The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 224: Hundred times increase in strength

Chapter 224: Hundred-fold increase in strength

“Tian Anxiu? I remember that this woman was the counterattack agent in the team when Liu Jiayi was still in Beijing.” After classmate Xiaoqi reminded her, Shen Ge also remembered where he had seen this face.

“Yes, Master, they were the ones cooperating with your actions at that time. The main people who contacted you were Liu Jiayi and Fang Mingyue, so you probably didn’t have a deep impression of her. I have retrieved Tian Anxiu’s relevant files..."

After Xiao Qi finished speaking, a screen was projected on Shen Ge's watch, showing Tian Anxiu's confidential files in the Special Policy Department.

Tian Anxiu, a former soldier of the Dajing Special Forces, was transferred to the Special Strategy Department in 2000 due to his outstanding performance, and joined Liu Jiayi's counterattack team in 2023.

After Liu Jiayi was transferred to Rong City to take over the Ministry of Information, Tian Anxiu was promoted to deputy captain of the team. This time Shen Ge came to Beijing, and she was one of the many people to pick her up.

 This is information related to Tian Anxiu in the real world where Shen Ge lives.

 It has been determined that the dream world is a distorted world caused by the chaos of many "endings" on Earth 2, and is a manifestation of the "future".

In other words, Tian Anxiu's head will appear in this weirdo's body, which means that the future Tian Anxiu will survive at least until the birth of the shelter project, and either he will be controlled by the parasitic weirdness after the shelter is out of control and become a weirdo, or he will accept The weirdo plan.

 It would not be surprising if it is the former. As Shen Ge said before, a completely enclosed doomsday facility like a shelter will inevitably lose control if there is an internal problem.

Because weirdness and weirdos cannot be completely isolated from the outside world like zombies and wilderness monsters. First of all, the invisible weird energy that permeates the air cannot be eliminated. Secondly, non-human creatures have a chance of becoming alienated after inhaling the weird energy. Things like mice and cockroaches are human. They will appear everywhere, not to mention all kinds of parasitic weirdness.

Secondly, weirdness will continue to mutate. No matter how strong the current high wall is, it cannot resist fifth-level, sixth-level, or even higher-level weirdness.

 So once the shelter is out of control, there will be fewer and fewer humans to fight, but more and more monsters to fight. It is not surprising that parasitized people will appear in the restaurant and completely alienated weirdos will appear in the stairwell.

If Tian Anxiu accepted the weirdo plan and it turned out like this, then the problem would be much more serious.

This means that not only did the shelter plan have problems at its root, but it also experimented on spooky agents. This was not infiltrated by a weirdo organization, but completely turned into a weirdo organization!

“Can we analyze its weird type and collect data?” Shen Ge asked.

Classmate Xiao Qi stretched out a few rot-blood tentacles and began to collect Tian Anxiu's information. At the same time, he said: "Reporting to the master, judging from the data collected so far, it does not match the weird information in the current information database. It should belong to the 'future' The new weirdo.”

Xiaoqi’s weirdo information database is divided into two types. One is the research data of the Rong City branch in the real world and the information collected by Shen Ge from various anti-terrorist organizations; the other is the weird disasters in Sakura Country that go to the "future" , intelligence collected in the "future".

 Xiaoqi's analytical ability is undoubted. Even if it can't find matching information about the weirdo, it means that this is indeed a "new breed" in the dream world.

 “Write it down.” After Shen Ge cooperated with Xiao Qi in data collection, he completely ended the life of the weirdo Tian Anxiu.

  【The host is brave and invincible, single-handedly kills level 4 weirdos, and is rewarded with system points x5000, level e recovery items x1, and level f recovery items x3. 】

  【Can sell weird corpses - value: 8000 system points. 】

Hearing the system prompts, Shen Ge was a little confused whether to take the weirdo's body back to study or sell it in exchange for 8,000 system points.

  Take it back with you. There are already two different new types of monsters stuffed in the sleeping bag. If you throw a more advanced one in, who knows if a more terrifying one will come out?

 Don't take it back. This is the latest type of weirdo in the dream world. If the research department can obtain information about "future" weirdos from it, it will also be of great help to the special strategy department in targeting weirdos.

Shen Ge thought for a moment and took out the sleeping bag. When he opened it, he was surprised to find that the "Pewter Wax Man" accommodated on the plane looked strange and showed signs of resurrection.

