The Villain's Face Slapping Counterattack

Chapter 95.3

Chapter 95.3

Face-slapping the childhood sweetheart (3.3)

Editor: Nadralexe

At Yang’s household, Ru Yu had already become the parents’ darling, their own son Yang Lizheng had been undermined. However, fortunately Yang Lizheng was rather lenient, otherwise he and Ru Yu would have already fought.

Yang Lizheng didn’t fight with Ru Yu, this, in fact, was also considered saving his own life. Because with Ru Yu’s current personality, the result would certainly be miserable.

It could be considered that He Meng had seen through Ru Yu si)nce long ago. However, she had never put him in her eyes, but this time, she really could feel that he was not a good person. This kind of oppressive feeling was too shocking, she even felt that Ru Yu was like a psychopathic murderer. Although on the surface, he seemed gentle, however he may be evil inside.

Only after Ru Yu released He Meng’s hand, did he sit down. After sitting down, he smiled slightly and said, “Cousin, since we can meet with such a coincidence, let’s have a meal together, and let’s not talk about unpleasant things.”

Ru Yu sat down but He Meng stood up and glared at Ru Yu before saying, “You don’t deserve it”, and left.

He Meng was disgusted by Ru Yu, however he still had a super cute little brother. It was why she called Yang Lizheng who also quite liked this cousin of his. The two of them hit it off to find a place to eat.

As for Ru Yu, the so-called sincere heart needed to be exchanged with a sincere heart. He didn’t invest in any, so he could only eat at a high-end restaurant alone, eating expensive meals, but there was no one to accompany him.

In fact, Ru Yu didn’t care, because he was already full of malice towards such a world, he hated almost everyone and everything in this world, the only person he ever trusted, also betrayed him, so if he could, he even wished he could destroy this world.

If Zhou Xu knew what Ru Yu was thinking, he would probably send him a nametab with a deep eighth-grader syndrome, and then stay far away from him.

But at this time, Zhou Xu did not have the mood to argue with Ru Yu, because he was thinking about how to make Ye Shaoyun more touched.

After Ye Shaoyun left and went home, he discovered that Zhou Xu was eating pizza, seemingly not at all upset that he was not around.

Sitting next to Zhou Xu, he picked a slice of pizza for himself. Ye Shaoyun said sourly while eating, “Xiao Xu, when I was not here, did you miss me?”

Zhou Xu looked at him and replied, “I’m not four years old.”

Ye Shaoyun was very hurt, he took a bite of pizza, covered his chest and said, “Xiao Xu, when you were a child, you would cry every time you couldn’t see me for a while and would look for me.”

Zhou Xu, wholly exasperated, turned his head once again to look at Ye Shaoyun, and then repeated, “I am not four years old anymore.”

Ye Shaoyun had nothing to say, he could only eat his pizza while being depressed. Zhou Xu felt it was funny, because it was obvious that Ye Shaoyun did not really understand his meaning. What Zhou Xu meant was that he was not four years old, the way he missed someone was not the same as a child. Furthermore, he was not four years old, he already had his own thoughts, such as love.

Zhou Xu finished eating a piece, Ye Shaoyun also finished eating one, with a turn of his head, Zhou Xu saw that on Ye Shaoyun’s mouth corner, there was still some pizza cheese stuck.

Happiness filled his heart, Zhou Xu knew what to do.

Zhou Xu said “Uncle”, then at the moment Ye Shaoyun turned his head back, Zhou Xu put both his hands on the side of Ye Shaoyun’s face. Their forehead touched and Zhou Xu said, “Uncle, I miss you a lot.”

Ye Shaoyun was happy, but Zhou Xu surprisingly said, “Uncle, you still have some pizza here, I’ll wipe you clean.”


After agreeing, Ye Shaoyun froze, because Zhou Xu’s whole body pressed against his face. He stretched his tongue and licked the cheese away from the corner of Ye Shaoyun’s lips.

The touch of that tongue was really too satiny, Yao Shaoyun’s entire person went stupid, but Zhou Xu smiled a little after licking and said, “Delicious.”

