The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 124: Alone In His Room [1]

Chapter 124: Alone In His Room [1]


Amon took a picture of Nino.

He looked back where Alya was quietly surveying the messy floor.

She looked up from the dead bodies of the guards.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"We really messed it up." She spoke for the first time.

He turned.

"Yeah." Amon nodded.

It wasn't just him who had made a mess of Nino's body.

The bodies of the guards were riddled with clean small holes, a reminder on how precise and sharp her arrows were.

"Leaving that aside, I have to say, you are pretty strong."

Amon looked at her crimson eyes in the dim lighting.

"Well, I can say the same for you."

She put a hand to her chin.

"True I guess, but you have gotten way stronger than the last time I saw you. Even your manipulation of blood is excellent."

Amon shrugged but didn't say anything.

Rather, he changed the topic.

"Shall we go back?"

She nodded.

Both of them stood up and started to leave.

But suddenly, Alya's crimson eyes caught to some sharp shards scattered in one corner of the


"Hmm?" She picked one up.

"[Crystal] element? I can't remember any guard having one."

"There was one." Amon replied from behind.

She matched his stoic gaze.

"I took him out before our switch of targets."

"Oh, I see." She put the shard back down and stood up.

"Well, it's quite surprising to find such a rare element in such a remote town." She walked to the door before looking back at him.

"For a moment, my mind suddenly wandered to the possibility of you having two elements, hahahaha." She laughed before massaging after her temples.

"What an idiot I am. Another duo-elemental clovist in the world, hah, as if." She walked out the room.

|| ||


Amon and Alya arrived back at the Camps, only to find a commotion going on in the center. Heading to the front through the crowd, they both arrived at the main target of attention.

It was Ren.

He stood in the small space provided by the crowd, looking around while wearing his casual purple jacket.

But that wasn't why he was getting attention.

It was because of the girl in his arms.


Amon's eyes widened as he saw the purple scaly skin on her face that reached up to her eyes.

At that moment, Ren's gaze caught to him and he quickly headed over.

"Yo, Amon!" He quickly ran over.

He extended Elizabeth to him.

"I just arrived here 10 seconds ago and was waiting for your guide to arrive so he can take her. Somebody went to call her." He explained.

Amon looked at Alya by his side, who shook her head.

'Fuck with these royal manners...' He cursed in his mind before taking Elizabeth in his arms.

Why couldn't a princess carry someone in their arms!?

Amon looked at her exhausted body.

Her clothes were sweaty and her breathing was getting slower and slower.

It was obvious that she was going to be in a critical condition soon.

Seeing the clothes that clung to her body and exposed much of it, Amon clicked his tongue.

Half of those guys in the crowd were looking at her with those gazes.

Without hesitation, he materialized a large amount of blood before quickly covering them all in a veil.

The guy soon arrived that went to call the guide.

"I tried to reach them.... huff but they are all in a meeting right now....huff...huff" He panted.

It was obvious that he ran quickly.

"Didn't you tell them that it's a princess of a dukedom that's suffering right now!?" Alya asked furiously from behind the veil.

"They gave me no chance to and throwed me out...huff"

Alya clicked her tongue,

"What should we do now?"

"There's no need." Amon replied and looked back at Elizabeth.

He extended his hand and touched her purple cheek, his warm fingers brushing against her

cold skin.

"I can handle it. But I'll need to go to my room." He looked at both of them and explained.

Both of them looked at him for a second before nodding.

He could see that they trusted him.

He was thankful for that.

"I'll explain the full details to you both later. I need to hurry back to my camp to Michael and also get ready before curfew." Ren told both of them.

Ah, yes.

Michael and Elizabeth were assigned to a mission.

And since Michael and Ren were in the same camp, he must have appeared on the other side

where he handed Elizabeth to Ren.

The only way it made sense was...

That Michael was injured badly. And Ren's previous words only amplified his belief in his


Amon was tempted to ask what happened to him but knew it wasn't the time for it.

He would get the full details later anyways.

He and Alya both nodded.

"I'll handle the crowd outside. You can go to your dormitory. Though, get it done quickly,

there's only 1 hour before curfew." She reminded him.

Amon nodded before making the veil smaller, only enough to fit both of them.

And in the next moment, he disappeared in full speed from the crowd while Alya distracted



Amon arrived in his room and quickly locked it, before gently laying Elizabeth on the bed.

Taking off his coat, he put it on the chair before rolling up his sleeves.

He sat on the bed, beside her body and closed his eyes.

His hand gently reached out and touched her cheek.

He could feel her labored breathing on his palm at that moment.

Silence ensued in the room for a couple of seconds before his hand was slowly coated in a

metallic gray hue.

But he still kept his eyes closed and concentrated his efforts on his hand and her body.

