The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 77: Future "Characteristic: Immobile"

Chapter 77: Future "Characteristic: Immobile"

Chapter 77 "Characteristics of the future: Immovable"

The old ministers face turned dark. He slammed the table angrily and shouted coldly: Shut up!

Deng Yuqi didn't buy it at all, and directly pushed back: "What are you talking about? Am I wrong? Are you really blind or are you pretending to be blind? There are more than 60 people in the Yuzhou branch, plus 13 foreign mercenaries with advanced equipment. , a total of eighty people lost contact after entering the strange space, and you still asked our Southwest Division Three to organize a team to go there? If you want us to die, just drag us and shoot them, why do you need to do so many things?"

In addition, the ministers of the Second Southwest Department saw that Deng Yuqi was so tough and wanted to say something in agreement, but obviously they did not have the confidence.

What's more, apart from Deng Yuqi, no one in the entire Special Policy Department dared to speak to the old minister in this tone.

The old minister had a dark face, held it in for a long time, and then said: "When did I say that you will be solely responsible for this matter? Didn't I say that the headquarters will send elite agents to assist you and cooperate with you to solve this fourth-level strange incident?" Incident? If you have any requirements, you can mention them, and the headquarters will definitely provide support if they can meet them!"

Oh, lets get ten or eight pieces of treacherous equipment first to support us! Deng Yuqi opened his mouth with an expressionless expression and directly shouted out the price of ten pieces of treacherous equipment.


The old minister slammed the table, and this time he was really angry: "How many pieces of treacherous equipment in the country are there in total? Is it enough for you?"

Oh, thats enough. When will you pick up the goods? If you really give me ten pieces of magic equipment, I will personally go to Dongyu Street to solve the problem for you. Deng Yuqi replied domineeringly.

You! You! The old minister was so angry that he could not speak.

At this time, people from other branches began to criticize Deng Yuqi, saying that even if she was arrogant and had no concept of superiors and subordinates, she should still have the traditional virtues of respecting elders in our country.

Deng Yuqi snorted coldly and said sarcastically: "When I asked who would be willing to take the lead in handling this matter, all of them acted like mutes. I didn't expect that they would be able to speak now. If you want to talk to me about traditional virtues, besides respecting the elderly, , should you also show your love for children? Our Rong City branch has just been established a few years ago, and it is ranked last among the departments in terms of strength. At this time, should you seniors take the lead?"

As soon as Deng Yuqi said these words, the "old seniors" who had just scolded her all shut up immediately. No one wanted to talk and be dragged to deal with the strange incident at level 4.

A bunch of trash. Deng Yuqi snorted coldly and sat down.

The headquarters wanted to hand over the Level 4 strange incident to the Southwest Division 3 to handle it, but the Division 3 refused to accept the call. The other branches were worried that if they went to support, they would not be able to deal with the strange incident that happened in their own territory. This meeting It is destined to be inconclusive.

Finally, the old minister slapped the table and said that he would let the elite agents from the headquarters go to Yuzhou to handle the matter with the special equipment.

The video conference ended, and the conference room was completely silent. Everyone could feel that Deng Yuqi's anger had not yet finished, and no one wanted to get burned.

After a few minutes of silence, Deng Yuqi said: "From the Operations Department, draw up an investigation plan for me. The team will be closed down. You and Huo Yu will lead the team to conduct investigation near Dongyu Street. Investigation can only be done outside the warning area. I want Investigate clearly the spread speed, scope, direction, etc. of the mysterious space as quickly as possible."

Yes! Feng Chengxiu immediately stood up and responded.

Deng Yuqi said again: "Xiao Zhang, contact Lin Yin. If there is no progress in the mission over there, interrupt the mission and return to the ministry to stand by."


"Wait, forget it, we won't recall Lin Yin for the time being." Deng Yuqi thought for a while, and finally stopped Xiao Zhang, then looked at everyone and said: "The ministry is on a first-level combat alert, and the rest of the team will be closed to lead the team to Chongqing." After the state, you and Section Chief Chen stay at the headquarters and pay attention to the strange events in Rong City."

Section Chief Chen frowned when he heard this: "You want to go to Yuzhou in person?"

"Lin Yin's mission cannot be compromised. Letting her come back means that the deployment of the past two years has been in vain. Although I am a minister, I am also an elite agent and have the authority to deal with strange incidents." Deng Yuqi replied.

"You are the branch director of Rong City. If you do something like this, you still think that there is no one in our Rong City branch! No, absolutely not!" Section Chief Chen said, looking at Shen Ge aside, and this guy He leaned his head on the conference table with one hand, and put the eggshell he had just peeled off with the other hand into a smiling face.

