The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 255: New Warframe Upgrade Plan

“…” Good guy, the hundreds of weird meat jars in front are just appetizers. I didn’t expect bigger ones waiting here.

[It has been detected that there is a level 6 weird reaction ahead. Use the host's ability to face the level 6 weird and narrow escape. Please cherish your life and stay away from this place immediately! 】

Level 6 weird?

This meat jar is obviously something to breed weirdos, but according to the settings of weirdness and weirdness, it is impossible to be level 6 as soon as you are "born".

"Got you…"

"Got you!"

At this time, the ethereal voice came from the huge meat jar. There seemed to be an inexplicable temptation in the voice, which made Shen Ge subconsciously want to walk towards the meat jar.

Fortunately, this was not the first time that Shen Ge experienced this kind of weird "hypnosis". The moment the sound sounded, he immediately deployed the Unmovable Conception Condensation Barrier to block himself, and then the "Silent Conception Domain" unfolded, directly allowing this person with Hypnotic sounds are neutralized.

The sound could not reach Shen Ge, which directly made him sober up.

"Master, maybe this is not a new weirdo that is hatching, but a weirdo that has entered a dormant state. This is a common way for weirdos and weirdos to avoid high-level weird locks." Xiaoqi said.

Avoid high-level weirdness?

Shen Ge knew that whether they were weirdos or weirdos, they did have the behavior of avoiding hunting and killing by high-level weirdos. Especially during the "Doomsday" period, when high-level weirdos were everywhere, low-level weirdos would hide in the ruins and enter a dormant state.

In the "future" of Sakura Island, Shen Ge saw many dormant weirdos and weirdos, including the fifth-level weird turtle and the fifth-level weirdo sleeping under the ruins of the city.

But what Shen Ge couldn't understand was that this level 6 weirdo was "sleeping" in a strange level 6 stomach. What was the significance of this?

"Do you think they are in a symbiotic state, or is Weird not aware that there is a large parasite in its belly?" Shen Ge thinks the latter is not impossible. After all, this Weird's belly already has level 4 weirdness. , it wouldn’t be surprising if there were more level 6 ones.

Classmate Xiao Qi replied: "It is presumed to be a non-symbiosis state, because when you, the master, enter the weird stomach, the bugs in the stomach, and the weird people that appear later, can clearly feel that they are absorbing the weird energy. But this After all, it’s a weird body, so it’s unreasonable for a weirdo with the same level 6 to appear..."

"As long as it's not symbiosis, it'll be easy!" Shen Ge stretched out his rotten blood tentacles and used the "holding" effect of the sneaky gloves to attach them to the edge of the huge meat jar, and then pulled himself over.

When he was approaching the entrance of the altar, he threw a few treacherous energy bombs directly into it, and then swung himself to the corridor on the other side.


With several loud noises, a huge treacherous energy reaction occurred inside the meat jar, and even treacherous energy twisted and tore through the space.



As a swallowing sound like a drum sounded, the huge meat jar split to both sides, and then a huge figure appeared from it.

This is a combination of a human and a spider. It looks very much like a guy named Urgot. The upper body is a human and the lower body is a spider.

But even though the upper body looks like a human, it is not made of human skin, but a hairy body like a spider.

From the chest to the abdomen, there is a strange liquid similar to magma flowing, as if it has been burned through its abdomen, but it also looks like the abdomen is a terrifying **** mouth, with magma liquid like saliva flowing out.

"Master, do you think the weirdo in front of you looks familiar?" Xiao Qi suddenly asked.

In fact, as early as the moment the weirdo appeared, Shen Ge discovered that this giant weirdo looked very much like the No. 2 Weird King he had seen in Bang Country before.

The difference is that the No. 2 King of Creatures still looked like a big spider at that time, while the upper body of the weirdo in front of him had grown into a human body.

In order to verify his guess, Shen Ge opened the weird eyes on his forehead and took a look, and sure enough he found strong ancestor weird cells in the weirdo's body!

"Artificial Ghost King!" Shen Ge looked at the strange man in front of him in surprise. Apparently he did not expect that the strange man in front of him turned out to be the man-made Ghost King that Sakura Island and Bang Country had seen before.

Before Shen Ge could recover from the surprise, he saw that the surrounding flesh walls began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. It seemed that the sixth level strange person felt the foreign object in his body and wanted to try to kill it.

The Level 6 weirdo didn't seem to expect that he slept well, but was woken up by several cannonballs, and was discovered by the Level 6 weirdo as soon as he woke up.

The level 6 weird flesh wall shrank very quickly, and the level 6 monster simply stopped hiding. He raised his head to the ceiling as if it was the beginning of the world. Eight big spider legs were propped up on all sides of the wall, trying their best to stop the contraction of the flesh wall. And this battle, which started as a competition of strength, gradually turned into a competition of abilities.

