The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 232: head

 Chapter 232 Head

"Are you okay? Are you feeling unwell?" Dr. Chen's tone changed from the indifference and anger when facing the assistant before, and even a hint of concern could be heard.

"Dr. Chen, I'm fine... I seem to have had a strange dream. A little boy who looked very similar to me appeared in the dream. He took me to hide and seek in the hospital..." Shen Ge still blamed all this on "the dream" ”, answered Dr. Chen’s questions “truthfully” in the way of dreams.

Since Shen Ge and Sanzai did not kill the female weirdo this time, the strange baby did not appear in advance. Naturally, there will be no scene where the strange baby is sent to the food truck to intimidate them.

Subsequently, in order to punish Shen Ge for leaving the ward privately, Dr. Chen took him to San Tsai's ward to "observe" the process of being fed worms.

Shen Ge had to perform a full set of acting, so he naturally had to look frightened. In the end, he pretended to be faint and was pushed back to the ward by Dr. Chen and others.

Shen Ge originally thought that Dr. Chen and others would use this to conduct experiments on him, and was even ready to use "hypnosis" to control himself again, but who knew that he would leave after settling him down.

"What does this mean?"

“Are you really going to prepare for the third phase of the experiment?”

  Shen Ge lay on the hospital bed pretending to sleep, and quickly went through all the details of the "infinite loop" of the past few days in his mind.

In general, every time after watching San Zai being fed worms, he would fall into a coma and then enter the "loop", but now he has obviously skipped this node, does this mean that he has escaped from the loop?

Shen Ge believes that the so-called "cycle" is the countless "endings" of Earth 2. Because of his choices, the world is destined to reach a certain ending, which will trigger a "reset" and start a cycle.

Shen Ge has already figured out the rules of the dream world. The most important thing now is to find the so-called "key" that allows him to control his own entry into the dream world instead of being pulled in by special circumstances every time.

Soon the time came to noon, and Shen Ge, who was pretending to be asleep, heard the sound of the door opening and the sound of a cart. At this time, the lunch delivery person should have arrived.

Hearing the sound, the person put down the food and pushed the cart away. Shen Ge waited for another twenty minutes and then sat up from the bed pretending to have just woken up.

Shen Ge got out of bed and walked to the desk. There were several biology books given by Dr. Chen on the table. The silver dinner plate in the middle still had the same set meal as usual. The difference was that this time there were two books on the upper right corner of the silver plate. A red pill, and a piece of paper pressed next to the dinner plate.

The paper said that this red pill was a drug to supplement nutrition and increase the body’s resistance, but in Shen Ge’s memory, it was the “mind control drug” that he took as a meal...

"So, they noticed that I was less affected by psychotropic drugs, and they adopted this method to keep me taking medicine?" Shen Ge grabbed the red pills on the plate and stuffed them into his mouth, but when he took them, he "revealed" them. The pill stuck to his hand. When he took his hand back, he hid the pill quietly.

In this way, Shen Ge returned to the previous "two points and one line" life, either resting in the ward or being sent to the operating room to undergo various experiments.

After the experiment lasted for more than half a month, Shen Ge discovered that Dr. Chen had changed the injected medicine during an experiment. He took note of the information and wrote it down.

From that day on, there were no red pills on the daily meal trays. Instead, the food tasted a little weird.

Shen Ge believed that even if there was a hidden camera in the ward, it would be impossible to detect the red pill he had hidden through "materialization".

Then there is only one possibility. Dr. Chen detected that the level of psychotropic drugs in his body was too low, so he directly added drugs to his meals to increase the dosage.

But what makes Shen Ge strange is that if Dr. Chen wanted to control him through psychotropic drugs, he could have injected him with psychotropic drugs in the operating room every time he underwent an experiment. Why bother?

Although Shen Ge was a little confused, after Dr. Chen "drugged" Shen Ge in this way, as time went by, he gradually felt the strange feeling of being between reality and weirdness again.

The most obvious thing was that when he was sleeping, the white coats who came to the ward to bring him food all looked like pale, scary, weird faces to him.

That night, after Chen Ge came to deliver dinner to Shen Ge in a white coat and left, Shen Ge looked out from the ajar door, and sure enough he saw that sarcoma-like eye monster again!

