The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 289: Dispersing the Bystanders

Chapter 289: Dispersing the Bystanders

Under Luna's control, the cloaked "Demon King" walked out of the grove and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The fight between the Demon King and Hero outside the Elven Forest had long since been spread across the internet. By now, almost every demon in the demon realm had watched the videos of the fight and saw the Demon King's attire at the time. So, now that someone wearing the same cloak as the Demon King had appeared in the park, it was only natural that they would turn to look at this person, curious to learn what this person was trying to do.

However, nobodoy regarded this cloaked "Demon King" as the Demon King who had appeared outside the Elven Forest. This was because ever since videos of the fight went online, cloaks of similar design had become incredibly popular in the demon realm. Many people had bought these cloaks and walked around in public cosplaying as the Demon King.

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In addition, this cloaked "Demon King" had covered her entire face with the cloak's hood. So, everyone simply thought that this was another cosplayer cosplaying as the Demon King.

Of course, Alice and the girls didn't think they could fool others with appearances alone. So, at Alice's signal, Luna manipulated the doll and used it as a medium to cast another tabooDragon's Shadow.

Immediately, pitch-black mana gushed out from the doll's cloak. Then, under the watchful eyes of the park's bystanders, the black mana transformed into a black dragon with a jagged exterior. At the same time, a terrifying aura spread from the black dragon, instantly causing the chirping birds in the park to fall silent, none daring to make even a squeak.

Although the general public knew about the existence of taboo-level spells, the extent of their knowledge of taboos was only limited to the taboos whose operating principles were applied to household appliances. For example, the stove was an invention based on the principle of "Burning Star." Most people had never actually seen a taboo-level spell in person.

Meanwhile, the taboo used to create the black dragon was something everyone in the park recognized almost instantly. This was because the Demon King had previously used this taboo in her fight with the Hero outside the Elven Forest. People on the internet had also quickly identified the taboo and its details, so many people knew that Dragon's Shadow was a taboo that could create a perfect replica of a dragon.

Humans and demons shared a similarity in that most of them rarely had any opportunities to meet with people of other races. It was especially so for dragons, who would rarely ever leave the Dragon Mountain Range. Hence, after learning about Dragon's Shadow, many netizens in the demon realm voiced their hopes and desire to see the Demon King cast this taboo in person at least once in their lives.

However, when the bystanders in the park experienced the black dragon's presence, they realized that a dragon's aura truly wasn't something the average person could withstand. Just standing in this black dragon's presence had nearly caused their hearts to stop beating and their blood flow to slow down.

Emotions of fear and panic instantly spread in everyone's hearts. At this time, they finally understood how silly the keyboard warriors on the internet were to ridicule the elves for behaving so timidly in front of the Demon King and Hero. While standing in the black dragon's presence, even standing straight had become a luxury for them. The fact that the elven and demon soldiers could still move normally and take up a defensive formation while subjected to such an overwhelming presence was already an incredible feat.

The black dragon flapped its massive wings and slowly landed in the park. Although the dragon had tried to control the speed and force of its landing with its wings, the moment its huge feet made contact with the ground, everyone in the park could still feel the ground beneath them shaking for a moment.

Meanwhile, this vibration was seemingly the last straw that broke the camel's back, causing everyone's fear and panic to reach a tipping point as they promptly turned around and fled. Even those who had thought of getting a closer look at the Demon King and her Dragon's Shadow had changed their minds and ran away.

It wasn't that they loathed the Demon King. After all, the Demon King was their only hope of conquering the human realm. However, the problem was that the Demon King was clearly in a bad mood right now. This was evidenced by the malice overflowing from the black dragon's eyes as it scanned the park after landing on the ground.

When subjected to this malicious gaze, even a fool would realize that the Demon King was most likely trying to eliminate someone or something in the park. Hence, the Demon King had cast a taboo as soon as she appeared. The fact that the Demon King didn't start attacking her target right away to give them time to flee the area was already enough mercy shown on her part.

When Alice saw the people in the park starting to flee, she naturally turned around and pretended to flee as well. Then, she pretended to trip in a panic and fall head first into the fountain.

Meanwhile, Luna and Little Death did not follow Alice into the fountain since neither of them could offer any substantial help in solving the Demon King's Protection. So, it was enough for Alice alone to enter the water. Moreover, Alice didn't have Luna use Dragon's Shadow simply to scare away the bystanders and create an opportunity for her to jump into the water.

Although unlikely, weapons made using the Demon King's Power's presence might leave some traces when drawn. If someone came to inspect the fountain afterward, they might notice these traces. So, Alice decided to have Luna erase the fountain entirely after she had drawn the dagger, eliminating the possibility of anyone finding any traces completely.

"You really know how to take your sweet time," Andusia complained when she saw Alice finally jumping into the fountain. "I can feel that my body has more than doubled in weight already."

"Sorry, sorry. I needed to come up with a suitable reason," Alice said with an embarrassed smile. Although she had hardly ever gone diving before she transmigrated, she had the help of mana in this world. So, she could breathe and normally see even underwater.

After swimming to Andusia's location, Alice looked at the hilt at the bottom of the fountain and nodded her head. Now that she was this close to the weapon, she could feel that there was indeed a large amount of dark mana within it. Although she didn't know how this dagger had ended up stuck here, she didn't care about its origins so long as she could acquire it.

Under Andusia's gaze, Alice extended her right hand and took hold of the exposed hilt.

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