The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 181 Large Drill

I consider myself a cold blooded killer. Most killers can kill at the drop of a hat. Me, I can kill before the hat is even touched.

Maybe it was the extreme ease in which my power allows me to kill my enemies, and the extremely detached manner in which I could kill them, but killing people who wanted to harm me had quickly became something that was easy for me to do.

However, I am only a cold blooded killer against those I consider evil people.

I am mostly kind to strangers, and I am generally more inclined to do good than bad.


Yes, I would help an old woman cross the road. And yes, even if it took me out of my way.

Having seen my father murdered before my very eyes, and experiencing first hand what it felt like living without parents, I was extremely sympathetic of the little kids who had to suffer as I did.

That Demoness Wang's words…

They hit home.

What a bitch.


My heart roiled with stirred emotion and the red mecha core even got triggered once due to how strongly I felt about her words!

"Ah. Yes. Yes. I will definitely give you everything you asked for." I said hoarsely to her and then went on to focus completely on devouring the rest of the biomechs as fast as I could!

I could not wait for the mission to be done and to be gone from that Demoness and her damned freaking ability to make me feel guilty.

Thankfully, she did not continue with her tirade, and was merely content to nod at me in acknowledgement of my utter defeat.

Bruce Pang promptly gave me a strange, small and round device the size of a coin that hummed lightly. "Put this on your temple."

I did as he was told, and then… Click.

The device attached itself to me and forcefully injected some nanoparticles into my head.

"You can transmit highly complex information directly to the Secretary through this device. You just need to visualize them in detail and send those thoughts towards the glow that should have appeared in your mind." Bruce Pang explained.

I visualized the full design on the flight capable biomech I had devoured as sent it into the glow.


The device hummed lightly and immediately, and holographic rendering of the device I absorbed appeared next to the Secretary.

It was exactly as I had thought.

I nodded and and went on to send all the information I had about the Horse Gavarels, including all of their biological data.

For the next few minutes, a deep and lingering silence hung around us as I blazed ahead deep into Horse Gavarel territory, leaving a trail of bloody mess behind us.

Despite the silence though, my heart was slowly uplifted by the quality and the quantity of mechas I was absorbing.

Even though there were no white mechas among their number, the sheer number of mechas I absorbed more than made up for their absence!

With the blueprints I had received from the Ancestor, I was able to easily incorporate the strongest armor design into the existing white mecha blueprint I already have. And of course, I easily incorporated the latest nanotechnology armor I received from the Ancestor as well.

All in all, the offensive power and defensive strength I was capable of bringing forth at that moment was definitely among the top tier of white mechas!

And to cap it all off, I was also able to change my shape at will.

To say that I was a Versatile Nuclear Cannon would still be a gross understatement.

After that Demoness Wang's words, I was feeling pretty sucky, and I really, really ached for a good, glorious fight.

There must be a God somewhere listening in on the deepest corners of my heart, because at that moment, my resonance picked up a powerhouse of a Biomech unlike anything I had ever seen before.

The power level it was emitting was actually close to that of the Mecha Disciples of the Blood Moon!

Behind him were at least another thousand biomechs, and they were all of much higher quality than those which I had nearly finished absorbing.

I did not hesitate.

I immediately directed all of my red energy and sent them hurtling towards that powerhouse with extreme speed and an overwhelming sense of greed.

In that instant, I suddenly remembered the technique I used to forcibly devour my first white mecha.

"Drills!" My eyes widened as I cursed myself for being a dumbass goldfish. How could I forget such an important thing!!

I changed the shape of my red energy into thousands of spinning drills in a blink of an eye.

If I could devour that damned biomech…


My red energy drills smashed into that big fat biomech with the strength of a thousand sledgehammers.

"Breakthrough, damn it!" I shouted with gritted teeth and a deep frown of concentration as I willed my red energy drills to spin faster and push harder against the biomech powerhouse's rock hard resistance.

"DAMN IT ALL!!" I howled with frustration as I realized that my red energy failed to breakthrough!

"Try again. This time give it more speed and weight." The Ancestor ordered calmly.

"Right." I swung my hand to the right and made my red energy swing away far into the distance.

The biomech recovered from the shock of being smashed into by a strange and invisible energy, and instantly ordered an all out charge against me!

He wanted to engage in close combat.

"No, not close combat." I realized as I took note of how the biomechs were charging at me with no weapons gripped in their four hands. "He wanted to surround me with an unbreakable layer of biomechs and forcibly capture me that way!"

"Not if I devour you first." I sneered with determination and swung my hand back to point at that powerhouse.

My red energy came hurtling at him once more, with greater speed and greater power, in the form of a single, large drill.

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