The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 212: conspiracy

Chapter 212 Conspiracy

Just as she was about to ask other passengers to move to the cockpit, she looked into the cockpit through the door and saw that the captain's seats were empty, leaving only clothes that were blended with "white wax".

There is much more "white wax" in the cockpit than in the first class cabin. The seats and consoles are everywhere, covered with a thick layer, which is more than a foot high!

The pilot was killed by the parasitic strangeness at some point. If the plane had not set a flight path, it would have crashed long ago.

"How could this happen..." When the calm female passenger saw the situation in the cockpit, fear suddenly surged into her heart, and she was a little panicked for a moment.

When the others saw the terrifying scene in the cockpit, their faces turned pale with fright, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Originally, they expected to enter the cockpit and rely on the hatch to resist these parasitic strange things. At the same time, they asked the captain to make an emergency landing immediately and escape from the plane.

Now that the captain and co-pilot are all dead, even if they don't die in the hands of the parasitic monster, they still can't escape the fate of the plane crashing.

 For a moment, despair surged into my heart. There were two passengers and one space, and I felt weak all over and fell onto the seat.

At this time, the "white wax" in the first-class cabin had covered the bottom of the seat cushion. The passenger accidentally got a little bit of "white wax" and was immediately penetrated by the wriggling white bugs. Parasitic and weird energy was in his body. He was burrowed back and forth, and he screamed in pain, attracting more bugs to devour him.

 Seeing this scene, those who were crying quickly shut up.

  Although they are desperate in their hearts, they will choose the latter without hesitation if they die immediately or take it easy and then die.

At this time, the gunshots outside were getting closer and closer. As a member of the Sakura Kingdom's anti-terrorist army, Maple Flower Arina has also experienced dozens of weird incidents, large and small. Every year, she is either dealing with weird incidents or dealing with weird incidents. On the way, parasites appeared in the small cabin, so it was not difficult for her to direct the police to evacuate the survivors.

Of course, the biggest "contributor" to being able to evacuate one-third of the passengers in the economy class into the business class is still Shen Ge. Without his bag of weapons, Fenghua Youcai and the police officers alone would not be able to stop the passengers. Parasite.

 Business class is very spacious for a few people, but for dozens of people, this space is not enough.

Although business class passengers also noticed the gunfire, they even found that the first class cabin doors were closed and screams could be heard from time to time.

But before they could ask the stewardess about the situation, passengers from the economy class rushed in first, and the business class was instantly crowded, making it difficult to move even one step.

Economy class passengers are still squeezing in, and there have even been tramples and casualties. However, facing the alienated parasites in the economy class, they would rather be trampled to death than turn into strange nutrients.

Fenghua Youcai was still calm at this time and asked the remaining four policemen to guard the two corridors to block the progress of the parasites.

 The corpses of the dead on the plane and the killed parasitized people were piled up together and became a defensive wall, barely able to stop the monster.

Just when the ammunition was about to run out, the last parasitized person was finally killed. Fenghua Youcai, Li Jianjun and others suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. After solving the monster, all that's left is to calm the panicked passengers and prevent further casualties in the business class.

 “Quiet!” Fenghua Youcai held a pistol and fired at the corpse at her feet.

“The monster has been killed by us. If you continue to squeeze in like this, even if you are not killed by the monster, you will be trampled to death!” Li Jianjun shouted loudly.

Under the comfort of words and the threat of weapons, the passengers gradually quieted down. Fenghua Youcai asked them to help deal with the corpses in the airport and pile them all in front of the black area at the tail of the plane.

 Several weirdos who originally came to keep an eye on Shen Ge were the first to step forward to help. They were also thanks to the help of these people when dealing with the parasitized person.

As Shen Ge expected, there were at least two digits of weirdos on the plane, and they should all come from different weirdo organizations, or counter-terrorist organizations.

Their goals are all Shen Ge, and it is unclear whether they are friends or foes.

Including weirdos and policemen, the number of survivors in business class and economy class was less than thirty at this time. This sudden change caused as many as fifty or sixty casualties.

But less than one-third of the people were willing to come forward to help at this time. First, these people were afraid of the strange, and second, they were worried that they would turn into monsters if they came into contact with the parasites infected by the bugs.

 Fortunately, the space in the plane is limited, so there is no need for those people to help, but Fenghua Youcai has written down all the people who helped. If danger occurs again, she will definitely be the first to evacuate these people.