Silence reigned in the slightly cold room as the only sound that could be heard was her

breathing with the rise and fall of her chest.

But then, he opened his eyes in a flash.

He found it.

What he just did was use a similar technique to Sound Resonance.

In reality, what poison inflicted by the [Nature] element did was inject poisonous [Nature]

mana into the target's body.

Or more precisely, their mana pathways.

Not only would that opposite natured mana in the pathways violently oppose and react in the

target's body, but it would get way worse with time.

That mana would start to settle down in the form of clots in the pathways.

Slowly but eventually, the target's mana flow and power would get destroyed before their pathways get completely blocked, hindering them from using any magic.

And if the caster was proficient enough, he could even inject this mana further into the pathways where it would transfer into the bloodstream through the heart.

It was truly a slow kill move in the [Nature] element. A reason why you had to be so careful

around their users.

By coating her body in [Sound] mana, he was able to then convert that mana into waves that traveled through her body.

But they would get blocked in the places of the clots which helped him identify their


And he was correct.

The clots in her body.

They weren't sent in her mana pathways.

They were directly sent to her bloodstream which was why the poison was quick to activate.

It was a straightforward attempt to kill her.

The only downside of this was that it took a longer time to kill the target and also that it was

much harder to directly send it into the bloodstream.


Their target had done just that.

But this was good. Since it was in the bloodstream, he could remove the clots which was what he had suspected it

to be.

On the off chance that it wasn't, then there wasn't any way for him to help her.

Except that he could maybe insert [Void Threads] inside her mana pathways to destroy the


But no. He would never do that except if Elizabeth was in her last minutes of dying.

He would never hurt Zephyra over her.

Leaving everything aside, Amon took his hand off her cheek before taking his gaze down on

her body.

Without wasting a second, he pressed his palm on her right thigh.

This was the lowest point in her body where one of the clots was.

He would slowly resolve them from lower to higher in her body. Channeling mana through his body, Amon quickly activated his blood manipulation.

All he had to do was safely separate and push those clots out of her body.

Amon pressed his hand a little firmer and immediately, he saw her body twitch.


It was working.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated on his efforts.

Sweat beaded down on his forehead from the intense focus he had right now.

Taking deep breaths, he safely removed the first block point in her body before pushing up.

His fingers then brushed on her body, moving to the left thigh.

It was embarrassing to be touching these spots like this but he couldn't do anything but this

to save her.

The clots were deep so he couldn't take his hand off as it would sever the connection.

In a minute, he was done with the left thigh as well.

Thereafter, he moved to her belly where he spent another minute before focusing on her left


It was working.

He could feel the cold temperature of her body reduce and her breathing ease a little, even

though he saw her sweat and her face scrunch up alot.

She was in pain, he knew. 'Please, just bear through it...'

His fingers traveled to her right hand.

Her skin was a lot healthier and warmer now.

Then, he moved to her shoulders before moving to her neck.

Time passed slowly and agonizingly.

Even Amon's clothes were drenched in sweat now because of the intense concentration.

Silence still reigned in the room but was occasionally broken by Elizabeth's soft moans of

pain as a clot was removed and pushed up.

As he was done with her neck, he then clasped both of her cheeks.

They were completely red and warm to the core because of her condition.

The scales had disappeard now.

He stayed focused.

All this time, he didn't open his eyes for a single second as even a second of distraction could

be fatal.

Especially now where all the clots were piled up.

He gulped as he was finally done with her cheeks.

Finally, his fingers moved to her soft moist lips.

His body tensed as he poured all his efforts on this moment.

Elizabeth softly moaned and her lips opened.

In the next moment, a small blobby purple and crimson mess poured out of her mouth.

He opened his eyes with a gasp, taking deep breaths.

Amon looked at the stinky purple mass that hovered in the air.

Nearing it near his hand, he covered it in crystals before storing it in his inventory to dispose

of later.

Embracing the silence in the room, Amon sighed.

His lips slowly pulled up into a tired smile.

He was actually able to do it.

And at the same time, he saw a notification in front of his eyes.

[Your [Blood] element has leveled up!]


Even he got something out of it.

Composing his thoughts, he looked at Elizabeth who had a calm, peaceful expression on her

face now.

Her breathing was also back to normal.

But then.

Why hadn't she woken up yet?

He hoped she didn't catch a fever as it was normal to catch these normal diseases after poison


His face neared hers as he tried to observe her condition and complexion.

Amon's hand touched her forehead, his cold fingers settling on her warm forehead.

Their warm breaths mingled with each other.

It was good. She didn't have a fever, thankfully.

But just as he was about to pull back, all of a sudden, her eyes opened.

Her silver lustrous eyes met his abysall black ones, their faces awfully close to each other with

their breaths brushing against their skin.

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