  Another corpse of a weirdo contained in a containment bag had some parts covered with "white wax" on the surface. If it had been discovered later, the white wax weirdo might have secretly eaten the corpse.

Shen Ge had no choice but to pour out both types of monsters and beat the corpses. After making sure to kill them again, he "packed" them in a containment bag.

After much hesitation, Shen Ge finally decided to pack the body of the weirdo Tian Anxiu into a sleeping bag. Only the corpses put into the sleeping bag could be put into the bloodskin backpack.

To ensure that these three types of monsters would quietly devour the corpses of other monsters after their "resurrection", Shen Ge asked Xiao Qi to test the blood-skin backpack at any time.

We can only find a way to leave the dream world as soon as possible. If that doesn't work, it won't be too late to dispose of the body of the weirdo Tian Anxiu.

Shen Ge continued to walk upstairs. Unlike the high-rise buildings in Doomorong City, here there was not a fourth-level weirdo guarding the stairwells on every floor, but one every tenth floor.

Tian Anxiu was guarding the stairwell on the 1st and 2nd floors. The second "weird" Shen Ge encountered was in the stairwell on the 12th floor above the 11th floor. However, the weirdo on the 11th floor was much scarier than Tian Anxiu.

 Tian Anxiu still maintains half of the human body, but the monster's body has been completely alienated, turning into a disgusting combination of sarcoma and rotten flesh.

There is a strange eyeball in the huge mouth full of teeth in the center. The rotten flesh on the body turned into rotten tentacles and stuck to the ceiling and walls, blocking the entire stairwell.

When Shen Ge was still on the tenth floor, the monster seemed to be aware of his presence, and its rotten blood tentacles stretched out against the wall like vines.



Just when Shen Ge was about to start a battle with the weirdo in the mysterious realm, there was a loud noise downstairs, followed by a woman's scream.

"Hu Tinglan?" Shen Ge recognized Hu Tinglan's voice as soon as he heard it, but Hu Tinglan should be hiding a few kilometers away at this time, why did she appear here?

Let’s not talk about whether Hu Tinglan is hiding her strength. Even if she does have the power to deal with weird things, she can chop her hands off based on the number of monsters in the distance from where she is hiding to the spire.

 And Shen Ge's powerful "mental power" also ensured that he would not be affected by the strange energy in the steeple and have hallucinations. It could only be that Hu Tinglan came to the tower for some reason.

Compared with dealing with the super weirdo in front of him, Shen Ge was more curious about Hu Tinglan's situation, so he activated the dual characteristics of "Invisible + Traceless" and rushed downstairs.

The tenth floor seemed to be a residential area, with doors neatly arranged on both sides of the corridor like apartments. However, in order to leave here as quickly as possible, Shen Ge went all the way up the stairwell without exploring each floor. Shen Ge tried to open a few doors and took a quick look. Each room had the standard one-bedroom-one-living layout of the Special Policy Department. Although it was not big, only fifty or sixty square meters, it was considered adequate for the apocalyptic environment. A very generous living environment.

Shen Ge looked for several rooms, but the entire tenth floor was empty. Not to mention Hu Tinglan, he didn't even see a weirdo or weird person.

"Could it be that the weird person on the eleventh floor caused the hallucination?" Shen Ge couldn't help but think of Hu Tinglan's hallucinations when she was acting together before.

Classmate Xiaoqi replied: "Reporting to the master, I didn't detect any signs of interference in your behavior just now. At the same time, I also heard Hu Tinglan's voice."

  Classmate Xiaoqi said this, which proves that Shen Ge did not have hallucinations, because judging from his previous experience in Donghuan Lake, classmate Xiaoqi would not be affected when he was affected by hallucinations.

Thinking of this, Shen Ge quickened his pace and explored forward. Since there was not even a monster on this floor, he simply disabled the special state-saving trick.

If someone strange or strange finds him, it will save him time to look for people everywhere, because it can be seen from Hu Tinglan's exclamation that she must have encountered a monster. Since no one has been found for such a long time, there is a high probability that he was swallowed up by a weirdo or something weird.

Shen Ge quickly arrived at the end of the tenth floor. Strangely, the end was not the double sliding door leading to the stairwell, but a "black door" similar to the door to the room along the way.

“Master, a strong wave of strange energy has been detected ahead!” Xiao Qi suddenly reminded.

