The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 106: Sound, Void and Sun [6]

Chapter 106: Sound, Void and Sun [6]


Amon blacked out and his half-obliterated body fell to the ground.

Right beside him, Daniel's body also fell, blood leaking out to form a pool from his cleanly cut head.

With Elizabeth unconscious as well, only Michael was left staring at the scene.

And his whole expression was filled with shock.

He couldn't believe it.

'He had planned it all...' He realized.

Amon had orchestrated this whole from the start. From the moment, the fight had started.

Even though he knew he would get in a near-death state, he still went on with the plan.

Even right now, his remaining body was only being stopped from crumbling because of the purple cracks that held it together.

Suddenly, a piercing pain traveled through his body.

He puked and large amounts of blood coupled with some bits of his innards gushed out.

His fiery crimson hair faded back to their usual golden and his glowing eyes dimmed back to their usual red.

A wave of exhaustion hit his body as all of his elements crumbled down and he fell to the ground.

His whole body was messed up now. He couldn't feel any control over his other 3 elements


But even then, he gritted his teeth and started to crawl toward Amon.

[No.] Solaran ordered inside him.

'You can't be serious! Even tho-' Michael's retort was abruptly stopped again.

[Not that, he's here.] Solaran spoke in a solemn voice.

Michael was about to open his mouth again but he suddenly caught something in his peripheral vision.

The large shadows cast by Amon's body due to the blaring crimson lights suddenly started to wriggle.

They started to mold and take shape under his very eyes.

He almost believed that it was an illusion until the shadows fell.

Dressed in an unbuttoned blue beach shirt and shorts, the academy principal, Arthur Milize appeared.

His well-toned muscles and abs were in front of Michael to see and his black hair were dripping wet.

With his crimson eyes that still had a golden monocle on one of them, he surveyed the surroundings.

His eyes first settled on Michael and Elizabeth.

Before the latter could explain anything, Arthur removed his gaze from both of them.

His eyes then settled on Amon.

Then, his face twitched in annoyance.

Michael's body froze in horror.

He was the principal and they were done for.

However, the next words that came out of Arthur's mouth left him baffled to the core.

"This brat...I can't even enjoy my first run from the academy to the beach."


Michael didn't know what to comment on it.

Then, Arthur sighed before a scheming smile appeared on his face.

"I can't believe you lured me out here with a gamble....what a clever brat..." He put his finger to the chin.

Then, Michael saw shadows covering Amon's body before swallowing it whole.

Arthur's gaze then moved to Michael, his gaze intrigued.

"You, yes you lad, you are coming with me as well..."

"" Michael couldn't say anything as his body got swallowed by the shadows as well.

Looking at the remaining mess, Arthur ruffled his hair before looking at Elizabeth.

"Yeah, that is good enough..."

Putting both hands in his shorts, he then turned to Daniel's dead body.

He still had that final look of madness in his eyes.

Looking at it, Arthur chuckled before kicking his body, sending it crashing into the wall.

"What a weak ass, couldn't even give me an entertaining fight..."

"Ruined my escape tch." He clicked his tongue before disappearing into the shadows as well.

Leaving Daniel and Elizabeth's body alone.

But before he left, he did a flick using his fingers.

And at that, the sound of a clock ticking was heard in the room.


Amon's eyes weakly fluttered open, finding light entering through the windows into his eyes.

His whole body felt extremely tired and weak.

Irritated by the light, he buried his head in the sheets again with a groan.


"Oi! Get up you brat, I know you are awake."

Amon's body jolted to a sitting position, making a piercing pain travel up his spine.

Before he could do or say anything, a slipper landed on his face pushing him back down on the

bed again.

The person removed their leg and Amon was able to see who it was.

It was...


"You owe me a vacation mate, it isn't the time to be sleeping." He annoyingly said.

Amon clicked his tongue.

"You know, you can get reported for disrespectful behavior towards your students."

Arthur smirked.

"Let them try, they can take their whole family to the Emperor and I wouldn't care."


Arthur ignored his click and then widened his smirk.

"That was a clever lure brat.."

Looking at his crimson eyes that bored into him, Amon sighed and nodded.

It was true.

Though his original plan was to use his system reward and take Daniel by surprise to kill him

or use sound, he changed it midway.

When Daniel had used his sound earthquake, it was then that he noticed something.

And it was that a part of the room was completely fine from his attacks.

It was not damaged at all.

And though he noticed it before and thought it was a coincidence, he changed his mind when

he didn't see that part shake from the earthquake.

And that was when he realized...

It was Arthur...

He had frozen the time outside of a certain radius in their room.

It was also the reason why nobody was coming to their rescue.

The sirens were of no use.

But it also made him realize that Arthur was watching their battle through his shadows.

And the reason why he had stopped the time was to push Amon and Michael to their limits.

To see what they were capable of and what did they have up their sleeves. And that was when he thought to take advantage of this.

No matter how much he pushed and made his students suffer, Arthur never let them die.

And this was why he purposefully pushed himself to the brink of death.

Not only did that loosen Daniel's guard, but it also made Arthur come and save them.

Not just because of how much potential and power Michael and Amon had, but also because

they were students.

He had killed two birds with one stone. But of course, he also knew Arthur would know about


And so...

That's how he ended up like this.

Just when Amon opened his mouth to speak again, the door handle of the room turned, and

then, Michael walked in.

Only to find Amon laid on the bed with Arthur standing above him with his slipper right next

to his head.


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