The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 251: 3 The truth about the world

Shen Ge directly chose to open the [Log]. At this moment, he felt a burning sensation coming from the center of his forehead, and then his skin seemed to be torn apart.

Shen Ge immediately got up and went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. He was surprised to find that the skin between his forehead and eyebrows had cracked, and a black eyeball was trying to squeeze out of his skull.

And this "eyeball" is the same sneaky eyeball that the system swallowed before.

The strange thing is that when the eyeball fully appeared, Shen Ge was surprised to find that he could control the eyeball, and it felt no different from his own eyes.

The skin squeezed open by it, like eyelids, can complete the action of closing and opening eyes.

"Good guy, you cosplay Erlang Shen, right?" Shen Ge complained, returned to the bed and sat down and continued to call up the [Log] panel.

The previous [Log] was a system projection window that displayed the contents of the log in text.

But now when Shen Ge called up [Diary], the strange eye between his eyebrows shot out a ray of light like a projector, condensing a clear picture in front of him.

"..." Shen Ge's expression suddenly became a little subtle. After the system evolved, even the [Log] changed from text to pictures this time.

At this time, the screen in front was divided into two. The left window was marked "****07", the right window was marked "****13", and there was a line of notes below -

"*****07 Restart the World"

"****13 Restart the World"

Obviously these are the two glowing fragments that Shen Ge snatched when the dream world collapsed, so we can see the endings of these two restarts.

Shen Ge looked at the picture on the left. The picture slowly zoomed in from a distance. Two black cars were driving on a mountain road in a thunderstorm.

The camera slowly moved into the car, where a child was **** tightly and thrown into the back seat, with two strong middle-aged men sitting next to him.

As the screen changes, a subtitle-like explanation appears below.

[Time—, you were awakened by a "shock". In a daze, you found that your hands were tied behind your back, your mouth was stuffed with a ball of cloth, and it was wrapped several times with transparent tape. 】

[You struggled hard, your hands and feet were tied, and your hands were tied behind your back several times, and you couldn't use any strength at all. 】

[During the struggle, you bumped into the person next to you, and then you heard a rich male voice scolding: "It's almost here, if you move again, I will throw you out of the car."]

"Is this the first experience of entering the dream world?" Shen Ge quickly recognized the scene when he was **** to Rongshan Mental Hospital based on the information fed back by the picture and subtitles.

"No, it's not the first experience of entering the dream world. This should be what happened in the timeline of '****07 Restarting the World.'"

In order to verify the conjecture in his mind, Shen Ge let the scene on the right also play. If according to his experience in the dream world, then as the second time he entered the dream and had the first experience, he did not anger the kidnappers, but chose to fight with them. Cooperate and get closer to Dr. Chen step by step.

However, as the scene on the right played, Shen Ge unexpectedly discovered that it was not his second experience of entering the dream world, but a plot with only a slight deviation from the plot on the left.

Shen Ge thought for a moment, and suddenly wanted to understand why such a strange "change" had occurred, because the two dream world fragments he got were not from his own spirit when he entered the dream, but from Ping'an Hotel, and Fang Yaori. Only by entering the dream world and dreaming in your normal state can you get the fragments when the world collapses.

In other words, these two dream fragments are just two of the countless restarted endings of Blue Star No. 2, not the two that Shen Ge "experienced".

[It has been detected that the dream fragments are releasing an unknown signal. Does the host choose to receive it? 】

Unknown signal?

"Receive." Although Shen Ge doesn't know what the unknown signal of this dream fragment is, after all, this is a situation in the [log] controlled by the system. He can't kill the host just after upgrading, right?

At this time, Shen Ge felt that the eyes between his eyebrows were burning more obviously, as if they were about to burn. Then the two scenes in front merged into one, and a scene that was very "familiar" to Shen Ge appeared.

In the picture, there is an area shrouded in black fog in the center of the vast starry sky, and there are two identical planets at the upper and lower ends of this fog area. As the picture changes, the lower planet is divided into two, and finally the upper planet is The planet is in the shape of a triangle with a black vortex in the center.

But I don’t know if it’s because there are only two dream fragments, the “received” signal fluctuates greatly, and most of the subtitles for explanation are replaced by “***”, making the information very incomplete.

