The Supreme Martial King Shocking All Realms

Chapter 115 - 112: Sudden Mutation of Bandits_l

Chapter 115: Chapter 112: Sudden Mutation of Bandits_l

Translator: 549690339

Next. the Fish Oueen. controlling the iade Dendant. brought Elder Bear and Second Elder Bear into the mustard seed space of the Eight Extremities Flowing River.

“Transform this Eight Extremities Flowing River into a jade pendant.” Yang Chen instructed.

Under the Fish Queen’s control, the Eight Extremities Flowing River turned into a jade pendant that fell into Yang Chen’s hand.

Holding the jade pendant, Yang Chen couldn’t help but praise: “Interesting, now it’s a lot safer.”

Changing the Eight Extremities Flowing River into a jade pendant and hanging it on his waist – who would have thought that it actually contained the Black Mountain Black Bear and the Fishpeople Tribe?

It had to be said that this jade pendant passed down by the Fishpeople Tribe was indeed a treasure. Yang Chen held it in his hand and observed it carefully, but he couldn’t find any difference between this jade pendant and other jade pendants, making it a perfect hiding place. It’s a pity that such mustard seed spaces are more suitable for demon beasts to live in, and human martial artists with insufficient cultivation find it difficult to enter.

Yang Chen wasn’t discouraged. At least for now, his trouble with the two demon beast clans was completely resolved.

“Fish Queen… Uh, what’s your name?” Yang Chen asked.

“My name is Rainbow!”

After introducing themselves to each other, they became more familiar and relaxed.

It wasn’t difficult to communicate with the Fish Queen.

The strength of the Fishpeople Tribe lies in their Divine Soul Power. Their souls are so potent that they far surpass those of powerful human martial artists. For example, the Fish Queen can now communicate with Yang Chen directly using her soul, and even block the transmission of Yang Chen’s voice.

Soul communication is one of the ways martial artists communicate. By using soul communication, they can make sounds appear directly in their minds to prevent eavesdroppers.

“Young Master Chen, you said you’re interested in our Fishpeople Tribe’s Divine Soul Cultivation Method?” Rainbow pouted, “You’re too bad, we just started following you, and you’re already asking us for things.”

Yang Chen knew that asking the Fishpeople Tribe for things might not be as simple as asking from Elder Bear and Second Elder Bear, so he just shrugged: “Fine, since you’re cautious, let’s talk about this matter later.”

He knew that he couldn’t rush this matter. After all, he hadn’t fully gained the trust of the Fishpeople Tribe, and it was still a long way from having the Fishpeople Tribe think completely for him and help him.

“Speaking of which, you must be very familiar with the environment in the inner area of Beast Mountain. I’m curious, what’s the origin of this inner area of Beast Mountain?” Yang Chen couldn’t help but ask.

“The origin is quite significant. If one goes further north through the inner area of Beast Mountain, they will enter the world of demonic beasts. However, after the ancient battle between demonic beasts and humans, the humans set up an ancient seal here, preventing demonic beasts from crossing and stopping the war.” Rainbow explained.

It suddenly dawned on Yang Chen.

No wonder…

So that’s the case.

He had some understanding of the war between demonic beasts and humans.

It was said that thousands of years ago, during a very distant era, the demon beast clan wanted to enslave the human clan, and their army invaded, trying to turn humans into their slaves. Human martial artists naturally fought back. That war was extremely fierce, with countless human powerful ones dying in it, along with many talented individuals perishing.

In the end, it was the blood of countless people and the deaths of many brilliant individuals that led to the retreat of the demonic beasts.

The human clan set up a seal, cutting off the demonic beasts’ invasion route.

Yang Chen knew quite a bit about this, but he didn’t expect that the sealing site was actually the inner area of Great Desolate Monster Beast Mountain…

No wonder he encountered nearly extinct demonic beasts such as the Fishpeople Tribe and the Black Mountain Black Bear here. If this place was indeed the sealing site of that year, then everything could be easily explained. These may be the demonic beasts that failed to escape back to their camp during that time.

In fact, such demonic beasts were not a minority. Although the demonic beast clan retreated, there were still many remaining on the continent. The human clan, too, suffered a great loss at the time and could not eradicate those demonic beasts completely. As a result, those demon beasts slowly multiplied and became more prominent.

When Yang Chen was young, he had seen many demonic beast clans flourishing within the human clan.

“So that’s how it is. How much do you know about the inner area of Beast Mountain? I want to collect some Lingcao resources. If you can help me with this, your Fishpeople Tribe will benefit greatly.” Yang Chen slowly said.

Hearing Yang Chen mention benefits, Rainbow immediately became energetic, and through soul transmission, said: “You’re talking about Lingcao resources? We, the Fishpeople Tribe, have seen a lot of them, but we couldn’t collect them due to our lack of strength. There was even a Golden Elephant Fruit that was snatched away by those two silly bears. Hurry up and follow the direction I told you. There are many treasures there.”

Listening to Rainbow’s excitement, Yang Chen couldn’t help but smile.

With the help of the Fishpeople Tribe, Yang Chen’s resource collection became much more efficient.

After all, the Fishpeople Tribe was indigenous to Beast Mountain’s inner circle, and they were already familiar with the place. Under their guidance, Yang Chen avoided many detours and collected a variety of resources.

However, Yang Chen originally thought that he could peacefully collect treasures, but soon he found that he was greatly mistaken.

“Young Master Chen, there are people coming.” Rainbow communicated with Yang Chen through the soul in the mustard seed space.

Hearing this, Yang Chen nodded and prepared for the confrontation.

Rainbow’s Divine Soul Power was mighty and could even spread her divine soul out to sense the movement in the vicinity. This was also a characteristic of the Fishpeople Tribe, who were inherently powerful in terms of divine soul.

Hearing Rainbow’s warning, Yang Chen hid himself and looked into the distance.

Just as Rainbow had said, before long, he heard the sound of footsteps.

“Hurry up, we’ll be caught by the bandits if we’re any slower.”

“Not necessarily. Those bandits are after Feng Xiaotian and Murong Liuhe, and have nothing to do with us. We run a little faster, and Zhang Ying and Zhang Long won’t trouble us anymore.” Two geniuses from the Great Wilderness hurried along as if a tiger was chasing them from behind.

Yang Chen squinted at them.

He recognized these two young geniuses as Zhang Huaizhong from the Zhang Family and Chen Ting from the Chen Family, both of whom had been on opposing sides with him.

Seeing the panicked looks on these two geniuses’ faces, Yang Chen frowned and then stepped out from the shadows: “You two, I heard you just now. What’s going on? Are Feng Xiaotian and Murong Liuhe captured by bandits?”

“Huh? Who, you, it’s Yang Chen! ” Both Chen Ting and Zhang Huaizhong were first surprised when they saw the person who suddenly appeared in front of them, and then they became excited as if they had found their backbone..

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