The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 86: The Wizard of Silver Destruction

Chapter 86: The Wizard of Silver Destruction

Dont start bluffing now. I already understand the extent of your power. Your power is nothing close to mine.

Furcas turns his belittling gaze at me.

Judging from our battle so far, he must have thought that there is no way for him to lose.

Certainly, I havent been able to do any significant damage to Furcas until now and it was clear that he still hasnt got serious yet either. He is probably saving up his power for an emergency in case he has to resist an order from his summoner.

However, the one who hasnt got serious yet is not just him.

Is that so..try me then.

I released my suppressed magic power.

I kept it at bay to not scare Lynfias little sister but since Lynfia already rescued her, there is no need to hold back anymore.

How many times do I have to tell you. Your power is nothing closetomine.

Whats wrong? If you are that confident then come at me.

It seems Furcas also released his suppressed power but at most his power now is only twice the amount of earlier.

On the other hand, my power is ten times greater than before.

The vast amount and highly concentrated magic power can be seen with naked eyes.

Its rare for me to get serious and release this amount of power. After all, its hard to fight like this while avoid causing collateral damage.

There are only a few people that I have to worry about this time..I will get moderately serious now alright.


Comparing that number to the people in the places I had to fight in recently, this is already on a fewer side.

Thousands is not a big number compared to the number of citizens of Kiel or Albatro.

Just in case, I also deployed a healing barrier like the one I used in Kiel here as well but since they are all located in a small area, the one I deployed this time is on a smaller scale.

Theres no need to worry about the damage to the buildings either so this place is quite decent for a battlefield.

Furcas grit his teeth and held up his sword.

No matter how powerful your power is, theres no point if you cant use it!

Saying so, Furcas approached me at great speed.

Magicians are vulnerable in close combat. He must have chosen that tactic because he knows that.

Certainly, Im hopeless when it comes to weapons. My physical ability is also below average. That fact doesnt change even after I turned into Silver.

No matter how much I can strengthen my body, my physical sense wouldnt improve along with it.

However, if thats the case then all I have to do is fight in a way that I dont have to rely on that.

Got you!!

Furcas comes at me from the left.

I lowered my body and instantly transferred away.

The place I transferred to is the sky above the city, away from Furcas.

Then, I extended my right hand toward him and chanted.

[[Surge, Thunder of Blood-Bloody Lightning]]

A ginormous reddish-black thunder runs straight toward Furcas.

Furcas guarded it with his sword but he couldnt withstand it and was blown quite a distance away.


Furcas managed to escape direct hit by deflecting the blood thunder upward but his body was left with severe burns. However, the burns that would render a normal human immobile was healed in an instant.

Perhaps because he possessed a dead body unlike Balaam, he can exhibit more of his Demon power than him.

How was it? Have you understood the extent of my power yet?

Dont get carried away!!!

Furcas then created five giant swords, each with several meters in length, and sent them toward me.

Like ferocious birds, the giant swords are flying at me with high speed.

They are working in sync and homing after me.

I flew up to avoid it but another giant sword came at me from a blind spot.

Then while I was playing chase with those giant swords, Furcas was approaching me from underneath.

Now you cant transfer away!!

Dont look down on me.

I stopped the movement of the giant swords with my barrier and threw out a right straight punch to counter Furcas who was approaching me from below.

My right straight took the shape of a huge semi-transparent fist and sent Furcas, who was still a distance away, flying back toward the ground.


The technique called Magic Hand is a magic that creates virtual hands and feet.

Furcas, who received a blown from my magic fist, was struck on the ground.

As he bounced greatly off the ground I performed a kicking motion. If Elna sees me she might say that it was a poor low-kick but if I only want to just blow this guy away then this is plenty enough.

A giant leg was formed and blew Furcas away horizontally.

Ugh! Kuh! UoaaAAA!!!!!!!

While bouncing off the ground many times, Furcas stabbed his sword down and somehow managed to stop the momentum.

However, as a result of staying still, Furcas was once again the target of an attack.

[[O King of Earth, Give death to the insolenceEarthQuake.]]

