The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 68: Self-reliance And Self-improvement Began With Fitness

Chapter 68: Self-reliance And Self-improvement Began With Fitness

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

In the end, Mikito Hanzawa dared not disobey Kazuki.

The threat from Tanimoto Natsu’s eyes was the secondary reason that caused Mikito Hanzawa to say those words. The main reason was that too many people were looking at him. He was not used to the attention he was getting. He could not put his ego aside, and he was ashamed. He could neither start attacking nor hit someone in front of so many people...

His personality had always been like this. He never liked to be watched by too many people. He would prefer to stay in a corner silently and be alone. He liked simple things, such as being able to smile with satisfaction when he got home and looked around the house. He also loved to watch anime characters, empathizing with the characters’ lives.

In contrast, Kazuki was like a ray of dazzling sunshine, which dispelled darkness from the world, forcing Mikito Hanzawa to do things that he did not like doing. However, Mikito Hanzawa never resented Kazuki as he knew that he did those for his own good. He was not able to make a change about himself previously, but things were different at present.

The first person Mikito Hanzawa looked for was Sanagawa Shiraishi, who bullied him since he came to the school. He resented Sanagawa Shiraishi the most because he was the main conspirator, while the others were just accomplices.

Mikito Hanzawa did not know how to beat people up, so he did it rigidly. He would even incline and fall in a hilarious way when he used too much force. He knew that no one would laugh at him because of Kazuki’s presence, his brother’s friend, even though he did not even know his name at that time.

Tears rolled down his face when he was beating as if all the grievances in his heart were released, from soft sobs into a loud cry. His tears finally stopped, and he revealed a broad smile on his face.

Kazuki watched Mikito Hanzawa cried and laughed without saying a word.

Listening to the cries of pain of Sanagawa Shiraishi and others, the teachers and students looked at the scene quietly from aside, none of them said a word. As the students witnessing the incident were ordinary students, thus, they resonated with the view.

Looking at the incident, Chiba Akiko bit her lip and wanted to move forward to stop them. However, her rationality told her that Kazuki would certainly stop her if she moved forward. Also, her sensibility said to her that Sanagawa Shiraishi and the others took these upon themselves... With these thoughts, she sighed deeply in her heart.

Instead of focusing on Mikito Hanzawa, Chiba Shiori was looking at Kazuki’s face sideways and got distracted.

Akie Hanzawa, who was next to Kazuki, also shed tears when he saw the scene. He kept thanking Kazuki, “Thank you, Kimura-san, thank you so much...”

Akie Hanzawa had not been as talkative as he was since the day before that. He felt guilty, he felt like he did not fulfill his responsibility as a brother and caused Mikito Hanzawa to be bullied.

Watching his brother shed tears of happiness today, Akie Hanzawa could not stop crying. He knew that his brother changed, and he might stop being a coward after today. His heart was filled with immense satisfaction at that moment.

Kazuki, who stood at the side, could feel the difference of Akie Hanzawa and start to think about something. It seems like this guy’s obsession is almost over.

Mikito Hanzawa only noticed the gazes of others when he wiped off his tears with his clothes and stood, panting in front of Kazuki. This made him lower his head slightly and blush a little.

Clearly, his introverted personality could not be changed in just a short while. However, Kazuki did not really care about it. After what happened just now, Mikito Hanzawa might have vented most of his suppressed emotions.

Mikito Hanzawa might either pull out knives to murder people or jump off a building if he kept suppressing all these emotions in his heart.

“Go to your teacher and ask for a leave. I’m taking you somewhere.”

Mikito Hanzawa could not stay in school any longer at that noon. Since they had only one more class left, it would be better for him to ask for a leave.

Mikito Hanzawa nodded. His class teacher was just outside of the classroom.

It was easy for him to ask for leave as Mikito Hanzawa’s class teacher did not refuse. He only wanted Kazuki to leave as soon as he could. Otherwise, he could not start the freshman syllabus.

Kazuki left the school with Mikito Hanzawa after that. Chiba Akiko, his teachers, or the students did not stop him as his brutal scene just now was still in their minds. Some were even looking at him in awe. Obviously, they were shocked at what had happened.