Perhaps feeling everyone's gaze, Shen Ge raised his head and said calmly: "Well, it all depends on what I do. I am just a newcomer. Such a big event that can easily wipe out a city will never be the turn of a newcomer like me. Come on, okay? According to me, Minister, dont give yourself a chicken blood injection. Unless you are prepared to take on this matter bravely, otherwise you will be sending agents from the headquarters to serve as subordinates. "

"As far as I know, it has been five years since the last level 4 weird incident, right? At that time, the Rong City branch had not been established, and the number of weird incidents in various places was not as high as it is now. But it turns out that the high frequency of weird incidents did not make these People attach great importance to weird events, but they get carried away by the victories of low-level weird things again and again, and they actually think that with the people and equipment of the Southwest Division Three, they can casually handle a fourth-level weird event."

Oh, its really not worth the eighty or so lives that we lost contact with.

Shen Ge smiled sarcastically and added: "If they really take this incident seriously and directly decide to integrate the elite agents and weird equipment from all branches across the country, and take it as seriously as they did the first weird incident, they won't Save a few more lives."

"In the end, this matter will still fall on the heads of our Southwest Division Three. But let me put it here first. If you want us to take action, you can. The list of treacherous equipment listed above supports at least 3 pieces of treacherous equipment. , and the right to dispose of the strange corpse afterwards.

Section Chief Chen said in a deep voice: "Xiao Shen, you can't say that. After all, this is a strange incident that happened in China. The branch chief over there is not a human being and ignores the safety of the people, but we can't. Since we have become an elite agent, You have to have the consciousness of an elite agent. At times like this, you can only rely on us!"

"No problem, I didn't say not to go, but you have to give me support, right? The Yuzhou branch was established together with our branch. They have more treacherous equipment than us. What now? Two elite agents are alive and dead. Uncertain...I want people to take responsibility, but I don't want to use anything to support it. How can there be such a good thing in this world!" Shen Ge said.

"This..." Section Chief Chen also wanted to try to persuade Shen Ge, but was stopped by Deng Yuqi.

Shen Ge was recruited into the ministry by Deng Yuqi. She was very clear about Shen Ge's character. It would be too early to say that he was unprofitable, but if you want him to do something, you must first reach an agreement with his ideas.

This incident is obviously because the old guys at the headquarters made a wrong judgment. They wanted to perfectly solve this strange incident, but also wanted to retain their strength to deal with the intervention of the beautiful country.

However, unfortunately, there is no such thing as "perfection" when it comes to weird things.

Deng Yuqi is also very dissatisfied with the decision-making above, but when it comes to zz, her branch director in a "remote area" does not have decision-making power.

Anyway, as Shen Ge said, the higher-ups actively responded to this matter, and the Rong City branch fully cooperated with it. If the higher-ups wanted to leave this matter to the Rong City branch while leaving some room for action, no wonder they treated it passively.

This meeting can be said to have ended on bad terms. Shen Ge didn't have any special feelings. He had enough to eat and drink, unlike others who came to the meeting hungry.

Wang Han and Ma Chao caught up with Shen Ge who left and went to the war department with him.

I thought you would take the initiative to take this job, and then take the opportunity to knock over some strange equipment from the headquarters. Then show off your skills and become famous in one fell swoop! Wang Han said to Shen Ge.

Shen Ge glanced at him sideways and said, "You are so smooth-talking, do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

Ma Chaoze on the side said: "Ha, that means you don't understand Lao Shen. Although we have only known each other for less than a month, I can see that Lao Shen has a sense of justice, but not much. I think he didn't do what he did last time. Speaking of the good, he is going to save some people who should not be saved, so why not save your life and save more people who should be saved? " , when people are in danger, they should rush to the front and never give up any life!" Wang Han said righteously.

"I didn't think there was any difference before, but after experiencing the last incident...I think there is still some difference." Ma Chao said.

If Section Chief Chen hears what you said, be careful of being punished!

Tch, what are you afraid of? Im not under Section Chief Chens control!



Wang Hanma was talking to you and me, and they were arguing about this strange incident. Shen Ge didn't say anything and watched the two people arguing silently.

After returning to the Operations Department, Feng Chengxiu led a team of people and a sniper team to prepare for Yuzhou. Together with the Technology Department and the Logistics Department, most of the people were reduced, and the Special Strategy Department instantly became deserted.

Shen Ge originally thought that Section Chief Chen would put pressure on him and ask him to go to Yuzhou with Deng Yuqi to deal with this strange incident.

Unexpectedly, Deng Yuqi just asked him to train well in the ministry, and then took the ministry's special plane to Yuzhou for on-site survey.

I dont know what Deng Yuqi and Section Chief Chen talked about. Section Chief Chen only guided Shen Ge in special training all day long and didnt mention a word about this strange incident.

