The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 54: The laws of strange space

Chapter 54: The laws of strange space

Chapter 54 The Law of Strange Space

Can you hear me? Shen Ge raised his voice and shouted towards Cheng Shengnan.

Yes. Cheng Shengnan was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Obviously, even she was a little surprised. She tried to communicate with her neighbor before he fainted. She couldn't hear the sound at that time. Why could Shen Ge hear the sound when he came?

Shen Ge was not surprised. According to his guess, the strange space was constantly changing. From the sound being heard at the beginning to being blocked later on on the 21st floor, similar changes may have occurred here.

Shen Ge took a few steps forward, approached the "transparent" wall and asked, "Is this the door of your home?"

Yes. Cheng Shengnan nodded.

Shen Ge directly tried to release the "immovable" characteristic towards the door.

According to what Cheng Shengnan said, the "door" is the first place to become transparent, and Shen Ge suspected that something strange and "invisible" was attached to the door.

However, the characteristic "immovable" did not produce a response, either because the "invisible" has left, or the other party is still in motion.

At present, the latter is unlikely.

Shen Ge held the nozzle of the freezing device and began to spray the "door". Soon, the frost condensed into the outline of the "door".

Shen Ge had been "exploring the path" with the freezing device. At this time, two-thirds of the secret energy stored in the tank was consumed. He directly took out a secret energy tank and plugged it in, filling it up.

Looking at the trick energy tank again, it only consumes 27% of the trick energy. Indeed, as Deng Yuqi said, a trick energy tank can charge the freezing device several times.

After the outline of the door appeared, there was no trace of strange presence on it.

There is another possibility that the strangeness is not outside the door, but inside. Because the octopus was brought back by Cheng Shengnan, this possibility is even greater.

You retreat to the bedroom now and close the door. Shen Ge shouted to Cheng Shengnan.

Although Cheng Shengnan didn't understand what Shen Ge was going to do, she believed in Shen Ge's judgment, so she touched the wall, returned to the bedroom, and closed the door.

Since everything is "transparent", Cheng Shengnan's movements look like he is performing a pantomime, which is very weird.

Okay. Cheng Shengnan shouted to Shen Ge.

Shen Ge first dragged the unconscious bald middle-aged man to the stairs, then returned to the door, took off his socks, and tied them to the door handle near the door lock.

Then he took out the explosive grenade specially made by the Special Policy Department, pulled out the ring, put it in his sock, and immediately rushed to the corner of the stairwell.

A few seconds later


Since the entire area was made transparent, smoke and dust were thrown up when the blasting grenade exploded. From the direction and trajectory of the smoke, Shen Ge judged that the security door must have been blown open.

After all, the power of this blasting grenade is not small. I guess if this security door becomes weird, I will complain, "Mmp, it's a security door, not an explosion-proof door."


Shen Ge raised his hand to try to disperse the dust in front of his eyes. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that it felt good to have a backstage and equipment. He asked the minister to get a knife license, a gun license, a mine license, a tank driving license and so on. Even if If you extract the nuclear bomb from the system, you won't have to worry about not having a chance to use it.

If you had these equipment, there would be no need to play fire escape with Weirdness.

But unfortunately, as Deng Yuqi said, when facing the weird and their magical space capabilities, numbers and equipment are never "advantages".

For example, if the 21st floor collapsed before, if a whole team was there, only a handful of people would survive in the end, and the team might even be wiped out.

Low-level weirdness is okay, just treat it as a monster. Once you have a weird space, it is not so easy to find patterns and weaknesses. Shen Ge stood in front of the door and pulled out his saber to test. After confirming that the door lock had been blown open and the door was shaky, he kicked the door open.

Then he sprayed the freezing device against the door to make sure that the "invisible" was not inside the door, and then let Cheng Shengnan come out.

At this time, Deng Yuqi's voice sounded on the intercom: "Chen Ge, I just heard an explosion. What's the situation over there now?"

I found the 17th floor. In order to prevent the strange thing from attaching to the door, I directly used a blasting grenade to break through the door. Shen Ge replied.

Its always better to be cautious. Now the survivors below the 13th floor have been evacuated. Feng Chengxiu and I are leading the team to stand by outside the strange space. If you need support, we will go in. Deng Yuqi said.

Shen Ge thought for a while and decisively rejected Deng Yuqi's proposal: "It's best not to let others enter the weird space first. The rules here haven't been figured out yet. Unless you can conjure up a second pair of weird gloves, otherwise according to the collapse of the 21st floor The situation is that even when Ethan Hunter comes, he has to take a break.

After Shen Ge briefly told Deng Yuqi what he had discovered so far, including the collapse of the 21st floor and other information, he turned to Cheng Shengnan and asked: "By the way, you said you bought an octopus in the aquatic area before, and you saw the waiter with your own eyes Killing and bagging fish?

Cheng Shengnan nodded: "Yes, but when I took it out of the bag, there was only a wet and sticky plastic bag left."

Are you sure the waiter killed the octopus? Shen Ge asked.

Cheng Shengnan replied: "Of course, I saw him cut open the octopus's body, dig out the internal organs and throw them into a bucket aside, and cut off the octopus's tentacles."

This has been "dismembered", there is no way he can still survive, right?

Even a weirdo with super healing ability like a weird mouse has to piece the body back together before it can heal.

However, Shen Ge felt that if it was really a monster close to level 3, how could it sit still and wait for death when faced with being slaughtered by a supermarket attendant?

Minister, contact the people still stationed in the supermarket and ask the waiters in the aquatic product area if they have lost any aquatic products recently. Are you sure Cheng Shengnan only bought one? Shen Ge said into the intercom.

Ill give you a reply in 3 minutes.

Deng Yuqi immediately contacted the special line and asked the special strategy soldiers stationed in the supermarket to go to the aquatic area to investigate according to Shen Ge's instructions. The results were obtained in less than 3 minutes.

"Shen Ge, the waiter at the aquatic product area said that after Cheng Shengnan bought an octopus, there should have been seven octopuses in the tank, but now there are only six left." Deng Yuqi replied.

Sure enough.

Shen Ge frowned slightly. In his opinion, although Weird was as powerful as a monster, it was not "unkillable", so "Intangible" could not sit still and wait for death when faced with being slaughtered by supermarket attendants.

Then there is only one possibility, the one that was killed was not "invisible".

Shen Ge believes that characteristics are traceable, such as the silence born from a cat, the ball of hair stuck in the sewer doesnt move, the butchers knife doesnt break, and the trick glove doesnt let go.

In other words, apart from the strange "four-character generation" of a certain travel (shi) tour (zong), the characteristics of the "wu"-character generation and the "bu"-character generation can all be related to the ontology.

There is a category of octopuses called "mimic octopuses". Their bodies can change color and shape at will, making them the top masters of camouflage in nature.

Its characteristics are comparable to "intangible".

Most importantly, octopuses eat their own species.

It's just that Shen Ge still doesn't understand something. The "invisible" ability can make half a building disappear, become transparent, and make a whole floor collapse at will. Why did he do nothing in the supermarket for so long, and why did he do something today? ?

Also, where did the killed octopus go?

Minister, please check the purchase time, quantity, sales, etc. of this batch of octopus as soon as possible, thank you. Shen Ge needed to confirm something.


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