The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 75: Hell training

Chapter 75: Hell training

Chapter 75 Hell Training


Shen Ge was helped to the canteen by Wang Han and Ma Chao. He couldn't even hold the chopsticks steady. For the first time, he experienced the joy of eating the plate directly with his face.

The level of tragedy was far greater than when he first joined the ministry.

At that time, it was because I had not exercised for many years, and suddenly a high-intensity exercise caused my body to lose strength. But now I have been training continuously for half a month, and I can do worse than before, which shows that the training intensity is high.

The point is that before leaving, Section Chief Chen still looked unfinished. He felt that Shen Ge should still have the strength to run ten or eight laps, regardless of the fact that he was already paralyzed on the ground.

Wang Han was eating and looked at Shen Ge who was washing the dishes with interest, and said with a smile: "Old Shen, you are pretty good. They said that Section Chief Chen brought out Fengjiao back then. At that time, For dinner, I would just lie down on the bed and eat steamed buns. If I got a little annoyed, I would just put in an IV."

Do you know how the title of the Confessed Devil Muscular Man came from? He was trained by Chief Chen! Ma Chao had not experienced the era of Chief Chen, but he had also heard the rumors from that year.

Devil. Shen Gesheng said helplessly.

I will definitely not be able to go back home today. After dinner, Wang Han and Ma Chao helped Shen Ge back to the dormitory.

Thinking of days like this from now on, Shen Ge didn't even want to move a finger, so he just lay on the bed and fell asleep.


Congratulations to the host for surviving another day in a world full of weirdness. The reward is 1% of freely distributed points and 10 system points.

Unknowingly, it was past midnight. Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Shen Ge sat up and started catching up on the new day.

On January 22, 2028, after the organization was absorbed by the Special Strategy Department, everything from daily routine to training needs to be changed in accordance with the regulations of the Special Strategy Department. Previous resource allocation, outing exploration, resource collection and other tasks have also been suspended pending the introduction of new regulations. However, when you are promoted to the action captain when organizing, you can form your own exploration team, and the leader will also report your information as the captain.

After the organization was merged into the Special Policy Department, you became a captain.

team leader?

"What's the difference between the captains of the Special Strategy Department?" Shen Ge thought that there were only two action teams in the Special Strategy Department now, one was Team 1 led by Feng Chengxiu, and the other was Team 2 led by Yu Tiexiong.

Feng Chengxiu and Yu Tiexiong are both instructors and captains of the first and second teams respectively. Apart from having more work, there seems to be nothing special about them?

Shen Ge was too tired to think about it, and fell into a deep sleep on the pillow, as if waking up early in the morning to catch up on the clock was just a bedtime habit.

The next day, Section Chief Chen was waiting at the war department early in the morning. As soon as Shen Ge left, he started special training in hell, which made Wang Han, Ma Chao and others feel chills on their backs.

They used to call Feng Chengxiu a devilish muscleman behind his back, saying that his training tortured people to the point of death, but compared with Chief Chen, it was nothing.

In this way, Shen Ge began to practice the "military life" of the special policy department during the day and catch up on sleep at night. In just half a month, various attributes improved a lot.

The only regret is that I couldnt find the level 3 weirdness in the first week. That was Shen Ges first mission failure. There was no survival reward for a week, and the new weekly mission did not appear until a week later.

Except for the 7% free points, which is a pity, the system points are nothing.


Rating: Level 1

Basic attributes: (The basic value of a normal adult male is 100%)

Power 127%;

Agility 117%;

Physique 121%;

Spirit 220%


"Do not move"



Invisible Realm (Type I) [Equipment]:

Pig-killing knife (Characteristic: not bad)

Black gloves (Characteristic: Hold on)


System Points751

Free distribution of points: 6

Shen Ge in reality is suffering from "hell training", and Shen Ge in the future will also have a hard time. After the organization was absorbed by the Special Strategy Department, it was converted into a regular army, and the standards in all aspects were also in accordance with the Special Strategy Department.

Anyway, judging from the information fed back in the [Log], Shen Ge in the future is also training day and night under the guidance of the instructor.

Because the future special policy department found out about the organization behind the captured woman and was already working on rescuing her, and that time was the best opportunity for Future Shen Ge to break into the enemy.

In the future, Shen Ge, as the most critical link, is required to increase combat effectiveness in a short period of time, at least to the level of an elite agent.

Well, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future. Is this a special policy department or a rectification department?

On February 7, there was a loud banging on the dormitory door early in the morning.




Yesterday, it was a rare break for the department. Feng Chengxiu took people from Team 1 to drink together. Even Section Chief Chen was taken to drink several large bowls.

Shen Ge was still hungover. It seemed that not long after he fell asleep, he was woken up by a rapid knock on the door. He took out his cell phone from under the pillow and looked at it. 05:21.

Who is it, so early? Shen Ge opened the door sleepily, only to see Wang Han and Ma Chao standing at the door, fully armed.

Isnt it a day off today? Shen Ge suddenly had a headache.

Wang Handao: "Shen Ge, something happened in Yuzhou. The headquarters held an emergency meeting at 6 o'clock and required all elite agents to attend. The minister asked us to wake you up."

Yuzhou? What happened? Shen Ge asked.

Wang Handao: "I don't know the details. I heard that Yuzhou...concealed a strange incident. As a result, the matter became more and more troublesome. Now it has evolved into a level 4 strange incident. It can't be suppressed!"

Oh, I couldnt hold it any longer and asked the headquarters for help? Shen Ge asked.

"I guess you won't know the details until you attend the meeting," Wang Han said.

Okay, wait for me. Shen Ge nodded, went back to the house, put on his training clothes, and followed Wang Han and Ma Chao to the combat department.

In the War Department, Feng Chengxiu and others were all waiting in full gear. After Huo Yu and other cadres arrived one after another, Section Chief Chen asked Shen Ge and others to go to the video conference room with him.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Deng Yuqi holding the phone and getting angry.

"They don't want it either? They don't want to be able to create such a big trap? What have you been doing? Now that you know you are afraid, please ask for support? Whoever wants to support can go. Don't ask me for help. If I don't have anyone, I want you to kill me. Take your life! This bunch of **** have lost their disgrace and have been sent abroad!"

"Don't pressure me with the old guy. If I had listened to the old guy, I wouldn't have come to Rong City! Not to mention a family, why didn't you think about the family when you were able to equip the equipment? Now that something happened, you know the family? "

Deng Yuqi was typing on the phone in the office. Section Chief Chen and others outside looked embarrassed. It didnt matter whether they were entering or not.


Deng Yuqi smashed the phone, looked at the door and shouted: "Everyone, come in!"

Cough. Section Chief Chen coughed awkwardly, opened the door and entered the office first, and the others quickly followed behind.

This was the first time that Shen Ge saw all the officials from the Rong City branch gathered together. Except for Section Chief Chen, Feng Chengxiu, Xiao Zhang and others who they often met, almost half of them could not be named.

You must have heard before coming here that a level 4 strange incident occurred in Yuzhou... This is an image sent from the headquarters. I will tell you the specific situation after seeing it!

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