However, if this information had been discovered by Shen Ge a few years ago, it might still have confused him. But now, combined with the intelligence collected over the years and the situation of the Haiya Research Institute, the pictures and text will soon be combined. Complete incomplete information.

But the "truth" after the completion made Shen Ge feel depressed like he couldn't laugh or cry. Putting aside the prerequisite that the emergence of supernatural powers will lead to the demise of mankind, the reason why he had a miserable childhood and why there was a system was the result of a "mistake" by some idiot!

Based on the information revealed by the fragments, Shen Ge connected all the known intelligence together—

[Originally, World 1 and World 2 were "operating" normally, until one day a thick black fog appeared in the dark vortex in the central area and connected to World 1, causing changes in World 1. 】

[Because the 1st world and the 2nd world are "connected" by some kind of force, the center position passes through the black vortex, so when the 1st world evolves a "result", the 2nd world will cycle this result. 】【As the blue star is corroded by the strange energy released by the central vortex, if the world suffers too much destruction and is destroyed, the blue star will produce "negative emotions", a substance that can alienate non-human creatures. 】

[Human beings, as the initiators of the destruction of Blue Star, will not react to the black evil energy, but will only become sick and die. Creatures other than humans will mutate when they absorb black strange energy, and become killers who "revenge" Blue Star. 】

[When humanity is completely destroyed, Blue Star will enter a reboot, the entire world will be rebooted, and everything will start again. 】

[However, due to biological evolution, there will always be the birth of "human beings", causing the world to enter a "vicious cycle" and be constantly restarted. 】

[Until the world evolved countless times, a person appeared in the world who changed the direction of the world. 】

[1 The "***" of the world rely on their father who is a researcher and a genius researcher to constantly use strange equipment to strengthen themselves to hunt strange things, but even if they work hard enough, the world is heading towards destruction step by step. 】

[The tenth-level Weird King appears, and World 1 uses all the power of the world to suppress it, but the world has been destroyed, and all life forms have been swallowed up by Weirdness. 】

[The "***" who suppressed the tenth-level Trick King gained the ability to merge with Blue Star's will, and successfully swallowed the world's Trick King. The "***" of World 1 saw the existence of World 2 through Blue Star's will. 1 The "***" of the world did not want the world to continue in an infinite vicious cycle, so it stopped the "restart", peeled off a part of the King of Deception from his body, and sent it to the second world. 】

[However, the "***" in the second world learned that there was a strange king living in his body, which could swallow and digest other strange things, especially strange things with special characteristics that would not appear again once they were swallowed, so he gave up the idea of ​​using special characteristics to be weird. The route made into strange equipment continuously swallows strange things and concentrates various characteristics on the body. Originally under the control of the "***" in the second world, strange events were successfully suppressed until the appearance of the tenth-level strange king. 】

[After the "***" of the 2nd world swallowed the King of Tricks, the part of the King of Tricks in the body could not suppress the complete King of Tricks, causing the fusion to fail. It lost control and swallowed the will of the "***" of the 2nd world. The "** of the 2nd world" *" Transformed into the King of Creatures, and the world was once again heading for destruction. 】

[The "***s" of the 1st world and the 2nd world united to suppress the collapse of the 2nd world, but unexpectedly split the 2nd world into two, and now the three planets surround the dark vortex in a triangle shape. 】

[Although worlds 1/2/3 have successfully avoided the influence of the dark whirlpool, the fate of the three planets has been linked together. 】

[World 3, as the last link, will be restarted for the last time. Once this restart collapses, the balance of the three worlds will be completely broken, leading to the final destruction. 】

[The "***" in the 1st world tried to awaken the remaining consciousness of the "***" in the 2nd world, and finally gathered the power of the two, consumed most of Blue Star's will, and successfully sent the last of the King of Creatures cells to the 3rd world. 】

[The "***" in the 1st and 2nd worlds are completely dead. They place all their hopes on the "***" in the 3rd world, hoping that he can prevent the last restart, so that the 3rd world can survive with their hope. , or find a way to restart the dead 1/2 of the world again. 】

[In order to prevent the "***" of the 3rd world from recurring the erroneous process of the "***" of the 2nd world, the "***" of the 1st world thought hard about a plan, a huge gamble, and would kill the remaining half of the King of Ghosts in the body. Then peel off half of it, and use the long-lasting memory to build it into a "system" for disguise. The system will issue tasks to the "***" in the third world, allowing him to devour strange things in an orderly and "healthy" way, so that the system has enough growth time. 】

