The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 196: Got you

Chapter 196 Found you


Shen Ge stared at the **** scalpel in his hand and fell into silence.

"This..." When Cheng Shengnan saw a scalpel in Singer Shen's hand, she was stunned. Obviously, she couldn't be bored enough to do such a prank.

Shen Ge's eyes darkened. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he quickly returned to normal. He looked at Cheng Shengnan and said with a smile, "I believe you are not that boring."

"Do you think I'm as boring as you? Let's not talk about how dangerous it is to stick a knife when you are unconscious, and you see there is blood on the knife...wait, you didn't hurt yourself, right?" Cheng Shengnan said He stepped forward, lifted the quilt, and touched Shen Ge's body to see if there were any wounds.

"It seems that we came at the wrong time?" At this time, Deng Yuqi's voice came from the door.

When Cheng Shengnan noticed that Shen Ge was showing signs of waking up, he rang the contact. After Deng Yuqi received it, he immediately called Li Xiang and Jiang Wenpei, and walked into the ward with Yang Yuxin who was guarding the door. Then he saw Cheng Shengnan in front of Shen Ge. The image of Uta raising and lowering his hands.



The ward suddenly fell into a delicate atmosphere. Cheng Shengnan quickly retracted his hand and explained: "Ahem, I'm worried about him getting hurt."

"Combining the above two points, we can't even speculate on the murderer's motives and purposes. Apart from 'bad taste', I can't think of anyone who would be so bored as to implant a centipede egg in a person's brain, and then use weird methods to make it hatch. Eat the brain, just to create an 'empty brain shell'."

Even Deng Yuqi, who knew more or less the "inside story" through the clues revealed by Shen Ge, fell silent at this time.

Finally one day, his spirit collapsed. He began to see "himself" and became friends with "himself". He actively applied to participate in those drug experiments, worked hard to cooperate with the doctors, and even began to learn their methods and knowledge.

 After that, Shen Ge returned to his uncle's house. Thinking that his uncle and aunt liked his house, he built his uncle into the wall after treatment, antiseptic and deodorizing, and built his aunt into the bathtub.

Shen Ge was only ten years old at the time. He watched each patient being tortured to the point of death every day. Whenever night fell, the hospital would echo with the screams and wails of the patients. Such an environment was like **** to him. There are evil spirits all around.

When Haiya was ten years old, on her way back to the hotel from a trip, her father suddenly turned into a "parasitized person" and then devoured her mother. Although Shen Ge escaped by jumping out of the car, he watched helplessly as the car rushed down. The cliff fell into the sea.

Shen Ge later called the police, but after searching for days and nights, the police could not find the car that crashed down the cliff. They could only classify his parents as "missing" and sent him to his uncle's house.

 However, unlike the "blurred" experience in Rongshan Mental Hospital, Shen Ge had no impression of this "friend".

 Three years later, Shen Ge, who was good at observing people's words and pleasing doctors, was favored by the dean, who approved his discharge and arranged school for him, waiting for him to return to work in the hospital after graduating from college.

“Secondly, neither the brain nor the centipede can detect any weird energy reaction, not even the invisible invisible weird energy, which rules out the inference that the brain and the centipede are weird and weird.”

"The strangest thing is that due to a fire in Rongshan Mental Hospital, all relevant files disappeared overnight, leaving not even a trace. Therefore, after you joined the ministry, I also sent people to investigate Rongshan Mental Hospital. But it just seemed to disappear with the fire, and no clues could be found.”

Regardless of whether the mentally ill patient will be aware of his split personality or not, from the point of view of "becoming a friend", Shen Ge is clearly aware of the existence of this "friend".

Cheng Shengnan is obviously not that bored, and she has made arrangements for the medical department. Those who stay behind are all trustworthy people, and they also send people to conduct regular inspections. Not to mention people with evil intentions, even flies can hardly fly in.

However, the uncle was only interested in the inheritance of Shen's father and mother, and wanted to send Shen Ge away as a burden, so the eldest aunt secretly laced his food with psychotropic drugs and sent him to a mental hospital.

