The Way of the Sword (BL)

Chapter 100: Zhong Liang's problems get out of control (1)

Chapter 100: Zhong Liang's problems get out of control (1)

Zemin Yan followed his older sister's instructions, but his mind went a little further, so when he moved his whip and a few drops of water separated from the whip, but instead of falling into the verdant grass the drops floated in the air and soon turned to sharp needles of ice!

"That's very good!" Said Miss Song a little surprised by Zemin Yan's rapid evolution, she looked closely at him and checked his health, seeing the soul energy and sacred energy of her little brother watching for any harmful abnormalities in your little body. 

"Try throwing the ice needles too," said Miss Song, observing the whole process. It was a little disappointing that the needles didn't go very far and were not as lethal as expected, but that was normal, after all, Zemin Yan didn't know about the dynamics of air and sound to improve their effectiveness and didn't even have a powerful sacred energy, not that he could have absolute control. 

Yet Zemin Yan would have long been consecrated as a genius within the Song Family! Miss Song thought she should talk to her older brother about bringing Zemin Yan to the Song Family, it would be a waste to let this talented child be alone!

All the time Miss Song and Zemin Yan spent together was about two hours, while time spent Yi Yuga sat next to a tree along with the little black tiger and koi fish, beside him was the Thunder Swordsman, while it seems the great master left this man in armor to protect Yi Yuga. 

Yi Yuga noted Zemin Yan's many emotions that after a while improved and soon the training between the brothers began, as he saw that his best friend was a little better his heart was relieved, soon he also went into meditation, the element wind surrounded his small body and the green bamboo sword vibrated softly. 

"Oh, little Yan's friend is interesting too," Tai-Yang thought as he looked at the bamboo sword, which although it seemed ordinary had a surprising aura. Of course, he could only feel that because his power was far beyond ordinary. 

Yes, Tai-Yang has been watching Zemin Yan and Yi Yuga from the start, how could he let little Yan be kidnapped and do nothing? Of course, he had to leave his "clone" there with the other novice disciples so as not to arouse suspicion from other people. 

Anyway, he gathered a lot of information today, especially from the mysterious woman who is the sister of Zemin Yan. Unlike those on this lake, Tai-Yang knew exactly who this woman was. Thus, as he is one of the ten most powerful Lords below the emperor level, this woman was also part of those ten.

"Surprising" Tai-Yang thought as he watched the drama unfold, his heart itched as well, wanting to comfort little Yan in his arms, but he knew the family had to solve their own problems. Besides, this Miss Song was not known for being a rational and understanding person Well, she was kind of quite Cough Cough Wild in her fighting methods. In other words, she was the perfect enemy to kill Tai-Yang, who has powerful magical powers but a weak body like a teenager. 

Tai-Yang stared for a moment longer before deciding to return to where everyone else was, it would be no good if this older sister Song discovered his existence by watching the precious little Yan.

Then, silently, Tai-Yang disappeared without making a single sound.

"Big sister?" Zemin Yan asked a little worriedly, when he saw his sister looking coldly in one direction, there was even an intention to kill ice, which scared Zemin Yan a little.

"Oh, it's nothing. Only a shameless little fox who wisely fled so as not to lose one of its nine tails! "Said Miss Song with a simple smile, but the aura around her emanated danger.

"Big sister, you can't harm the little animals!" Said Zemin Yan in a hurry. He understood hunting to survive, but killing only out of annoyance This is not good! 

Miss Song felt her heart melt at the sound of her little brother's innocent words, she stroked his soft hair and felt much better in her heart. 

If this old antiquity wants to play at being a teenage disciple ... Well, I'll leave him for now, as long as it doesn't hurt my cute little brother, thought Miss Song with mockery. 

While everyone was focused on training, the little white dog stood beside Zhong Liang, who was acting strangely. Sying watched this great man who smelled very good but was going through some strange changes. The small white dog with its strong nose smelled blood even slightly, could also feel the demonic energy rising like a wave from Zhong Liang's body.

Zhong Liang was sitting in a meditative position trying to contain his memories, his heavenly Qi, and demonic energy as they all clashed, his already wounded soul seeming to throb painfully as if he had several nails being hammered into his. This was a pain that ordinary people could not bear, even many martial cultivators who had wounded soul could not bear the pain which drove many of them crazy. It is a miracle that this young man is fighting silently and not going into a rage!

In the midst of this struggle, not knowing why and not being able to control, Zhong Liang's bloodline was awakened slightly, but only that awakening caused a fury throughout his body and made the situation even worse since his soul was injured and could not contain the power of the bloodline. 

The blood began to drip from Zhong Liang's eyes and nose, forming a frightening scene. The little white dog, who was lying next to Zhong Liang, he got scared by this whole bloody scene!

"Young master Yan! Zemin Yan! Papa is in trouble! "Sying said in the through his soul connection. Instinctively the little white dog began to pass its sacred energy into Zhong Liang's body, which saved Zhong Liang's life as it helped to contain the intruding demonic energy.

"Speak in human language!! What's up with this Papa business? Besides what's going on? "Asked Zemin Yan, a little jokingly, he thought Sying had his jokes as usual. 

"Zemin Yan, no joke! Your War God is about to die for deviation from Qi! Urgent! Make the grandmaster help here! "Sying whimpered as his sacred energy was being consumed so quickly. Zhong Liang's bloodline looked like a primordial hungry animal and was absorbing the sacred energy of the little white dog. 

"Quick! If not this great lord will die too!" said the little white dog in pain.

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