The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 300: Angry Historian

Chapter 300: Angry Historian

"What? Demon Kings will stuff anal beads in their bodies when fighting against Heroes?"

Inside the palace's archive, the old historian responsible for recording important events of modern times couldn't help but grow confused when he heard the "important information" Catherine had shared with him.

"What is this blasted nonsense you are talking about?"

The old man couldn't be blamed for cursing. As the kingdom's historian, it was his duty to record important events that took place around the world, and this recorded information would be passed down to future generations. Meanwhile, matters relating to the Hero and Demon King were naturally treated with the highest priority.

In reality, the old historian considered himself rather fortunate that he got to witness the birth of the Hero and Demon King before he retired. At the very least, this meant that when future generations tried to learn about Heroes and Demon Kings, they would see the record he had left behind.

But what did Catherine just tell him? She said Demon Kings would stuff anal beads into their bodies when battling? Not even fantasy novels would dare to adopt such a setting for their characters. How could Catherine have the decency to report such a nonsensical piece of information to him, the kingdom's historian? Moreover, the woman had even told him this information with a serious expression.

Although Catherine held great authority as the Gryffin Kingdom's Royal Guard Captain, the old historian did not fear her. This was because he was King Hatter's teacher. Even Catherine would have to consider the consequences when choosing to trouble him.

A historian's responsibility was to make accurate and truthful records of history. Even if he was a human, he would never be biased when recording matters relating to the Hero and Demon King. Hence, even if Catherine wished to abuse her authority to smear the name of Demon Kings, he absolutely would not allow it.

"I'm telling the truth. It might sound unbelievable, but the fact is that reality is even more unbelievable than we thought it to be," Catherine said.

Catherine could empathize with the old historian's current mood. If she hadn't heard this information directly from Alice, she would have similarly found it hard to imagine that Demon Kings would take such inconceivable actions. In fact, she had only believed the anal beads were a weapon made by a Demon King after Alice had forced a strand of highly concentrated dark mana out of them.

"Perhaps my words won't be convincing enough for you, but this is a fact stated by Lord Hero. Moreover, I have seen Lord Hero forcing some dark mana out of the weapon with my own eyes, and my senses tell me that those anal beads are an extraordinary weapon," Catherine said as she pulled out her phone. Then, after setting her phone down on the table before the old historian, she tapped on the screen a few times and played a voice recording of her conversation with Alice. Specifically, it was a recording of Alice giving her an explanation of the anal beads.

Of course, Catherine had made sure to ask Alice whether she could share this recording with the kingdom's historian before actually doing so. Meanwhile, Alice had agreed after giving the matter some thought. After all, her goal was to put an end to the history of Demon Kings. If she managed to succeed, this might be the last time this world would see the Hero and Demon King. In that case, it wouldn't really matter even if the information on the Demon Kings' weapons were shared with the public.

However, Alice probably never expected Catherine to misunderstand her explanation to such a great extent.

"It's actually an account from Lord Hero If that's the case, the credibility of this information is very high."

The old historian's expression gradually turned serious as he listened to the playback of the voice recording. Due to his position, he had the privilege of learning Alice's true identity. He could also tell it was Alice's voice in the recording and that the information on the Demon King's weapons came directly from Alice.

The Demon King's Power, tools made using the Demon King's Power's essence, Demon Kings who refused to be puppets Every piece of information Alice mentioned caused the old historian to shudder in excitement. None of these matters had ever been mentioned in official historical documents, so it was evident that the Demon Kings of past generations had put a lot of effort into hiding the secret behind their weapons.

Meanwhile, he was about to become the person responsible for recording these secrets.

"It seems I have misunderstood you, Catherine. I apologize. This is indeed a very important piece of history that no one has ever recorded," the old historian apologized to Catherine. Then, he promptly began recording the secrets he had just learned into his computer.

Seeing as these secrets had come out of Alice's mouth directly, and Catherine had even personally verified that the anal beads contained dark mana, it was almost certain that this information was factual.

Of course, this information could not be shared with the public for the time being. That would have to wait until the clash between the Hero and Demon King ended. At most, this information would be circulated among the various kingdoms' upper echelons to let them understand more about Demon Kings.

In only a few days, the upper echelons of the various human kingdoms came to learn about the ability of Demon Kings to steal the Demon King's Power's essence to turn into weapons and the absurdities surrounding these weapons.

"Demon Kings can steal the Demon King's Power's essence to turn it into tools? Way to go, Demon Kings."

In the Rhine Kingdom's capital, a blonde girl revealed an excited expression when she read the report she had just received. However, when she read the last part of the document, her expression instantly twisted as she exclaimed:

"What?! Demon Kings will turn the Demon King's Power's essence into tools such as anal beads and stuff them into their bodies to gain additional abilities during battle? Which retard wrote this?!"

Even though the blonde girl came from the Rhine Kingdom, a human kingdom that was supposed to hold a hostile stance against the Demon King, she still couldn't help but get angry when reading the blatantly slanderous report on Demon Kings.

"What? This information came from the Gryffin Kingdom? And it even came directly from the Hero?"

After angrily throwing the report on the floor, the blonde girl quickly went on her computer and contacted her family. However, when she questioned the report's origins, the answer she got was that this report came directly from the current Hero.

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Although the blonde girl liked the cool and prideful feeling Demon Kings radiated, she didn't harbor any ill will toward Heroes who protected the human realm. She also knew that the people chosen by God to become Heroes all possessed pristine souls and would not casually tell lies. So, she knew there was a high chance that this new information on Demon Kings was true.

Even so, the blonde girl found it truly hard to accept that the Demon Kings she admired would do such a nasty thing.

While the blonde girl was having a headache, the phone on her desk suddenly rang. Seeing an opportunity to distract her agonizing mind, the girl quickly grabbed her phone, answered the call, and put her phone to her ear.

"Hello? You've finished forging the Royal Magic Tower's student identification? Good. Pass it to me at the usual place."

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