“It stands to reason that for a formal medical institution, both the personnel list and background information can be traced. Even if the information in the hospital disappears with the fire, the information left on file by the relevant departments can be checked.”

Hearing these words, Li Xiang and Jiang Wenpei's eyes lit up and they stepped forward excitedly: "Are you serious? Is this something brought out of a dream?"

Shen Ge went home and carefully planned for three months. On the pretext of the "Enrollment Appreciation Banquet", he invited all the staff of the mental hospital to the mental hospital to celebrate, then knocked them out and tied them up, and set fire to the hospital. Killed all staff and burned all files.

“Your father is a researcher at a Chinese medicine university, and his file can be found now. Your mother is a cardiac surgeon at a hospital.”

 Cheng Shengnan had heard Shen Ge talk about it once before, and it was still "shocking" to listen to it again. Li Xiang and Jiang Peiwen, who had heard about Shen Ge's past for the first time, had slightly subtle expressions for a while.

“…You two, your synchronization rate is a bit high, why don’t you create a counter-attack mecha for you to use?” Shen Ge couldn’t help but joke.

There was also the brother who loved him the most and used psychotropic drugs as sugar to trick him into eating every day. Shen Ge specially bought ten kilograms of barbiturates and benzodiazepines and cooked them into sugar porridge to feed him. Then the whole family got together and built him into the stove.

 Brother, you have a lot of dark history!

There was a subtle silence in the ward until Cheng Shengnan broke the silence: "You said... you developed a situation similar to a 'second personality' because of the torture in the hospital. But after getting along with you over the years, I found that except for sometimes thinking There’s a bit of a disconnect, but there’s no sign of split personality.”

 Li Xiang and Jiang Peiwen, as researchers, are naturally interested in such extraordinary events.

"Scalpel?" Deng Yuqi stepped forward and stared at the scalpel in Shen Songsong's hand and frowned. It was obviously not normal to stuff a sharp scalpel into a patient.

Hearing this, Deng Yuqi said: "When you first joined the ministry, I sent someone to conduct a detailed investigation on your background. It was found that you had lived in Rongshan Mental Hospital for three years. I felt that something was fishy, ​​so I used many connections. An investigation was conducted, but the strange thing is that neither the reason for your admission nor your experience of admission could be found.”

When Shen Ge talked about his previous experiences, he had discovered several "doubtful points". In particular, the "memory" of the Rongshan Mental Hospital was almost completely blurred, and it was completely inconsistent with the experience in the dream. At this time, Cheng Shengnan's As soon as the question came out, he instantly fell into greater doubts.

Because the teachings in the mental hospital were so good, Shen Ge was able to do these things flawlessly. In addition, the old house was to be demolished ten years later. The developer decided to put down this matter based on the principle that doing more is worse than doing less.

This is like telling you that you went to see a movie yesterday, but apart from knowing that you went to see a movie yesterday, you don’t even know the name, plot, or actors of the movie. This is obviously a problem!

Deng Yuqi seemed to have thought of something, and said in a deep voice: "I have read your complete file, including your parents' jobs before you entered the mental hospital, your neighbors, and then after you left the mental hospital, your experiences in several schools, including teachers and classmates’ comments.”

Shen Ge raised the scalpel that was still bleeding on his hand and said, "When I woke up, I was holding this **** scalpel in my hand. She was worried that it was my blood."

 Even after Shen Ge's explanation, the two of them couldn't figure out the principle of bringing things out of dreams.

  After all, in human cognition, dreams belong to the existence of nothingness, a false world created based on elements such as "memory". It is impossible for real objects to exist, let alone bringing things out of dreams.

"If this knife was not a prank by one of my own, then I can be was brought out of my dream." Shen Ge said, briefly describing his dream.

