The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 267 262 stories, space for two.

"Good Morning"

"Good morning. I can't open the store today, so you can lock it up when you get in."

"Are you sure?

"It's better than work, mon!

Is that all right with you?

In the meantime, I locked up and when I went to the back of the store, Mr. Delose greeted me with a sneer.

"Good Morning"

"Morning. Isn't Rose saying all I can?

"It's okay. We rely more on you."

"Rose likes to be relied upon, that's fine, so"

I guess Mr. Delose really likes Mr. Rose.

My eyes are really sweet when I talk about Mr. Rose.

"Shall we start because the cooking area is already ready? Oh, what should I do?

Mr. Rose looked at the bag containing the Solas and showed a little lost.

Could it be that you haven't told Mr. Delose about the Flems?

I thought we were likely to talk because we were a couple.

"You haven't spoken?

"Of course not? I don't need to talk about it. But it's pathetic to be in there all the time... should we still throw Delos out somewhere?

What, are you kicking Mr. Delose out?

Normally, isn't this the right place to talk about Sola and the others?

"Sorry, Delose, about five hours"

"No, no, wait, Mr. Rose. Mr. Delose would know best what Mr. Rose is like, right? You're a trustworthy man, aren't you?

"It's obvious, right? I wouldn't marry you if I didn't."

"Then I have no problem talking to you. So let's not kick Mr. Delose out."

I was in a hurry.

Mr. Druid is laughing next door.

Or Mr. DeRoth, because he's smiling and watching us interact, but he's about to be kicked out!

"I don't have a choice."

I think it's something different.

I don't know what Mr. Rose feels anymore.

and while he was haunting his head, Mr. Rose explained to Mr. Delose about the Flems.

"Ivy has company that people keep to themselves. Flem, Sola and Ciel. They're all cute demons, but rare, so there's no point in saying anything else, okay?

"Oh, okay."

I don't think Mr. Rose's too brief explanation would tell almost anything, but Mr. Delose snorted.

Does this mean we're going to be a couple?

"Well, I'm done explaining, and let the Flems out for you. It's pathetic in the bag."


When we let the Flems out, Sora jumps right in to Mr. Delose.

He hastily took it, but I'm sorry.

"Excuse me."

"No, I've never seen such a cheerful slime. Rose's right. You're adorable."

"Don't you? I can watch you forever."

"Here, you teach 'Kome' cooking, don't you? Sorry to keep you waiting, Ivy."

"I know. Okay, this way. Deloise, I want you to take care of the Flems."

"I know."

Mr Rose and Mr Delose are strange.

When I look at the two of them, I feel like I can see only two spaces that I can't disturb.

What a strange space to explain that makes you want to watch them softly somewhere beside each other.

"Hmm? What's wrong with both of you?

"No, nothing"

Watching the two of you makes my heart warm.

I'd like to meet someone who can have this relationship.

Mr. Druid and I are a little different because we are close to parent-child relationships.

Or Mr. Druid will have to find his lover first, rather than me.

...... Shall I also make Mr. Druid's search for a lover a goal of the journey?

Anyway, Mr. Druid looks like he's giving up on love.

He's a very good man, but a waste.

"Good luck, Mr. Druid."

"Hmm? Uh, rice balls?

To the sudden proclamation, Mr. Druid in a strange way.

In words, they're going to disagree, so let's shut up.

"Well, let's get started"

"Yes. Even so, I have nothing to do while I'm cooking rice."


"Yes, because you can cook without any problems if you're just careful with the fire."

"It's a little hard to fire, though."

Mr. Druid has been cooking rice for me lately while I'm cooking.

I'm used to it now, so I don't have a problem with it, but in the beginning I was worried about it a lot because of the fire.

How many times did you almost spray on your serious expression when checking the condition of the cooked rice?

Well, neither can I. I can't tell you about people because I worshipped them before I opened the lid.

"Then while we're cooking rice, shall we make some freaks?

Oh, then I had a favor to ask.

"Mr. Rose, can you tell me how to use the sauce in this village?

Sauce bought yesterday.

I made it the least sweet thing, but the sweetness was strong and I had a little trouble using it.

"The source of this village? I don't think there was anything special about it."

"Aren't you sweet?

"Isn't it because of the kind you bought?

"I was asked to choose the least sweet thing."

Tilt your neck to my words, Mr. Rose.

Did I say something strange?

When in the cooking area, serve the rice left on the water from the velcro bag.

I thought about the time and put it on the water and brought it.

"Do you put 'Kome' on water?

"Yes. About half an hour. You might want to add a little more time to it if the time has passed than the day the rice was harvested. Depends on your taste."

"I see, let's remember"

Add rice to the borrowed pot and set it on fire.

At first, heat is strong, when the lid shakes out, low heat, and when cooked, steam.

Briefly, Mr. Druid explains the addition or subtraction of fire.

"That's water and fire. Okay."

Get the sauce you just bought out of the bag, watching how the cooked rice looks.

I had a little taste last night, but the sweetness is pretty strong and any dish is going to lose.

"This? No, this is the sweetest sauce, isn't it?

"" Huh?

Is that it?

Did I make a mistake, or were you upset by the loss of your bet?

"This is characterized by a rather distinctive sweetness. Not many people like you, huh? Where'd you get that?

"It's a shop made of brothers. butchers and food shops in one of the shops."

"Oh, Arooi and Trooka's, huh? Trooka's the one who's been looking for the sauce, right?

Apparently, people I know.


"I'm sorry. She's pretty pissed off."

Mr. Rose sighs loudly and brings me two sauces from the shelf.

"These two are the mainstream sources in this village. Because it's sweet, it's easy to use for cooking."

Mr. Rose puts a little of each sauce in a small plate and puts it out in front of me.

Add a little sauce to your fingers to make sure it tastes good.

They certainly aren't all that sweet, so they're easy to use for cooking.

"It's delicious. The sweetness seems good."

"Right? It's the pride of the village."

Don't even know you want to brag.

Rich in sweetness and really delicious.

This sauce would be enough when you want it to taste sweet and spicy.

"But the Trooka guy hasn't either. Totally."

Laughing at Mr. Rose's shuddered voice, Mr. Druid.

When I was being taught to simmer vegetables with a prized sauce to make, the cooking place spread a good smell of rice cooking.

"That smells good."

Apparently, he liked it.

If they tell you you can't smell it, you can't move on.

Now, if you take the coarse heat, mix it with the ingredients and grip it!

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