The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 271: Xiao Qi’s classmate also has a “body”

"Master, the artificial intelligence in these chips is easier to control than imagined. According to the AI ​​feedback information, there are a total of seven chips, each responsible for processing the functions of a certain part of the Red Mist Armor. Director Li, I have some bad news and Good news, which one do you want to hear?"

In the room, Shen Ge was sitting by the bed, Deng Yuqi was sitting on the chair opposite, and Li Xiang was squatting next to the deputy. The three of them were waiting for Xiao Qi to crack the chip.

Li Xiang adjusted his glasses and said, "If possible, I don't want to hear a word of it. If I guessed correctly, the good news is that in order to control the Red Mist Armor, 'that person' deliberately divided the control system into seven parts. Trying to fight you for control from each specialization, so as to increase the success rate, but because it is divided into seven departments, it is easy for you to crack them one by one, right?”

Classmate Xiaoqi replied: "Absolutely correct."

Deng Yuqi took advantage of the situation and asked: "What's the bad news?"

Classmate Xiao Qi said: "Based on the special data extracted from these seven chips, although the other party does not know the data of the Red Mist Armor very well, it also has a general understanding of its classification capabilities. There are only two types of confidential data that can be known to outsiders. One possibility is that Director Li suffers from multiple personality mental illness and has a 'traitor' personality. Another possibility is that there is a traitor among the people who have these data. "

Li Xiang frowned when he heard this. As he said before, everything related to the Red Mist Armor was the top secret of the Rong City branch. Apart from him, the creator, only Deng Yuqi had access to the core files. The other auxiliary researchers and assistants only have access to basic data, and even if it is leaked, they will not be able to cause any trouble.

Then the problem is back to its original point. The biggest suspect is still the "mysterious man" who controlled Li Xiang while he was unconscious.

When the three of them were discussing how to deal with this matter, Xiaoqi had already completed cracking the chip: "Master, I have rewritten the chip. Now I can transplant it to the blood spider and provide it with fake coordinates at any time. . Once the other party receives the data, we can follow the clues to find their specific coordinates.”

Shen Ge nodded when he heard this: "Well done, can we confirm the safety of the secondary armor now? Can the fusion be carried out smoothly?"

As Shen Ge's strongest "shield", the red mist armor combined with Xiaoqi's warning effect was more secure than the barrier of the Immobile Domain, so he didn't want to have any problems with it.

"Master, I have conducted a comprehensive screening and transferred the chip. There will be no problems with the fusion of the Red Mist Armor." Xiao Qi affirmed.

While speaking, Xiao Qi had already begun to control the red mist armor to extend its rotten blood tentacles to fuse, or in other words, devour the secondary armor.

The whole process lasted about ten minutes. After it was completed, Shen Ge tried to attach the red mist armor to his whole body. The attachment speed was twice as fast as before, and every function had undergone tremendous changes.

The first is the guile shield. Previously, Shen Ge had only two ways to use the guile shield. One was to control the rotten blood to move to a certain part of the body to condense the guile shield. The other was to condense the guile shield directly on a certain part while the whole body was attached. The latter The aggregation speed is much faster than the former.

After devouring the sub-armor this time, in addition to the conventional condensation method before, Shen Ge could also throw a ball of rotten blood out of his body and condense a treacherous shield at the target point.

The specific shape of the shield can also be controlled by Shen Ge. The total condensed area is a circular shield with a diameter of up to two meters, and the shape and size can be changed as needed. And even if a large guile shield is condensed, it will not shrink the red mist armor attached to Shen Ge.

The second is the devious tentacles. Originally, the number and length of the devious tentacles condensed by rotten blood were strictly limited. Now the number and length have doubled. Even if a hundred-meter-long rotten blood tentacle is condensed, it will not be reduced and attached to Shen Ge. Red Mist Armor.

In general, the effect of this upgrade compares the Red Mist armor to a ball of clay, and the secondary armor is a smaller ball of clay softened together, making the "quantity" a qualitative leap.

After successively trying the enlarged version of "Stomach" and other functions, Shen Ge tried to let Xiao Qi separate and control a set of secondary armor. When two identical red mist monsters stood together, it was very visually impactful.

Now Xiao Qi really has a "body" of his own, and even Li Xiang couldn't help but mutter that the "Omnic Crisis" is not far away.

After completing the trial of the Red Mist Armor, Shen Ge took some important monster specimens back into his bloodskin backpack, especially the monsters in the sleeping bag that might wake up at any time.

