The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 384 369 Stories Investigation Team

Leaving the commercial guild to stretch his back.

I've already come to sell to commercial guilds many times, but I get nervous every time.

Will one day I get used to it?


"Mm-hmm. You were right about your father. Risco was high."

"Right. But he said it was cheaper than usual."

As your father taught me, Risco was a fine fruit.

However, they were abundant in the woods between last year and this year, and they traded for cheaper than usual.

"It was cheap enough to say."

"Well, the place where Risco grows is behind the woods,"

There are many strong demons in the back of the woods, which reduces the number of harvests.

So not delicious or anything else, but everything in the back of the woods becomes an expensive deal.

Head to the gate looking at the boulevard store.

"Do you want to buy lunch?"

"Yeah. Let's do that"

"I've got plenty of room."

Indeed, Risco expected to be able to trade for a high price, but there was something that was unexpectedly expensive.

That is the nut harvested behind the forest in the village of Hathahi.

Your father and I harvested it thinking it was nuts growing in the ordinary woods.

but they were pretty rare nuts, which are very similar but what I brought is medication.

This sold 20 times higher than expected.

Besides, I thought it was normal nuts, so I brought a lot.

"Eat what?

"I want bread. Long time no see, white bread."

"Ha, okay. And then we'll buy something that's going to go away."

Head to the gate looking at the stall.

Meat stabbed on your father's skewer of hope along the way and my "Mr. Out of the Way" of hope.

In this village there was also a "sandwich" made of white bread, similar to sandwiches.

"Hmm? That one."

Your father stops and stares at the gate.

Following his gaze, he saw more than 10 adventurers gathered.

"What is it?

"Maybe an investigation team."

With that said, the gatekeeper said, "Around tomorrow, an investigation team will be formed".

See the adventurers gathering.

None of them are as young as your father.

And not so many people.

Can we have less because we're an investigative team?

But I think it's dangerous because I'm going to investigate the anomaly.

"The investigation team is small, isn't it?

"Oh, don't be a little too little. And it feels like the top adventurers are the only ones organized."

Wow, I can tell just by looking at it.

"Where do you know what a top adventurer is?

"Mm-hmm. You have a weapon or something. And then there's the atmosphere. Overall impression, I guess. Bad, hard to explain"

Like the atmosphere you've built up with your experience?

I guess so.

"I hope you know something"


Drop the adventurers out of the gate into the woods.

I hope the investigation is done and you know there's no problem.

"Shall we?"


Say hello to the gatekeeper and go to the woods.

Mr. Gatekeeper today was a different person than the one who dealt with him yesterday.

A man with a slightly unfathomable impression.

The gatekeeper made a refreshing impression yesterday, so the opposite is true.

"Well, which one's the dump?"

Your father walks out the gate and stares at the ground.

We often use trolleys when we go to dump garbage, so if we can find the trail, we can find the dump as soon as possible.

Often unseen by young leaves, fallen leaves, etc., the sand surrounds the gates of this village.

You'll probably find it.

"There it is. That way."

Walk out in the direction indicated by your father.

"Feel something?

Ask your father, who is gazing into the woods.

Your father, who turned his gaze to me, shook his head to the side.

"No, I don't feel anything. It was my fault, but it was creepy."

"I don't think it's my fault. The top adventurers in this village felt it too."

Father putting his hand on Pong and his head in my words.

"Right. But I feel like I should blame you."

That's true, though.



"This is a little terrible."

As I was following the trail to the dump, the dump I saw after a while.

I pull a little into that state.

Every village and town managed to some extent the dump.

That's to make it easier for the Tamers to work.

but the dump in front of me does not appear to be managed in any way.

For that reason, it's a mess.

Particularly dangerous are magic items and swords.

Magic items still have a small amount of magic left even if you think they are running out.

So you also need to be careful when throwing it away.

That's what's been thrown into the dump in this village in a mess.

Besides, I guess I threw it away later without worrying about it, it's piling up so much that an avalanche is going to happen.

"It's dangerous."

Nodding at your father's words.

This is a little problematic.

When Sola and the others are eating, the garbage could collapse.

"What do we do?

"We can collect Sola's potions, but what about Sol? We can bring magic items out of the dump, but you can't eat Sol as much as you want."

"Yeah. Because of that, I'd like to feed you as much as I want."

Karakara Karakara.

Looking at the pile of garbage, every time a strong wind blows, little garbage is rolling around.

It's still dangerous.

"Why don't you ask Sola and the others?

"Right. Wait a minute."

Open the lid of the bag where Sola and the others are being placed.

Soon Sora and the others will come out of the bag and fly around us happily.

"Sola, Flem, Sol. I came to the dump, and there's going to be an avalanche of garbage. Want to come in and eat?

Three gaze at my words at the dump.

3 staring at the dump.

Could it be that the dump is in great condition and solidified?

"If there seems to be a problem, me and your father will bring garbage outside the dump."

"Don't worry, I'll bring you a lot."

The three of you who heard me and your father jump toward Piong and the dump.

Does this mean we're gonna eat this ourselves?

Tilt your neck and keep an eye on the three.

"Puffy ~"

When Sola rings, Frem and Sol also continue, entering the ringing dump.

"Are you okay?

"Hmm, let's be careful not to lose sight of it"

Shake your head vertically to your father's words and you approach the dump.

I'll make sure I can deal with it if anything happens.

"Nevertheless, I thought it was well managed because there were no illegal dumps in the woods, but not just here."

"Yeah. To this dump, Tamer from this village comes to work, right?

It's supposed to be.

Your father leans between his brows.

I feel a little sick, too.

'Cause in such a dangerous place, I don't think I'm gonna let my precious people do their job.

"I just need to sort it out a little bit"

Could it be that all the Tamers in this village don't care about the demons they Tame?

When I heard about the Tamers in Hathahi village, I learned that there were more people who didn't care.

It's getting kind of sad.

"I wish I could tell you it was a mistake."

View the Solas.

I'm honestly scared because my glassy body is shaking on the garbage.

But I'm a little clear-hearted by the three that seem to be having fun somewhere.

"Aren't they having fun?

Look at the three in your father's words.

I do go out of my way to get on unstable garbage and I look like I'm having fun grabbing rocks.

I'm worried about you.

"Well, it's the Solas"

I guess I can't be convinced of that word either.

"It's dangerous. Be careful!

"Puffy ~"

"Teriyu ~"


"Don't jump in that place!


Your father laughed heavily at my cry.

The three of them are eating happily while taking out the trash that has fallen.

Is that it?

You didn't have to worry?

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