Shen Ge also felt a strong sense of oppression at this time. The closer he got to the black door, the stronger the sense of oppression became.

What’s even more strange is that there seems to be a voice in Shen Ge’s mind urging him to move forward and open the black door.

 There seemed to be something calling him from the door.

Shen Ge subconsciously entered the three-characteristic state of "invisible + silent + traceless". When the power of the characteristics was used, the strange sense of oppression weakened a lot.

 But just as he used his magic realm to resist the strange and strange people's strange powers, his own strange powers were declining rapidly, and he seemed to be resisting the oppressive feeling in the air. In the blink of an eye, Shen Ge's cunning ability could no longer be sustained, and he was forced to cancel the characteristic.

Classmate Xiao Qi also seemed to be aware of the danger. At this time, Shen Ge was attached to the full-body red mist armor. It extended a large number of rotten blood tentacles from the back, and used the "holding" property of the sneaky gloves to wrap around the surrounding doors. The handle and the wall prevented Shen Ge from being pulled towards the black door.

Affected by the voice, Shen Ge moved forward unconsciously. He seemed to have a split personality at this moment. His clear consciousness told him that it would be very dangerous to approach the black door, but another personality took control of his body and forced himself towards it. Black door forward.

When Shen Ge was less than five meters away from the black door, a strong sense of fear suddenly hit his heart. This feeling made Shen Ge feel very familiar, like entering the "eyes" in the high tower of Doomong City. room, that weird feeling that made him tremble with fear!



At this time, Shen Ge's hand had grasped the doorknob uncontrollably. As the doorknob turned, it seemed as if an invisible hand had pinched Shen Ge's heart, suppressing the beating of his heart. Amplify his fears.

  With the harsh sound of opening the door, the door was slowly pushed open.

 Behind the door, it was not a room at all. To say it was "opening the door" at this time, it was better to say that a fat giant had cut open his belly, which was filled with disgusting fat and internal organs.

What is terrifying is that there are eyes on the fat like flesh and blood foam. They were originally staring at the center of the room. At this time, as the door opened, they looked at Shen Ge at the door.

  Shen Ge found that his body was completely frozen, fear was constantly engulfing his consciousness, and it seemed that he could do nothing but breathe.

Shen Ge once again saw that unforgettable scene—

Eyes in the room were staring at him, and his childhood voice echoed throughout the room: "I found you, I found you, I found you!"

The sound is getting faster and sharper!



Shen Ge felt that his head was about to explode. At that moment, countless information seemed to pour into his mind, causing confusion in his memory.

The originally "fuzzy" memories became clear, and the originally "clear" memories became blurry. Familiar pictures flashed past his eyes like a revolving lantern. For a while, Shen Ge couldn't tell which ones were real and which ones. It’s a “false memory”!

Shen Ge roared in pain, and the air around his body shook violently. The strange energy emanating from his body was tenaciously resisting the strange energy pouring out of the room. The two different kinds of strange energy collided violently, as if to It would tear the entire space apart.

At this moment, with a harsh "creak" sound, a door opened not far behind him, and then Hu Tinglan's voice came over -

“Tan Shen? Is that you? Tan Tan?”

  There was surprise and fear in her voice, as if she had just experienced something terrible.

But the sudden sound broke the calm in the corridor, and made Shen Ge, who was almost losing consciousness, suddenly wake up a little.

Shen Ge felt that his consciousness was being swallowed by an unknown force. He endured the severe pain in his mind, gritted his teeth and said to classmate Xiao Qi: "Inject...all...the... red mist...into...into... My body!"

 “Master, this is too dangerous!”


As an artificial intelligence, Xiao Qi’s instructions are based on Shen Ge’s orders. Even if Shen Ge orders it to kill him, it will execute it without hesitation!

 I saw Xiao Qi immediately retracting the rotten blood tentacles adsorbed on the wall, returning to the normal mode of the red mist armor, and then injecting all the mysterious energy into Shen Ge's body.

  Shen Ge's strange energy was rising "噌噌噌噌"", and at the same time it was falling rapidly, and the collision and shaking in the air became more intense!

Without the obstruction of Xiaoqi's control of the red mist armor to absorb the wall, Shen Ge had already stepped into the room in front of him. Just when he was about to go in, he suddenly raised his hand and hit the wall on the side -

 “A hundredfold increase in strength!”


In an instant, the whole building seemed to shake violently, followed by a "rumbling" collapse sound!

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