The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 222: Super weirdo fused with the spire

Chapter 222 The super weirdo fused with the spire

The high wall around the minaret is visually estimated to be twenty or thirty meters high, and the open spaces inside and outside are crowded with parasites with all kinds of weird heads.

The high wall is also covered with a layer of disgusting flesh and blood "vines". Tentacles stretch out to roll up the parasites on the ground and send them into the flesh and blood mouth on the wall.

  When a parasite is swallowed by the giant mouth of flesh, a flesh vine on the high wall will grow a sarcoma and explode, giving birth to a new flesh vine.

This makes the entire high wall look densely covered with carrion tentacles, like a vine monster, very disgusting.

There are only two ways for Shen Ge to enter the spire. One is to find a tall building nearby and jump to the spire like entering a tall building in Doomong City; the other is to use special characteristics to climb over a high wall full of tentacle vines. , or look for the high wall entrance to enter from the monster pile at the main entrance.

 But at this time, compared with the Doomsday Banyan City, both plans are more difficult to implement.

The former is because the high steeple wall has been pushed outward for a certain distance. The high wall from the steeple is several hundred meters away, and there are no buildings higher than the high wall near the high wall, so there is no way to "fly".

In the latter case, Xiao Qi detected that the rotten blood tentacles on the high wall seemed to attack the target only by "touch". When rolling to the ground, only when the tentacles touched the parasitized person, they would be drawn into the mouth of flesh and blood.

With the density of countless carrion tentacles on the high wall, it would be quite difficult for Shen Ge to climb the wall and enter the steeple.

 In the end, Shen Ge chose the simplest and crudest plan, relying on the characteristics to enter from the direction of the high-walled main entrance.

At this time, the main entrance of the high wall seemed to have been knocked out of a gap by a huge object. The rubble piled up into a hill, and countless parasites crawled on it, eating the carrion tentacles growing on the wall.

  Under the influence of the three characteristics of "Invisible + Silent + Traceless", Shen Ge doesn't have to worry about being noticed by parasites. The only thing he needs to be careful about is the carrion tentacles that are as numerous as weeds.

It’s just that these carrion tentacles are powerful monsters to the parasites, but to Shen Ge, they are just a matter of chopping them up with a butcher’s knife.

Although it took some time to get around to the door, there was no need to climb the wall, and it didn't take much time to get over the collapsed stone slope.

Shen Ge controlled two rotten blood tentacles to sweep away, rolling up dozens of parasitized people blocking the main entrance of the spire and smashing them into the pile of monsters behind them. These parasitized people were like zombies with only the instinct to eat. In addition, Shen Ge maintains the state of three characteristics at this time, even if these monsters are conscious, they will only feel that they are swept away by an invisible force.

"Master, there seems to be something wrong." Xiao Qi detected a strong sly energy reaction around the spire, but such a strong sly energy reaction would usually gather into a black mist of sly energy. At this time, there was nothing visible around the spire. The mist itself is very wrong!

Shen Ge approached the main entrance cautiously. At this time, he maintained his three characteristics, so he didn't have to worry about being noticed by the monsters around him.

"It seems like it's inside?" Shen Ge's sneaky eyes couldn't see any ghost energy aura, but the strength of the ghost energy reaction detected by Xiaoqi was very strong, so there was only one possibility...the detected reaction was in the spire. !

What will it be?

A super weirdo who merges with the entire spire that towers into the sky?

Shen Ge tried to let the system scan the surrounding area. After eliminating the first and second-order low-level sneak energy reactions, a large number of third-order and above-level sneak energy reactions appeared near the high wall.

 Shen Ge judged from the [map] that these level 3 or above strange energy reactions should be large carrion tentacles growing on the high walls.

From this point of view, these carrion tentacles are not "tentacles", but each is an independent individual, but they look weird like tentacles.

However, these level 3 carrion tentacles are not the point. The point is that the location of the spire shown on the [map] is a huge red dot.

Is the steeple a super weirdo, or is there a super weirdo hidden inside?

“Can you please stop the system from malfunctioning every time you enter the dream world? Why don’t you publish a few limited-time tasks to give you some hints?” Shen Ge looked at the [map] and couldn’t help complaining.

  Shen Ge and Xiao Qi studied in front of the door for a long time. In the end, they could not find the problem and could only take the simplest and most direct method -


 Shen Ge expanded the invisible realm and used "Collapse" to open a gap. Instead of rushing in, he first inserted a rotten blood tentacle and asked Xiao Qi to control the detection.