After Kazuki left, Chiba Akiko looked at the mess in Class C of the freshman year and the students around her. She said hatefully, “Don’t you have to go to class? Didn’t you hear the bell rang?”

After chasing the students back to their classrooms, Chiba Akiko and a few teachers brought Sanagawa Shiraishi and the rest to the health room. She then went to the principal’s office because she could not handle this case by herself. The principal’s poor decision to allow herself to be bribed by a student brought trouble to Akihide High School. She wanted to see how he would solve this matter after what had happened.

“Kimura-Kun, wait...”

A sweet and crisp voice was heard behind Kazuki as he took Mikito Hanzawa out of the school gate.

Mikito Hanzawa exclaimed when they turned back, “It’s Chiba Shiori Senpai...”

“Do you know me?” Chiba Shiori heard Mikito Hanzawa’s voice and looked over with curiosity as she walked toward Kazuki.

Mikito Hanzawa stammered, “Senpai, you’re very famous in school, everyone knows you.”

“What’s the matter?” Kazuki frowned, “Don’t you have to go to class?” The bell rang for some time.

“I asked for leave.” Chiba Shiori laughed and said, “Can I join you guys?”

Kazuki was in a good mood because he could sense that Akie Hanzawa’s obsession was coming to an end. He then said, “Suit yourself.” He knew that the girl’s curiosity was starting up again.

Along with three humans and a ghost, they went on their way.

Mikito Hanzawa was silent on the way as he was nervous with Chiba Shiori beside him. In contrast, Akie Hanzawa was in a good mood with his brother by his side. Kazuki did not want to talk, but Chiba Shiori kept initiating a conversation, so he had to remain patient.

Since Mikito Hanzawa was next to her, Chiba Shiori did not ask about supernatural matters.

“By the way, I sent you a message yesterday. Didn’t you see it?” Chiba Shiori inclined her head. After she went home and had dinner yesterday, she texted Kazuki around 8 pm as she thought that Kazuki should be back at that time. After waiting for an hour or two, Kazuki did not reply to her message, so she went to bed.

After listening to her, Kazuki picked up his phone to check the email by Chiba Shiori.

[ Are you there (..??_??..) ]

“Just say what was up the next time, don’t ask whether I’m there or not.” Kazuki hated to be asked whether he was there or not. He would lose his interest in replying every time he receives that kind of message. Also, he realized that Chiba Shiori seemed to enjoy using facial expressions as she did in the classroom just now.

“Alright.” Chiba Shiori was in a much better mood after knowing that Kazuki did not ignore her message on purpose, but instead, he missed it.

Not long after, Kazuki took Mikito Hanzawa to a fitness club. He signed Mikito Hanzawa up without his approval. He even helped him to apply for an annual membership card and found him a fitness coach for a month. Of course, Mikito Hanzawa paid the fees by himself.

These were all part of Kazuki’s plan because Mikito Hanzawa was clearly physically weak. Judging by how he was panting after he beat up the people in the classroom, it was apparent that he was weak.

However, he believed that Mikito Hanzawa’s spirit would change qualitatively if he kept exercising for three months. With the change of spirit, he would gain his self-confidence, and his introverted personality would change eventually. By that time, he would not be afraid anymore, even if he encountered delinquents.

Mikito Hanzawa did not refuse. After Kazuki had dealt with everything, he whispered, “Brother Kimura... Can you supervise me every single day? I’m worried that I will not stick to it.”

Mikito Hanzawa actually knew his personality well. He knew that he would not be able to hold on if he was by himself.

“I can’t push you.” Kazuki saw a sense of disappointment in Mikito Hanzawa’s eyes, but he continued, “But I can get someone to supervise you. He’s a member of my club. I will let him supervise you if you pay him 10,000 yen per month. I’ll let him beat you up if you slack off.”

“No problem!” Mikito Hanzawa did not reject because he genuinely wanted to transform himself. The scene that Kazuki made at Akihide High School gave him a strong impression, one he would never forget it.

Kazuki then asked Mikito Hanzawa to follow the fitness trainer through some basic fitness courses and excused himself later on. Akie Hanzawa, who was next to them, looked relieved after he saw what he did to his brother.

Chiba Shiori immediately tagged along behind Kazuki when he left the gym as she had many questions to ask him.

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