The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 132 - 132: 119 Me, I am the Sun! 2

Chapter 132 - 132: 119 Me, I am the Sun! 2

Translator: 549690339


A fear sourced from loneliness!

Goo goo!

The little firebird flew with a flutter of its wings, hovering over the burning sun tree, attempting to locate Feng Qing’an and Nange. However, they were nowhere to be found, having disappeared amidst the mountains.

After circling the tree a few times, the little firebird could no longer identify the directions, it couldn’t even remember how Feng Qing’an had departed, let alone seek him out.

The oppressive silence of the mountains stood in stark contrast to their previous bustle.

At that very moment, Feng Qing’an, who was hugging Nange on the way back to the mortal world, suddenly stopped. The girl lifted her head, curiously looking at the boy, who was furrowing his brow.

“What’s wrong?”

Feng Qing’an didn’t reply. He suddenly felt a warm, fiery stream coming from the fourth Soul Contract he’d just established. This stream of warmth traveled from his forehead downwards, lodging in his heart and causing his chest to surge with heat.

“Get down first!”

Feng Qing’an let go of his grasp, placing Nange down. He then opened his dragon robe, revealing his firm chest. The girl looked on with a natural expression, exhibiting no shyness, she had seen it countless times before.

“Come out!”

Feng Qing’an lowered his head, his face expressionless, but he could sense a bursting joy and innocent consciousness.

Goo goo!

Familiar chirping echoed. Before Nange’s eyes, a vivid red bird pattern emerged on Feng Qing’an’s chest, the firelight burst forth, and a familiar, tiny firebird struggled free, fluttering up and down around Feng Qing’an.

“Feng Qing’an, it crawled out of your body!”


Feng Qing’an responded, reaching out to snag the little firebird. This time, it didn’t escape, letting Feng Qing’an capture it while chirping excitedly, expressing its joy.

“You little thing!”

Even as a Guardian Beast Master, Feng Qing’an never anticipated this scene. This tiny thing could enter his body directly through the Soul Contract.

Though the little firebird had no flesh, being made up of the essence of Solar Fire, to accomplish this was still quite astonishing.

“Do it again!”

Feng Qing’an commanded.

Goo goo!

The bird’s expression was smug. When Feng Qing’an let go, it dived straight into his chest, turning into an inflamed flow and disappearing within him. Feng Qing’an only felt a wave of warmth, then it was gone.

“Sending God Skill”

Feng Qing’an’s consciousness descended on the burning sun tree. The peculiar, still perspective enabled Feng Qing’an clearly to perceive the lively consciousness of the little firebird. Apart from this, there was another consciousness in gestation, albeit incredibly faint.

The second flower bud!

“It’s done, come back!”

The pleasant surprise obtained after entering into a contract with the burning sun tree exceeded Feng Qing’an’s imagination. He had nothing more to say, and classified this tree as a top priority for nurturing.

Compared to the giant skeleton which might take who knows how long to awaken, the burning sun tree that had already produced the second flower bud created more anticipation.

Because evidently, this tree can grow taller, sprout more branches, and bloom more burning sun flowers. If every blooming flower can give birth to an essence of solar fire, the sight would be hugely impressive to behold.

Coo, Coo!

The little firebird flew out from Feng Qing’an’s chest again and even accompanied him back to the human realm. Throughout the process, it didn’t show any discomfort. It was instead extremely excited and in a great mood.

“Let’s stop here for today. The sun is about to rise. You don’t need to come over.

I’ll come to you again tomorrow night!”

Standing at the entrance of the Nether Rift, Feng Qing’an said his goodbyes to Nan Ge, while on his shoulder perched the lively little firebird, curiously eyeing the lively human realm.

The scenery, so different from the netherworld, totally captivated this newborn little fire spirit. In comparison with the deserted netherworld, it preferred the human realm. If Feng Qing’an hadn’t held it back, it would have loved to explore around.

