The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 314 I'm out of 305 stories!

If you move the place a little, the demon moves along with it.

Looks like I'm being targeted.

"Ivy, I'll draw you away!

When Mr. Druid yells like that, he puts his foot forward toward the demon.

The sight of the demon who noticed it changed from me to him.

I don't have the guts to fight, I'm stuck with my legs.

I decide to move somehow out of the way.

Softly, as he began to move in hiding in Mr. Druid's shadow, he saw the demon flying in front of him with his mouth wide open.


What, you've been this close already?

When I hold down my mouth, which is about to scream, and hide in the shadow of a tree, I hurry to confirm the demons with Mr. Druid.

Looks like it was after Mr. Druid's sword was swung down against the demon, with blood scattered around him that I don't know one way or the other.

"Ah, shit. Removed!"

Watch Mr. Druid's back still.

I don't see him getting hurt from how he is.

The demon is a short distance from Mr. Druid.

If you look closely, there's blood coming from the chest area.

Apparently, it's demonic blood that's splattering.



"Oh, my God, you're usually supposed to run away if it's that wound"

Mr. Druid grabs the sword again.

That's when I noticed a scratch in his arm.

Looks like Mr. Druid got hurt, too.


The demon lowered his posture, and I knew he was about to jump.

The next moment, the demon blew up so that it could be beaten to a tree by something.




I was careful not to speak up, but I was just surprised and my voice came out.

'Cause I don't think a demon would hit a tree with a body hit by Mr. Sarpent.

Or when did you get here when you didn't show any sign of Mr. Sarpent?

Oh, more than that.

"Mr. Druid, are you okay?

Remember his injuries and hurry to the side.

When I look at my arms, they are cut off and bleeding.

Trying to stop the bleeding, I remembered Sola.

When I open the bag, Sora pops right out.

Jumping straight into Mr. Druid's arm, he stretched out to wrap his arms around him.

"Oh, that's awesome. It's like this."

Is that it?

Mr. Druid, you're not the first person to see Sola treated, are you?

... How'd it go?

Looking at the therapeutic landscape, I get a tumble and a back from behind.

When I saw it, Mr. Sarpent came tumbling at the tip of his nose.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Sarpent"

"Thank you, thank you very much."

When I thank you, I narrow my eyes and scrape my nose.

When you stroke your nose tip when you're cute, more rinse.

"You're really missed."

"Isn't she cute?"

"No, I don't know what that feels like"

You're so cute.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Is the demon you attacked, dead?

As I tried to get close to the demon, Mr. Druid stopped me.

"Because I'll see."

"But you're hurt."

"There's no pain, and I'm fine. Sora's treatment is amazing."

I can tell you that.

Because we can resurrect the dying Ciel and Mr. Druid.

Mr. Druid approaches the demon with Sola wrapped around his arm.

I noticed signs of inadvertent sight approaching.

"Mr. Druid, it looks like Ciel will be back in a little while"

I don't know, he seems in such a hurry.

I'm coming back here faster than usual.

Mr. Druid also noticed that the sound of trees shaking and snow falling gradually approached.

"I don't know, you're in a great hurry, aren't you?

"Right, the way the trees shake is unusual"

Next to me, Mr. Druid lines up and looks in the direction of sound.

And bash, bash, bash.

Ciel returned with tons of snow falling out of the trees.

I keep checking my body but it doesn't look like I've been injured.

"Ciel, are you okay?


Ciel looks around as she leans her neck towards my question.

I wonder what.

Is there anything besides the demon that attacked you?

I look around too, but I think I'm back in the usual woods.


When Ciel speaks low, he hits a tree and approaches a falling demon.

And besides, I saw a bite in the demon's neck.


Is that it?

He was still alive?

I thought he was dead because he was smacked to death by a tree as much as he wanted.

"Thank you, Ciel. Mr. Druid, can you eat this demon?

"... Ivy is Ivy even at times like this"


What do you mean?

I take it for granted.

Mr. Druid smiles bitterly at me tilting his neck.

I wonder what, am I being ridiculed?

"Hahaha, don't be obstinate. It's more of a demon than that, but he was acting unusual, so you'd better report it to the guild and give it to him."

"Oh well. It had a different vibe."

"Oh, I thought this demon had a more relaxed personality. No way. Is something like what happened to our village still happening here?

Eat the immense magic of demons and become ferocious?

Wow, I hate that.

We approach the dead demon and see if there's anything wrong.

You don't seem to see any notable changes.

When I looked at the foot of the demon, I saw a skin string tangled in my leg.

"This, what is it?

"Which one?

Mr. Druid confirmed to me that he was pointing to the demonic foot.

And if I took that tangled thing, it was a magic item with a small demon stone on it.


"You know what?

"Oh, it's a short time, but it's something that strengthens my body. The speed of the attack, the weight of the attack, it's incredible."

The demon used such an amazing magic item?

Is that it?

I wonder how you activated the Demon Stone?

Some kind of coincidence or something?

I'll borrow an item from Mr. Druid to take a look.

The colors of the Demon Stone are clear, blue inside, beautiful Demon Stone.

The string that holds the demonic stone in place is a normal skinned string and has no particular characteristics.

"Maybe the adventurer failed."


"Sometimes I fail to use magic items when defeating demons."

What kind of failure would take a magic item from a demon?

"Is this item something you throw and use?

"No, it's common for users to raise it from their necks and use it to strengthen their bodies."

I see, that means.

"Does that mean the person who was using this died?

Mr. Druid wrinkles between his eyebrows at my words.

Is that still possible?

As I stared at the magic item, I noticed that someone was coming here slightly.

"Somebody's coming this way."

Mr. Druid saw me, so he points in a direction that shows signs.

This direction goes hand in hand with the direction in which the demon came.

"Mr. Serpent and Ciel, can I ask you to hide a little? Was Sola finished with her treatment, good luck. It's a pain in the ass when you see me, so can I have you back in the bag?


"Puffy ~"

Mr. Sarpent and Ciel move on the tree.

No snow falls from the trees as it did earlier.

After all, Ciel was in quite a hurry earlier.

Put Sora in the bag, who was looking satisfied over Mr. Druid's head after the treatment.

"Mr. Druid, how's your arm?

"It healed beautifully without a trace."

They showed me their arms, but there's not even a scratch on the skin under the clothes torn by demons.

"And uncomfortable?

"Oh, not at all"

"Good. Thank you for your help, Mr. Druid."

To thank you, Mr. Druid smiles happily.

I find it a little stranger with a gentler grin than usual, but, well, I don't have a problem with it because I seem happy in person.

Then a little, five young adventurers showed up before us.


"Are you the owner of this?

Mr. Druid shows you the magic item that was tangled up in the demon's leg.

Look at that, young adventurers who look pale.

"Ha, what happened?


Simply put, one reason is that I did not study the magic item closely and used it.

And another fatal failure to assume that even demons stronger than ourselves can be defeated.

"When using a magic item, I think it was fundamental to use it with an understanding of what power it always possessed?

Mr. Druid's voice is very low.

This is out.

"I knew it would make me stronger."


Shit, Mr. Druid, I'm scared.

My face is kind of like a ghost......


Adventurers who look at Mr. Druid and solidify.

Perhaps it's good for the young adventurers, who have been illusioned to be strong because of the success of their previous assignments?

"Well, I'll report this to the Adventurer Alliance."

The young adventurers tried to stop Mr. Druid, but at a glance he became quiet.

Yeah, I think we should do that.

Because even I was hysterical to Mr. Druid the first time I saw him.

I seriously cut him off, he's terribly scared.

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