 Under the command of Li Jianjun and Fenghua Youcai, the cabin successfully built a line of defense with corpses in the black space at the tail of the aircraft.

But they soon discovered that the door from the business class to the first class was locked. Just as Fenghua Youcai was studying how to open the door, Li Jianjun noticed that the passengers at the end of the business class looked strange. Judging from the profile, the man should be a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. At this time, he had his head lowered and his hands resting on the armrests of the chair, looking like he was sleeping.

The spaces between the seats in front of him, on the left and behind him were crowded with people, and several people were arguing fiercely about what to do in this situation.

Leave aside whether the quarrel will anger the "sleeping" person, there is obviously a problem if you can still sleep in such a tense and scary environment.

At this time, a quarreling passenger walked to the front to communicate with the flight attendant to see if he could contact the captain to find an airport for an emergency landing. Li Jianjun also saw clearly the hand of the middle-aged man who was blocked by him on the seat.

His fingers resting on the front of the armrest are dripping with white sticky substance. If you look closely, it looks like the man's hand is melting.

 Li Jianjun didn’t know what happened in the first-class cabin. This was also the first time he saw someone starting to “wax”, and he quickly realized something was wrong.

“Stay away from there!” Li Jianjun pointed at the location and shouted.

When the passengers near the middle-aged man heard Li Jianjun's words, some immediately squeezed aside, while others looked back curiously.

The passenger closest to the middle-aged man was hit by the passenger squeezing to the side, and staggered and fell directly on top of the middle-aged man.

Immediately afterwards, the man discovered that something was wrong with his body, and a chill appeared on his back where it was in contact with the middle-aged man's body.

The man subconsciously touched it and touched a lump of sticky stuff. When he put it in front of his eyes, he saw that it was something like "white wax".

Before he could study what the "white wax" was, he felt a sharp pain in his palm. As red blood gushed out, something seemed to be squirming in the "white wax" and instantly penetrated into his body. .


“Ah!” “Help me! Help me! Something is inside me!”

The man screamed in horror, but the weird "burrowing" feeling had spread from his palms to his arms and then to his abdomen, as if there were dozens or hundreds of worms drilling inside his body.


This man just shouted twice and felt as if there was a foreign object in his throat. The feeling was like the discomfort of being hungover and wanting to vomit but not being able to vomit out.

People around him retreated in fear. Some even ignored the large number of parasitized bodies in the economy class and just wanted to escape from the business class.

Because a "big living person" was right in front of them, turning into a melting "wax statue" in the blink of an eye. What's even more terrifying is that as more and more white wax grows on the ground, more and more people are affected and waxed. many.

However, what makes these people even more desperate is yet to come. The parasites that appeared in the economy class before can at least be killed by firearms, and these "white wax" are attached to the ground, chairs, and cabin walls. Look at how many of them there are. A few insects were squirming, but hitting them with a shuttle had no effect at all.

This time the despair was greater than the previous strange attack in the economy class. Seeing that the situation was out of control, Fenghua Youcai took a gun and smashed open the door of the first class cabin. However, when the door opened, what greeted them was not a spacious space. , but a cabin covered with half-meter-high "white wax", as well as passengers and flight attendants standing on the seat backs shivering.

When Fenghua Youcai saw this scene, she immediately shouted to Li Jianjun and others: "Don't touch those 'white wax', there is something parasitic in it!"

After hearing this, everyone climbed towards the back of the chair and other high places, but the space was obviously not enough, and many people were squeezed to the ground, and were instantly swallowed by the "white wax".

At this moment, Fenghua Youcai noticed that the black space in the economy class seemed to be receding, and there were faint traces of broken glass in the air.

 The strange space is collapsing?

 Could it be that person who... found a weird weakness?

“Everyone, hold on, we are almost successful against the mysterious agent. As long as he destroys the mysterious space, we can evacuate to the space behind!” Fenghua Youcai shouted loudly.

But at this time, few people were willing to listen to her command, and they were all busy fighting for space and position. Only Li Jianjun and other people who knew Shen Ge's existence felt somewhat comforted.

And Shen Ge has indeed found a way to solve the weird space, and it is also the most commonly used and most effective method - solving the weirdness that maintains the weird space.