The sixth-level monster seemed to want to take this opportunity to try whether he could use the strange "devouring" power of his ancestor to fuse the sixth-level weirdness. The "hair" on the eight spider legs turned into black spikes, piercing into the flesh wall. Absorb level 6 weird energy from it.

Seeing that the compression speed of the flesh wall had slowed down, how could Shen Ge, who was sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers, make the situation one-sided and immediately launched an attack on the level 6 monster.

Anyway, he would help whichever side was weak. When the two level 6s were about to run out of power, he would kill two birds with one stone and get two level 6s as a reward.

Although the idea is good, it is also difficult to implement, because although Shen Ge is helping Level 6 weirdos deal with Level 6 weirdos at this time, the opponent cannot distinguish between good and bad and is trying to absorb all the foreign objects in his belly.

And Shen Ge also underestimated this level 6 weirdness. It only seemed to slow down the contraction of the flesh wall, but the intensity of the weird energy it released continued to grow.

Originally, the weirdo could barely compete with it, but unexpectedly, Shen Ge's bombardment with several weird fields and weird energy weapons directly tilted the balance towards weirdness.

"Master, the intensity of the surrounding deception energy has increased several times. At this consumption rate, the red mist armor will run out of deception energy after ten minutes at most." Xiaoqi reminded.

It was obvious that the lose-lose situation that Shen Ge hoped for was unlikely to happen. Now he would either be absorbed by the weirdo together with the weirdo in his stomach, or he would have to stay away from the weirdo as soon as possible.

A monster with a high rating has a big target. If he is discovered by Weird at this time, he will be a living target. However, Shen Ge's target is relatively small, so it is not difficult to move.

Shen Ge thought for a moment and realized that although Weirdness at the same level was much stronger than weirdos at the same level, this level 6 weirdo was in Yiyi's belly after all. It was not that easy for Yiyi to kill the roundworms in his belly, at least. It cannot be done in a short while.

In this case, Shen Ge decided to find another way to find the location of the strange heart of Level 6 while the Level 6 monster was attracting firepower for him. When the Level 6 monster was about to be tortured to death, he would immediately destroy the strange heart. In this way, in the end At least it can guarantee that he will get a level 6 reward. "Classmate Xiaoqi, leave a blood spider here to monitor the weirdo. While it attracts firepower, we can find the weird heart. If the weirdo can't hold on before we find the heart, we will come back first to **** the head. Otherwise, we will first Kill the weird ones and then deal with the weird ones." Shen Ge said.

"Okay master!" Xiao Qi responded, immediately releasing several blood spiders and controlling a blood spider to climb onto the weirdo's body.

Shen Ge relied on the maneuverability of the Weird Boots to withdraw from the battlefield between the two monsters, avoiding the dense crowd of low-level monsters outside, and moved towards the depths of Weird's abdomen.

Although Shen Ge fell into the dream world "semi-actively" this time, he forgot to say hello to others before testing his own treacherous realm, so he "disappeared" again.

Although Shen Ge's "disappearance" has become the norm for both the Rong City branch and Fang Mingyue, but now that the Asian Counterterrorism Research Conference is about to take place, his disappearance again has also aroused Fang Mingyue's vigilance.

Fang Mingyue was in a similar situation to the previous few days. After going to Special Policy Department 2 to handle work matters, she came to Shen Ge to "report" and take a look at her useless brother.

As a result, when today came, his younger brother Fang Yaori was fast asleep in the room, but Shen Ge next door was nowhere to be seen, and could not be contacted by any communication device.

Fang Mingyue guessed that Shen Ge must have fallen into a strange space again. The reason was unclear. For safety reasons, he could only move Fang Yaori first and then report the matter to the Rong City branch.

Deng Yuqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she received the news. In less than half a month after Shen Ge went to Dajing, she was reported missing four times.

Shen Ge's situation of "losing contact" at every turn made her feel helpless.

At this time, Deng Yuqi was arranging candidates to go to Beijing to participate in the Asia Research Study. The captains in the Rong City branch were lazier than the others. The other branch captains all wanted to take this opportunity to show their faces in Asia. , only the captain of their Rong City branch avoided him one by one.

As a result, Deng Yuqi could only "forcibly recruit troops" and use the most primitive method of "drawing lots" to decide who would go to Beijing to attend the meeting.

The two apparent captains of the Rong City branch have now gone to Shen Ge, so Lin Yin must stay in Dajing.

Deng Yuqi thought for a while and then kept Feng Chengxiu. Firstly, the two of them cooperated well, and secondly, Feng Chengxiu's judgment and decision-making were stronger than Lin Yin's.