Li Xiang said: "First of all, it was a normal human brain. After testing, it was determined that the time of death was no more than 24 hours, but the inside was hollowed out by those centipedes. It can be determined from the 'wounds' on the brain that the murderer put insect eggs into the brain Inside, the eggs hatch and begin to eat the brain, but this is not in line with the growth pattern of centipedes, and it is difficult for other insects except parasites to do so."

"Injured?" Deng Yuqi knew that Shen Ge suddenly fell into a deep sleep for unknown reasons. At that time, the doctor at the medical department also conducted a comprehensive examination and confirmed that there were no wounds on his body.

Shen Ge thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "I couldn't figure out why when I received this brain, but after experiencing this bizarre dream, I suddenly remembered many weirdness, weirdos, centipedes, These may all be related to Rongshan Mental Hospital.”

 According to "memory", Shen Ge was tortured by Rongshan Mental Hospital and developed a "second personality", and then became friends with himself.

"Old Li, how is the cooking of that brain flower?" Shen Ge suddenly broke the silence, looked at Li Xiang and asked, in his opinion, his coma may have something to do with that "brain".


Shen Ge briefly talked about his experience that year, but this time he did not "make friends out of nothing", but explained it from his own perspective.

Shen Ge looked at Deng Yuqi, pondered for a while, and finally said: "If you go by my 'memory'... I was the one who set the fire."

In Shen Ge's "memory", Rongshan Mental Hospital cooperated with a drug company to secretly conduct drug experiments on hospital patients. Once the patients resisted, they were greeted with severe beatings and abuse, as well as sedatives that could be eaten as food.

"But your father is an only child and has no brothers or sisters. Your grandfather died early, and one of your brothers also went abroad long ago. He has not been in contact with your father since he was born."

“As for your mother, she does have a half-sister, but I only found out about this person, but no specific information.”

"In other words, there is no 'eldest aunt's family' asking you to build walls. The house your father left behind is even still in the East District. That house was considered a 'mansion in the East District' back then. Because the living density was too high and there were too many people, it is still there today. It hasn’t been demolished yet. It’s just because your parents died accidentally, so the transfer of the house has not been completed.”

“I thought you lived in an apartment in the city center to be closer to work, but now it seems you don’t know about a ‘house’ at all?”

Shen Ge suddenly felt something was wrong when he heard this. He felt that many details were not consistent with what Deng Yuqi said: "But I later met my neighbors from back then and went to their house once. I even talked about my old age during dinner that day. The problem of house demolition.”

Deng Yuqi said: "You are talking about Tang Jinze's family, right? I have also done some research on their family. Your father and he were colleagues back then. Later, after the old house was demolished, your father resigned from Sinopharm and later bought a house in Dongcheng District. A new house, but...something happened when you went to Haiya the next year. I can’t find out which company your father joined after he left his job, and what he did.”

"My mother's surname is Yang, is that correct?" Shen Ge asked uncertainly.

Deng Yuqi’s eyes twitched, and she said with a subtle expression: “Your memory has been so confused that you can’t even remember your parents’ names?”

"I'm afraid you'll suddenly say that my mother's surname is Ye, and I have a sister named Ye Jingwen...wait, a half-sister seems possible?" Shen Ge suddenly thought of the green-robed man Ye Jingwen he met in Tuokou City. Because all the information did not match up, the speculation that he was the baby was denied.

 But now that Shen Ge discovered that there was something wrong with his "memory", he couldn't tell for a while which ones were real memories and which ones were "false memories" after going to Rongshan Mental Hospital and becoming mentally ill.

"Unfortunately, I can't give you a definite reply, because after you told me about Ye Jingwen, I checked for a long time but couldn't find any relevant information. However, I did check the list that Fatty Xin gave you. Once again, make sure there is no one related to you or your family," Deng Yuqi said with certainty.

Li Xiang listened for a long time, and his thoughts gradually became clear: "It seems... there is a serious problem with Lao Shen's memory. It may be that the three years of experience in Rongshan Mental Hospital caused mental problems, so The 'false memories' produced. Although I have not done research on this aspect, I have heard of several related cases in school. For example, after a psychotic patient develops a split personality, he will regard the false memories of other personality structures as his own. memory."