When he went down to the lower cabin, Shen Ge realized that this incident was "too simple" as he thought. He originally thought that there was a weird organization that had been watching him, and then he was "unlucky" to encounter Liu Jiayi who was pursuing him. Those weirdos caused this disaster by mistake.

 But this is not the case. This should be a long-planned conspiracy. The batch of strange octopus transported by Du Mingwu Company was not used to create strange events at all, but was used as "nutrients".

As for whose "nutrition" Shen Ge only figured out after he "collapsed" to the lowest level of the cabin and came to this area that resembled the belly of a monster.

Because the "environment" in front of him was too familiar to him. Ever since Liu Zongrui turned into a weirdo and used the weird "fusion power" to merge with the villa to form a weird space, he had seen similar "environments" in Sakura and Bangguo Shenge. "Uncanny space" area.

In other words, the boss behind this incident is the weirdo who has "fused" with the plane. At this moment, Shen Ge and the passengers on the plane are both in each other's "belly".

 At this time, the lower level is the area with the most serious "alienation", and the machines that control the aircraft have completely turned into "viscera".

 Originally I thought that killing a weirdo or a weirdo would solve this weird incident, but now it has become more difficult.

 Killing Weiyi is equivalent to destroying the plane, so except Shen Ge, the others will not be spared.

But we can't delay it any longer. Shen Ge doesn't know whether the weird organization planned this weird plane incident to turn the plane into a weird thing and let it crash in Beijing to cause another weird disaster, or whether it was just to find a solution to Shen Ge. Method.

 No matter what the reason is, it is not a wise choice to allow the alien aircraft to continue to alienate.

Shen Ge immediately connected to Deng Yuqi's satellite phone, quickly reported the situation he found, and then said: "The weirdo organization has spent a lot of money this time. This weird plane is at least a level 4, maybe even a level 5 weirdo." Fusion, and the ability to evade the detection of treacherous energy, resulted in Xiaoqi’s classmate not being able to detect the treacherous energy response of the plane before I got on the plane.”

“No matter how I deal with the strange things now, the passengers on this plane cannot be saved, and if the plane crashes in Dajing, it is likely to cause a strange disaster.”

“The weirdo organization set up such a huge stage and did not hesitate to use spies hidden in the headquarters to fly the plane directly to Beijing with high-sounding reasons. It must not be as simple as killing me.”

“Creating a second disaster in Beijing is their ultimate goal!”

The basis for Shen Ge's conjecture is also very simple. The entire alienated weird plane, the parasitic weirdness that pervades the plane, and the passengers who are parasitized by the parasitic weirdness...

To put it in layman's terms, this flight is like a plane full of zombies in "Death Flight". Once it crashes in the city, parasitic weirdness will definitely spread, triggering alienation throughout the city!


Deng Yuqi took a long breath through the communicator. She also knew how much pressure Shen Ge was under at this time. This was obviously a trap set by the weirdo organization.

“Do it according to the method you think is most appropriate. No matter what decision you make, I will ultimately take responsibility as my order.” Deng Yuqi said seriously.

 “Okay.” Shen Ge also wanted a positive answer from Deng Yuqi, but this time he still had a guess in his mind that he did not tell Deng Yuqi.

 That is, the plan of the weirdo organization this time was too "careful", so thorough that several accidents could come together to cause this disaster.

 The most important thing is that the timing happened to be when he returned from the dream world, discovered the existence of the Weird Association, and wanted to go to the headquarters to investigate...

Does this mean that Shen Ge's every move has been monitored by the "Weird Association", and it is very likely that his closest relatives are the other party's informants!

"Could it be that...the other party wants to use the disaster in Beijing to destroy something?" Shen Ge couldn't help but think of the first disaster in Beijing. Perhaps the purpose of the weirdo organization was not to go to the headquarters to seize something, but to destroy the headquarters that might expose them. Identity stuff?

But the other party in the Dajing disaster obviously didn't expect that Shen Ge's ability could ignore the terrain, and that in such an environment, he could bring out things like the ancestral weirdness!

This "exposure" in the dream world made Shen Ge decide to go to the headquarters, and also made those lurking members of the "Weird Association" aware of the danger, and even did not hesitate to cause a second disaster?

 No matter what, Shen Ge couldn't let the spy plane crash in Dajing. Thinking of this, he immediately spread out the "non-combustible deception zone" and destroyed the "viscera" of the spy plane.

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