The land on which Furcas was standing rapidly rises up and eventually becomes a huge spear made of earth and attacks him.

Furcas tries to escape to the sky but the spear keeps getting higher and higher, it will not stop until it can catch Furcas.

Tsk! One annoying magic after another!!

Judging that it will not let him go, Furcas cloaks his sword with darkness and slashes at it with all his power.

With that move, the earth spear was shattered and returned to normal soil.

Haa Haa.

You look tired, shall we take a break?

Kuh.Why? Why didnt you fight seriously from the beginning?

If I get serious from the start she will get scared right. Your summoner that is.

Thats all..? You were holding back just because of that!?

Furcas opens his eyes wide as if he couldnt believe it.

Well, thats the normal reaction I guess.

I only move to get the best result. Some people criticize me for that. Fighting in a disadvantageous place just to protect one village. Prolonging the battle for the sake of one person.

Many people say that someone just has to make sacrifices, that it was an inevitable sacrifice so that the many dont have to be sacrificed as well.

That was a sound argument.

However, I have neither duty or obligation to listen to them.

Thats all. There are guys who say that those with power have the responsibility to do that. I do think that idea was half-baked at best but it still has some valid points. If they are within your reach then you should save them but as painful as it is, I am also a human. I cant save anyone outside my reach. Thats why I decided to save those within mine with all my power. Even if its illogical, even if people call me foolish, that is still my belief as an adventurer.

I cant understand thatThe Strongs are right! Thats the rule of Demon World!

That might be true in the Demon World. However, this is the surface world. This world has its own rules.

Arent those rules also decided by the strong!!??

Yeah, thats right. And the strongest one here is me. In other wordsHere, I am the rule.


Furcas was furious at my words and started wrapping his sword in darkness again.

He then swings them toward me.

As a Demon, it seems that he cant bear being looked down by me. His pride as a Demon couldnt endure being humiliated by the likes of humans.

However, that was simply a pure fact.

The darkness slash that Furcas brandished at me was stopped by the barrier I deployed. It was a barrier that absorbs my opponents attack.

You should have started moving the moment you were summoned. It was your arrogance that gave you the idea to create your base here and summon other Demons.


I wont deny that.

Furcas puts more effort to break my barrier by increasing the power of his slashes but this barrier can not be broken using normal means.

He should have given up breaking through from the front once I finished my preparation.

Furcas glares at me but I ignore him.

The one who is looking at me is not just Furcas. Right now, many people are looking at me.

At this SS rank adventurer Silver.

An SS rank adventurer is different from other adventurers. Everyone is thinking [If its Silver then he can do it]. So, I have to become an existence that inspires people to think like that. And today I have told the future emperor that I would let him witness my power. He said that he will selfishly follow his own ideal and still, asked me to lend him my power. Thats why in reply to his determination, I have to show my power to him.

Saying so, I converted the absorbed power from Furcass attacks into magic power and started preparing a great magic.

Realizing that, Furcas tried to stop me but he was bound by the chains that came out of nowhere.

This is!!??

Just stay still and watch. This magic takes time to prepare.

I wonder when was the last time I used this magic.

Since the succession war began I was occupied with thoughts of how to assist Leo from the shadow.

The things I have to protect also increased and there were a lot of things I have to do so I cant focus myself only on fighting like before.

It used to be so easy.

To fight alone and win against a strong opponent, that was all I wanted. It was simple and clear. Fighting as Silver was so easy.

Despite that, I threw it all away and decided to help Leo.

Today he already proved to me that it wasnt a wrong choice. He has grown and is getting closer to the figure of the ideal emperor I once saw. Someday Leo can become the emperor who will be praised by all. He showed me that possibility today.

In that case, I cant laze around doing nothing either.

In this place, I have to remind them once and for all.

Of the awe-inspiring existence known as Silver.

[[I am one who know the principle of silverI am one who has been chosen as the true silver]]

Hes Silver because he is wearing a silver mask.

I didnt call myself that because of such a simple reason.

[[Silver star of the star oceanIlluminate the earth and frighten the heaven]].