After talking, he went upstairs and Ye Shaoyun’s whole person was as if struck by lightning. The tips of his ears were red, and his heart also felt like it was not his own, completely out of control.

Ye Shaoyun felt that he was going crazy, obviously he was a kid he considered as his own son, but he was so provocative. Being a straight old man, he seemed to be bending.

After a long silence, Ye Shaoyun felt that he had to educate Zhou Xu in the future. Otherwise, if he went on like this, he thought that he may really bend. In fact, it didn’t matter if he bent. The key point was that Ye Shaoyun didn’t want to attack his own nephew. It would be chaotic, it would be even more immoral.

Besides, Ye Shaoyun forgot that he and Zhou Xu originally did not have any blood relationship.

After Zhou Xu went upstairs, he actually laughed because he heard Ye Shaoyun’s pounding heartbeat, which told him that Ye Shaoyun could now at least see him as a normal man, and not as a kid, which was another big step forward.

Recently, Zhou Xu was very thirsty, he no longer wanted to resolve himself with his own hands. He originally wanted to wait for a while, but now he was ready to speed up because he wanted to do it, and wanted it very much.

After returning back to school, Zhou Xu once again coldly sat in his seat by the window. In fact, even if he did not study, he already knew this knowledge, even if he casually took the tests, it was not a problem to join important universities. He only didn’t want to be too unconventional, because it would make Ye Shaoyun worry.

In a few days, it was the first round of mock exams, Zhou Xu did very well, he was second in his grade while the first was Ru Yu.

After the results were posted, Ru Yu came over first to “congratulate” Zhou Xu, “Zhou Xu, congratulations, you did very well.”

Zhou Xu replied with a light smile, “You’re not bad either, top of the grade.”

“I was lucky. However I heard that you were always in the top three of your grade, I really need to learn from you. Oh yeah, the other day, I met your uncle, did he tell you?”

“No, things that are not important, he usually does not tell me.” Zhou Xu said lightly.

Truthfully, this conversation could not be simpler and also more complicated, Zhou Xu could find from this simple conversation that Ru Yu still had some kind of hate towards Ye Shaoyun and him. However, in the midst of hate for Ye Shaoyun, there was also still a little bit of expectation.

Perhaps, Zhou Xu thought, he may be the same as the last life, and still loved Ye Shaoyun, but was a bit ambivalent.

However, Zhou Xu’s light-hearted words were as hard to swallow as a fly for Ru Yu. He always thought he could hold Zhou Xu down, whether when he was five years old or now that he was nineteen years old.

“O, really, but have you ever thought that he could also be doing that because he wanted to hide something.”

“Yeah, I never thought of it.” Zhou Xu said.

The more calm Zhou Xu was, the less collected Ru Yu became. Finally, the two smiled and went back to their own seats, while their eyes seemed to be fighting.

Yang Lizheng next to them thought he could hear the crackling sound of electricity. Of course, this was exaggerated, but it was true that their sights were full of provocation.

When Yang Lizheng last saw He Meng, he knew what Ruyu was thinking. He was too lazy to care about Ru Yu, nor did he want to care about Ru Yu and Zhou Xu’s affairs, he and Ru Yu were just “brothers”, that was all.

That night after school, Zhou Xu came home to see Ye Shaoyun cooking in an apron.

Leaning against the kitchen door, Zhou Xu asked, “Uncle, have you seen Ru Yu?”

Ye Shaoyun was frying chicken legs and saw that Zhou Xu opened the kitchen door, so he said, “Either come in or close the door or you’ll make the whole house smell of cooking oil.”

Zhou Xu entered the kitchen and conveniently closed the kitchen door.

The kitchen was actually very small and narrow. Basically it could only fit two persons side by side, and Zhou Xu deliberately stood behind Ye Shaoyun so when Ye Shaoyun moved, he unconsciously touched Zhou Xu.

After Zhou Xu entered, Ye Shaoyun said while frying chicken legs, “Yes, last time I happened to see him in a restaurant. I didn’t recognize him, he recognized me, why?”

“Nothing, today Ru Yu told me you two met.”

“En, that was the only time.”

