The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 58: Treat you to a nice meal!

Chapter 58: Treat you to a nice meal!

Chapter 58 Treat you to a nice meal!

Small...little thing?

Cheng Shengnan's face turned pale when he saw the ball that was frozen by the frost. He wanted to ask Shen Ge, are you sure this thing is "small"?

She didnt even know how such a big thing got home with her!

At this time, Shen Ge's shadow trembled, suddenly stretched to the round sphere covered with a layer of frost, and successfully fixed it!

Once the immobility characteristic takes effect, 10%-100% of mental power will be consumed per second depending on the target's rating, number and distance.

Shen Ge currently has 180% mental power, which is decreasing at a rate of 20% per second. In other words, he only has 9 seconds!

Mr. Cheng, dont be stunned, shoot! Shen Ge couldnt move even when using the immobility feature, so he could only hand over the attack to Cheng Shengnan.

Take the girl for half a day, use the girl for a while.

Of course, Shen Ge knew that it would be more convenient for Cheng Shengnan to stay in the house and move alone, but he had to buy insurance for him.

Otherwise, if you use the immovable property to freeze the weirdness, you can only play with the weirdness and stare at it.

The reason why she chose Cheng Shengnan instead of Feng Chengxiu was that Shen Ge had been with Cheng Shengnan for several years and knew that she was not a talkative person.

Secondly, it is definitely much easier to shut up an ordinary person than to shut up the elites of the special policy department.

Hearing this, Cheng Shengnan hurriedly took out the pistol from his pocket, loaded it, and aimed, his hands trembling slightly. After forcing yourself to calm down, straighten your arms and support the gun with your greatest strength to prevent recoil.


The first shot hit the round top two inches below. It was slightly deflected and hit the scalp directly. Judging from the accuracy of the previous three shots and three misses, it was surprising enough to be able to hit with one shot this time.

The moment the bullet hit the round sphere, a ball of blue blood exploded with a "pop", splattering on the frost-covered body and slowly sliding down.

Continue! Shen Ge urged.

Perhaps because he gained confidence after the first shot hit, Cheng Shengnan no longer hesitated, aimed at the blue blood stain and kept pulling the trigger. Shen Ge didn't move to freeze the formless thing in order to avoid the "use all the agility if you're afraid of being slow" thing, causing him to disappear again after being startled.

The difficulty of being invisible is that it cannot be seen, and it is in a transparent and mysterious space. Even if you can rely on system warnings to locate the location, it will be troublesome to find it.

Lets shoot a few times first. If you can kill it, of course its best. If you cant kill it, youll get a little injured, maybe it can also limit its speed and ability.

While Cheng Shengnan quickly emptied the magazine, Shen Ge stopped using the immobility feature, picked up his submachine gun and pointed it at the invisible person.

Shen Ge's marksmanship was more accurate than Cheng Shengnan's. The flames from his submachine gun exploded into blue blood flowers on his invisible body.

However, the invisible body withstood Shen Ge's firing, lying on the ball of octopus meat and kept eating. In the few seconds it took to empty the magazine, a piece of octopus meat was already eaten!

Then, the blood-stained transparent figure slowly grew up, and was actually larger than before, with a diameter of two meters!

Growing up so fast?

Shen Ge couldn't help but think of the strange cat in the villa area. After becoming strange, its body suddenly grew to the size of an adult cheetah!

Stay back! Shen Ge changed the magazine and was about to shoot, but he saw the blood-stained ball spread out like petals. It turned out that the octopus had actually wrapped itself in its tentacles!

After the whole thing was spread out, it seemed as if the ground was covered with a thick layer of blood stains.

Suddenly, the blood stains on the ground surged like a wave. At a glance, it was clear that the octopus was attacking with its tentacles. Shen Ge pounced toward the stairwell and reached out to grab Cheng Shengnan.

Several tentacles flew over their heads. Shen Ge pulled out his saber and struck it with his backhand, directly cutting off several tentacles. There were more than eight invisible tentacles! Whats even more terrifying is that the severed tentacles regenerate at a speed visible to the naked eye. This healing speed is actually more than twice as fast as that of the sly rat!

Shen Ge was about to help Cheng Shengnan stand up when several tentacles came from beside him and wrapped around his and Cheng Shengnan's waists. They lifted them up and threw them to the ground!

When Shen Ge was lifted up, he swung the knife upward, and the severed tentacles sprayed blue blood all over his face. Fortunately, he was wearing a gas mask, so the impact was not big.

After Shen Ge landed, he quickly put one hand on the ground. After getting up, he slashed at the top of Cheng Shengnan's body with his backhand.

Although the two days of training did not improve Shen Ge's attributes much, it allowed him to learn a lot of fighting skills. Such reactions and actions were something he could not do before, at least.

After cutting off the tentacles, more tentacles rushed towards the two of them.

Shen Ge dragged Cheng Shengnan up and ran into the stairwell.

You already know the rules. Its up to you to hide in the room or keep going up the stairwell! Shen Ge pushed Cheng Shengnan towards the stairwell, turned around and ran back.

If you can't kill him with a gun, then the combination of not moving and Cheng Shengnan is useless.

Shen Ge stood at the entrance of the stairs, took out the insulation bag and poured out the octopus meat inside, then put a blasting grenade into it, wrapped it with octopus meat, and then put it with another insulation bag, but not attached Close the bag to let the octopus smell come out.

Shen Ge rushed over again. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, he first threw away the two flash bombs on his body. After they were exploded, he rushed in with the freezing device and sprayed them.

The tentacles that came over were immediately covered with a layer of frost. Shen Ge picked up his saber and slashed at them. After chopping the frozen tentacles into pieces, he took the opportunity to become invisible.

There are too many invisible tentacles. If the grenade cannot explode its body, it will be meaningless. And each type of projectile only carries two, which is Shen Ge's only chance.

The corridor was full of tentacles stained with blue blood, and they were so densely packed that they looked like they had broken into a worm's nest. It was both disgusting and terrifying.

If you have trypophobia, you may faint to death!

How to approach the invisible body?

At the moment, there is not much time for Shen Ge to think about it. The most direct and time-saving way is to use his body as bait!

Shen Ge was seen holding the insulation bag filled with octopus meat tightly to his chest, with even a few pieces leaking from the mouth of the bag. He held the saber high in his right hand.

Two seconds later, several tentacles from his feet to his chest tied him tightly and dragged him to the position of the invisible body.

When he was about to become invisible, the tentacles tried to pull the insulation bag on Shen Ge's chest. Shen Ge saw the opportunity and slashed down with his raised right hand, cutting off several tentacles that were binding him.

While the tentacles were still regenerating, Shen Ge rushed forward, pulled off the ring of the explosive grenade, stuffed the insulation bag towards the body of the invisible sphere, then turned around and ran away!

Please have a good meal!

I guess I was a little confused. Maybe I had the illusion that "you are a weird person", and you actually put food into your mouth?

But the next second, Shen Ge jumped over the tentacles on the ground and rushed back to the stairs.

There was a loud "bang" sound, blue blood and goo exploded everywhere, and the entire corridor was filled with blue blood and pieces of flesh.

Shen Ge carried the saber and came back to kill him again. Not receiving a prompt from the system meant that the invisible had not been killed, and the invisible would become bigger and stronger after eating the same kind. He did not dare to give the opponent a chance to breathe, so he was like a butcher. Generally, the freezing device is held in the left hand and the saber is held in the right hand, spraying and cutting at the same time.

The invisible round body had been blown into several pieces. Shen Ge saw them chop one by one. At this moment, the familiar sound of shattering glass sounded again!

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