Jiang Wenpei echoed: "Yes, I encountered a case where a person gave birth to seven personalities at the same time. Although the patient was cured in the end, the false memories of the seven personality structures were inherited. As a result, the person often suffers from memory confusion.”

"It stands to reason that Shen Ge's memory only produces one personality, and there should be no memory confusion. But now it seems that your memory is likely to be covered up by falsely constructed memories. Maybe... the real memory is not good for you. It’s even more painful for you, because you actively chose to forget.”

Deng Yuqi echoed: "At least judging from your campus reports in high school and college, if you didn't have this face, you would be the type of person who would be hard to find in a crowd. No matter in terms of personality or experience, you are No different from ordinary people.”

Cheng Shengnan nodded and said: "You have not done anything abnormal in the past few years as a colleague, your behavior is normal, and your popularity in the company is also very good."

Li Xiang concluded: "In this way, Lao Shen's real personality and false personality now overlap, causing memory confusion, and it is impossible to distinguish the true and false memories. So no matter whether this 'memory' is scary or not, finding the truth Memory is the best way. As far as I know, revisiting the old place will be of great help in this situation...So, where is the Rongshan Mental Hospital that disappeared with the fire? "

Shen Ge was completely stunned now. The three-year experience in Rongshan Mental Hospital was an indelible shadow in his life and should be remembered deeply, not to mention that in the end it was him who took advantage of it and killed the dean and staff. , completely turning Rongshan Mental Hospital into ruins.

 But now, he can’t even remember the specific location of Rongshan Mental Hospital!

Deng Yuqi seemed to have noticed Shen Ge's problem, but her expression became a little worse at this time. It wasn't until she met Li Xiang's eyes that she sighed: "How many mountains can there be in Rong City? Isn't it just the road leading to Rong City?" On the road to Quanlong Mountain is the now blocked Donghuan Lake Park.”



 Hey guys, this is really a "closed loop", isn't it?

Shen Ge always feels that whether it is the "Heavenly Stem" or the "Twelve Branches", their motives are somewhat unpredictable this time, and the problems in Donghuanhu Park are also very bizarre, connecting the "suspected" distorted space of the future. He even brought out a weirdo like Luo Yueying.

  After all the clues were gathered together, I didn't expect that there would be even weirder situations, false memories, and weird experiences. It seemed that everything was planning something around Shen Ge.

"It seems...I have to enter the twisted space of Donghuan Lake Park again." Shen Ge said seriously.

Deng Yuqi said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I always feel that things are not that simple. From the appearance of the 'brain', it seems that there is an invisible force pulling you to act. Especially that person who looks exactly like you, just imagine Now, if something goes wrong after you enter the twisted space, can that weirdo naturally take your place? So I think it’s okay not to know the situation beforehand, but now I know it’s the Twelve Branches who are digging a hole for you to enter Donghuan Lake. It’s best to take a long-term view.”

Shen Ge thought about it too. After all, besides these issues, he still had some things to confirm. And the one who can provide him with the answer is the Tang family.

Accompanied by Cheng Shengnan, Shen Ge returned to the dormitory to rest for a day. After learning that Shen Ge was awake, Feng Chengxiu, Wang Han, Lin Yin and other people with good relations with the Special Policy Department went to the dormitory to visit one after another. He, but thinking that he was "recovering from a serious illness", did not stay too long.

Because Shen Ge fell into coma so suddenly, even Li Xiang couldn't find out the cause after searching for a long time, so except for a few of them, they announced that Shen Ge had a strange disease and needed to recuperate.

 Early the next morning, after Cheng Shengnan went to the logistics department, Shen Ge sat on the sofa and asked Xiaoqi, "Did you detect anything when I was unconscious?"