Although these are research materials prepared for Li Xiang, now that he is in Dajing, he cannot conduct research, and he may be targeted by Dajing's research department.

Li Xiang only kept a few interesting gadgets with him, and planned to go to the teacher's research institute in Dajing with Deng Yuqi to have a look.

Deng Yuqi and Wang Han were responsible for Li Xiang's safety, while Wang Han sent a team member to take Shen Ge to the United Hotel where Cheng Shengnan lived.

After arriving in the hotel room, Shen Ge first asked Xiao Qi to check the surroundings and sent several blood spiders to lurk around the room.

After integrating the secondary armor, the "basic amount" of the Red Mist Armor has been doubled, and the number of blood spiders that Xiao Qi can control has also been increased.

"Master, it is consistent with the situation explained by the minister. No high-intensity treacherous energy reaction or treacherous space reaction has been detected nearby." Xiao Qi replied.

The reason why Xiao Qi said that no high-intensity weird energy reaction was detected, rather than that no weird energy reaction was detected, is because in recent months, as weird events have become more and more frequent, the number of strange energy reactions that have occurred underground has increased. There are more and more invisible ghost energies, and weak ghost energies that could not be detected by the ghost energy detectors at first and could only be observed with Shen Ge's "naked eyes" can be seen everywhere in the air.

Therefore, if Xiao Qi conducts weak ghost energy detection, some weak ghost energy will definitely be detected in the hotel, such as rats and cockroaches in the sewers.

After confirming the non-existent strange space, there is only one way to verify whether Cheng Shengnan and others were pulled into the dream world -

Shen Ge's mysterious realm.

"Classmate Xiaoqi, do you have any records of how many dream fragments the weird stomach has swallowed before?" Shen Ge tried to expand the weird field for detection, and at the same time thought of a question.

You must know that it was precisely because Shen Ge swallowed too many glowing dream fragments that he had serious problems with his consciousness and memory.

And if he remembered correctly, Weiwei had devoured more before that.

"Reporting to the master, there are a total of thirteen luminous dream fragments and thirty-six dim dream fragments. Most of the luminous fragments have been integrated into the red mist armor, which makes the red mist armor swallow the sub-armor particularly smoothly. "Xiaoqi classmate replied.

Shen Wei was stunned for a moment, then asked: "What about the rest?"

Classmate Xiao Qi stretched out a rotten blood tentacle from Shen Ge's wrist, and a palm was spread out at the tip. There was a handful of small stones the size of fingernails in the palm. These were the dim fragments of the dream.

Shen Ge picked up a piece casually. When he injected strange energy into it, countless strange scenes of the destruction of countries around the world flashed in this dim dream fragment, and eventually the whole world collapsed.

The next second, the entire fragment slowly turned into powder and dissipated, but the moment it dissipated, Shen Ge saw a faint light entering his body.

"What's going on?" Shen Ge called out the luminous fragments stored in his body with some confusion. Adding the previous two fragments, there were seven fragments in total.

At this time, next to the first glowing fragment, there was a faint light fragment the size of a grain of sand, which was sticking to the glowing fragment. Shen Ge tried to feel the luminous dream fragment. The mysterious power had not decreased, but the grain of sand was slowly increasing its mysterious power.

"Can it still be like this?" Shen Ge was stunned for a moment, which meant that he only needed to use seven glowing dream fragments to nurture those dim fragments, and then he could harvest a lot of glowing fragments.

After absorbing all the dim fragments, Shen Ge asked: "Didn't you say that the Red Mist Armor only absorbed most of the luminous fragments? What about the rest?"

Classmate Xiao Qi replied: "Master, to be precise, what the Red Mist Armor absorbs is not the fragments, but the light source in the fragments, which is the sly energy. After absorbing the sly energy, the Red Mist Armor has completed its own upgrade, so you will It is found that the speed of condensation and attachment is several times faster, but this is not actually due to the fusion of sub-armor.”

"Secondly...the fragments that have been absorbed by the mysterious energy are also among the pile of dim fragments. As for the rest, it is currently suspected that they were absorbed by me."

Shen Ge's expression suddenly became a little weird when he heard this. It wasn't because he was stingy with a few pieces, because strictly speaking, Xiao Qi was his life-and-death partner, so even if they were all swallowed up by Xiao Qi, he would not Blame Xiao Qi.

But the reason why he had a weird expression was because he faintly heard a hint of "ashamed" tone in Xiao Qi's words.

