therapeutic shower is heard at regular intervals.

Turn your gaze to the captain's sleeping bed.

Is the treatment not over yet, Flem sits still with his eyes closed?

Look at the side of the captain.

It doesn't look clear because it's wrapped in Frem's translucent red body, but his expression seemed a little calmer than it was in the beginning.

Though it may be a wish.

"It's okay."

When I looked at your father, your father was looking at Flem, too.

"Yeah. But it's a long time."

An hour had already passed since Flem entered the treatment.

I've never seen treatment this long before, so I'm really worried.

When your father's hand hits the pong and shoulder, it conveys a twitch and warmth.

Concon, concon.

"I'm sorry. Mr. Nargas' father is here."

Mr. Nargas rushes out of the room to Mr. Etchey's words.

That led to a slight improvement in the heavy air.

Exhale small.

I really don't like that air.

"What do you say? Is that it?"

Mr. Ginal walks into the room, sees the condition of the bed, and looks at me strangely.

Mr. Fische also tilted his neck.

"I tried to treat you with potion, but Flem judged you to be in this condition. And the captain said the potion wasn't working."

Your father briefly explains it.

Mr. Ginal gave a surprised look when he heard about the potion.

Mr. Nargas brings a rattle and a chair from somewhere.

"Sit down, it's going to be a long story."

To that word, Mr. Ginal, who sighed small.

"We've been picking up a lot of rumors, too, and we're confused. I'd love to hear your opinion, and that would help."

Mr. Etchey also brings a chair to Mr. Nargas.

When the numbers were in order, they each moved their chairs to wherever they wanted to sit.

'Cause we're gonna talk about our situation briefly.

Mr. Ginal tilts his neck at Mr. Nargas's words.

"Apparently, we've lost our memories by the way."

"" "Huh?

Mr. Ginal and the others look at Mr. Nargas in turn.


Mr. Nargas and the others nod at Mr. Garritt's words.

"Right. I'm not in a condition that affects my life. Then I realize something's wrong with us. How long have I not remembered?

Mr. Fische asks with a puzzled expression.

"I can't remember Gilmouth and the captain two years ago. There are strange blanks in recent events. And then, I don't know. There seems to be nothing wrong with your life or your words."

Mr. Jaggi nods at Mr. Nargas's words.

"I feel the same way."

Mr Early and Mr Pial also told us that they were the same.

Two years ago, I wonder what really happened.

Turning it off means something important fits, right?

But you'll never remember being erased again.

I still can't remember your father and I missing.

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