"Report to the master, after you fell into a deep sleep, I conducted a comprehensive examination of your body. All body functions were in a normal state. The whole person seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and nothing special was found. However, during your deep sleep, , Brain waves will react greatly with emotional fluctuations, and I even detected that you were 'brain dead', but just as I was about to report, you woke up from your deep sleep." Xiaoqi explained.

Shen Ge thought for a while and asked: "Brain death? How long did it last?"

"Reporting to the master, it takes less than a second, which can also be said to be a 'moment', because you have returned to normal by the time I react."

 “Was any strange energy detected during this period?” Shen Ge asked.

Xiao Qi’s classmate replied: “Reporting to the master, no.”

Shen Ge did not continue to ask. According to Xiaoqi's setting, he would proactively remind him if he discovered anything. No report meant that there was nothing special.

 After experiencing the "dream", Shen Ge confirmed one thing. There was indeed a problem with his "memory", which was divided into "clear" and "fuzzy".

 Most of his memories before the age of ten are "clear". He can recall getting along with his parents, getting along with the Tang family, and life at school.

There were big "deviations" in his memory after he was ten years old. The first was the memories he thought he remembered clearly, such as the torture he suffered in Rongshan Mental Hospital, his "complicity" with the people in the hospital, and the final set-up. Catch them all and burn down the Rongshan Mental Hospital.

 But this part of the memory is like watching a movie. You only remember its "plot introduction", but the specific plot and actors are very vague.

Comparing the experience in the "dream", it can be said that it is completely inconsistent with the experience in memory. After coming out of Rongshan Mental Hospital, Shen Ge clearly remembered returning to his uncle's home, including the ugly faces of the uncle's family of three before and after admission, and how they were built into the wall brick by brick. Have a very "clear" memory.

But this is the weirdest part, because after investigation, Deng Yuqi found that he had no "uncle" at all, and no family of three asked him to build walls. The old house in his memory had been demolished when he was nine years old, and then Shen's father bought it It was the best house in Dongcheng District at that time.

  Except for the deviation in this memory, Shen Ge graduated from school and entered the society to work, and then became a designer and entered the same company as Cheng Shengnan. The subsequent memories are as "clear" and true as the memories before the age of ten.

Shen Ge decided to "go backwards" and at least find out whether the family he built a wall against was a false memory, or whether there was really a "liar" family he built a wall against.

Thinking of this, Shen Ge directly activated "Invisible" in the dormitory, then launched the Invisible Domain and used "Collapse" to jump through the window and jump downstairs. Using the ability of the red mist armor, he went to the hospital where Tang Jinze was located.

In the office of "Director Tang, Director of Andrology" on the third floor of the largest private hospital in the city center, Tang Jinze was processing previous information since there were no appointments for the day.

 Having just finished processing a piece of information, I raised my head and found an "acquaintance" sitting on the patient's sofa, looking at him with interest.

“…It’s really different now that I’m in the special department. I can catch up with the agents.” Tang Jinze looked at Shen Ge and sighed.

 “It’s a little trick, not worth mentioning.” Shen Ge smiled and waved his hand.

Tang Jinze glanced at Shen Ge, put down his pen and asked: "Tell me, you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. Last time you took a pill for me to study, but after the people in the ministry took away the file, you disappeared. For several months, I didn’t answer the phone, and I couldn’t find anyone when I came to the door. I just asked because I was on business.”

"I'm not lying to you. The two times you came here, I happened to be on official business." Shen Ge said seriously.

Tang Jinze raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Where are you going on a business trip? Even if it's deep in the mountains and old forests, the signal won't be completely cut off, right?"

“Oh, once in Dajing and once in Tuokou City.”

“…” Tang Jinze fell silent for a moment. Now that something strange was happening, he often paid attention to the relevant news. Naturally, he knew about such a big thing as the disaster in Dajing and Tuokou.

Then he thought of Shen Ge’s original words of “resigning to save the world.” Tang Jinze suddenly felt like he was in another world, and sent Xiao Zhen to save the world!