"What's happening here?"

“If Dr. Chen just wants to use psychotropic drugs to affect my senses, treat the staff here as monsters, or cause hallucinations, what’s the point?”

“Weirdness and weirdos are ‘real’ things. Even if they are not affected by psychotropic drugs, they can still be seen..."

“According to the weirdo in the mirror, the three years the Weird Association kept me in Rongshan Mental Hospital for research were mainly to study the weird ancestor cells in my body and to find the ‘key’ to the dream world.”

“Then the starting point of all Dr. Chen’s experiments should be around these two points. It is impossible to do anything meaningless.”

“Could it be that when there is a problem with my consciousness or senses, it will affect the strange ancestor cells in my body to change, or is it somehow related to the ‘key’ to the dream world?”

Shen Ge calmed down, stood up, walked to the door and looked outside through the crack of the door. At this time, there was no sarcoma monster outside, and no eyes, only endless darkness.

“When you are not under the influence of psychotropic drugs, except that the lights are slightly darker, the inpatient department is no different from a normal hospital.”

“The current situation is very much like being pulled into a world of strange space.”


Shen Ge thought of a possibility. If Dr. Chen found a way to stimulate the strange energy of the ancestor's strange cells in his body... wouldn't it be equivalent to finding the key to triggering the strange space?

Because whether it’s the words of the weirdo in the mirror or Shen Ge’s last visit to Rongshan Mental Hospital, the clues found in the director’s archives show that there is no weird space in “reality”. The so-called weird space is through the ancestor. Weird cells cause weird energy distortion, a unique space that merges with countless endings on Earth 2.

It has been confirmed that the system is the ancestor of weirdness. Shen Ge originally thought that the system might have been implanted by the Weird Association during his three years in Rongshan Mental Hospital.

Now it seems that the system was in his body earlier, and it has almost been confirmed that he is probably the "baby" who discovered the strangeness of the ancestor in his body.

As for the situations that are contrary to Ye Jingwen's various statements, there is no guarantee that what Ye Jingwen said is completely true, or there may be other secrets behind it.

But in any case, through these strange experiences in the dream world, Shen Ge has been able to determine that Dr. Chen should have stimulated the ancestor's strange cells in his body through some method, and allowed the ancestor's strange energy to spread, resulting in similar strange phenomena. space situation.

Only this can explain why Shen Ge saw the inpatient unit full of monsters after Dr. Chen injected the so-called "viral antibody".

Shen Ge still has many doubts in his heart, but at the moment it is obvious that he can only take one step at a time. Anyway, the most difficult "infinite reincarnation" has been passed. The worst result is death and then losing a piece of memory. Anyway, Shen Ge was almost tortured by his two different memories, "fuzzy" and "clear", and he was about to lose some more memories.


Shen Ge raised his hand and slowly opened the door to the ward. With a harsh sound, the door was opened. Outside was a dark corridor with no lights, and it was eerily quiet.

Not to mention how carefully Shen Ge observed the corridors and wards during this "endless reincarnation". Just the fact that he had lived here for "several years", not to mention the length and width of the corridor, even the doors, windows, and railings. He can also recite it easily.

So Shen Ge walked in the dark corridor, in absolute silence, constantly counting his steps and distance in his mind, and soon reached the stairwell.

Shen Ge now wants to confirm three situations. First, whether the weirdo in the operating room exists in "reality" or in a strange space affected by strange energy; secondly, whether the records in the dean and the archives are related to him. Same thing as I saw when I came here.

 Last and most important point—

What exactly is Dr. Chen’s so-called third phase of the experiment, and are they still secretly monitoring this situation?

Shen Ge counted the stairs and walked up. When he passed the corner of the stairwell on the second floor, he could faintly see some light sources above. There were a few old lamps on the corridor on the second floor, and he could faintly hear the "sizzling" electricity. There was a loud sound, and the lights in the corridor flashed from time to time, which was a bit scarier than the completely dark corridor downstairs.

Shen Ge wanted to go directly to the third floor, but he subconsciously stopped while standing in the stairwell of the second floor. If he remembered correctly, in addition to the pregnant female weirdo, there seemed to be a weirdo who cut human pigs in the inpatient department, and last time He died in the strange man's plasma during the dream journey.

