The Villain’s Little Sister is Spoiled by the Male Lead

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Song Luokui had a completely unconcerned look on her face. “Why wouldn’t I recognize him? Aren’t we all from the residences here? We’ve seen each other before.” As for her and Chi Yu having seen each other a couple of times and even greeting each other when they met, she decided not to mention that to her brother to avoid angering him.

Song Luosheng said, “That’s true. But keep your distance from him and don’t forget which side you’re on. As for him helping you out this time, I’ll repay him for that so you don’t need to concern yourself with it anymore. Just walk away if you run into him from now on.”

Song Luokui replied, “Ok ok, I’m definitely on your side. I’ll be sure to keep my distance from him.”

After sending Song Luokui back home, Song Luosheng went out again. He headed to the police station. Anyone daring to bully his family would have to pay the price.

Song Moqian and Sheng Rong soon found out about this incident too, and they showered Song Luokui with care and concern again. It wasn’t long before someone wanted to come to her home and personally apologize, but Song Moqian did not let her meet with them. The rest was handled by her family, and Song Luokui soon went back to school.

Lin Cheng had suffered a concussion from the beating and needed to stay at the hospital for observation. The Lin family was also furious, but the main perpetrator had already been punished, and they clearly couldn’t afford to offend the Song family either. Moreover, they heard that the Song family had already helped punish the offender, so they even sent the Song family gifts, which were declined.

According to Song Moqian’s rationale, it was just about “serving the people.”

The Lin family didn’t do anything more. They just remembered this favor in their hearts. Aside from Lin Cheng himself, some of his friends who were there that day also remembered this act of kindness.

Wang Sisi also thanked Song Luokui profusely. “Thank you. If it wasn’t for you, something horrible could have happened to Lin Cheng and me that day...”

Wang Sisi shuddered just thinking about it. It had been Lin Cheng’s birthday that day originally. He had booked a private room to celebrate with his friends when they ran into that horrid Yu Zhong character. That vile man had actually demanded that Lin Cheng let her “serve” him.

No self-respecting man could tolerate something like that. Of course Lin Cheng didn’t agree and even wanted to hit the guy. But he knew clearly that he couldn’t afford to offend Yu Zhong. He had planned to take Wang Sisi away at first, but unexpectedly, Yu Zhong was so audacious that he directly laid hands on her.

Lin Cheng couldn’t endure anymore and immediately fought back, but Yu Zhong had brought more people with him, including bodyguards, so Lin Cheng ended up getting beaten to that state. His girlfriend had almost been assaulted as well.

This was not even close to Yu Zhong’s first offense like this. But his family had helped smooth things over for him in the past. He just didn’t expect to provoke someone untouchable this time.

Song Luokui patted Wang Sisi’s hand. “It’s over now. Remember to call the police right away next time something like this happens in the future.”

Wang Sisi suddenly recalled the person she saw later and hesitated for a moment before asking outright, “So you’re Elder Brother Song’s younger sister?” How could she and Song Luosheng and Song Luokui not make the connection sooner?

Song Luokui quickly “shushed” her and said, “It’s confidential.” She herself had only learned of her elder brother’s reputation on campus shortly after starting school this semester. Recalling how certain people had looked at her when she had registered, she felt it was better to keep a low profile. As for her identity as Song Luosheng’s sister, there was no need to advertise that detail to everyone.

Wang Sisi promptly covered her mouth and nodded, giving Song Luokui a thumbs up sign.

On Song Luosheng’s side, Lin Xingyan entered Song Luosheng’s office holding some documents. “According to our intel, several companies have already eyed that land, including Chi Yu’s side. Are we going to compete for it? I have inside information that barring any surprises, we can obtain it.”

Song Luosheng looked over the documents briefly and pondered for a moment. “Let Chi Yu have it. Consider it as me repaying him.”

Lin Xingyan was also aware of the earlier incident where Chi Yu had apparently helped Song Luokui when she was bullied, so he didn’t say anything more about it.

