The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 66: The system is normal

Chapter 66: The system is normal

Chapter 66 The system is normal

This task is somewhat outrageous.

Shen Ge wanted to know what would happen next, but the system acted like a mess again.

However, through the diaries of the past few days, Shen Ge also collected a lot of strange information.

First of all, Weirdness above level 7 is not even useful for nuclear bombs. Weirdness can even convert nuclear energy into Weird energy, making it even more powerful.

Ordinary missiles are useless against level 6 weirdos, so the above specially developed "anti-trickster missiles". Unfortunately, when dealing with "invisible", the anti-trickster missiles also failed to work, and even caused half of Rong City to fall. .

In the future, Shen Ge's organization took advantage of this "evacuation incident" to join the officialdom and move to the Quanlong Mountain base.

Secondly, the plan of "preventing magic with magic" was proposed. In this way, Beautiful Country successfully captured a level 7 strange, becoming the first country in the world to kill a level 7 strange.

Due to the fall of Tuokou City, the Sakura Kingdom sent people to sneak into Rong City in an attempt to steal a strange sixth-level corpse stored in Rong City's base.

They do not hesitate to **** high-level strange corpses from other countries. This shows that there is still something in this plan of "using trickery to counteract trickery". It is rare that the United States can also make a contribution to the world.

In the end, the Special Strategy Department actually wanted him to use a beauty trick and follow the woman to the inside of the Sakura Country organization to counterattack.

Come on, Ive already tricked others twice. Im really stupid to be fooled by this. Shen Ge complained, got up, put on training clothes and went to the combat department.

After a week of high-intensity training, Shen Ge's attributes have improved a lot.


Rating: Level 1

Basic attributes:

Power 103%;

Agility 101%;

Physique 101%;

Spirit 200%


"Do not move"




Pig-killing knife (Characteristic: not bad)

Black gloves (Characteristic: Hold on)


System Points151

Freely allocated points: 8%

Affected by high-intensity training, the three basic attributes not only successfully reached the standard values of normal adult males, but also slightly exceeded them.

Although he is still not proficient in special fighting skills, he has made great progress in firearms. He is already very proficient in pistols and submachine guns, and it is no problem to compare with Xiao Qi.

Compared with fighting skills, Shen Ge still values firearms more.

After all, within seven steps, the gun is accurate and fast.

Xiao Shen, we have a rest tomorrow. Lets have a drink together tonight? Feng Chengxiu asked Shen Ge after packing the training equipment into boxes.

Not today, I have an appointment. Shen Ge shook his phone and walked towards the dormitory.

Cheng Shengnan sent an invitation at noon to fulfill the promise of a "thank you meal". Thinking that Feng Chengxiu would definitely have a drink at the weekend, Shen Ge agreed without hesitation.

Given the choice between drinking with a group of strong men and getting drunk, or drinking with a beautiful woman and getting drunk, Shen Ge chose the latter without hesitation.

Hey, it couldnt be the beautiful woman that you risked your life to save in the strange space that day, right? After the hero rescued the beauty, it started to develop naturally?

I think so, its good to be handsome. If you have a beautiful woman, treat me to dinner!

"It's a pity that we can only have a few big men drinking together." Several soldiers who were familiar with Shen Ge walked by and couldn't help but joke.

Dont worry, I wont go in if you are trapped. Shen Ge said with a smile.

Amidst the laughter and scoldings of "forgetting friends after seeing sex", Shen Ge returned to the dormitory and took a shower, changed his clothes and went out, taking a taxi to Tianchuan Square where he had agreed with Cheng Shengnan.

A few days ago, after Cheng Shengnan applied to the company to move the office building, he asked his assistant to find an office building near Tianchuan Theater, which is only three blocks away from the Special Policy Department.

Whether its useful or not, the closer you are to the enemy, the faster rescue will come if you really get into trouble. Cheng Shengnan even wanted to sell his house and live nearby.

Where are you? Shen Ge sent a text message after getting off the car.

The pedestrian street opposite Tianchuan Square Open-air Tea Garden. Cheng Shengnan quickly replied, and then sent him a detailed location.

Shen Ge walked through Tianchuan Square and looked for it according to the location. He happened to see Cheng Shengnan sitting on the lawn of the pedestrian street scrolling through his mobile phone.

This was the first time that Shen Ge saw Cheng Shengnan not wearing "work clothes." Even with the bare-leg artifact, her pair of beautiful legs were very eye-catching.

Shen Ge stepped forward and joked: "You didn't work overtime today. This is very wrong. Could it be that someone abused his power and ran away in advance?"

Cheng Shengnan put down her cell phone, looked up at Shen Ge, and said calmly: "Who in our company dares to be late and leave early except you?"

Isnt it thanks to a good leader who is considerate of his subordinates? Shen Ge smiled and said, By the way, what are we going to eat today?

Cheng Shengnan said: "My friend recommended a newly opened Western restaurant. I heard it tastes good and has a lot of repeat customers. You said you have no special requirements for Chinese or Western food, so I booked this restaurant."

Lets go then.

Shen Ge followed Cheng Shengnan to a magnificent Western restaurant next to Tianchuan Square. As soon as he reached the door, the waiter came up and asked politely: "Do you two have a table?"

Cheng Shengnan nodded, took out his mobile phone and opened the ordering information.

You two, please come in. The waiter guided Shen Ge and Shen Ge into the restaurant and came to a seat by the window.

The restaurant is very large and the decoration is very atmospheric. It is dinner time and it is almost full.

warn! The host is in an area where a large number of weirdos appear, and several high-level weirdos have already captured the host's location through their keen sense of smell! Host, please cherish your life and escape quickly!


The system has come to life?

After the system swallowed the invisible, no special events occurred for seven days, but other functions were normal. Shen Ge once wondered whether it took time to "digest" the invisible.

Now that the system is awake, it means that he can once again lead the branch in the street to kill the champion.

You two, please order. The waiter placed the menu in front of Shen Ge and Cheng Shengnan.

Cheng Shengnan saw Shen Ge looking around as if he was looking for something, and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Oh, the environment here is good. Shen Ge replied casually, but he also confirmed what the system said was strange.

Of course, pets are not allowed in this kind of restaurant, but there are two macaws, one blue and one red, on the shelf next to the cashier. When customers enter, the two parrots will nod and say "Welcome." Needless to say, these two must be weird.

anything else?

The system prompts a lot of weirdness, so there must be more than just these two. Since it's a restaurant, I guess there should be a lot of weird "inventory" in the kitchen.

While Shen Ge was still thinking about finding a reason to go to the back kitchen, Cheng Shengnan had already finished ordering: "That's all, give him one too."

"Thank you." Since Cheng Shengnan ordered Shen Ge, he saved the trouble and closed the menu and handed it to the waiter.

Cheng Shengnan said: "Why do you feel that you are absent-minded?"

This is it

Wait a minute. Cheng Shengnan frowned slightly and raised his hand to rub his forehead: Dont tell me that we won again.

Its not that bad. Shen Ge quickly smiled and waved his hands: Its just a suspicion.

Isnt this a lottery win?

Cheng Shengnan patted his forehead lightly and sighed: "If I had would be better to order a few takeaways and go home to eat. This is nothing."

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