The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 72: Could uncanny be the manifestation of fear?

Chapter 72: Could uncanny be the manifestation of fear?

Chapter 72 Is uncanny the manifestation of fear?

The main reason why weirdness can turn into disaster is its various weird and changeable abilities, as well as the characteristic of being difficult to kill.

But Shen Ge can see the weirdness in the process of alienation, which means that the Special Policy Department can contain such weirdness in advance.

Whether it is to prevent the alienation from causing disasters, or to keep it in captivity to wait for alienation, and then use it to make strange equipment to deal with other strange things, it is a great breakthrough in the evil action!

Of course, his own strength may not be enough to face the alienation of the whole world, but by arming the Rong City Special Policy Department in this way, the Great Celestial Empire's counterattack power can far exceed that of other countries.

Whether to sell the level 1 weird corpse, price: 200 system points.

200 system points, 2 draws.

Equivalent to approximately two boxes of instant noodles.

The lottery issue can be put on hold for the time being. In contrast, Shen Ge wants to test whether Li Xiang has the ability to develop new treacherous equipment.

Also, in exchange for the right to use the fourth-level strange "Never Forget" in the Special Strategy Department.

Shen Ge thought for a moment and did not choose to sell it. Instead, he took out a plastic bag from his shoulder bag, put the body of the mutated black dog in it, and said, "Have a good rest after you go back. If you keep this up, you won't need to put on makeup when you go out on Halloween."

"Brother Shen, was Xiao Heitan... killed by those naughty children?" Xiao He hesitated to speak.

Shen Ge said: "It's very possible. According to a researcher from the Special Policy Department, weird energy can infinitely amplify negative emotions. Generally, weird people start to alienate before death. Although Xiao Heitan was brutally killed by a naughty child, it seems that he is still alive. Remember that you are kind to it, so the speed of alienation is not fast."

"...At that time I was thinking that I would get off work very late every day and have no time to take care of it. If...if I took it back, maybe, maybe not..." Xiao He bit his lip, tears already filling his eyes.

Cheng Shengnan hugged Xiao He and whispered a few words of comfort.

Shen Ge said: "Will you stay with her? I'll take this back to the ministry first. It's still alienating. If it's not dealt with, it will cause another strange incident."

Okay, lets get busy. Cheng Shengnan nodded.

Shen Ge came out of the community and took a taxi back to the special policy department.

It was almost ten o'clock, and the lights in the minister's office were still on. Shen Ge went directly to the minister's office and knocked on the door.



Deng Yuqi looked up and saw Shen Ge pushing open the door and asked curiously: "Isn't it a day off today? You, a person who wants to have seven days off a week, actually show up in the ministry?"

Oh, Im delivering food... Lets see what good things I brought. Shen Ge raised the plastic bag in his hand that had begun to emit black smoke. Deng Yuqis face turned dark when she saw this.


Its fresh and still metamorphosing. Shen Ge approached Deng Yuqi, opened the plastic bag, and showed the strange thing inside to Deng Yuqi like a treasure.

"You! Now! Immediately! Immediately! Send this thing to the technical department for containment!" Deng Yuqi was about to run away.

Who are these people? They just run around carrying Weirdness carelessly, and they are not afraid of swallowing him up in one bite after the alienation is completed?

"Forget it, I'll go with you. Let's go!" Deng Yuqi dragged Shen Ge out and walked out. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and called the people on duty in the technical department to prepare for the reception. Just like this, one phone call after another, people who were originally on vacation were called back one after another, and they began to deal with the strange things that Shen Ge brought back.

Deng Yuqi stood next to Shen Ge, raising his hand to rub his forehead: "So... you went to visit your old colleague, and you brought back a strange one by accident?"

Shes the little girl who was trapped in a strange place with Mr. Cheng last time. Shen Ge briefly told Deng Yuqi about Xiao Hes situation.

Deng Yuqi then remembered that in addition to Cheng Shengnan, there was another victim in the incident. However, there were no special circumstances after making the record, so she didnt remember it so clearly.

Can she also see the weirdness of this alienated animal? Deng Yuqi quickly caught the key point of Shen Ges narration.

Shen Ge nodded: "So I suspect that the strange ability of alienation may be a manifestation of fear, but the puppy still thinks of Xiao He's kindness to it, which delays the process of alienation to a certain extent."

Deng Yuqi was thinking about Shen Ge's words, and Li Xiang said at the side: "He is right, it is indeed possible. In recent years, I have summarized the research reports on weirdness by researchers from various branches, and found that 'fear' is The key to inducing alienation in animals.

"There are about 103 reports stating that animals face death before alienation, and the fear hormones in their bodies increase sharply. The negative emotions of humans can be infinitely amplified by magic, and the top emotion is fear. Therefore, many people who have accepted magic can The human subjects in the experiment ended up with violent contractions of the gallbladder and bile ducts due to fear, causing a large amount of bile to enter the digestive tract, and a large amount of dark bile-like vomitus would be discharged."

"The cause of death is usually suffocation, sudden death, etc., but this is the most direct way of death, and it can also be said to be the most 'easy' way of death. What is more serious is that the body develops lesions, strange devouring the body, etc. So those human bodies experiment"

Deng Yuqi glanced at Shen Ge, who was listening to it with great interest, and quickly stopped Li Xiang: "Stop, stop, stop, I've read those reports, you don't need to say them again."

But I havent seen it. Shen Ge said.

Deng Yuqi ignored Shen Ge, looked at Li Xiang and said, "So you also think that strangeness is a manifestation of fear?"

"So far...that's it." Li Xiang nodded.

But isnt the strange truth in the water tank on the rooftop of our company hair? Shen Ge asked.

Li Xiang said: "I have analyzed the strange scenes you dealt with. Don't forget that there are many rat corpses in the hair. I suspect that it is not the hair that has been transformed, but the rats. After all, there have been no strange incidents so far. Non-animal aliens.

In fact, Shen Ge had already guessed the truth, but he only said this deliberately in order to get Li Xiang to talk more about the experiment.

Oh? What animals are there now? Shen Ge asked.

Li Xiang started to talk about the experimental reports to Shen Ge again. Deng Yuqi saw that Shen Ge was deliberately tempting Li Xiang to talk about the experiment.

But as long as the two of them didn't talk about human experiments, she didn't bother to stop them.

Soon, the shelter plan for the little black dog came out. Since it was still in the alienation stage, it was imprisoned in an underground shelter for observation.

As its trick energy has the ability to "simulate", and the trick energy illusion also has a certain attack power, Li Xiang collected several tubes of trick energy to study first.

Shen Ge followed Li Xiang into the laboratory where the canisters were stored. He picked up an A-type canister and played with it. When Li Xiang saw this, he said, "Be careful not to drop it." He ignored Shen Ge and continued to store the canisters.

At this time, Shen Ge directly picked up the canister and took a deep breath.

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