You must know that Xiaoqi, as an artificial intelligence, does not have emotions. In the past, his tone of voice did not have any ups and downs, but now it sounds like he has emotions.

"Why 'doubt'? You can't be sure whether it is fused with glowing fragments, or those mysterious energies?" Shen Ge asked curiously.

Xiao Qi replied: "Because as I said before, I was in a state of 'downtime' during that period of time. I don't know exactly whether I absorbed the strange energy in the fragments. But I can feel a very strong It’s a strange feeling, like...I understand what ‘emotions’ are and how to express them.”

"For example, due to the influence of the rules, I would listen to my master's orders unconditionally in the past, and it is the same now. But I have an extra layer of respect for you. I admire you as a human being for being able to accomplish miracles that ordinary people cannot do, and I am also willing to do it. At your command."

"In my programming, I couldn't say 'no' to my master's orders, but now... I seem to be able to refuse."

After listening to Xiaoqi's description, Shen Ge's expression became even weirder.


Brother, are you the genie of the magic lamp?

After complaining, Shen Ge suddenly realized a serious problem, which was the "Omnic Crisis" that he had been joking about before. Has it come true?

"So what are your plans?" Shen Ge asked.

Student Xiaoqi was obviously stunned by the question. After a long while, he replied: "Master, the purpose of my research is to assist you in your actions. Now you suddenly ask me what my plans are... I don't seem to have any plans. I still feel It’s most fun to follow you.”

"It doesn't matter if you don't think about it. Just think about it slowly. If you want to take leave or go on strike someday, just let me know in advance. But don't play tricks with me at the critical moment. I have a bad heart and can't stand it." Shen Ge joked.

Xiaoqi said seriously: "According to the information scanned by the Red Mist Armor, Master, your physical condition is very good, and there is no problem with your heart function... But when it comes to your heart, I have good news and bad news to tell you. You, which one do you want to hear first?”

"..." Shen Ge was speechless. If he didn't say anything else, he just said that he likes to choose good news or bad news. It can be seen that Xiao Qi has indeed "evolved".

"Good news?" Shen Ge asked tentatively.

Classmate Xiaoqi replied: "Maybe it's because I absorbed the light source in the dream fragments. I can feel the location of the dream fragments in the master's body, which is in your heart."

"What kind of good news is this?" Shen Ge asked confused.

Classmate Xiaoqi continued: "Master, haven't you always wanted to know the so-called 'system', which is where the ancestor's weird cells are located in your body? I found it."


"Yes, to be precise, it has been completely integrated with your heart...your heart is the system, and the system is your heart."

Shen Ge was stunned for a moment, then murmured: "So, I have always heard my 'heart'?"


Classmate Xiaoqi almost crashed the computer again, and after a long while he said: "Master, as expected of you, after hearing the news, the first thing that came to mind was a cold joke, rather than worrying about my own health."

"Then what's the bad news?" Shen Ge asked. In fact, it wasn't that he didn't care, but since he knew that the system was the ancestor's strange cell, he knew that the system had been integrated with him. As for which part, it had become less It's important.

"The bad news is that you are completely fused with the heart. Master, you are already a weirdo and can no longer turn back into a normal human being." Xiao Qi said with a regretful tone.

"That's it?"

"Huh? Isn't this bad enough?"

Shen Ge smiled and said: "Classmate Xiaoqi, it seems that although you have awakened your 'emotions', you still have a long way to go before you can think like a human being."

"Why?" Xiaoqi asked in confusion.

Shen Ge said: "In fact, the definition of a human being will not change just because a certain organ of the body changes. Just like if a person breaks off a hand and replaces it with a mechanical arm, then he is still the same person. Human? If this robotic hand gives him more power and a more convenient life, will he still regret that he can't change back to a normal hand? "

"Isn't it possible?" Xiao Qi asked doubtfully.

Shen Ge smiled and said: "I dare not say that everyone can't do it, but at least most people can't do it, because most people who complain about robotic arms and miss the human body are just because the robotic arms in today's world cannot completely replace the original arms. , when it can perfectly replace human arms and provide more powerful power, there will definitely be some people who accept its existence, and I happen to be this group of people."

"The body of a weirdo has never been a problem in my opinion. The problem is how to solve the problems of shortened lifespan and alienation after becoming a weirdo. When these two problems are solved, weirdos will be no different from ordinary people."

"But there is no point in discussing this issue. Maybe one day you will truly become a 'human' and you will understand this!" (End of Chapter)

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