“Come in, don’t roam around. Your kind doesn’t belong in the human world!”

As soon as the sun rose, and the nether rift was closed, Feng Qing’an walked home, meanwhile pushing the little firebird, perched on his shoulder, back into his body so it wouldn’t show itself.

Coo, Coo!

The little firebird didn’t resist, and obediently followed Feng Qing’an’s arrangement. It knew better than to go against Feng Qing’an’s instructions.

During the days that followed, Feng Qing’an fell into a highly regimented routine. During the day, multitasking, he mainly focused on practicing to restore and accumulate his soul power, and at night, he would journey to the netherworld to breathe life into a giant skeleton, pouring his soul power into the fiery sun tree, in the hope that it would continue to grow.

Feng Qing’an had great expectations. If there came a day when the fiery sun tree grew to its limit, he wished to stand in the human realm at midnight, reverse time, and turn the night into day. He might then be able to say”I am the Sun!”

Hmm, that would certainly disturb some people’s dreams. Perhaps he might come off as unkind.

Of course, this was only a fleeting fantasy in Feng Qing’an’s mind. As a mythological being, the Golden Crow was on an incomparable level, and far from easy to achieve. The sun that hung high in the sky each day – was what humans referred to as the Golden Crow.

Peaceful days were comfortable, but unfortunately, they did not last long. On a winter day with frost splattered down, as Feng Qing’an practiced meditation in school and used a little attention to listen to his master’s lecture…

His mind started throbbing all of a sudden. His first and third soul contract responded almost simultaneously, creating a powerful fluctuation. However, the feedback from the third soul contract disappeared quickly.

Donghuang had closed off every route of communication. Feng Qing’an couldn’t get any information about her current condition through the soul contract, not to mention using the “Sending God Skill” on her.

Only the first soul contract continued providing feedback of powerful emotions, that of fear and restlessness from Black Mountain, as if it was facing an imminent disaster.

“Sending God Skill”

Feng Qing’an’s consciousness arrived at Black Mountain. If the soul contract was responding this way, it meant that there might be a major issue in the You Huang Ghost Nation.

As soon as Feng Qing’an’s consciousness arrived at Black Mountain though, without observing or asking, he knew the source of Black Mountain’s restlessness and fear.

Above and all around the ghost city at this moment, far as the eye could see, it was filled with resentment clouds. Millions of ghost creatures were hovering in the sky under the control of more than ten terrifying evil ghosts, their gaze filled with greed as they surrounded the ghost city.

Ghost Kings!

These towering apparitions, as grand as mountains, were the Ghost Kings of the netherworld. Some even seemed familiar to Feng Qing’an-he seemed to have seen them in Donghuang’s palace, but they were nowhere near this size then!

Rebellion? Colluding with the enemy?

Feng Qing’an quickly guessed might be happening.

The cause of it all was probably because Donghuang had given part of her essence to him, she had lost the power that had kept everyone under control as the strongest monarch. Naturally, there were ghost creatures in her ranks who dared to rise against her.

At the moment when Feng Qing’an was worrying about how Donghuang should break the situation and resolve the crisis, he saw a brilliant sword light illuminating the heavens and the earth, from bottom to top, like an inverted Milky Way, sweeping across the gloomy sky filled with evil ghosts.

At this moment, countless ghost creatures were eradicated under this sword light. Tens of thousands of evil ghosts let out a screeching howl. They were just swept by the residual waves of this sword light and were immediately severely injured, with pieces missing.

Heavy rain poured down, except this was rain made of countless filthy and foul-smelling ghost blood and broken limbs. The originally ominous ghost city had instantly turned into a real purgatory.

For those ghosts with resentment congealing on their bodies, suffused with deadly aura, and greedy and brutal in their gazes, their expressions froze in this instant.

Among them, a Ghost King covered in black scales with horns on its forehead — a figure as grand as a mountain – seemed to have a silver line appear on its ghostly body….

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