The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 123: Dragons, Phoenixes, And Stars (3)

Chapter 123: Dragons, Phoenixes, And Stars (3)

Moyong Jin felt a rotten feeling growing inside him.

Seeing Namgung Shins luckless face again, his anger boiled over more than he had expected.

With his upright features and clear eyes that seemed to say he wouldnt avoid the difficult situation.

Even his brother, Moyong Tak, was deceived by this appearance, and Moyong Jin was deceived as well.

You are not weak, Brother.

Nor is the sword of Moyong.

Who could deny that?

Until the day two years ago, Moyong Taks fame had spread far and wide. He had produced results that were not inferior even in the coming Seven Stars Conference.

His honor had fallen because a much younger boy from the Namgung Clan had slashed his face.

More precisely, it was because that rumor spread abnormally fast.

Did you spread money around the Central Plains? Hired storytellers to spread that absurd duel story?

No, I did not.

Do not lie!

Moyong Jin ended up shouting that.

The witnesses were only them. It was clear that the Namgung Clan had exaggerated their victory and spread it.

Through a cowardly surprise attack

It was not a surprise attack.


The flow of the Emperor King Sword Style is unbroken, thats why its powerful. It was Young Master Moyong Taks own negligence.

Moyong Jin sincerely wanted to slice Namgung Shins eyes.

His killing intent was boiling over.

Stop! someone shouted with an internal energy-laden voice.

A member of the Affairs Pavilion, responsible for the Murim Alliance event, was glaring.

What are the successors of Murim doing on the eve of the opening ceremony!

Moyong Jin realized he had his hand on his swords blade.

Please take your seats.

On the other hand, Namgung Shin remained calm.

As he left Moyong Jin and sat down, Moyong Jin also gritted his teeth and sat down.

He brushed his hair back and calmed his mind.


He didnt intend to start a fight here.

But as the conversation went on, his emotions intensified.

Moyong Jins clenched hand was full of scars. These were injuries from practicing with the sword.

For two years, he had abandoned eating and drinking, focusing solely on swordsmanship.

Every time he saw the scar diagonally across Moyong Taks face, Moyong Jin felt guilty.

Now I might look a bit more like a true martial artist.

Moyong Tak said that, but Moyong Jin knew his brothers heart was not at ease.

He would take revenge on the Namgung Clan.

People were whispering even now, but he didnt listen.

He had anticipated this since deciding to participate in the Seven Stars Conference. People would mock the Moyong Clan and belittle Moyong Jin.

To not care about such things, he had no choice but to lock up his heart.

Close his eyes, and shut his ears.

Did you see his expression? He wasnt like that before.

Yeah. Exactly.

But the developed ears of a martial artist couldnt help but hear those voices.

From the start, Peng Mu-ah and Baek Ha-jun didnt lower their voices during their conversation. It seemed as if they wanted Moyong Jin to hear.

He seems to have had a tough time. His eyes used to sparkle.

I dont think that was the case.

Moyong Jins ears perked up.

But once again, he composed himself.

If he wanted to act friendly, he wouldnt have ignored them and would have greeted them earlier.

I can no longer return to who I was before.

There was a time when he missed the past, like when he visited the Baek Noble Clan, practicing swordsmanship with a carefree smile.

But he couldnt go back to that time.

Getting involved with me will bring them no good.

The Moyong Clans honor had already declined.

Moreover, Moyong Jin had given up on relations with other clans and planned to focus everything on defeating the Namgung Clan.

He didnt want to cause trouble for his old friends.

Actually, I made something as a gift. Its for Baek Ha-jun, Moyong Jin, and Yi-gang.

What is this?

Amazing, isnt it? But I cant give it to him now. Not with him being like that.

Moyong Jin clenched his eyes shut.

He wanted to turn his head and look, but he refrained.

He was no longer a naive child.

Encasing his heart in iron armor inside his chest, he set up a well-honed sword.

Like a lonely beast wandering alone through the harsh snow-capped mountains.

I will become a solitary wolf, he firmly resolved.

Fortunately, the opening ceremony began, allowing him to calm his troubled mind.

The one who ascended to the platform was Namgung Yu-baek, the Vice-Leader of the Murim Alliance.

All the heroes of the entirety of Jianghu, and the venerable figures gracing this occasion.

Silence fell over the previously noisy hall.

They were all astonished.

Namgung Yu-baeks voice resonated powerfully enough to echo throughout the hall.

Its not surprising for a martial master to imbue their voices with internal energy. However, his voice uniquely seemed to resonate from all directions.

Six Harmonies Transmitted Voice

As if murmuring, it was the high-level technique known as Six Harmonies Transmitted Voice.

It was evident how profound Namgung Yu-baeks internal energy was.

