The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 408: What a Valiant Way of Fighting

Chapter 408: What a Valiant Way of Fighting

Despicable Hero!

A flash of rage appeared on Fugallo's face when he sensed the deep wound he had just sustained to his waist. At the same time, he realized that he couldn't continue dilly-dallying any longer. Simply put, his current body belonged to someone else, not his own. So, he could only fight at peak strength for a short period. If he continued dragging things out, not only would he ruin Haydn's body, but he would also have difficulty winning against Alice, the new Hero.

After all was said and done, Fugallo was still a Demon King. His sense of pride might not be as strong as other Demon Kings like Andusia, but he wasn't an anomaly like Luna. He still had some sense of pride, and his pride forbade him from letting a new Hero look down on him.

Immediately, Fugallo made a rapid decision and shifted his gaze to Alice's right hand.

As Alice expected, Fugallo, with his years of experience as a Demon King, had indeed noticed something strange about Alice's right hand. It should be known that half of Alice's left arm was basically gone already, so casting spells with it would put a significant burden on Alice. Yet, Alice would rather cast Dragon's Shadow using her left hand than free her right hand and use it to cast her taboo. This situation naturally roused Fugallo's suspicion.

As the Feathers of Silver's caster, Fugallo naturally knew about the taboo's properties. Even when the Feathers of Silver was separated from the caster, the caster could still manipulate it regardless. An example would be how he had willed it to fly toward Alice just now.

Hence, Alice's decision to use Dragon's Shadow with her left hand instantly allowed Fugallo to theorize that Alice was most likely relying on her right hand to steal control over the Feathers of Silver. Moreover, to keep the Feathers of Silver under her control, she couldn't loosen her grip over it!

"Since that's the case"

After shredding Alice's Dragon's Shadow with his wind taboo, Fugallo relied on the same taboo to fly straight toward Alice!

Although closing the distance on Alice would give him less time to react to Alice's attacks, Fugallo had to take the risk. If he couldn't quickly wrestle control over the Feathers of Silver back from Alice, not only would he have to continuously lose mana to the taboo, but he would also have to face its constant harassment. This was an incredibly aggravating and disadvantageous situation for him, so he needed to take care of it as soon as possible.

Of course, Fugallo wasn't charging head-first at Alice without a plan. Mid-flight, he condensed the strong winds that had yet to dissipate, creating a small tornado that enveloped him and protected him.

This guy It took him only an instant to convert an offensive taboo into a defensive one

Alice was honestly surprised by what Fugallo just did. The wind taboo Fugallo used to shred her Dragon's Shadow was obviously an offensive-type taboo. Yet, as soon as Fugallo was done using it offensively, he had transformed the remnants of his taboo into an armor that protected him. She had never thought of using taboos in such a manner before. Moreover, it had taken Fugallo only an instant to complete this conversion.

However, Fugallo's actions were futile. Although the mana making up his makeshift wind armor was much more densely packed, its defensive capabilities couldn't actually rival a specialized defensive taboo since it was made using the remnants of an offensive taboo. So, while it might be able to keep the Feathers of Silver at bay, it could only do so for a moment.

Subsequently, as Fugallo got closer and closer to Alice, it became increasingly easier for Alice to target him with her attacks. Although Fugallo initially managed to dodge all of Alice's attacks, after he reached a certain distance, Alice was able to successfully make her attack connect. Then, sure enough, although the whip made of Feathers of Silver got stopped by Fugallo's wind armor, after a brief pause, it quickly tore through the armor and landed on Fugallo's body.

The whip struck Fugallo's chest this time, its powerful corrosive capabilities instantly splitting apart his skin and flash. Because of how close they were to each other, Alice could even see a sliver of white through Fugallo's chest wound.

Although fights between Heroes and Demon Kings were typically beyond common sense, these fights would usually consist of the two sides throwing taboos at each other until one side messed up and created an opportunity for the other side to land a lethal blow. Hence, in a fight between a Hero and a Demon King, the bodies of both sides would remain mostly intact throughout most of the fight.

It couldn't be helped. Full-fledged Heroes and Demon Kings possessed physiques surpassing dragons. They would only suffer minor injuries even if they ate a taboo to the face. Not to mention, most, if not all, Heroes and Demon Kings had defensive taboos under their belts. So, it was incredibly rare to see a Hero or a Demon King be covered in serious injuries before the fight was even over.

However, the Feathers of Silver could accomplish this feat. If even an amateur Hero like Alice could give Fugallo such a hard time using the Feathers of Silver, one could easily imagine how hard it must have been for the Hero of Fugallo's era to achieve victory over the fatty Demon King. The Hero in question had probably sustained significant physical injuries by the end of their fight.

Meanwhile, after getting struck in the chest, Fugallo had an even more difficult time evading Alice's attacks. As a result, it didn't take more than a second before Alice landed another strike, her whip striking Fugallo's neck this time. Immediately, blood gushed out of Fugallo's neck. From Alice's perspective, it looked like nearly half of Fugallo's neck was cut through, the sight considerably horrific.

Yet, even then, Fugallo remained unperturbed and continued advancing. Then, once within proximity of Alice, he sneered and swung his arms at Alice's right hand.

Just as Alice was wondering what Fugallo was attempting to do, she suddenly noticed Fugallo's arms giving off a metallic luster. She had been so focused on Fugallo's injuries previously that she didn't notice that Fugallo's hands had transformed into two sharp blades.

When Alice saw this, she quickly realized that Fugallo must have deliberately let himself get injured to distract her, preventing her from noticing the transformation of his arms. That way, she would be caught off-guard when he attacked her at melee range.

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