The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 84: Holy Flame

Chapter 84: Holy Flame

Just ignore the small fries!

Lize, who is leading everyone, gave her instruction.

As her words suggested, Lize is prioritizing advancing ahead instead of defeating the surrounding enemies.

They only have one goal.

Bringing Lynfia to the black sphere.

Having an SS rank adventurer with us really saves us a lot of work huh.

Abel who was near Lynfia mutters as he looks at the sky.

Yes. We were lucky that he came.

While escorting her to the city he gets rid of the strong enemies like dragon zombies and giant skeletons around Lize and the others as much as possible.

He was the best reinforcement she could possibly wish for.

However, why did Silver appear when she blew the whistle?

That doubt exists in her mind but she shakes it off immediately.

Now is not the time to think about it.

Lynfia swings her sword which is now in spear shape and clears the skeleton away from her way.

I am going to the front.

O, Oi!? Everyone is here to protect you, you know!?

I cant reach the city without doing anything myself.

HmphI like you, adventurer. Give me your name.

Please call me Lynfia.

I am Lizelotte. Have you heard of me before?

Yes. Your Excellency is the strongest Marshal of the imperial family and the elder sister of His Highness Lenoard and His Highness Arnold, correct?

You know Al as well?

Lize was used to being called Leos older sister but its rare for someone to call her Als older sister.

Al is a prince that people often dont bring up as a topic. In the meantime, he is also a prince who has no shortage of topics about him.

However, Lynfia favorably smiled at the mention of him.

Yes. the very first one who reached out to me was actually His Highness Arnold.

Al did? Thats unexpected.

It was surprising for me as well. But he was not like what people described him as at all. