The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 258: The chaotic space in the weird belly

Li Xiang's words undoubtedly hit the key point. If the weirdo organization can so easily control an important person in the Special Strategy Department by controlling consciousness, then whether it chooses to contact Deng Yuqi and Liu Jiayi who have more secrets, or it can be used for "assassination" Important officials are much better than choosing him as a person who is only exposed to research.

Unless...the other party's purpose is to steal some important research information from the research department, or they are directly targeting Li Xiang.

The former is unlikely, because it can be found from the surveillance footage that the other party did not retrieve confidential research information after taking control of Li Xiang, but just flipped through the reports on his desk at will, more like looking at what he has been doing recently and confirming what will happen next. direction of action.

Therefore, the latter is more likely.

What are you trying to do by controlling Li Xiang? Just for the "Weird Sample Data" sent by Shen Ge?

If so, how did the other party know that Cheng Shengnan would receive this message yesterday afternoon and choose such a precise time?

So is Shen Ge being monitored, or is someone on their side being monitored?

Deng Yuqi feels that this is an issue that must be investigated as soon as possible, because it determines whether the capabilities of the weirdo organization are really as "terrible" as imagined.

At least for now, neither Deng Yuqi nor Li Xiang and others believe that the weird organization has such a powerful ability to completely control the Special Strategy Department.

You must know that this is not the special strategy department that even borrowed equipment from each other two years ago, but the largest and most powerful counter-attack department in the Great Celestial Empire! If even the Special Strategy Department is lost, it means that the entire world has fallen into the hands of the weird organization.

Obviously, this is not possible.

Deng Yuqi rubbed his forehead with a headache. At present, there are many doubts about this matter, and everything is weird and unreasonable.

Since she couldn't figure it out for a while, she simply didn't think about it. As for whether Li Xiang should go to Dajing to participate in the Asian Counter-Confidence Research Conference, this remains to be discussed.

However, Li Xiang is right about one thing. The person behind the scenes chose the time so accurately. It is very likely that he deliberately aroused the alert of the Special Strategy Department and allowed Li Xiang to stay in the Special Strategy Department to facilitate their behind-the-scenes plans.

Although Shen Ge is out of contact at this time, he should be able to show up before the Asian Counterattack Research Association, so it would be safer to take Li Xiang there.

Even if something goes wrong on Shen Ge's side, Li Xiang is still surrounded by Deng Yuqi and two captain-level counter-terrorism agents, so it is not necessarily more dangerous than staying in Dajing.

After much thought, Deng Yuqi finally nodded and agreed to Li Xiang's plan.

In the next few days, the Rong City branch was under full martial law. In addition to the "key concern" Li Xiang, who was under 24-hour protection, Deng Yuqi asked Yang Yuxin to personally protect Cheng Shengnan for safety reasons. After all, someone is on the front line of the war. If they find out that their home has been stolen, the Special Strategy Department will be really embarrassed.

A few days later, the day before the Asia Counter-Deception Research Conference, Deng Yuqi arranged a special plane to go to Dajing. In addition to her and Li Xiang, the Rong City branch also sent two captains, Tu Doupi and Yang Yuxin, as well as Wang Han, Ma Chao, Four deputy captains Zhang Hu and Zhao Long, Cheng Shengnan and Xiao Zhang from the logistics department, and a whole combat team.

Cheng Shengnan was not on the original list, but as the head of the logistics department, many things in the Rong City branch needed to be handled by her, and there were also many tasks at the headquarters that needed to be handled. She was retained because of Shen Ge's relationship. It is somewhat unjustifiable to protect it in Rong City.

Furthermore, there has been no news from Shen Ge for several days. Although Cheng Shengnan did not want to go to Dajing and cause trouble to Shen Ge, she was worried about Shen Ge.

Moreover, as Li Xiang said, the suspected weirdo organization suddenly took action a few days ago, deliberately "to alert the snake", and made it clear that it wanted to make a fuss about this Asian research conference on weirdness. Rather than staying in Rong City, relatively speaking, Shen Ge was in the big city. Beijing will be safer.

In addition, in order to ensure Cheng Shengnan's safety, Deng Yuqi arranged a very special "bodyguard" for her to ensure that nothing went wrong.

If this lineup cannot keep Cheng Shengnan, it will be even more dangerous to keep her in Rong City.

On the plane, Cheng Shengnan's seat was next to Deng Yuqi. After she sat down, Deng Yuqi turned her head and asked, "Has Shen Ge contacted you in the past few days?"

Cheng Shengnan frowned and shook his head: "No, I sent a message several times, and it said that the sending was unsuccessful. It should be in a strange space, or... that world."

The "world" that Cheng Shengnan refers to is naturally the dream world, but not many people know the news. Counting her and Cheng Shengnan, the number of people in the entire Rong City branch who know it together is not enough to count on two hands.

Deng Yuqi nodded. She also tried to contact Shen Ge in the past few days. When she didn't get a reply, she also speculated whether she was trapped in the dream world.

Because for Shen Ge, investigating the dream world has become his biggest concern. In addition to the mysterious connection between this magical space and the strange space, the most important thing is that the dream world and Shen Ge's "life experience" are closely related. Inextricably linked.

After these several dream journeys, Shen Ge seemed to find that his "life trajectory" seemed to be controlled by a pair of invisible hands. However, Deng Yuqi and Cheng Shengnan did not know that he had obtained the secret eye and saw the truth of "1/2 of the world". I thought he took the initiative to enter the dream world to investigate.

However, the reason why Shen Ge was trapped in the dream world for several days was indeed because he was actively investigating something.

When facing two level 6 monsters, Shen Ge found another way and took advantage of the level 6 monster to attract firepower for him, trying to enter the depths of the strange level 6 body to find the heart. When the level 6 monster was about to be tortured to death, he immediately destroyed the strange heart. , so that he can at least be guaranteed to get a level 6 reward in the end.

However, as Shen Ge went deeper into Level 6's weird body, he discovered that this place was like a huge "weird training nest". Meat jars that hatched weird people, parasitic weird cultured eggs, and all kinds of weird related things could be seen everywhere. s things.

This place is like the specimen room of the director of Rongshan Mental Hospital magnified a hundred times, full of bugs that can turn people into weirdos.

Thinking back to the large number of worms that spewed out of the walls of the strange stomach and the level 4 monsters in the corridor, he always felt that something was wrong with the level 6 weirdness. It seems that the purpose of the existence of this sixth-level weird thing is to use it to "feed" these things in the stomach.

At this time, he was standing in front of the door of a huge "heart room".

In fact, as a "frequent visitor" to the weird belly, Shen Ge has seen this kind of heart-like door more than once, but this time is different because this is the seventh "heart" he has found.

"Is it over yet? Brother, are you an octopus monster? You can even grow multiple hearts?" Shen Ge looked at the heart room in front of him and felt helpless in his heart.

The 6th level of weirdness, the huge maze in his body was brought to life to create the 8th level of weirdness, leaving him lost in the weird belly for several days.

Of course, you can't feel the change of day and night in the weird belly, which makes it difficult to judge the time, but Shen Ge has a super AI with him, so it is naturally not difficult for Xiao Qi to do things like timing.

"Master, this door is similar to the previous wave of strange energy. No strange energy fluctuations have been detected in the surrounding area. I am afraid it is similar to the previous situation."

"By the way, Master, you haven't had a break for seventy-seven hours."

"I suggest you find a place to rest for a while, and let me control the Red Mist Armor to help you get some rest time." Shen Ge refused after hearing this: "I'm not sleepy yet, and I don't need to rest for the time being. Don't forget , since the dream world appeared, it’s not up to me to decide whether you’re sleepy or not. Try to find a way to leave while you’re still awake. If you’re sleepy again, it’s not too late for you to deal with it.”

"Understood, Master." Xiao Qi replied.

In fact, Shen Ge was also helpless. He did not expect that his plan B of "sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight" ended up with two tigers fighting each other and turning into two tortoises competing for patience. The original hearty weird fight between monsters did not appear, but instead It became a war of attrition between the evil spirits.

This made Shen Ge couldn't help but think of the strange battle between the two Level 8 enemies on Sakura Island. It was so terrifying and enjoyable that it even sunk Sakura Island.

On the other hand, these two are, tsk, garbage.

"Let the research department work overtime to research the treacherous nuclear bomb... Direct nuclear neutralization, uh, it doesn't seem to work. The 6th level and above weird can even feed on nuclear energy. Alas, it's really difficult to do." Shen Ge complained while taking out the treacherous rocket launcher. , and then began to skillfully blast through the door.

The transfer of hatred from the Creeper Revolver and the explosion of the Creepy Energy Rocket successfully blew open the door to the heart, and the fire illuminated the space inside and outside.



Before Shen Ge could react, the surroundings shook violently, and then the building fused with the strange internal organs began to collapse.

Fortunately, Shen Ge was well prepared. When the squirming pieces of flesh on both sides of the wall gathered and turned into a **** mouth and bit him, he used "collapse" to reach the next floor.

"Master, according to previous estimates, the number of floors in this building is expected to be between 30 and 40. We should be halfway there now." Xiao Qi said.

"Hey, how many days have passed and we're only halfway down?" Shen Ge was speechless. Although he wanted to rely on the "collapse" effect to go all the way down, the further down he went, the stronger the defense against the weird energy became. At least he almost exhausted his deception power before he could use "Collapse" to open a way.

It would be fine if the bottom was the bottom, but there were more than a dozen layers below. It was impossible for Shen Ge to break through one layer and then spend time recovering his magic power, so breaking through from the "heart chamber" became the best choice.

But this time, an accident happened!

After Shen Ge "collapsed" through the creeping floor, he did not reach the next floor in a few seconds or even ten seconds like before. Instead, he fell vertically for nearly two minutes, but still had no tendency to reach the bottom.

"Master, the intensity of the treacherous energy around you is constantly increasing, please be ready for battle!" Xiao Qi took advantage of Shen Ge's whereabouts to constantly monitor the surrounding situation and make timely reports.

Shen Ge murmured in his heart. The internal complexity of this sixth-level strange thing had completely exceeded his imagination. It should be the most complex strange thing in the abdomen that he had ever encountered.

This is only level 6, which is too unreasonable!

But at this time, Shen Ge didn't have the time to pay attention to whether this strange thing had falsely reported its rating. After all, it has been falling without bottoming out, which makes people feel unsure. The most important thing is that if it bottoms out, with such "depth", he still has Any chance of climbing up the same way?

five minutes.

ten minutes.

Just when Shen Ge was thinking about how to change the situation in front of him, there was a sudden "pop" sound. After falling for more than ten minutes, he finally reached the bottom, but when his feet landed, there was a sound of stepping on the sticky substance. , making him feel familiar.

"Overlapping spaces?" Shen Ge suddenly thought of a possibility, and only this possibility could explain why Level 6's weird belly was so exaggeratedly big.

It is not that there are no overlapping spaces in the dream world. Shen Ge has encountered it before, which is equivalent to the fusion of several different "endings".

In this case, when the world collapses, there will be many "fragments". In the past, Shen Ge didn't know how to deal with these fragments. Now that he has experience, the more the better.

"Tsk, I wonder if I can use the 'embodiment' to form a big net and directly net ten or eight dream fragments!"

Dream fragments affect the scope of the treacherous realm. The more dream fragments Shen Singer has, the wider the treacherous realm will be. Maybe when he collects enough dream fragments, he can directly control an "ending" world.

"Master, I think it's better for you to consider the situation at hand first." Xiao Qi stretched out several tentacles and rolled up the flashlight to scan around.

The surrounding area was blood red, the crawling floor, walls, and invisible ceiling made people sick.

It can still be vaguely seen that the layout here should be like a huge underground parking lot, but both the pillars and the walls are covered with a layer of red crawling carrion.

There was blood-red goo on the ground, and Shen Ge stepped on it while wearing the red mist armor. The goo was constantly absorbing the red mist armor's mysterious energy.

"Master, the consumption rate of treacherous energy is increasing, and strong treacherous energy fluctuations have been detected in the surroundings." Classmate Xiao Qi reminded.

Shen Ge also noticed that there was movement in the distance, and the strange sound became more and more obvious and got closer to him.



At this time, with a sound like an explosion of blood bubbles, the sticky substances on the ground slowly gathered together to form a huge blood bubble. When the blood bubble exploded, a **** humanoid monster walked out of it.

One, two, ten, a hundred...

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of "bloody man"-like monsters stood densely in the surrounding open space, slowly walking towards Shen Ge.

Shen Ge didn't panic at all when he was surrounded by weirdos. He didn't even plan to fight them. At least before he understood the situation, he didn't want to waste his cunning energy.

As soon as the three standard characteristics of "Invisible + Silent + Traceless" were turned on, Shen Ge walked through the pile of monsters in a swagger and walked towards the depths of the blood-red world. (End of chapter)

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