The War-god of Conquering the Heavens

Chapter 6

C6 – Breakthrough the Innate Realm

“Elemental Martial Stage! Only Elemental Martial Stage have such power.”

Upon reaching the Ninth Level of the Spiritual Martial Stage, Chen Liuyuan immediately recognized the aura emanating from Lee Junjie’s body as that of the Elemental Martial Stage, a realm higher than his own.

It was mind-boggling to think that a twenty-year-old possessed the expertise of an Elemental Martial Stage practitioner.

Chen Liuyuan never fathomed that he would provoke such a prodigious talent. He understood that his actions today could never be forgiven.

“Above all else, I must ensure Feng Er’s safety.”

In that moment, Chen Liuyuan resolved himself to protect Chen Shaofeng at any cost, even if it meant sacrificing his own life to secure Chen Shaofeng’s escape.

Moreover, he held the belief that, being a Chi Yunhou of the Great Tang Country, even the son of King Mua Nan would not dare to take his life. However, he was aware that this was a personal assumption.

With each step Lee Junjie took toward Chen Shaofeng, the oppressive force intensified, and Chen Liuyuan strained with all his might to resist it. However, the disparity in their realms proved insurmountable.

Although Lee Junjie had granted him three opportunities to strike, they would be meaningless if Chen Shaofeng couldn’t retaliate. Yet, even if he could, the overwhelming pressure severely limited his abilities.

Every step taken by Chen Shaofeng became a grueling ordeal. His extremities were suffused with crimson, his veins bulged, and his muscles trembled under the relentless pressure, sometimes contracting, sometimes convulsing.

Upon his first step, blood vessels throughout his body threatened to rupture. Only by continuously channeling his Zhen Qi did he prevent himself from being crushed by the unrelenting force.

Despite Lee Junjie’s righteous facade, the escalating pressure suggested he had already resolved to kill Chen Shaofeng, as evidenced by its extreme intensity.


Despite bearing an immense amount of pressure, Chen Shaofeng recognized that cultivating under such conditions was the most effective path. Consequently, following his endurance of this pressure, he achieved a breakthrough in his initial realm. The moment he ascended to the True Great Perfection’s great circle, he seamlessly transitioned to the first level.

His rate of progress mirrored that of seven years ago.

Chen Shaofeng’s advancement couldn’t escape the notice of those present, including Lee Junjie before him, who possessed keen perception.

“Oh? He managed to break through! And he even attained the Innate Stage. It seems you’re not just ordinary trash!” Lee Junjie remarked nonchalantly.

In Lee Junjie’s perspective, Chen Shaofeng, even at the Human Level’s 9th stage, posed no threat whatsoever.

Others in the vicinity held different expressions, particularly the father and daughter from the Wang Family, who wore looks of astonishment.

At present, Chen Shaofeng had not only broken through to the Nascent Realm but also transcended the Innate Stage, instantly attaining the first level of the Human Realm. The speed of his progress was truly remarkable.

To them, this smack on the face was not an ordinary one.

Could it be that he was faking it in the past?

It’s impossible to pretend to look so good, isn’t it?

The Wang Family father and daughter found themselves in a state of bewilderment, yet there was no immediate need for them to ponder the situation. Even though Chen Shaofeng had already achieved a breakthrough, he remained insignificantly inferior in the presence of Lee Junjie.

With this realization, a sense of equilibrium gradually settled upon the two of them.

Lee Junjie, his voice dripping with disdain, remarked, “Even if he has ascended to the Innate Stage, he still lingers at the initial tier of the Mortal realm. When measured against me, he amounts to nothing more than refuse.”

Upon hearing Lee Junjie’s words, the Wang Family father and daughter could finally release their pent-up tension.

Chen Shaofeng furrowed his brow slightly, acutely aware that despite his recent breakthrough, he possessed no discernible advantage over Lee Junjie. In fact, the situation was fraught with danger for him.

“Very well! Commence your attack or forever lose the opportunity. Otherwise, you won’t get another chance,” Lee Junjie stated impassively.

Chen Shaofeng comprehended that he needed to act promptly; otherwise, the sole remaining path for them would be the complete annihilation of their clan. He understood that among Chi Yunhou’s household, Chen Liuyuan held the highest position in terms of strength, but Chen Liuyuan had yet to attain the Elemental Martial Stage.

Nevertheless, the current circumstances demanded Chen Liuyuan’s intervention; failure to act would result in Chen Shaofeng’s demise. No matter the cost, he couldn’t allow harm to befall his son.

Regardless of Lee Junjie’s formidable prowess, there still remained a sliver of hope. However, if Chen Shaofeng refrained from launching an assault, that sliver of hope would vanish entirely.

Chen Liuyuan took a big step forward: “Let me experience your power.”

“What’s this? The little one can’t handle it, but the other little one is making a move? Well, that’s interesting. I’d like to see just how much stronger you’ve actually become.”

Lee Junjie paid no attention to Chen Liuyuan’s actions. To him, whether it was Chen Shaofeng or Chen Liuyuan, neither posed a challenge. He believed he could determine their fates with just one move.

Consequently, he remained motionless, not even raising a hand or glancing at Chen Liuyuan. This infuriated Chen Liuyuan, prompting him to impulsively launch a punch.

When his fist met the air, there was a faint sonic boom, although it wasn’t particularly pronounced. Clearly, he had held back on this punch.

However, observing Lee Junjie’s nonchalant demeanor, he extended his right hand without even looking and delivered a casual punch.

He had anticipated that his opponent would underestimate him and disregard his attack. Consequently, even though he hadn’t exerted his full strength, the punch carried significant offensive power that would be difficult for typical Ninth Level Spiritual Martial Stage experts to defend against.

Yet, he had overlooked one crucial detail: the Lee Junjie before him was not a practitioner of the Spiritual Martial Stage, but rather an Elemental Martial Stage practitioner.

This seemingly light punch was actually extremely powerful.


Two clenched fists collided, and a shockwave rippled outward in all directions.

The humming noise resembled the buzz of a bee, but upon closer listening, it revealed an entirely different quality.

In this moment, Chen Liuyuan unmistakably sensed a potent surge of energy emanating from his right fist. Within that energy lay a concealed force that swiftly coursed through his arm, inducing a sharp ache in his muscles.

Never had he anticipated Lee Junjie’s strength to be this formidable; even a seemingly light punch packed such tremendous power. He couldn’t help but wonder about the devastating force behind a full-fledged strike.

He dared not dwell on that thought any longer.

Chen Shaofeng, standing nearby, could clearly discern the fleeting expression of pain on his father’s face. It was evident that his Ninth Level of Spiritual Martial Stage father had also been outmatched in this exchange.

Realizing that Chen Liuyuan would continue to bear the brunt of the confrontation, he promptly stepped forward, squarely facing Lee Junjie.

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