"Speaking of which, Li Xiang has mentioned to me many times that your research on medicines is very strong. The medicine for healing internal injuries cannot be completed without your help. He has invited you to join the special policy department many times. Why did you refuse?" Shen Ge asked curiously.

Tang Jinze sighed: "Actually, I have also considered it, but when I think about the 'secret work' that I have to deal with, and I will be busy for months or even a year or two without being able to go home, I hesitate. Although I am very interested in those drugs, But it’s just an interest, and it doesn’t require me to devote all my energy to research. I’m not that great.”

"Actually, I am too. If it weren't for some special reasons, I would rather save 10 million and retire and lie down, but... my strength doesn't allow it." Shen Ge said melancholy.

“…If you have something to say, get out of here right away.” Tang Jinze suddenly didn’t want to greet this blustering person.

Shen Ge asked: "Do you still remember the old house we lived in back then? It was the demolished Dongdu Garden, and my uncle's family also lived there."

Tang Jinze glanced at Shen Ge with a strange expression, and said curiously: "Are you out of your mind? Didn't we live in Dong'an Garden before? That was the old house that was demolished. Later, our family moved to Yinzi Lin is gone, you... I remember my dad mentioned it, it seems to be Dongdu Garden, but that place has not been demolished yet. After all, with such a large land and dense population, no developer can afford it. Instead, the exterior walls are renovated. several times.”

 Sure enough.

Shen Ge frowned. He couldn't dwell on his "fuzzy" memory. Once he dwelled on it, it would deviate greatly from reality.

Therefore, he now doubts whether the "friend" in his memory really exists, or whether like other patients with schizophrenia, the memory of "friend" has been integrated into his own memory.

 If this is the case, is the memory constructed by the "friend" in the memory completely based on imagination, or is it constructed based on certain experiences?

 “Have you seen my uncle’s family?” Shen Ge suddenly asked.

Tang Jinze tried to recall, and then said: "I remember seeing it at the funeral of Uncle Shen and Aunt Yang. My dad mentioned that he originally wanted to adopt you at that time, but your uncle and others had applied for it earlier, so according to the It is more convenient for them to adopt if they are related by blood.”

Shen Ge squinted his eyes. It seemed that the "Uncle's Family" existed, but the only difference from his memory was that the demolished old house was in Dong'an Garden, not Dongdu Garden.

It was only then that Shen Ge discovered a strange thing, that is, if the memory is "fuzzy", as long as you don't think about it carefully, you won't find the problem, but once you think about it carefully, you will find many loopholes.

For example, Dongdu Garden was demolished in "Memory". You must know that Shen Ge is a decoration designer. Not to mention all the communities in Rong City, at least something like Dongdu Garden covers a large area and has a large population. Moreover, he should know very well whether it is to be demolished or not, as it is one of the largest buildings in Dongcheng District.

"How could there be such a big memory deviation?" The more Shen Ge investigated "memory", the more he discovered that the situation was more complicated than he imagined.

"What did you say?" Tang Jinze heard Shen Ge mutter, but didn't hear clearly what he was saying.

Shen Ge said: "It's nothing. Maybe I've been too busy recently. Some things are too long ago and I don't remember them so clearly."

"Oh, by the is your girlfriend? When are you going to get married? Have you chosen a hotel?" Tang Jinze asked curiously.

 “…Since when did you become such a gossip?”

“Is that what I call gossip? I obviously care about you. I can always regard myself as your adoptive father, so naturally I will take good care of your affairs!”

 “Get out!” Shen Ge cursed and threw a dark metal device to Tang Jinze.

Tang Jinze subconsciously picked it up with his hand: "Damn, grenade?"

"This is the exclusive liaison of the Special Strategy Department. Because of my identity, the more contact I have, the more dangerous I am. Because of my relationship, Shengnan has been targeted by weird organizations several times. So since then, I have directly cut off contact you," Shen Ge explained.

Tang Jinze sighed: "Well, I know it's not easy to be an agent. So, this thing can contact you? For the sake of safety, I'd better not hang out in the Special Strategy Department?"