After completing a day of training, Shen Ge returned home, eating instant noodles and browsing the web to see if there was any news from Yuzhou.

However, there is no incident related to the Level 4 strange incident on the Internet, and there is even very little news near Dongyu Street.

The only news is that the gas pipeline in the old Dongyu Street is being renovated, and surrounding routes need to be rerouted.

Sure enough, in this world you only know the things you are told to know, and you cannot find even a single clue about the things you are not told to know.


Congratulations to the host for surviving another day in a world full of weirdness. The reward is 1% of freely distributed points and 10 system points.

In a blink of an eye, it was early morning again, and Shen Ge found that since the system updated the log in the early morning every day, the habit of sleeping until early in the morning could not be changed.

Shen Ge is used to focusing on mental strength after reaching 10 free points, but he has accumulated 761 system points. He originally planned to accumulate enough for ten draws in a row.

But now that there is a level 4 strange event in Yuzhou, there is a high probability that he will go to the battlefield.

No one knows what will happen after being trapped in Dongyu Street. It is also unknown whether the ability of the "invisible realm" can be used to cause a collapse.

Save some system points in your hand. If you are trapped in a strange space, you can system the lottery probability and you will not run out of water or food.

In fact, due to the four-year time difference between the system and the system, the rewards drawn by the system now seem to be garbage, but whether it is water, food or equipment, it is not "garbage" in the end of the world when resources are scarce!

The most scarce thing in the last days is food and resources, which is equivalent to carrying a resource bank on your back, not to mention being able to extract special equipment and devour weirdness, and use weird specialties and abilities that humans cannot integrate for your own use.

Of course, having said that, the system thief should still be scolded. After all, if he continues like this, Shen Ge will be able to open an instant noodle factory.

In the middle of the night on February 8, 2028, the enemy organization sent people to launch a rescue operation for the woman. During the process, they tried to contact many high-level and captain-level soldiers of the Special Strategy Department, including you. According to the plan formulated by the Special Strategy Department, you reached an agreement with the hostile organization on the condition of a piece of special equipment.

Members of this organization have agreed with you that tomorrow night, you will be rewarded with a pair of sneaky shoes that "do not move", allowing you to work together to rescue the woman. As long as you put on these sneakers and step on the target's shadow, the target will be temporarily immobile.

You agreed.

"Huh? Fudo is actually in the hands of Sakura Country?" Shen Ge was a little surprised when he saw this. He originally thought that even if his future self failed to activate the system in this timeline and could not detect Fudo's existence, in the end it would be Rong City's people who The special strategy department can't take it down, but they don't want to...

Was this acquired by the Sakura Country organization that had infiltrated long ago, or did it fall into their hands later?

Its a pity that this is just a [log] and there is no way to communicate. Otherwise, if we have a time-travel contact and contact with our future self, wouldnt we be able to trace the mystery in another life?

Let me ask again how the strange incident in Yuzhou will be handled in the future, or will it be the failure to handle it in the end, which will lead to the fall of Yuzhou and the end of the great dynasty step by step?

Hey, can you open a membership on-demand account and read tomorrows diary in advance? Shen Ge complained, turned off the computer and went to sleep.

At noon the next day, Shen Ge, who was undergoing special training in hell, was called to the Information Department by Section Chief Chen. Deng Yuqi, who was traveling to Yuzhou, sent back the news.

The impact of the Dongyu Street treacherous energy incident is much more serious than imagined. It is equivalent to the entire south of Yuzhou being blocked by the treacherous space, and the two lines leading to Sichuan and Shu are deeply affected.

Secondly, the mysterious space is still spreading, and the speed is not slow. In the few hours since Deng Yuqi went there, the area has spread by nearly ten meters.

And the signal blocking capability of this treacherous space is extremely strong. No matter how high-end the technology is, or even the use of satellites, the connection will be lost as long as it enters the treacherous space.

Since the outbreak of this strange incident, no matter whether it is a living body or a drone, nothing can enter or exit, without any exception.

Except for Deng Yuqi, the three Southwest Ministries sent agents and soldiers there, and no one wanted to get involved in the matter at the meeting. However, after all, this happened "next door", and everyone understood the meaning of death.

Scussing and scolding, it still needs to be dealt with.

Deng Yuqi asked about the situation in Rong City and then cut off contact. Section Chief Chen stopped Shen Ge and opened his mouth. In the end, without saying a word, he waved his hand and asked him to leave.

Shen Ge didn't care either, because the problem this time was far from as simple as it seemed.

Thanks to "Returning to the Dust Immortal", "Poet Lele", "Yebantancai", "Yushu Measuring the Sky", "Book Friends 2022***1887", "Strange Bailan", "Yuequya", "Retired" "Magic Apprentice" reward!

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