“Reporting to the master, it is confirmed that the treacherous energy reaction comes from inside the spire, but the rotten blood tentacles extending into the spire seem to have entered the treacherous space and cannot be controlled.” Xiao Qi said.

Shen Ge thought about it for a while, and finally chose to attach the full-body red mist armor, wrap himself with "not leaving the treacherous realm", and step into the spire.

As soon as he stepped into the spire, Shen Ge felt a very strange feeling, as if the air in the entire space was being compressed. The strong sense of oppression made him breathless in the red mist armor.

What is even more strange is that it is pitch black in the steeple and nothing can be seen. The detection of the system and Xiaoqi's classmates is also affected.

Strictly speaking, it is not that it is shielded, but that there are strange reactions in all directions. It is like putting a hound with a keen sense of smell into a room full of irritating gases, and it is impossible to detect useful information by smell.

The air was filled with a strong putrid smell, like the peculiar smell of Weird's body mixed with the rotting corpse, making people want to vomit.

This feeling made Shen Ge feel like he was back in a high-rise building in Doomorong City. The difference was that the sense of oppression in the dark space was even stronger at this time!

Shen Ge took out the trick fire machine "Never Extinguished" and ignited it, trying to use "Never Extinguish" to illuminate the surroundings. Although "Never Extinguished" was ignited due to its characteristics, the lighting space was very limited, just like a unique small flame in the dark. , you can see it, but you can't illuminate your surroundings through it.

In such a weird state, although Shen Ge is unwilling to release the three characteristics, maintaining the three characteristics consumes a huge amount of weird energy.

 Shen Ge asked Xiao Qi to use the "octopus form", which means extending the rotten blood tentacles in different directions to detect whether there are obstacles around him.

  After releasing the three-characteristic state, Shen Ge controlled the rotten blood tentacles to be on the safe side and fed a spiritual apple from inside the red mist armor to his mouth to replenish his magic energy.

However, after walking for about ten minutes, Shen Ge clearly felt that the surroundings were getting colder and colder, as if he had entered a cold storage with temperatures below zero.

The most bizarre thing is that at his walking speed, it would take ten minutes to walk at least a few hundred meters. Although the minaret is big, it is not so big that there is an open space of several hundred meters on the first floor.

 In addition, the rotten blood tentacles that stretched out all around touched nothing, and the entire area was like a square with nothing.

"Reporting to the master, the situation here... seems to be somewhat similar to the situation in the belly of New King No. 2." Xiaoqi reminded.

Shen Ge is also aware of this situation, and it is almost certain now that the spire is probably the super red dot on the [map].

 In other words, he is now in the belly of a super weirdo fused with the spire!

Shen Ge had a similar experience, so he expanded the invisible realm and used "Collapse" in six directions: up, down, front, left, and right at the same time.

 There was no reaction of the treacherous energy in the front, rear, left, right and below, but there was a distorted reaction after the collision of treacherous energy in the upper part.

Shen Ge thought for a moment, then used the collapse force on the "ceiling", then stepped on his sneaky boots and jumped violently. After jumping up, it was still a completely dark space.

 I can’t see anything, including using “Unextinguished”, and I can’t detect any useful information. I don’t even know if I jumped from the first floor to the second floor.

Shen Ge thought for a moment and chose to continue jumping up.

 One floor.    Two floors.

 Three floors.

 I jumped several floors in a row, but it was always the same situation, a black space without any obstacles, as if the entire space was empty.


Shen Ge suddenly thought that it was very simple to verify whether his operation had left the original position. He only needed to try to use "Collapse" below.

Before, only the upper part had a trick energy reaction. If there is still no trick energy reaction below, it means that Shen Ge has stayed where he is and has not left.

Thinking of this, Shen Ge once again unfolded the invisible realm and used "collapse" on the floor under his feet.

However, as he expected, there was no distortion caused by the collision of treacherous energy underground. Apparently, he was still trapped in this dark space after struggling for a long time.

what to do?

Without any hesitation, Shen Ge directly took out the treacherous rocket launcher and put it on his shoulder. If he was in doubt, he would fire it first to cheer up the situation!


Shen Ge fired a shot at the ceiling. With the sound of breaking through the air, the rocket seemed to fly for a long distance before exploding.

Then the whole space shook violently, and strong tornadoes seemed to stir up in the dark space.

