The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 282: Weird changes

When Wang Han saw the little boy's reaction, he thought the boy would run out of the room, but unexpectedly he chose to hide under the table next to him.


This is somewhat of a cover-up?

But Wang Han then thought about it. The reason why the little boy behaved strangely was because he had a mental problem. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to talk to the air, so it wouldn't be surprising to do such a thing.

"Where is the person?" At this time, Ma Chao and a group of doctors rushed over. Seeing Wang Han standing at the door of the specimen room, they asked him where the little boy had gone.

Wang Han pointed under the table where the mannequin was placed. Several people looked in the direction he pointed and saw the little boy huddled in the corner.

Ma Chao raised his hand to signal his companions not to scare the little boy, then walked into the room cautiously and stood next to the table.

Several companions also came in and stood around the table.

"What's going on? Is there a mental problem?"

"Could it be a problem with Compound No. 3?"

"I think it's Sample No. 2. It contains hallucinogenic ingredients."

"Don't alert the enemy, just observe first before talking."


Although the few people did not disturb the little boy, they gathered around the table and secretly observed him, trying to find the cause of his problem.

"It seems like he can't see us?" Someone discovered the problem.

A doctor carefully stretched out his hand and waved it slowly in front of the little boy's eyes, trying to see what kind of reaction he would have.

The little boy's expression suddenly changed, and then he struggled violently, as if he felt that his arms, shoulders, body, and feet were being grabbed at the same time. He was so frightened that he struggled hard, and even opened his mouth to bite those hands.

But in fact, except for the doctor who waved his hand in front of his eyes, no one moved him at all, so he "broke away" easily.

After the little boy "broke free", he rolled and crawled towards the door. Ma Chao quickly asked someone to follow him, but he couldn't let the little boy get lost.

Wang Han was the first to follow the little boy and ran upstairs. When he was approaching the top floor, he met Dr. Chen who was coming down from upstairs. Unexpectedly, when the little boy saw Dr. Chen, he suddenly looked frightened and shouted, "Dean, how is this possible?" Why is she here!"


Wang Han turned around and glanced at Dr. Chen, thinking that this was not the dean. Dr. Chen also noticed the situation here, looked at Wang Han and asked, "What's going on?"

Wang Han briefly told Dean Chen what had happened. At this time, the little boy had already screamed and ran into the men's room next to him: "It's too late to explain. Run quickly. If you are caught by the dean, it's not as simple as eating a centipede or a scorpion." "


Doctor Chen and Wang Han looked at each other, wondering when the dean had such a hobby.

"Go and bring him out. This man is a very important patient. Don't let him get hurt." Dr. Chen looked at Wang Han and said.

"Okay, I understand." Wang Han nodded and quickly chased the little boy into the toilet, trying to take Di out.

As a result, he searched several cubicles but found no trace of the little boy. Just when Wang Han was wondering where the boy would be hiding, he heard a noise coming from under the sink.

The little boy squatted in the corner under the sink, his face was pale, and he pointed in horror at the mirror thrown in the corner opposite, and said in horror: "Three, San, you, you..."

He seemed to be afraid of himself in the mirror, sometimes frightened, sometimes with a ferocious expression.

"Remember those holes I took you through, right? Find a way to go back, and remember, don't mention what happened tonight to anyone."

"And you?"

"Don't worry about me. I'm used to eating bugs. I'll miss them if I don't eat them for a long time."

"I can pull you up after I go up." The little boy pointed to an abandoned cardboard box on the other side of the corner and said anxiously.

"Leave me alone, I know how to run."


At this time, with the sound of rapid footsteps, Ma Chao and his team caught up, crowded at the door and asked Wang Han, "Where is the person?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the little boy quickly getting into the cardboard box and crawling forward as if he were climbing a pipe.

At this time, Dr. Chen, who was standing outside, said: "Judging from his situation, it should be Sample No. 2 that has the effect. Then exclude 'mental disorder' and 'split personality', which have been wiped out by Sample No. 2." Possibly, he should have received a 'memory' that did not belong to him, and thus saw scenes that we cannot see... So far, the first phase of the experiment has been successful."