The Vice-Leader, who garnered everyones attention with just a few words, continued, As the Vice-Leader of the orthodox Murim Alliance in these tumultuous times, I express my gratitude to all who have gathered under our banner.

Namgung Yu-baek, performing a formal bow, was dignified, befitting the pillar of the orthodox sects.

He began to deliver routine speeches.

About the rise of the Unorthodox Union, what the Murim Alliance was doing in response, and expressing gratitude to those who came again.

And then, at that moment, something happened that once again shook Moyong Jins heart.

Baek Ha-jun, usually so stoic, exclaimed in surprise, Brother!

Ah, ah Yi-gang! also shouted Peng Mu-ah, who was startled.

Soon, an unforgettable voice was heard.

Haha, long time no see.

You! Why didnt you reply to my letters!

I think I did a few times.

You only did it twice! I sent you ten letters.

Ive been so busy. I had to heal myself again.

You look much better. Are you fully healed now?

Ive improved a bit, but not yet. Theres still much to do.

He heard Yi-gang had entered the Azure Forest to heal his body, and fortunately, it seemed he had improved a lot.

Then, Baek Ha-juns voice, filled with emotion, was also heard.


Youve grown a lot. You seem taller than me now.

Yeah, thanks to the elixir you gave me.

Father would be upset to hear that.

Deep down, Moyong Jin also wanted to go there and exchange greetings with them.

It would be nice if they, who had grown up so much, gathered together to share their joys.

Where is he? Moyong Jin.

Over there.

Why is he all alone like that?

Its better to just leave him be.


And then they whispered, lowering their voices.

Moyong Jin hung his head low.

So that happened.

Hm, so ah!

Then, Moyong Jin heard footsteps approaching him steadily.

There was no way to handle this situation.

He had nowhere to run and couldnt suddenly greet them now.

Moyong Jin stood rigidly. The footsteps stopped right behind him.

And then


Ah! What are you doing!

He knew the hand was going to slap his back but couldnt avoid it.

It hurt quite a bit, so Moyong Jin had to abruptly stand up and turn around.

If this were a duel, Id have won.

What does a duel have to do with this

Because your back got slashed.

He was unable to find words to argue against such ridiculous nonsense.

Yi-gang, whom he hadnt seen in a long time, was still the same.

Pale skin, a body uncharacteristically thin for a martial artist, and sharp features.

Despite being only a year apart in age, he still had an oddly youthful aura.

Yi-gang smiled wryly.

You look less clueless than before.

I was young back then.


Still, his attitude was as if Moyong Jin was just a kid.

Yi-gang, with his much more mature mental age, couldnt help it.

Young Master Moyong Tak sent a letter.

My brother?

Moyong Jin was startled.

Why would his brother suddenly send a letter, and to Yi-gang at that?

Yes, its true.


He asked me to take good care of you.


Well, but what can I do with a grown man? Just take care of yourself.

It was true that Moyong Tak had sent a letter to Yi-gang.

There was a slightly complicated reason behind it.

Yi-gang kept cashing promissory notes issued in Moyong Taks name, which led to contact from the Golden Ruler Merchant Group.

Moyong Tak sent a letter through the bank, asking Yi-gang to please cash them more slowly. The letter also contained some mention of Moyong Jin.

Ill be going then.


Yi-gang sauntered off somewhere.

Oddly enough, he was heading towards the VIP seats, not elsewhere.

Moyong Jin sat back in his place with a somewhat dazed expression.


Soon, he smacked his forehead.

He had forgotten something he had resolved to do several times before coming here.

I was planning to speak informally with him.

His intention to casually start speaking informally had gone astray right from the start.

Which of those young men is your brother?

Governor Jo Gyu-seo stood there in a red official robe.

He kindly gave Yi-gang a moment.

It was to greet his brother and acquaintances, despite the opening ceremony already starting. His demeanor was excessively leisurely.

Its a privilege of the powerful to be late. Jo Gyu-seo was deliberately taking his time.

Knowing this, Yi-gang went without worry.

The kid sitting next to the girl, trying to set the mood.

Kid? That lady is of marriageable age too, and your brother seems about your age.

Is that so?

As Yi-gang smiled slyly, Jo Gyu-seo also chuckled.

You said you would guide me, but it seems you dont know this place well either.

Ah, if you sit over there, it should be fine. Lets go quickly.

Cunning guy. Hehe.

In the time that had passed, Jo Gyu-seo and Yi-gang had become quite friendly.

The officials of Kaifeng City were shocked to see Yi-gang joking with the governor, but Yi-gang, who had already dealt with the Immortal Divine Sword, overcame the age difference and acted affably.

Such behavior seemed quite refreshing to Jo Gyu-seo.

The distinguished figures of the martial world seated in the VIP section greeted Jo Gyu-seo first.

Its an honor to meet the Grand Coordinator.

Its an honor that Your Excellency has graced us with his presence.

No matter how venerable they were, commoners were supposed to bow first to officials.

Especially when the official was the formidable Grand Coordinator, it was only natural.

Please take your seats, youre blocking the view.

And Jo Gyu-seos reaction was utterly indifferent.

The venerable figures quietly returned to their places.

Meanwhile, they couldnt help but throw curious glances at Yi-gang, wondering who is this young man sitting next to the governor.

The speech of Vice-Leader Namgung Yu-baek continued.

The former Clan Head of Namgung.

Do you know Mister Namgung Yu-baek?

We met in Beijing.

Naturally, as the head of the Namgung Clan, he would have connections with the Grand Coordinator.

For the determination of the orthodox Murim. And for the nurturing of future generations. The sect leaders generously donated prizes. Not only for the successors of the great sects but also for all successors of the orthodox sects. The top 30 in fair competition will all receive one!

Various prizes were set for the next-generation successors in both the Dragon-Phoenix Conference and the Seven Stars Conference.

Jo Gyu-seo looked back at Yi-gang and asked, Arent you going to participate? Martial artists are all obsessed with elixirs, treasured swords, and martial arts.

It seems I wont be able to.

Why so?

I have enough martial arts, and I already possess a treasured sword. Most importantly, my brother and juniors are already participating.

Ah, now that I think about it, you said you were a guide.

Yes, for now, I plan to just observe.

Yi-gang responded so.

He was neither a full member nor particularly eager to take a proactive role, being just a guide.

My eyes need finding too.

Right, I need to find the Blue Eye Gem as well.

More importantly, finding the Blue Eye Gem and fulfilling the long-cherished wish of the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon was crucial. Only then could he connect another major meridian.

The elixir offered as a prize couldnt be that remarkable.

Especially, the top five succesors will receive elixirs, including the Golden Flower Carps internal elixir.

The crowd stirred at these words.

Yi-gang involuntarily clenched his fist.

His thought that it wouldnt be significant was a miscalculation.

I stand corrected. Im not sure. Maybe Ill participate.

Your words change swiftly.

The Golden Flower Carp was a top-ranking spiritual creature listed in the Spiritual Creature Catalogue he read in the Grand Library.

Its internal elixir was a coveted elixir, condensed with powerful energy, something Yi-gang would desire.

Yi-gang calmed himself by stroking his chest. He felt the solid sensation of two boxes tucked inside his clothing.

Both boxes had exhausted the iron bullets and acid poison installed within. After that, he could read the Sanskrit written inside.

The key of Water among the Five Elements.

The key of Metal among the Five Elements.

He realized the boxes were more than mere memory aids but couldnt figure out what they were keys to.

Its not just that.

Namgung Yu-baek, who had been giving a long speech, stopped for the first time and paused.

Everyone was curious about what he would say next.

Recently, our orthodox Murim Alliance acquired an extraordinary hidden treasure map.

A hidden treasure map, in a nutshell, referred to one of those treasure maps.

When the Murim Alliance spoke of a hidden treasure map, it often referred to the tomb of an ancient martial master or a secret cave of an ancient sect.

Each had incited the greed of martial artists, leading to bloody storms across the martial world, and now the Vice-Leader was openly discussing it.

If an individual or a single sect tries to claim it, bloodshed will inevitably recur. Thus, our orthodox Murim Alliance proposes to give this opportunity to the successors.

It was a surprising declaration, unprecedented in history.

They are playing an interesting game.

The specific hidden treasure map matters. It might be something trivial.

The murmuring in the crowd intensified. Without Six Harmonies Transmitted Voice, Namgung Yu-baeks voice would have been drowned out.

All successors within the top 30 will be able to enter the Five Elements Tomb under the protection of the Alliance and the sects.

Again, a cold silence settled.

This was because no one knew what the Five Elements Tomb was.

Namgung Yu-baek twisted his lips into a smile as he explained, From the time of the Tang dynasty, its the tomb of the Five Elements Divine Lord, who was the best in the world. We are

Namgung Yu-baeks speech was cut off.

An enormous roar drowned out even the Six Harmonies Transmitted Voice.


Crazy! Who did you say?

It was the tomb of an absolute master who remained in history even after hundreds of years. The news was that its hidden treasure map had been discovered.

Among the shouting crowd, dozens hurriedly ran out of the hall. Clearly, they wanted to relay this incredible news to their sects.

The only one maintaining composure was Jo Gyu-seo, who wasnt a martial artist.

Five Elements Who is that to cause such an uproar?


Ah, sorry. What did you say?

Yi-gang too was feeling bewildered.

He couldnt help it.

Hey, that thing in your pocket!

Could it be?

Could that be the key to the Five Elements Tomb or something?

The two boxes inside Yi-gangs pocket

Somehow, they felt incredibly heavy now.

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