Song Luosheng added, “Pay attention to that plot of land in the north of the city. That’s the key plot. The one in the east is important too but the northern one takes priority.”

“Got it. I’ll organize the data.” Lin Xingyan replied. “Don’t forget we’re having dinner with Chairperson Shen’s side tonight.”


On the other side, Chen Nan was also telling Chi Yu about the land plot in eastern part of the city. “The materials for the eastern plot are already prepared. Song Luosheng’s man Song Hua downstairs will also be competing for it.”

Chi Yu simply said, “Proceed according to plan.”


Chi Yu continued, “Prepare the documents for that land plot in the north too. That one is more critical.”


The next day, Chen Nan came to Chi Yu’s office again. “The downstairs side isn’t competing with us anymore. And not only that, they even gave us their insider data, saying it’s to repay Chi Yu’s kindness. Should we accept?”

Zheng Quanjun, who was also present, asked incredulously, “Brother Nan? What kindness is the Song family owing to the Boss? ”

Chen Nan just coughed twice without answering, looking to Chi Yu instead.

Chi Yu glanced up slightly, “Since that is the case, then let us accept.”


Knowing that Chi Yu’s side had accepted their offer of information, Song Luosheng also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, from now on his precious baby sister would have no debts or obligations to what’s-his-name over there. Ever since she was little, if it wasn’t for him protecting Song Luokui, who knows how much trouble she could have gotten into with unsavory types already. Of course, his sister also seldom went out.

So when Song Luosheng witnessed how Chi Yu had actually saved his sister Song Luokui, alarm bells went off instantly in his mind. He was admittedly rather presumptuous, but Song Luosheng did fear that Chi Yu might take a liking to his Luokui. He also worried that something might develop between Song Luokui and Chi Yu.

His innocent and naive sister could surely never outmaneuver someone like Chi Yu. He feared she would get hurt. But for the time being, it seemed neither side had developed any special feelings or interest towards the other, much to Song Luosheng’s relief.

The winter break arrived quickly. After exams had concluded, Song Luokui went straight home. With nothing much else to do, Song Luosheng asked her to come deliver meals to his office occasionally. “You can’t just stay cooped up at home every day without getting exercise. Start coming out to bring me food tomorrow.”

Song Luokui complained, “...Can’t you just let me relax in peace?”

Song Luosheng countered, “I’ll add another 10,000 to your allowance.”

Song Luokui immediately agreed, “I’ll definitely come by tomorrow then.” She would never say no to money after all.

The next day when Song Luokui came to deliver food, Song Luosheng seemed extremely busy. By the time she arrived, he was still in a conference that showed no signs of ending anytime soon. Song Luokui didn’t stick around long. After dropping off the lunchbox in his office, she left.

Upon returning to the residence compound, she realized it had been awhile since she properly walked around. So she decided to take a leisurely stroll and look around. After a bit, she felt tired and sat down on a nearby bench to rest.

The weather today was quite cold. One could see the foggy mist formed from exhaled breath. But there was also sunlight today. Under the warm rays, Song Luokui felt rather comfortable.

She sat on the long bench and gazed up at the grassy area not too far away. A stray cat from some household was sprawled lazily over there. It would meow occasionally and stretch before its body went limp again. Sometimes it would roll over too.

Song Luokui watched it for a long time. Then she looked up towards the cloudless sky. Once in awhile an airplane would fly by, leaving a contrail across the blue expanse. She realized she hadn’t thought about her past life in quite some time.

Her past self didn’t seem to have done much besides staying at hospitals frequently. Who knew she’d get another life after that one. Perhaps she had accrued some good karma, like persistently planting trees on Taobao every day. *

While Song Luokui was lost in thought, Chi Yu had just emerged from his residence over on his side. Still on a phone call, he started heading out the compound gate when he caught sight of the lone figure sitting on a roadside bench up ahead after walking for a bit.

* Taobao reference is to how users can plant virtual trees on the shopping platform by engaging in certain activities.

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