[And the special ability "Log" is set up for assistance. "Log" is a combination of the growth trajectory of the "***" in the 1st world and the "***" in the 2nd world, hoping to give "***" to the 3rd world. Some useful intelligence tips. 】

[Since the rating of weirdness is based on its weirdness content, level 1 weirdness is 100%, level 2 is 300%, and level 3 is 1000%... The "***" of world 1 has to disguise other system panels. The data can be converted into weird energy to prevent the "attacks" from the 3rd world from prematurely discovering that the system is weird. 】

[However, this time when the 1st world "***" sent the system to the 3rd world, the black hole in the center of the triangular world fluctuated, causing the system to be affected during the transportation. The system that was originally set to be sent to the normal timeline, Sent to the third world more than ten years in advance. 】

[At this time, "***" was still an "embryo", which led to his parents discovering during prenatal check-up that the systems in "***" had not yet fully fused. My father mistakenly thought it was a "tumor", so he gathered his contacts for consultation and managed to remove the system on the day of delivery. But at this time, most of the system had been integrated by "***", and only a small part was stripped away. 】

[My father and others felt that this small part of the system was a very magical existence, so they studied it and discovered the existence of the uncanny energy. Following the uncanny energy, they found the tenth-level uncanny king who was still a cub in the third world. In the process of studying the world's King of Creatures, due to a researcher's mistake, the cub of the King of Creatures "died", so the research team took advantage of the situation to dissect and separate it for research. 】

[After the Ghost King was stripped away, each part had a "characteristic". The indestructible claws were made into a butcher's knife by researchers using the fusion of ghost energy. The Ghost Eyes were "invisible" and the Ghost Stomach was "devourable"...]

[With the death of King Wei, the negative emotions of Blue Star's will became more serious, and the weirdness that was originally going to appear more than ten years later was born early. In order to deal with these strange things, my father's research team accelerated their research progress. However, other countries discovered the secret and asked for joint research. 】

[The Great Celestial Empire opened some research to the rest of the Wuchang countries in line with the principle of joint confrontation in world crises. However, someone attempted to take away the body of King Wei, which caused an accident in the experiment. During his escape, his father was parasitized by King Wei's "heart". He was worried that other countries would discover that the King of Creatures came from the body of the "***", so he took advantage of the chaos and deleted all research files and records about the "***", and in this experimental accident, he created a "suspended death" golden cicada to escape from its shell. With the help of his own connections, he changed his identity and became anonymous. 】

[The remaining limbs and internal organs of the Strange King were scattered around the world, and strange events around the world gradually became more frequent. 】

[When "***" was ten years old, a family of three went to the seaside for a trip. His father, who was parasitized by the heart of the King of Devils, was attracted by the power of the King of Devils at the beach. He unexpectedly found a piece of the King's internal organs. The two internal organs reacted and the heart quickly possessed him. , and successfully devoured his father. 】

[The "***" of World 1 is the King of Deception who used the power of the King of Deception to devour Blue Star's will and then devoured it, so the "***" of World 1 occupies the dominant position in consciousness. My father did not have Blue Star's will to protect his body, so weirdness took over. 】

[Therefore, after being swallowed by the strangeness, my father died completely, leaving only a basic consciousness similar to that of a zombie that "can only eat" - to retrieve other limbs and internal organs. The original laboratory was built in the sea, and the "Resurrection King" has been searching for limbs and internal organs in the sea for many years. 】

[Due to the death of his father and mother, "***" became an orphan, so he suffered a series of tragic experiences, which led to serious mental problems. The system in his body has been in a "sleeping" state because of its "incompleteness". 】

[Although the broken system is full of loopholes, the "downtime" effect of swallowing the characteristics has been successfully maintained, resulting in the "***" strength in the third world being temporarily in a state of healthy growth. 】

Apart from anything else, after Shen Ge learned the "truth", he really felt sad for those weirdos in Tiangan who were counting on the next reboot.

They have made themselves neither humans nor ghosts, and they are betting the future on the next civilization after the "restart", but they don't know that this is the last restart of the 3rd world. Once the magic power gets out of control again and the tenth-level trick king wakes up, Then the whole world will collapse! (End of chapter)

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