The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 8: Office payment?

Chapter 8: Office payment?

Chapter 8 Is there something weird in the office?

Early the next morning, Shen Ge got up two hours early according to the exercise plan he made yesterday. After breakfast, he jogged all the way from the community to his company in Dongcheng District.

It is said to be a trot, but in fact it is running with stops, and most of the time it is walking. But there's nothing you can do about it, after all, long-term lack of exercise cannot be changed by getting up early.

After learning through the system that something strange will appear in this world, Shen Ges mind is now filled with the system and strange things.

Yesterdays harvest was pretty good, especially the special weapon I drew. The only regret is that I cant take it with me.

Tsk, this is a **** system, it doesnt even give you a portable space! Shen Ge complained and already ran to the company building.

The host never forgets his original intention in a world full of weirdness, insists on getting up early to exercise, and even breaks into the seventh-level weird and polluted area alone. The host is rewarded with system points x50, agility +1%, and physical fitness +3%.

"Sure enough, as the system said, you can improve your attributes through exercise before they reach the standard value for a normal person." Shen Ge glanced at his attribute panel. At this rate, he can get close to the standard value for a normal person as long as he persists for half a month. .

Shen Ge arrived at the company nearly a quarter of an hour earlier than usual today. There was no one in the company yet, only the receptionist and a few "model workers" arrived.

Brother Shen, is it so early today? Seeing Shen Ge entering the company, the girl at the front desk greeted him with a smile.

Shen Ge said: "Good morning."

Have you had breakfast? I have plenty of bread and milk here. The girl at the front desk said and took out a box of milk and sliced bread.

Ive eaten, thank you. Shen Ge said as he walked into the office area and greeted several model workers who were already working at the work station.

As soon as he sat down at his desk, he saw the door of the general manager's office not far away opened, and a woman in professional ol' attire, wearing silver metal-framed glasses, and her hair **** came out: "Chen Ge, come to the office. New modification requirements came from yesterdays plan.

The womans name is Cheng Shengnan. She is 26 years old. She is said to be a genius. She skipped several grades in school and graduated from college at the age of 18.

He did not choose to continue his studies, but went directly into the design field. He broke his reputation in just three years. He is now the head of Rongshi, a company of Shen Ge.

Shen Ge's impression of her, apart from "a real strong woman" and "workaholic", only left her with "good looks" and "nice legs".

I dont know if its because of the Shengnan in his name. Cheng Shengnan is a little resistant to men and deliberately keeps a distance. His requirements for the companys male employees are almost extremely demanding.

Because of this, Shen Ge had **** with her several times. Fortunately, Shen Ge's skills were strong enough, and he won every time, which made the other party's temper calm down.

The two design plans currently in Shen Ges hands require Cheng Shengnans final decision, so the two have had more opportunities to communicate recently.

When Shen Ge walked into the office, Cheng Shengnan had already sat back in front of the computer. While operating the computer, he was scribbling and drawing on the file book.

Sit down. In front of you is the latest revision plan from Boss Chen. He said he talked to you yesterday and you also went to the site. Tell me what you think.

Although Shen Ge quarreled with Cheng Shengnan several times, he knew that this woman only had work in her eyes and would not hold grudges against "conflicts" that occurred at work, so they got along well with her later on.

"I went to see it yesterday. As for the can meet his requirements, but the follow-up construction is a bit troublesome. After all, the second floor has already been started." Shen Ge replied truthfully.

Cheng Shengnan pushed up his glasses, looked at Shen Ge and said, "This is not a problem. I will ask someone to recalculate the budget later. Boss Chen is generous and engineering problems can be solved with money. He said that after you finish changing the plan, he will give it to you in the original plan." Based on the basics, I will add 5 points to you. Congratulations, you can rest for at least a few months after completing this order."

Shen Ge raised his eyebrows: "So the company can send me less orders in the next few months?"

Cheng Shengnan paused, seemed to be thinking about it seriously, and finally shook his head: "It's unlikely. After all, there are many old customers who have designated you to be responsible." "..." Then give me a hammer.

Shen Ge was about to go out with the new modification plan when Cheng Shengnan suddenly stopped him and said, "Oh, by the way, can I trouble you? My secretary hasn't gone to work yet. When you go out, ask the front desk to call the maintenance department. Lets just say that the bathroom on our floor has a very bad smell.

"Okay." Shen Ge responded. After returning to the office area and putting down the folder, he went to the front desk to talk about the matter.

The girl at the front desk checked the number of the maintenance department, and while dialing, she complained to Shen Ge: "Did Mr. Cheng smell it too? When I went to the bathroom in the morning, I felt something was wrong. There was an inexplicable rancid smell in the women's bathroom. The smell is obviously very strong, I can smell it even standing at the door, but Lao Zhang said it has no smell."

Rancid smell?

"Yes, it smells like meat that has gone bad after being left for a long time. I thought it was a dead rat, so I bravely went in and looked around, but found nothing."

Heh, you are so brave to dare to go in even though you know there are rats. Shen Ge joked. He remembered that the girl at the front desk had said before that the thing he was most afraid of was rats.

The girl at the front desk smiled bitterly and said: "There is no way, people have three urgent needs."

Shen Ge chatted with the girl at the front desk for a few more words. It seemed that every sentence was a casual joke, but in fact they were all asking about the rancid smell in the women's toilet.

Had he been there before yesterday, he might have thought like the girl at the front desk, thinking that there was a dead rat hiding and rotting in a corner of the women's toilet.

But after being exposed to the system and weirdness, it was difficult for Shen Ge not to think about these bizarre events in a "weird" direction.

Shen Ge walked outside the restroom. The doors of the men's and women's restrooms were opposite. The girl at the front desk said that she could smell it even when she stood at the door.

Shen Ge stood in the middle of the two doors, took out his mobile phone and pretended to read the message. At the same time, he smelled the smell carefully, but didn't smell anything.

Xiao He said there was a smell at the door, but Lao Zhang couldnt smell it. Shen Ge stared at the phone screen and thought for a while. Lao Zhang and he had only one thing in common...

They are all men.

I cant smell it, and neither can Lao Zhang.

Could it be that only women can smell it?

Shen Ge put his cell phone back in his pocket, and then "accidentally" dropped the employee ID card in his pocket, and "just happened to" drop it at the door of the women's toilet.

Shen Ge reached out to pick up his employee ID card. At this time, the door of the women's restroom opened, and Xiaoli, the company's salesperson, came out.

Brother Shen?

Shen Ge picked up the employee ID card with a normal expression, took it to the sink and rinsed it with water. At the same time, he turned to Xiaoli and asked, "You look so bad, are you feeling unwell?"

Xiaoli said: "The toilet smells so bad. I wonder if there are dead rats. You can smell it even standing at the door. Brother Shen, don't you smell it?"

Shen Ge smiled: "I have a cold and stuffy nose, so it seems like a blessing in disguise."

"Oh. It's too smelly. I can't stand it. I'll go over there first." After Xiaoli finished speaking, she ran back to the office as if to escape.

Shen Ge looked at the door of the women's restroom and frowned. He was sure that there was a high probability of something strange inside, but... why didn't the system give an early warning?

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