Wang Han is just a "security captain", and the knowledge stored in his head obviously cannot support his understanding of Dr. Chen's words.

But he still wanted to ask, what is the difference between this little boy's behavior and "mental disorder"?

Wang Han couldn't understand what Dr. Chen said, and he couldn't understand the subsequent conversation between Dr. Chen and Ma Chao and others. Fortunately, after these people saw the little boy lying motionless in the cardboard box, they asked Wang Han to Han went to push the carton out. When everyone took a look, he was breathing evenly in the carton and sleeping soundly.

Everyone sent the little boy to the operating room for examination. Wang Han waited in the lounge until early in the morning before receiving the notice to return to the ward for supervision.

After that day, the little boy's condition became worse and worse. Not only did he talk to the air more and more frequently, but his daily life also became a melodrama.

For example, when Wang Han brought him food as usual, the little boy would point to the noodles and say earthworms, point to the white rice and say maggots, point to... Anyway, in his eyes, normal food has turned into bugs, often. "Hunger strike".

However, the superiors had given a task to ensure the little boy's nutrition. Naturally, he could not starve to death. Wang Han had no choice but to cooperate with the doctors and nurses to force-feed the little boy.

A group of people are crowded into a ward that is less than ten square feet, making the already crowded ward feel breathless and depressing.

On the hard wooden bed, the little boy was pressed against the cold wall. A doctor used pliers similar to those used by dentists to open the patient's mouth, and opened his mouth.

The white coat next to him was wearing thick leather gloves and forcefully poured some food into the little boy's mouth, as well as the nutrient solution his body needed.

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh."

The little boy struggled fiercely, but what he was greeted with was an even more ferocious push, and the white coat opened his lower jaw to forcefully chew the food and swallow it.

Although Wang Han felt pity for the little boy, he was just a security captain and couldn't do much even if he wanted to help.

Just like this, another two months passed, and the little boy's condition became worse and worse, becoming more and more weak and weak.

His originally healthy body had become skinny, his whole face was sunken, his eyes were hollow, and he looked more and more like his ferocious "air friend".

Wang Han didn't understand this. There was no harsh food for the little boy. They even prepared a variety of nutritional solutions for his "hunger strike" problem. Logically speaking, it wouldn't be like this.

Wang Han could occasionally hear words such as "sample", "drug zero", "antibody", etc. from the conversations between Ma Chao and others, but naturally he could not understand these words given his level of knowledge.

On this day, he delivered food to the little boy as usual. After opening the door and pushing the cart in, he saw the little boy sitting on the hospital bed with his legs in his arms and his head buried in his knees.

"Eat something, porridge, corn, fish soup. If your body continues to fast, I'm afraid you will die." Wang Han stood in front of the cart and whispered.

He expected the little boy to yell hysterically as usual, kick the cart over, and hide under the bed.

To be honest, although he was only the little boy's full-time caregiver, he couldn't bear to see the little boy's experience for such a long time. At this moment, the little boy slowly raised his head, and Wang Han noticed that although the other person still had the same skinny face, his eyes were completely different.

Those eyes didn't seem to be what a child should have, but more like the kind of eyes in movies and novels that are as sharp as a falcon after being baptized by the battlefield.

"Are you okay?" Wang Han asked subconsciously.

The little boy glanced at him and said calmly: "Put down your things and get out."

That tone was not that of a child at all, but more like that of a battle-hardened commander giving orders to his opponents.

"Did the condition get worse again?" Wang Han muttered, but as long as the other party didn't kick the dining car again, he had nothing to say, so he put down his things and left.

Wang Han was still a little worried. He hid behind the door and looked inside through a gap in the observation window. He saw the little boy bringing the food to the bedside and eating it with big mouthfuls.

"Huh." Wang Han also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the little boy eating.

At night, Wang Han stayed outside the ward as usual.

At this time, he suddenly heard a knocking sound in the room.

Wang Han stood up and opened the observation window and looked inside. The emergency light in the ward was on. The little boy jumped off the hospital bed, lifted up the thin sheet, retreated to the opposite corner, and grabbed the spittoon on the floor. Use the top of your head as a weapon to confront the air.


Is this an illness again?