Zhou Xu casually agreed and also did not continue to care. From Ye Shaoyun’s tone, Zhou Xu knew that he basically did not put it in his heart, which also meant that the only person who did was Ru Yu.

In the end, Zhou Xu thought it was all wishful thinking, because Ye Shaoyun was his sooner or later and never Ru Yu’s.

In the previous life, Ru Yu thought that because of Zhou Xu, Ye Shaoyun rejected him. In this life, Zhou Xu would let that thought of him become reality.

Ye Shaoyun was making food, Zhou Xu quietly hugged Ye Shaoyun from behind.

Frozen in place, Ye Shaoyun didn’t move, while Zhou Xu said, “Uncle, the chicken leg is about to be burnt.”

Ye Shaoyun hurriedly fished out the chicken leg, but Zhou Xu still held his waist without letting go.

“What’s happening, you’re so big and still so pampered?”

Zhou Xu was currently about the same height as Ye Shaoyun, hugging him felt very comfortable, because of the familiarity, because they have already embraced countless times.

“It’s not pampering.” Zhou Xu said against Ye Shaoyun’s ear.

His voice was enticing, and the breeze generated when he spoke blew right into Ye Shaoyun’s ears, causing him to get goosebumps all of a sudden.

Zhou Xu could obviously see those tiny goose bumps on his chin and laughed in his heart. However, his hands loosened the embrace, because he could not force Ye Shaoyun too much, otherwise it would not be worth the loss if he scared him away.

“Stop playing, get out, the kitchen is full of cooking oil.

“En, I’m just tired.”

Zhou Xu went out of the kitchen, while Ye Shaoyun took a long breath of relief in the kitchen. He felt like he may go crazy, he really seemed to be falling for this little nephew of his.

That could not be, Ye Shaoyun once again admonished himself countless times in his heart, and only then did he calm down.

Zhou Xu quite liked to eat fried chicken, but he never nibbled them clean. It was why, every time he would take two bites and then pass them to Ye Shaoyun for him to gnaw.

In the past, this action was nothing, but now Zhou Xu was still taking two bites of meat and then gave the rest to Ye Shaoyun. The more Ye Shaoyun thought about it, the more he felt that this was too ambiguous, but Zhou Xu behaved very normally, he was not too pretentious, so he took it and continued to eat.

As he was eating, the doorbell rang, the two of them looked at each other. Zhou Xu went to open the door.

“Hello, Zhou Xu, since you never told me when you guys were free, I took the liberty of visiting.”

Zhou Xu leaned against the door and replied with a slight smile, “Welcome, welcome.”

Inside the house, Ye Shaoyun asked, “Who is it?”

Zhou Xu said towards the house, “Ru Yu.”

After saying that, Zhou Xu and Ru Yu entered, and when Ru Yu reached the living room, he put down the gift in his hand and said, “Uncle Ye, I’ve come to disturb you.”

“O, it’s okay.”

Yu Yu said, “Then it’s good, you guys are eating?”

“En, let’s eat together.”

From the moment he saw Ru Yu, Ye Shaoyun was like a different person, cold, calm, not at all like the clingy and overprotective Ye Shaoyun in front of Zhou Xu.

“Okay, then I won’t be polite and eat the free meal.”

Zhou Xu also sat down, he picked up a chicken wing, nibbled two mouthfuls and handed it to Ye Shaoyun. Ye Shaoyun also continued to eat. Opposite to them, Ru Yu’s heart felt slightly cold, he said, “You guys have a really good relationship, two people eating one piece of chicken wing.”

Ye Shaoyun listened to Ru Yu, and also remembered that this action of Zhou Xu and his was not appropriate, but no matter how ambiguous it was, he did not want to hear it from others.

Ye Shaoyun looked at Ru Yu, and indifferently said, “I like to eat his leftovers.”

T/N : I’m sorry I’m really really late. I notified those who are on CG discord that I had caught a cold (I don’t mix well with cold, I was down for a week.) Then 2 days after I was done with the cold, I got my second shot of vaccine ._. Welp ~

Anyway, Ru Yu has kind of a victim syndrom... *sigh*

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