The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 256 251 stories You're cute!

"Still, these kids are adorable"

Mr. Rose looks at the three in front of him and strokes his head in turn.

And happy to pull swinging Sola, Ciel, and Flem.

"He's so, so cute!

I was happy with Mr. Rose's words, and I got a slightly rubbed voice.

I'm happy to be able to introduce my lovely and dear companion to someone who really worries me.

I really want to brag about the Solas to a lot of people, but I can't do that.

"Hehe, Ivy loves these kids."

"Yes. Very"

My expression would be pretty loose.

I feel so good that I don't have to look in the mirror to know somehow.

"Yes, when should I introduce my son?

"It's fine when the captain's time is free. This one has plenty of time."

"Really? Sorry."

Flem moves over the desk and stretches toward me.

I'm a little confused by my first attitude, but when I hold it up and put it on my lap, I stare at it.

Tilt your neck as you look at Flem.

"What's going on?

"Teri ~"

I feel like I'm suing something.

But I understand... I'll think about all the things Frem wants.

"Are you sleepy?

They're not because they don't respond.

So, what is it?

No, I can't even think about it.

"I'm sorry, uh, you might find that I have some advice,"

Flem's gaze turns toward the desk behind him.

Black board?

Take Flem's face down to the side and peek in.


"Demon Stone?

Is it the Demon Stone, not the black board?

Speaking of flems, demon stones and potions.

"Teriyu ~"

Flem in a good mood for my words.

Good, looks like you got it right with the Demon Stone.

Could it be

"Flem, do you want to build a red demon stone?

"Ryuuuuuu ~"

Apparently, you're right, expressing stretch and joy on your lap.

"Are you going to build me a magic stone?

Mr. Rose checks with Flem.

"Riu ~"

And Flem answers with a cheerful voice.

You're kind of more motivated than usual.

"But Frem. Because there are no used up demon stones here. I'll pick it up at the dump tomorrow."

"Teri ~"

You don't have to be in such an obvious mood.

"There are demonic stones that have become like gray stones. Is that okay?

To Mr. Rose's words, Flem's mood returns all at once.

Really, today's Flem is too different than usual.

Mr. Druid is also looking at Flem with a little surprise.

"Frem, are you okay?

"What do you think? Hopefully I won't be exhausted later."

I'm glad you're doing well, but it would be pathetic if you were exhausted later.

We need to take a good look.

Mr. Rose went back to the back room and came back a while later with a slightly larger wipe bag.

A bag that looks heavy, placed on a desk.

Loosen the strings, open the bag and there's a ton of grey stone.

If I didn't know anything, it would look like a particularly worthless bag just packed with stones that looked like they were rolling on the side of the road.

"That's a great amount."

"You'll need a demon stone to fix the item and move it to try it out. I forgot to throw it away, so it seemed pretty cumulative"

I see. Look around.

You'll need quite a few demon stones just to move this many items to try.

"Teri ~"

Flem gazes at the grey stone placed on his desk.

And happily jumped right on my lap.

Its height, about 10 cm.

The low jump is such that I don't realize it until I've looked closely.

I'll put Flem near the bag for you.

"As much as you like."

To Mr. Rose's words, Flem rocks with a pull.

And swallow the demonic stone that only looks like a very ordinary stone in the bag.

"Ryu, Ryu, Ryu"

The demonic stone that enters Flem's body is wrapped in bubbles and becomes invisible.

And the sound of Flem.

Except the voice is so loud that you won't know it until you get close.

"Ryu!...... Pong"

What a light noise I hear and a beautiful red demon stone pops out of Flem's mouth.

"Are you so early? And it's a beautiful stone again."

"Ryu, Ryu, Ryu"

Flem immediately swallows the next demonic stone and shudders with a pull.

Keep your eyes closed when you see how it goes, and you look happy.

"Ryu!...... Pong"

Second complete.

Flems that shake happily with the pull and let the next one swing.

"Sounds like fun"

Mr. Druid takes the demon stone that popped out of Flem and places it next to the demon stone that was resurrected first.

