The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 96: Night Battle Begin

Chapter 96: Night Battle Begin

Around the time Sebas and Sieg started to move out after we received information about Rebecca sighting.

In the imperial capital, various factions were starting to move.

Your Highness Zandra. Please give us your cooperation.

The pursuers dispatched from the kidnapping organization came to the capital and asked for Zandras help.

Their number is five. They are the best assassin the organization has to offer. Besides them, there are quite a few pursuers that were dispatched in the imperial capital. The organization has done everything to search for Rebecca.

The letter Rebecca has can deal a fatal blow to the organization. It also proves fatal to the Southern Nobles and Zandra whose support came mainly from the south.

Right, I would be in trouble if the relationship between the Southern Nobles and the organization came to light. Gunther.

Yes, my lady.

Gunther, an assassin who once aimed for Als life bows to Zandra from a distance away from her.

Behind him were assassins that Zandra recruited from all over the world. They numbered around 20.

Use any means you can to make sure that I can get that letter.

As you wish. but..I have one concern, my lady.

Leonard is it? You dont have to worry about him. Leonard doesnt have many assassins to deploy. You only have to worry about Sebastian, the one who is acting as Arnolds butler alone.

That is the case however, the one I am worried about is His Highness Gordons faction.

What about Gordon? I dont think that muscle brain is an enemy that we would have to be cautious about though?

What Zandra said was right.

According to the information available, Gordon doesnt have many men who are suitable for covert work.

However, based on the information Gunther obtained a while ago, that impression has to be revised.

ActuallyI have obtained information that he has started a covert unit that has been undergone training in secret.

In the army?


No matter what he does, would Gordon really be able to make a competent one?

I think that they might be an informal unit, my lady. It seems that the commander of that unit has been called to the imperial capital recently as well.

And their goal is obviously the letter huh..

Zandra shuffles her legs while sitting on her chair.

While resting her cheek on her hand, she watches as the sun begins to set outside.

The imperial capital will soon be wrapped in the darkness of night and the battle will soon begin.

If she loses this battle, Zandra will suffer the most fatal blow. Her support base in the south will be gone.

The mages from various places in the world will still continue to support Zandra but that is just on an individual level. The succession war is not just a battle between the candidates but also their factions and a weak faction will never be able to safeguard the throne.

As Leo is being backed by Duke Kleinert, she would lose a significant amount of her influence if she loses Duke Kruger who is supporting her.

So Gordon is trying to get ahead of me here huh.

His Highness Eric will probably be observing from the side this time as well.

If its Eric then I think he will. He will never get his hand dirty until the end. He is probably waiting for us to exhaust each other. But this is our chance. If we can get back that letter then I dont have to worry about my support base anymore.

More importantly, Im more concerned about the experimental body.

Zandra muttered in her heart. Personally, that was more important to her. For Zandra, the thing she needs in order to win this succession war is not the military might nor her faction but her forbidden arts.

If she can complete her research on the forbidden art then her faction will no longer be necessary. There would be no one who would be able to defy Zandra.

Everyone will naturally kneel down to her. Thats Zandras ideal world.

Gunther. For the time being, search for the letter that woman is holding on. But dont touch her yet.

Will that be alright, my lady?

Its fine. Let Leonard and Gordons minions fight each other for now. We will get them once they exhaust each other out.

As you wish.

Presently there are many assassins and trackers that the organization recruited in the imperial capital.

If she mobilizes them all then she should be able to win through brute force but Zandra doesnt want to drop the number of her assassins any lower.

Thats why she gave such an instruction and Gunther isnt opposed to it as well.

In the first place, she never thought that Rebecca would easily be found since she had eluded the pursuit of the organization so far and managed to enter the capital.

Alright, go. If it turns out to be a fight then I dont mind no matter who you have to kill.

Understood. Move out.

Saying so, Gunther disappeared together with the assassins behind him.

The pursuers the organization sent also disappeared before she noticed as well.

Left alone in the empty room, Zandra smiles.

If I cant get my hand on that letterit seems I will have to abandon Oji-sama after all. But it cant be helped right? Its for the sake of making me an empress after all.

Zandra muttered so with a smile of madness.

Oi Oi, what kind of situation is this?

Sieg who went out together with Sebas muttered as he felt many presences moving around while lying prone on top of a roof.

The time is already midnight. It was obviously strange that this number of people would be so active.

That must be the assassins under Her Highness Zandra.

All of them?

They probably have the assassins in training and the pursuer that were dispatched after Rebecca-dono as well. They have a common point of contact in the south so it wouldnt be weird if they have a cooperative relationship.

You say that but we only have the two of us on our side you know?

This is not a war so they wont be able to gain superiority with just numbers. Sieg and I should suffice to deal with them.

You said it..

Sieg exhales and looks around.

It was a daunting task to search for Rebecca when even their enemies who have spread out all over the place couldnt find her.

Butfor this many pursuers to gather, it seems she really arrived safely at the capital huh?

She might have a cooperator. If thats the case then we need to move around cautiously as well.

It would be troubling if she thought of us as an enemy after all. Anyway, lets find out where she is first huh.

Saying so, Sieg stood up and stepped forward.

However, a strong gust blew at that exact timing.

It wouldnt be a problem for a human but the wind pushed Siegs body off balance.


Sieg leaked a small voice and slid off the roof.

! ! ? ?

Sieg let out a voiceless scream while managing to avoid falling by grabbing on to a part of the house that protruded out with his hand.

Fuuthat was dangerous.

Are you okay?

Yeah, Im f.shit!?

Besides Sieg.

The bowl that was placed on the protruding part of the house was rocking.

It then gets pulled down by gravity and falls downward.

It then cracked and made a loud noise.



Sebas and Sieg instinctively gaze silently at the broken bowl.

While they were doing that, the presence gathered all around them.

Its that right. Its the winds fault. Yep, totally the winds fault here.


Saying so, the two sharpened their minds and prepared their weapons.

Sebas takes out his dagger while Sieg transforms Ruin into a spear and climbs up to the roof.

Moments after the two finished preparing, three men jumped over the roof.

However, the three of them fell down with Sebass daggers pierced between their eyebrows.

Good job.

They are still coming.

More men climb up to the roof but this time Sieg swings Ruin. He knocks one down and slashes up anothers throat. He then jumps on another roof and approaches the last one left.

A bear!?


Saying so, Sieg pierced the mans face.

The man had no time to scream and died. His body slipped off the roof.

Sorry. A bear at night is scary you know.

That was a splendid spear technique. To think that you would be able to exhibit so much power with that kind of body.

You too, despite being an old man, arent you quite active as well?

Im glad to hear that. But this number is still too many.

Right. Lets go with Plan B.

Plan B?

Sebas who never heard of such a thing muttered puzzlingly but Sieg simply climbed up on Sebass back.

As he grabbed Sebass shoulders, he shamelessly said.

You carry me and run away.

You are being too harsh on this old man.

Dont say that. I will give you a shoulder massage later.

Hahaha, I will be troubling you then.

Laughing so, Sebas escaped from the scene with all his might.

After that, there was no noticeable movement in the capital.

No faction was able to obtain any useful information on the first night of the battle.

That fact alerted all factions.

Is Rebecca very good at hiding, or is she cooperating with some skilled person?

Either way, it became clear that the one who is holding on to that letter is not some straightlaced person either.

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