Shen Ge nodded.

Tang Jinze didn’t say anything, and nodded: “Okay, be more careful yourself, don’t forget that you are just an ordinary person, and the world is not fragile enough to need one person to save it.”


Shen Ge asked some more questions about what happened before he was ten years old. After confirming the doubts in his heart, he took a look at the time, bid farewell to Tang Jinze, walked into the monitoring room built into the office, and waited for Xiaoqi's classmate to interfere with the monitoring before turning on the "invisible" departure .

Tang Jinze just glanced in the direction of the supervision room and didn't even go to check. In his opinion, Shen Ge could appear here quietly and leave quietly.

 After Shen Ge left the hospital, he confirmed with Deng Yuqi the house left by his father in Dongdu Garden, and then found the place based on the address.

Shen Ge’s memory of Dongdu Garden is very “fuzzy”, and including his clear memories later, he rarely visited this area.

 When I arrived at my former "home", I saw a thick layer of dust covering the security door, as if no one had been back for a long time. Although there were signs of prying on the door lock, the door was closed tightly. It was not known whether the thief had already tried to close the door or failed.

Shen Ge walked through the door and entered the room. It was dark inside, with a faint damp and strange smell. He flicked the switch, but the light didn't come on.

Shen Ge turned on the flashlight and looked around. The room was very messy, as if someone had turned over it. He went to the kitchen based on his "memory" and touched the position of the stove. Then he looked carefully with the flashlight and confirmed that the stove The platform seems to be really "newly built".

“Reporting to the owner, corpse bones were detected in the cement wall. From the analysis of the composition of the wall, it should have been specially treated, so the odor during the decomposition of the corpse was covered up.”

Shen Ge frowned slightly when he heard this. According to the "memory", he did go through a variety of corpse disposal methods when dealing with his uncle's family of three to prevent the smell of rotting corpses from arousing the suspicion of residents on the same floor.

Then, Shen Ge went to the bedroom and bathroom. After discovering the bones in the bedroom wall and the raised "bay window" under the bathtub, he confirmed that the "uncle's family" really existed, but this memory appeared in his mind. Deviations, address errors, etc. occurred.

But what makes Shen Ge feel strange is that Deng Yuqi can even find out that he has been to the "disappeared" Rongshan Mental Hospital. Why can't he find out about his experience with the "Uncle's Family"?

Shen Ge asked Xiao Qi to "dig out" the three corpses, then inspect the bones, and then took the report back to the Special Policy Department for investigation.

Two days later, the Ministry of Information found out the identity of the "uncle family" based on the report provided by Xiaoqi's classmate. According to the file, they had been reported missing for more than ten years, which coincided with Shen Ge's memory of "building a wall". However, the records show that they did not adopt children, and the "uncle" had no brothers or sisters.

 In "reality", no clues could be found after searching again and again. After Shen Ge thought about it, he felt that the most direct way was to go to Donghuanhu Park to investigate.

Shen Ge did not explain to Deng Yuqi that he was investigating the matter of "the uncle's family". Although due to his identity and "contribution", Deng Yuqi might have taken the overall situation into consideration and suppressed the matter; but since the other party found the clues, he had already "cleared his name" for himself. ", and since the "authenticity" of the memory could not be confirmed, he was too lazy to add extraneous matters, which made it difficult for Deng Yuqi.

After discussing with Deng Yuqi, the other party agreed to his plan to re-enter Donghuan Lake, but proposed to form a small team to enter to prevent him from falling into a "coma" again.

  Shen Ge ultimately rejected the proposal. His abilities were more suitable for fighting alone, but having more people on his side made him feel constrained.

What's more, he doesn't know how long he will be "trapped" when he goes to Donghuan Lake Park this time. Keeping more manpower can ensure the safety of Rong City and the Special Policy Department.

Shen Ge didn’t want to go to the twisted space and have his home stolen by the Twelve Branches when he returned.

 Deng Yuqi couldn't resist Shen Ge, and finally had to agree to let him enter alone.