The remaining candidates... In addition to sending the captain, the headquarters wanted to have a certain genius researcher show up at the meeting. Unfortunately, Deng Yuqi and Li Xiang had talked several times. This guy only had research in his mind and would rather stay in the meeting. Shen Ge's research equipment was being upgraded in the laboratory, and he didn't want to go out to breathe fresh air.

Deng Yuqi thought of the message Shen Ge sent him before losing contact this time, as well as the list of "gains" he had gained along the way, and made it clear that it would be best for Li Xiang to go to Dajing.

Deng Yuqi thought that he "cannot move" Li Xiang. Maybe Shen Ge and these many weird samples, strange parasites, dream worlds and other things can arouse Li Xiang's interest.

Thinking of this, Deng Yuqi put down her work and went to the research department to chat with Li Xiang in person.

The research department has changed a lot this year. After Li Xiang established the weird research department, the research department at the Quanlongshan base was supervised by his teacher and junior sister, while he was in charge of the research department at the branch. In other words, the research department of the Rong City branch is in their "home" hands.

However, since Li Xiang's biggest hobby is to tinker with Shen Ge's armor upgrades and weird characteristics, he hardly pays attention to management matters, so Deng Yuqi had to assign him, the head of the research department, with a deputy director who is good at managing affairs to handle everything except research for him. Everything except.

Deng Yuqi originally wanted to transfer Liu Jiayi here, which could be regarded as a disguised promotion. Unexpectedly, even if this guy was injured, he would rather stay in the Information Department and go on field work than be the actual "first sister" of the Research Department.

"Hey, our department is full of weirdos. They do things based on their preferences." Deng Yuqi complained and stepped into the research department.

Li Xiang's laboratory is at the back of the research department. Deng Yuqi specially arranged a triple defense for him and arranged for the spies to be responsible for his safety in shifts.

Deng Yuqi put on her exclusive protective clothing and walked into the laboratory. She saw Li Xiang and a group of assistants gathered outside a room similar to a holding room, observing the things inside through the special anti-trick glass.

Deng Yuqi took a closer look and saw that there was a half-meter-high pile of mud-like "flesh and blood" that looked like smelly mud in the holding room.

"What are you doing?" Deng Yuqi asked curiously.

Everyone didn't expect the minister to come in person, so they all started saying hello.

Li Xiang explained: "This is the product of the weird samples that Shen Ge brought back from the Bang Kingdom, the weird cells of the ancestors, and... well, the carrion of the Red Mist Armor. Shen Ge mentioned before that he wanted to protect Cheng during the battle. Director, I once tried to let Xiaoqi control the red mist armor to separate the secondary armor for protection. I thought this was a good idea, so I thought of using the fusion power of the red mist armor to separate. "

"To put it simply, it is to add weird materials and combine it with the weird cells of the ancestors to expand the Red Mist Armor, so that Shen Ge can wear a set of Red Mist Armor by himself in battle, and at the same time, Xiao Qi can control one, or... Used to protect more important people for him."

"It's a pity that it lacks the 'Cunning Brain', which is what Shen Ge calls the characteristic of 'not forgetting'. This armor cannot be formed without the control of classmate Xiao Qi."

"It's a pity that Shen Ge is not in Rong City now. Otherwise, he could have cooperated with me to do some debugging. Maybe the second armor can be used normally when he is far away from the red mist armor."

Li Xiang became more and more energetic as he spoke, and the content became more and more complicated. Deng Yuqi didn't have any talent as a researcher, so he was naturally confused and quickly stopped: "Stop, stop, stop, let's sum it up in one sentence. The deputy director of this red mist armor." A, it cannot be formed without the control of the Red Mist Armor. In other words, this plan has failed, right?"

"No, it just couldn't be formed, it didn't fail." Li Xiang denied Deng Yuqi's words, and then started talking about this research in a long list.

"..." Deng Yuqi was speechless. She didn't understand the difference between "unusable" and failure.

She had no way to deal with this kind of research madness, so she simply stopped discussing professional topics with Li Xiang and explained the purpose of her visit.

Li Xiang adjusted his glasses and rejected Deng Yuqi's proposal without any surprise: "Minister, some of the most successful research on espionage in Asia came from our Rong City branch. In terms of the standard equipment equipped for espionage agents, , other countries have fallen far behind us, and I don’t think Sakura and Bangguo, two people who are about to destroy their country, can spend much research funds to continue weird research. "

"Instead of going to Dajing to participate in this research meeting that is destined to be a waste of time, I would rather stay in the laboratory and conduct more research. Last time that guy Shen Ge came back from Bang Country, he was still complaining to me about the last chapter of the Red Mist Armor Company. There are no basic diving functions.”

"And I already have the latest upgrade plan for the Red Mist Armor, and I vow to make it a battle armor that dominates the sea, land and air, leaving that guy speechless!" (End of Chapter)

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