 “Master, the fluctuations in the treacherous energy are getting stronger and stronger!” Xiao Qi said.

Shen Ge asked: "Where is the strongest fluctuation?"

 “Report to the master, 10 o’clock direction!”

Shen Ge couldn't escape from the treacherous realm and covered himself with an invisible barrier, then rushed towards the place guided by Xiao Qi.

Soon, Shen Ge felt as if he had crashed into a strong tornado, and his body seemed to be flying uncontrollably towards the "sky".

 Kacha, click.


At this time, a sound like breaking glass was heard, and the invisible barrier that Shen Ge used to wrap the red mist armor was completely shattered by the impact of the twisted and mysterious energy.

 “Master, the power of the red mist armor is declining rapidly!”

However, there was no way to go down. Shen Ge adopted the most radical breakthrough method and was prepared to face strong resistance from the opponent.





Xiao Qi’s emotionless AI synthesized voice seemed to be able to sense a hint of nervousness when reporting on the remaining power of the Red Mist Armor.

“Found it!” Shen Ge clearly felt a very strong distortion reaction coming from a certain direction in the mysterious realm above, and a crack was created after the collision of two different mysterious energies.

Shen Ge saw the right moment and used "Collapse" on the crack, and then controlled the rotten blood tentacles to connect with the treacherous glove and "hold on" to accelerate towards the crack.

“Master, the rot-blood tentacles have wrapped around something!” While reporting the situation, Xiao Qi took over the control of the rot-blood tentacles and pulled Shen Ge out of the crack.


Shen Ge flew out of the crack and hit the wall. Only then did he realize that the rotten blood tentacles were wrapped around a mosaic desk that resembled a front desk.

The spacious and dark hall, but without the influence of the completely "dark" mysterious black fog, Shen Ge can illuminate an area whether he uses a flashlight or a mysterious fire machine.

"So you were just blocked by the mysterious black mist of the minaret, and now you have entered the minaret?" Shen Ge took a flashlight to observe the surrounding environment and found that this place is not as big as expected. It is only a few hundred square meters at most. There are three passages leading to the elevator room, stairwell and office area respectively.

After Shen Ge remembered the fire safety map posted on the front desk, he decided to go to the office area to take a look first, and walked to the area on the right with a flashlight.

Going through the corridor, a locked double sliding door came into view.

For Shen Ge, there is no "door" in this world. Just when he was about to use "Collapse" to go through the door, classmate Xiao Qi reminded him: "Master, this door seems to have a strong reaction to the strange energy." ”

“Huh?” Shen Ge subconsciously withdrew the invisible realm, then used a flashlight to scan the door, and then discovered that there were very strange “patterns” on the double push door.

He originally thought that these patterns were unique decorations, but after taking a closer look, he discovered that these were not "patterns" at all, but a tree-like diagram of blood vessels.

Shen Ge glanced at the door handle with a flashlight. Sure enough, if you didn't look carefully, you would have thought the door handle was a rusty iron handle. But if you look closely, you will find that the rust on it is also a looming blood vessel.

Shen Ge directly pulled out the mystery-killing revolver and fired two shots at the door handle with "bang bang"!

With a "pop", the bullet penetrated the door handle, and black blood immediately leached out from the entire handle, and then the living body shrank together as if it was being attacked and reacting to stress.

“Good guy, the situation is indeed similar to that of Bangguo’s New King No. 2... So, if this is the ‘future’, the high tower and this spire in Rong City are equivalent to the ‘King of King’ after growing up?”

After Shen Ge used the mystery-killing revolver to penetrate the "door handle", he pushed the door gently, and the sliding door slowly opened toward the inside. What's even weirder is that the door became shriveled like internal organs that had been sucked dry. It was deflated and exuded a disgusting rancid smell.

Behind the door, Shen Song glanced with his flashlight, and what he saw was a spacious office area with neatly arranged workstations. In each position, there was a sarcoma more than one meter high, with an outer surface covered with cardiovascular disease, like The heart is beating like a thump.

As soon as Shen Ge stepped into the office area, he heard a strange "pop, pop, pop, pop" sound, and dozens of tumors exploded at the same time. Curled up inside was the antibody weirdo he had seen in the "Heart of Rock Formation" before. A disgusting monster wrapped in a layer of gray and white skin!



These weirdos fell to the ground from the sarcoma and slowly got up from the ground. They all looked at Shen Ge at the door and made strange and unique swallowing sounds.

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