Early that morning, after Shen Ge said goodbye to Cheng Shengnan and everyone in the Special Policy Department, he drove to the closed area of ​​Donghuan Lake Park.

After entering the twisted space of the blocked area, Shen Ge felt that the situation here was worse than the last few times he came here. Different from the bright sky outside the blocked area, it was just like the evening here, with thick clouds in the dark sky. Pressing down, the depressed person can't breathe.

No one can be seen in the park. From time to time, a cold wind blows by the Donghuan Lake, as if someone is whispering scary Cantonese music in the ear.

 At this time, if a woman in purple clothes walked to the bottom of the lake, Shen Ge would not be surprised at all. After all, the atmosphere was too terrifying.

 “System, scan!”

  【This area is affected by special effects and cannot be detected. 】

Shen Ge asked Xiaoqi’s classmate to open the map of Donghuanhu Park before it was developed by Deng Yuqi and find the ruins of Rongshan Mental Hospital.

After the fire in Rongshan Mental Hospital, it took several years for the ruins to be completely demolished. The files mentioned that many bizarre incidents occurred during the demolition process, and even several lives were lost.

 But the developer has a lot of money. As long as you give enough money for this kind of thing, not to mention a mere ruin, even the Black Palace can be demolished for you.

After the Rongshan Mental Hospital was demolished, developers tried to build a landmark attraction in this area. However, after the construction started, it either collapsed or the workers committed suicide. Afterwards, several Feng Shui masters were hired, but they failed to improve it after repeated changes. , the developer simply planted plants here and turned it into a forest area.

Due to the strange "shielding" that appeared in the entire Donghuan Lake Park, neither the system nor Xiaoqi's classmates were able to detect it. Shen Ge could only attach a full-body armor and go in directly to investigate.

After stepping into the forest area, Shen Ge walked deeper and deeper. The sky, which was originally as dark as evening, gradually turned dark. When he reached the central area, he could no longer even see his fingers.

Shen Ge used a flashlight to explore around, and suddenly found a dilapidated iron gate looming in front of him. As he walked forward, the outline of the iron gate became clearer and clearer.

Above the rusty iron door, a door plate hung diagonally as if it might fall off at any time. There were several large words written in red letters on it -

 “Rongshan Mental Hospital.”

When Shen Singer used the flashlight to find the door number and read the words clearly, his brows knitted together. According to the records in the file, Rongshan Mental Hospital had been razed to the ground long ago. There was no way that there was still a "door" left. .

“Xiao Qi, can you detect the fluctuations in the surrounding energy?” Shen Ge asked.

 Two seconds later, classmate Xiao Qi replied: "Reporting to the master, except for the fluctuation of the strange space, the existence of strange energy cannot be detected. It is the same as the situation outside the forest. It was interfered by the power of the strange space."

  Shen Ge asked the system to check again and got the same reply of "blocked".

 “Enter a state of high alert.” Shen Ge warned classmate Xiao Qi, cheered up and walked towards the dilapidated iron gate.

However, as soon as Shen Ge stepped into the campus of Rongshan Mental Hospital, that strange "tiredness" struck again, and his whole body became shaky. The calls of Xiaoqi's classmate kept ringing in his ears, and his eyes were spinning.

In a daze, Shen Ge seemed to have returned to that dream again, being tightly tied to the hospital bed and being pushed into the hospital by a group of white coats.

 “I’m not sick, let me go, I’m not sick!”

Shen Ge’s childhood voice was mixed with Xiaoqi’s classmate’s call, echoing in his ears, making his head almost explode.

Just when the scenery in front of him became dizzy, Shen Ge saw a "familiar" voice coming out of the courtyard. It was a person exactly like him. The difference was that the eyes were scarlet and there was no trace of blood on the pale face. , highlighted by the blood-red eyes, which is particularly terrifying.

The weirdo Shen Ge walked towards Shen Ge, with a scary smile on his face, and then slowly uttered a few words: "I found... you."

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