There are several schools among ancient magic.

Among them, there was one magic that is more powerful than others.

And that magic was from the school I most specialized in.

The name of that school was Silver Magic of Destruction.

It was the magic I once used to subjugate an Ancient Dragon, and the first magic I ever used as an adventurer. The symbol of Silver.

[[The brilliance of silver is the truth of godThat silver brilliance is the divine protection of heaven]].

When I decided to become an adventurer, the first thing I did was defeating an Ancient Dragon that had entered its active period near the Empire and dropped it off at the Adventurer Guild Headquarters as a souvenir.

I was not registered as an adventurer back then but the adventurers that were dispatched as the subjugation team reported what I did to the guild and I was appointed as an SS rank adventurer through an exception.

[[The silent flash of silverSilvers brilliance is eternal]].

The name Silver was given to me at that time. In a certain sense, it was something close to my second name.

It means that the name Silver is not just for show.

[[O silver light, dwell in my handAnd destroy the arrogant]]

Between my hands appeared a silver ball that is letting out a strong brilliance.

Feeling immense power emanates from it, Furcas squeezes all his power out and breaks free of the power-draining cursed chains and prepares his defense.

Hes quite a guy. Being able to escape from those chains meant that he is definitely stronger than the vampire duo that was treated as S-class monsters. Still, it was already too late.

The silver light is already in my hands.


Crushing the silver ball, a huge ball of light appears behind me.

It aimed at Furcas and fired a silver light.


Trying to offset the approaching silver light, Furcas brandished the strongest attack he could.

After a long period of stalemate, Furcas managed to offset it.

See! Your greatest magic is..

Furcass triumph was cut short.

Behind me are seven balls of light, each firing that same silver light at the monsters below me. That image must have looked like Gods punishment.

Silvery Ray was a super wide range destruction spell. Its magic that creates balls of light that shoot out silver beams of light at anyone I designated as an enemy.

Unfortunately for him, Furcas was only able to offset one of them.


(TLN: For the cultured, Baka na.)

All of the monsters below me were wiped out.

The only one remaining is Furcas.

I use the cursed chain to bind Furcas again and bring him to the top of the hole at the center of the city. At the same time, all seven balls of lights aimed at Furcas.

You bastard..what are you.?

SS rank adventurer Silver. If you manage to survive and return to Demon World make sure to spread that name. Tell them that there is a dangerous guy here on the surface world.


This is a gift from me. You guys came all this way together after all. It would be pitiful for them if they couldnt see the light right?

Saying so I raise up my right arm.

If I swing it down, all seven balls of light will shoot the silver light at Furcas all at once.

Realizing that, he raises his voice to stop me.

Wa, WAIT!?


Saying so, I swing my arm down.

The balls of light emitted an intense glow and released a focused ray of silver light at Furcas.

Like the light of the stars, it was shining dazzlingly.

In an instant, the silver light swallows Furcas and annihilates the monsters and Demons who tried to enter the hole and headed toward this world.

As the hole gradually shrinks, the silver lights become thinner and thinner.

when the hole was completely closed, I slowly grasped my hand into a fist and stopped the silver light

All the monsters were wiped out by Silvery Ray.

The Demons also disappeared.

The children trapped in the black sphere were rescued.

I also assisted the knights and adventurers in their battle as much as I could.

I can say that this is quite a good battle result.

So I declared it to all the adventurers.


As if the adventurers were waiting for that moment, they all cheer.

Seeing that, the knights also raise their swords high and shout the cry of victory.

The Southern Incident that almost shaken the Empire has been put to an end.

There is still much more to do. Cleaning all this up will probably take time.

Still, let us rejoice in this victory.

Even so, there was something more valuable than this victory.

What we gained is big.

Leo is now a hero, and since he originally came to the South as the Emperors inspector,

It may be time to fight back huh.

While muttering so, I started creating a transfer gate to send the adventurer back to the imperial capital.

TLN: There might be a delay for next week release cuz I will be working on Dahlia release for a few days..this all depend on my laziness meter.

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