Wang Han frowned when he saw this. He thought he saw the little boy taking the initiative to eat in the afternoon, or "Operation CD", thinking that the boy's condition had improved, but he didn't expect that he had become a nocturnal species and got sick at night?


The little boy slammed the spittoon on the ground and sat on it as a stool. He stared at the bottom of the bed and said in a calm tone: "Brother, what's your hobby? Why do you like to crawl under the bed? Why don't you come out and sit down and chat for a while? Sentence? Talk about life plans and future ideals?”

"Hey, can't you come out?"

"If you don't come out, I'm coming in!"

Wang Han was stunned by the little boy's sudden move. At first, he thought the other person was talking to him, but when he took a closer look, he was facing the bottom of the bed.


Is the condition really getting worse?

But what makes Wang Han feel strange is that the child is also talking to the air, but now he is no longer timid and cowardly, and behaves more like an adult.

Just when Wang Han was confused, he saw the little boy supporting the bed with his hands, bending down and looking under the bed: "I'm here, what's the matter?"

Wang Han shook his head helplessly when he saw this. He could see that the little boy's condition not only did not get better, but actually got worse.

Just as he was about to close the observation window and leave, his eyes suddenly glanced at where the little boy had lifted up the sheets. There was a pale, wrinkled face that looked like an old man in his eighties or nineties.

"What the hell?" Wang Han subconsciously rubbed his eyes. When he looked again, the face was gone, as if everything was just an illusion.

"Hey, do you want to visit?" The little boy smiled slightly at the bottom of the bed.

This environment, this scene, coupled with the faces that passed by before, suddenly made Wang Han feel a little cold in his back.

As the little boy's caregiver, he was naturally responsible for keeping vigil. However, because of the little boy's special characteristics, he could not stay in the ward, so he could only stay on the hospital bed in the corridor outside the door.

Three times the salary is Wang Han’s motivation.

But now, with only emergency lights in the dim corridor, the patient talking to the air in the ward, and the face that flashed by, Wang Han felt scared for the first time in more than half a year.



Hallucinations, they must all be hallucinations.

It must be that I was too tired these two nights and had hallucinations. Take a day off tomorrow and have a good rest. It'll be okay, it'll be okay.

At this time, there was a "dong" sound in the room, which startled Wang Han. Although he was a little scared, he still looked inside through the observation window.

In the ward, the little boy seemed to use the spittoon as a weapon and smashed it against the wall. He also cursed in the air unhappily: "Just shout, why are you shouting so loudly? It's so noisy."

There was disdain and impatience in the little boy's tone, as if what he saw in front of him was not something terrifying, but trash that he despised.


"are you still there?"

"You're already here, why don't you leave without a few words?"


At this time, there was another loud noise, but it was made by Wang Han at the door. He saw that ghost face flashing under the bed again. What was even more terrifying was that the other party seemed to be able to see him and showed a ferocious smile to him.

It was this smile that scared Wang Han so much that his legs went weak and he hit the door.

The little boy in the room was stunned for a moment, and then looked towards the door, but he was not tall enough to look at the window, so he turned the spittoon upside down in front of the door and stood up.

The little boy's eyes were stuck inside the observation window. Wang Han stood up straight and happened to meet these eyes. He was so frightened that his heart almost stopped.

The little boy just looked at him for a few seconds, then got off the spittoon, returned to the bed and lay down, mumbling something.

"Wang Han..."

"Ma Chao..."

"Zhang Hu..."

"Zhao Long..."

Wang Han vaguely heard his name, but standing outside the door, he couldn't hear clearly what the little boy was saying. Out of curiosity, he opened the door cautiously, wanting to take a closer look at the little boy's condition.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wang Han raised his hand and pressed the light in the ward. The switch clicked, but the light did not turn on.

In desperation, he had no choice but to turn on the patrol flashlight and glance at the little boy on the hospital bed.


"How are you?"

The little boy didn't respond. He was still mumbling some names, and then seemed to be muttering to himself something like "go out, break".

Wang Han wanted to get closer, but as he approached the hospital bed, a pair of pale, clammy hands suddenly stretched out from under the bed and grabbed his ankles.


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