Shen Ge walked into the corridor on the second floor. In the middle of the dim corridor, there was a red indicator light hanging outside a room. It looked like an indicator light for an operation in the operating room of a hospital.

 Shen Ge took a closer look and saw the words "Operating Room" written on the light sign on the door, but the font was in red, and it felt like it was melting, like blood.

"This is it." Shen Ge still remembered that the strange person he saw here last time, so he approached the door and listened carefully to what was going on inside. When he didn't hear any noise, he pushed the door open a crack.

The operating room was very spacious, with various old instruments and shelves placed along the walls. There was only a hospital bed in the center, with a tied man lying on it. This man had no head and both legs were amputated, but he was still tied to the hospital bed with two thick ropes wrapped with iron chains.

Shen Ge pushed open the door and walked into the operating room. The door of the operating room made a harsh sound. In the dark corridor, the sound seemed particularly scary and weird.

There was only one energy-saving lamp in the center of the operating room, making the surrounding corners very dark. But as soon as he entered the room, Shen Ge felt a shadow shaking above his head.

Shen Ge looked up subconsciously and saw several **** human legs hanging from the ceiling, which looked like they had been freshly cut off. There was blood dripping down the legs and onto the ground.

  Tick tock.

  Tick tock.

  Shen Ge moved a step to the side to prevent blood from dripping onto his body, bypassed the area where blood accumulated on the ground, and came to the side of the operating bed.

This strange man is not dead. His chest is rising and falling slightly, and he seems to be breathing normally. Where the corpse's neck was severed, there is also a wound extending to the lower body, which is also sewn with surgical sutures into a centipede-like scar. .

The situation between the weirdo and Shen Ge was basically the same as the last time they saw each other, and there was not much change. However, this time Shen Ge was much more courageous. He picked up the instruments on the operating table and poked and tapped, seeming to be studying the weirdo's body. The skin tissue and the neatly broken wounds.

There was no blood flowing out of the weirdo's neck or where his limbs were cut off. The flesh at the cut site looked very fresh. Even without looking at the heaving chest, it didn't look like he was dead.

This is what Shen Ge finds strangest. There is no "death" even after being tortured like this. Only weird and weird people have such vitality.

Last time, Shen Ge used a scalpel to cut open the weirdo's abdomen and cut open the stomach, causing the plasma inside to gush out, completely transforming the weirdo into a flesh-and-blood monster.

This time, he did not rush to take action on the weirdo. Instead, he rummaged through the operating room, trying to find some reports related to the weirdo's experiments.

While Shen Ge was rummaging through the files, he found a locked locker in the corner. Naturally, this old-fashioned lock could not stop him and he could easily open it using only the instruments in the operating room.

Shen Ge originally thought that it must contain a relatively important experimental report, but who knew that there was a silver plate inside with a...


The scary thing is that this "human head" with its eyes closed and peaceful looked familiar. Shen Ge took a closer look and found that it was 50 or 60% similar to San Zai!

  No, to be precise, it should be the third child after adulthood!

However, when Shen Ge carefully observed the head, the originally peaceful head with closed eyes suddenly opened its eyes. His eyes were blood red, much like the strange man in the mirror that Shen Ge saw later.

"Got you!"

The peaceful face with a human head suddenly became distorted and ferocious. He stared at Shen Ge fiercely and kept repeating these words, his voice getting louder and louder.

As the head "comes to life", the reaction of the weird man tied to the hospital bed becomes more and more intense, as if he wants to break free from the restraints.

With Shen Ge's will, he would not be frightened by such a weird scene, but he was not sure whether the sound of human heads would attract building patrols or other monsters. He simply pushed the silver plate into the cabinet and locked the cabinet.



The cabinet shook violently, as if the heads inside were banging against the cabinet crazily. Shen Ge stood up and tried to find something to block the cabinet, but saw the weird man **** on the hospital bed breaking free from his restraints and jumping out of the hospital bed with an extremely weird gesture. Way sat up.

The next second, with a "bang bang bang" falling sound, all the **** feet hanging from the ceiling fell to the ground in an instant.

These limbs are still bleeding, turning the operating room into a "blood pool" almost in the blink of an eye.

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