"Yeah, you make demon stones, did you like them?

It would be pathetic if you were putting up with what you liked.

"Ryu, Ryu, Ryu"

Nevertheless, I see the red demon stones lined up.

As always, it's a beautiful demon stone with transparency.

"That's beautiful, too. It's been a while since I've seen such a transparent demon stone. The last few years, the magic stones you can take in the cave have been falling in level."

"Ryu!...... Pong"


Mr. Druid places the third red Demon Stone in line with the previous two.

"Ryu, Ryu, Ryu"

I look around because I realize that Sora and Ciel are important.

Is that there?

"Ivy, here"

Looking in the direction Mr. Druid's fingers point, Sola over his head, Ciel over his shoulder.

"Isn't it heavy?

"Kind of. But it's not the weight of the problem."

And why is that?

"Ryu!...... Pong"

The fourth one is slightly smaller and a little cloudy when arranged in three pieces.

"Ryu, Ryu, Ryu"

Ivy, is Flem okay? You've created so many demonic stones. "

Mr. Rose looks at Flem worried.

I wonder what it means to be okay.

"Uh, what is it?

"It takes a lot of magic to revive the Demon Stone. Wouldn't it be out of magic if I revived you so continuously?

"Ryu, Ryu, Ryu"

Out of magic?

If you ask me, it takes a lot of magic to revive the Demon Stone, doesn't it?

"I've never been worried about magic because Flem's resurrecting 20 of them too commonly."

"Ryu!...... Pong"

"Yeah. But you didn't lose your magic when you revived more than 20, did you?

"Oh, you didn't have a problem."

"That's amazing. Is Ivy the owner of a lot of magic?

"" Huh?

Oh, Mr. Druid and I had an overlapping voice.

You know I'm the bottom line.

"Ryu, Ryu, Ryu"

"Why is that?

"'Cause the magic of the demons you tame by Tamer would change, wouldn't it?


"Oh, if you say so, I did"

You remembered, Mr. Druid slapped him on the knee with a pong and a hand.

"Ryu!...... Pong"

But isn't that information incorrect?

I can't explain more than I am here.

"Um, I..."

If it was Mr. Rose, it would be fine.

A glimpse of Sora riding over Mr. Druid's head makes me gaze at Sora, who is staring at me.

And swinging happily with the pull.

And with your help,

"No stars, so there's not much magic, and it's not strong."

"Ryu, Ryu, Ryu"


Oh, that's the biggest surprise of the day.

Hey, I'm happy with that.

"Ivy, that's not what I'm talking about! What if they abuse you!

Glad to hear it, but seriously pissed me off.

Wrinkle between my eyebrows, a little...... no, I'm pretty scared.

"It doesn't mean pompous. I thought Mr. Rose could be trusted, so no problem."

I'm scared, but because it's Mr. Rose.

I don't care who he is. I don't trust him!

"Ryu!...... Pong"

"Huh, but no stars?


"Is Adandala actually a rather weak demon?

"Ryu, Ryu, Ryu"

Ciel has been suspected.

Hurry up and tell us how you taemed Ciel.

"I don't know what to say, it's a bunch of awesome kids around Ivy."

"Ryu!...... Pong"

"Oh, Ivy, Flem fell"

"What? Oh, because I knew I was too uptight"

On the desk, Flem sleeping on his back.

And beside it, the demonic stones brought back to life by Frem are neatly arranged by Mr. Druid's hands.

18 in all.

While we were talking, we were hearing noises, but more demonic stones are resurrecting than we were hearing.

"Ahhh, that's"

An eye-catching demon stone among the lined demon stones.

Transparency that is distinctly different from other demonic stones.

"What, this"

Mr. Rose is squinting around holding it in his hand.

"Probably a Level 1 or 2 Demon Stone."

"Level 1 or 2? It's the first time you've ever seen such a level of demon stone."

Mr. Rose was impressed and gently returned the demon stone to his desk.

"Exactly, if you offer it, you'll make a scene."

Exactly. This doesn't seem to work, too bad.

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