The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 497: 298: Holy Soul Hall, The Three Immortals of Righteousness and Evil

“Sect Leader, our Ghost Soul Sect’s name has been used for thousands of years. Are we going to change it now?”

In the Conference Hall of the Silver Soul Sect, barely a double-digit amount of core formation cultivators gathered, each one of them almost injured. A refined-looking scholar sitting at the top, his face pale and breath fluttering like a candle in the wind.

“This is an order from the supreme elders? Do you have any objections?”

The former leader of the Ghost Soul Sect tightly gripped the Six Yin Ghostly Flame Fan in his hand. This semi-immortal artifact was the only thing that could offer him any comfort and courage at this moment.

He was now in an unprecedented state of weakness. After a serious of bloody battles, their Ghost Soul Sect had indeed made tremendous achievements and even turned a thousand-mile radius into a no-go zone for the demons. However, the price they paid was excessively serious. Even he, the sect leader, had almost fallen.

In fact, as the highest authority in the Ghost Soul Sect in name, he did not understand why the three supreme elders would give such a crazy order.

If they really need the flesh and blood of demons, wouldn’t it be much simpler for the supreme elders, who are honored as human immortals, to hunt for themselves instead of hurting their core formation cultivators?

If the human immortals were willing to make a move, their sect’s core formation cultivators and even the disciples would not suffer so much damage. They are now almost destroyed.

What are these three supreme elders, who have found the immortal artifacts and mysterious skills, thinking?

Are they disregarding the heritage of the Ghost Soul Sect? Do they want to abandon them all?

Even if they want to abandon, why did they include me? I have been loyal to the Ghost Soul Sect, can’t deny my credit or hard work. How could they do this to me?

“May I ask Sect Leader, what would the supreme elders want to change our sect’s name to?”

A few elders looked at each other. At this moment, they all carried serious injuries—some even to the point of damaging their foundations. However, to these cultivators, it doesn’t matter if their foundations are injured. As long as their “lifespan” is not hurt, it’s all right. They don’t expect to break through to the Dong Xuan realm and become human immortals anyway.

“Holy Soul Hall!”

Although severely injured, the sect leader – who still maintained his cultured and noble demeanor – glanced at the questioning elder and then slowly said.

“This… is a really good name change!”

Regardless of their inner thoughts, none of the elders dared to disagree in the face of changes proposed by the three human immortals. They were almost wiped out during battles, so no one dared to refuse.

“Indeed, I knew straight away that our sect’s original name was too gloomy and didn’t fit with our human immortal way. Now this name is excellent, I can report it with chest high and head up when I travel outside.”

“Coincidentally, that’s what I was thinking too.”

“Hahaha, it seems we’ve all reached the same conclusion!”

Although bad feelings churned within their hearts, and they all grumbled and complained in their minds – blaming the human immortals who didn’t value them or treat them as humans, but in this place, everyone had to be sycophantic.

“Not only is the sect’s name changing, but the core cultivation skill of our Holy Soul Hall also needs to change. The Soul Refining and Corpse Raising Skill shall gradually be phased out from today. The younger generation of disciples, including yourselves, are no longer allowed to practice this technique.”

Looking coldly at these elders who were trying to flatter him, the original leader of the Ghost Soul Sect – not caring whether those human immortals could hear him or not – threw out another earth-shattering news, like thousands of thunderbolts roaring together.

“Soul Refining and Corpse Raising Skill, not allowed to practice, how is that possible?”

“If we can’t refine souls, how can we call ourselves the Holy Soul Hall?”

The Sect Leader’s words had just fallen when the many elders who were still smiling suddenly broke out into a commotion, none of them able to accept it.

The sect’s core cultivation skill changing was within their expectations. There had been rumors that the three elders had returned from their journey with an even more profound technique.

Being willing to pass on this technique for their benefit, as well as to the younger disciples, indicated that these three elders had not annihilated their humanity and did not plan to abandon them.

But not allowing corpse cultivation and soul refining, what was this? Wasn’t this just rendering them all crippled? They had practiced soul refining for half their lives and raised the dead for hundreds of years. Now that they had suddenly declared its use prohibited, they would be left with only the realm of magic without divine power – wouldn’t they be at the mercy of others when they fought against them?

“If you have objections, you might as well go up to the mountain and find the three supreme elders, rather than complaining to me. This decree is not issued by me.”

The refined and cultured sect leader huffed coldly, clearly not pleased with the complaints directed at him.

“Sect Leader, didn’t you even say a word to the three supreme elders? If corpse cultivation and soul refining are prohibited, how should we cope?”

One elder, who gave off a cold aura of death and even had a face lacking in any color of living blood – his face had instead turned to a blackish-blue – asked in a hoarse and dry voice.

Just changing the sect’s name, they would not raise any objections and even follow suit. However, now that it concerns their core, the divine power they’ve been using for most of their life, if suddenly being told not to practice, who could take it?

Even the supreme elders as human immortals should not issue such an irrational, inconsiderate decree!

“I did say it, but they said it is forbidden.”

The Ghost Soul Sect’s leader looked gloomy. This could mean he may not be able to hold on to his position as the sect leader.

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