The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 184 Stingy Old Bastard

Chronos was, putting it grossly understatedly, very fast.

It had time dilation reactors in place that allowed it to move at speeds that the human mind could not fathom.

Of course, the time dilators were extremely crude at that stage, and the top speed which Chronos was able to achieve was barely mach 100.

But even that was mind blowingly fast then.

Bruce Pang didn't even bother to fire anything.

It was much faster for him to physically cut down all the projectiles… AND then the incorrigibles that fired them in the first place.

I merely opened my mouth in shock and gaped at the explosions that were starting to ring out EVERYWHERE.

"Close your damn mouth and start absorbing the wreckages, at least." The Ancestor said grumpily.

I snapped my mouth shut and sent my red energy to quickly break down all available exploded biomechs and absorb them.

Wherever possible, I aimed at the medium to small sized machine or biomech which Bruce Pang missed.

Correction, not missed.

Which he couldn't be bothered to deal with.

Within an incredible minute, the first major Horse Gavarel Military base was completely destroyed!

"What the hell." I couldn't help but mutter. "Why is the Chinese Federation still a second rate power if Chronos is so damn powerful?"

"Chronos is powerful." The Ancestor agreed as he gestured for me to proceed and go on to the next military base. "But its power was a very recent upgrade. It wasn't this powerful last week.

Plus even at this strength, Chronos is already the second or third most powerful mecha in the Blood Moon. The Americans and the Europeana are both able to field such behemoth powerhouses in the tens, if not hundreds. Plus they have their stupidly overpowered Golden Mechas. Not even ten Chronoses could handle even a single one of their Golden Mechas."

I blinked slowly as I tried to digest his words.

My eyes roamed the utterly destroyed undersea military base.

Massive black domed walls which once housed thousands of powerful defensive cannons now sported thousands of holes where those defensive cannons once existed.

Huge Captain level Biomechs were reduced to mere chunks of bloody flesh and thousands upon thousands of normal biomechs dotted the massive undersea complex everywhere.

The glorious result of one minute of frenzied outburst from Chronos.

Just one.


A massive wave slammed into me as Chronos came to match my speed and cruise next to me.

"The time dilators are working very well." Bruce Pang reported to the Ancestor. "But the energy drain is horrendous."

"That is as I had predicted. How much power do you have left after that one minute outburst? Sixty percent?" The Ancestor asked.

"Sixty? Ha! I wish. I have just a hair under forty five percent power left. I can do what I just did one or two more times before I am completely out of energy." Bruce Pang barked out ruefully. "The trip here probably took slightly under a minute. So that's two full bursts for 55% power."

"Forty five?? Blasted Jackrabbits." The Ancestor cursed.

"Destroying a major base in one minute utilizing only twenty five percent power sounds like an extremely…"

"Bad deal." The Ancestor grumbled rather forlornly. "The major base is not worth the value of a full quarter of a white mecha core. I can easily achieve the same result with half the cost using an army of blue mechas. It has terrible energy efficiency."

"That's true. I probably can destroy the entire base and not use up a single ounce of energy. In fact, I will even profit from it." I said very loudly with a wide grin to rub salt into Bruce Pang's already salty mood.

The Ancestor glared at me for a moment. And then a strange look suddenly appeared on his face.

"What? I don't like that look on your face." I immediately said and shrank back defensively.

"You are able to manifest small weapons platforms outside and separate from your body, right? What about energy source? Can you manifest a white mecha core or… charge up a white mecha core?" The Ancestor asked me hopefully.

"What?! You plan to use me as a charging station for your damn Blood Moon Mechas? No bloody wa-"

At that moment, the Ancestor took out a data device.

I immediately snapped my mouth shut.

"Could it contain Platinum Grade designs?" I thought to myself as I stared at it greedily.

"I will give you one Platinum design for every twenty five missions you serve as a portable charger for all the mechas fielded." The Ancestor said seriously.

"Twenty five? You think my energy is free and renewable? Bah! One Platinum design for EVERY mission! Take it or leave it!" I shouted at him eagerly.

"Twenty five." The Ancestor shook his head.

"Two! And that's final!" I shouted at him.

"Twenty five."

"Fine, three and that's my final offer!" I glared at him indignantly like a hungry man being forced to pay using his kidney just for a bite of fried chicken.

"Twenty five."

"You disgusting old man!" I howled in desperation. "Four! Any more than four and I would rather live the rest of my very long life without Platinum designs from you!"

"Twenty five."

"WHAT?! Go lower damn it!" I shouted with disbelief.

Can you believe that guy? He refused to budge from his opening price!

But of course, that's the correct way to negotiate with an obviously greedy little boy like me.

"You are unbelievable! Six!"

"Scrooge! Scrooogee!!! Seven!!"

"Oh my god. I am going to vomit blood soon. Eight!"

"What the hell??? Fine! The deal is off!!"


"Ten!!! …"

After another minute of me being bullied and completely taken advantage of, we agreed on…

Twenty five.

"I demand payment in advance!" I shouted angrily at the stingy old man and stretched out my hand at him.

The old man merely smiled at me serenely and shook his head.

I was stunned.

"YOU STINGY OLD BASTAAARDDD!!!" I shouted with all of my pissed off heart!!

In the end?

What end?

I got my platinum design only after I finished twenty five missions of course!

Stingy old bastard.

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