The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 40: Knowledge Blind Spot

Chapter 40: Knowledge Blind Spot

Previously, Alice had still been wondering how Fugallo had cast a hypnosis taboo despite being stuck in the state of a soul. However, after seeing him take over Haydn's body and unleash such an exaggerated amount of mana, she instantly understood what was going on.

Fugallo must have possessed Haydn's body numerous times before and developed his soul's affinity with Haydn's body. Hence, when Fugallo's soul took over Haydn's body, he could already use almost all of the strength he had when he was alive.

Of course, this possession magic shouldn't last very long. Possession spells typically had short durations, and this duration would be further reduced if there existed a big difference in strength between the possessor and possessed. So, Haydn was unlikely to withstand Fugallo's soul in his body for a significant amount of time.

Rather than Fugallo possessing Haydn, what surprised Alice, even more, was Fugallo's personality. Fugallo might not be good-looking, but he looked like someone with good character. He didn't behave like a bloodthirsty maniac trying to eradicate all humans. Instead, he was capable of expressing sincerity and partnering with humans.

It was a pity that Fugallo was still up to no good. After all, no matter how Alice looked at it, there was no way Fugallo could be up to anything good if he was trying to achieve resurrection by using a taboo like Demon King's Shadow. Alice did not wish to get disturbed by former Demon Kings when she was hunting for the Demon King's Power in the future, so she needed to eliminate Fugallo here and now.

Immediately, Alice gathered her psychic power and sent it smashing into Fugallo like an invisible boulder, sending Fugallo crashing through multiple walls and flying out of the mansion. After doing so, Alice used her psychic power to carry herself out of the hole she had just created in the building and arrived before Fugallo, who had already stabilized himself in mid-air.

"Were you worried about those human magicians? It seems no matter the generation, you Heroes will always be the same," Fugallo commented, chuckling.

Alice's intentions were obvious. There was still a group of hypnotized magicians in the living room. Had they fought there, most, if not all, of those magicians would have become collateral damage. Realizing this, Alice used psychic power to send him flying out of the mansion before he could complete his possession of Haydn's body.

However, Fugallo also had to admit that Alice made the right decision. He might look like a civil person on the surface, but he was still a Demon King at the end of the day. If they were to start fighting in the mansion, he definitely wouldn't care about the safety of those human magicians. After all, humans were the main target of hatred for Demon Kings. There was no way a Demon King like himself would care about the lives of a bunch of humans.

If Alice hadn't sent him flying out of the mansion, unless she didn't care for the lives of the human magicians, she'd have to restrain herself once they started fighting in the mansion. In that case, she would be of no threat to him.

"If I have to be honest, you just wasted an excellent opportunity to injure me," Fugallo said as he clenched and relaxed his fists, the stiffness he previously felt after possessing Haydn's body disappearing. "Had you struck me with something powerful while I was accustomizing myself with Haydn's body, I would be heavily injured right about now."

Fugallo could tell that the psychic blast Alice had used against him just now was created by a spell that had already reached the taboo level. Unfortunately, the taboo wasn't offensive-oriented. It was significantly weaker compared to actual offensive taboos, so it failed to cause any substantial damage to him. Had Alice used an actual offensive taboo just now, he would have most certainly suffered some heavy injuriesOf course, the offensive taboo would have also blown apart the entire mansion.

In a fight between a Hero and a Demon King, one could say that Alice had missed an excellent opportunity just now.

"Don't get me wrong, Fugallo." Alice sneered in response to Fugallo's taunt. It might be true that she had chosen to use Psychokinesis Transcendence instead of Burning Star to avoid harming the hypnotized magicians, but wasn't Fugallo being a little too overconfident? "I might have lost an opportunity to injure you, but I have plenty of ways to create more of such opportunities!"

As soon as Alice finished speaking, a gigantic fireball resembling a miniature sun appeared above her. Just the heat it radiated to its surroundings was enough to scorch the skin of anyone nearby. Even though Alice and Fugallo were currently in the sky, the plants in the manor below had started to dry up because of the heat radiated by the fireball.

Meanwhile, this fireball was created by the complete version of Burning Star, which Alice could now use thanks to the bonuses the Hero's Sword provided. Compared to the Burning Star Alice had previously cast, there was an obvious difference in the amount of energy the current Burning Star contained. If anyone were to see the Burning Star from a distance, they'd think that a second sun had appeared in the sky.

Burning Star was a taboo created in the last few centuries, so Fugallo didn't recognize it. However, it didn't stop him from sensing the taboo's power. The fireball hovering above Alice definitely wasn't something as simple as a bunch of flames concentrated into a large ball. If he got struck by this thing, he'd still suffer severe skin burns even if he didn't get killed on the spot. Of course, that was only because he had the strength of a Demon King. If the average person got struck by this thing, not even their ashes would remain.

The next moment, before Fugallo could make any responses, the miniature sun above Alice suddenly flew at him, its speed in no way proportional to its large size as it arrived before him almost instantly.

However, Fugallo wasn't completely unprepared for this attack. When speaking to Alice just now, he had already gathered his mana for an attack. Only, before he could convert that mana into a taboo, Alice had thrown this terrifying fireball at him. So, without hesitation, he abandoned the notion of attacking Alice and converted all of his mana into a defensive taboo.

Immediately, a layer of silver liquid appeared around Fugallo and enveloped him completely. Then, rather than retreat, Fugallo flew toward the approaching Burning Star and dove straight into it.

Due to the Burning Star's huge size, Alice didn't see Fugallo's actions. Fortunately, she could sense the mana fluctuations Fugallo gave off, so she could still determine his exact location.

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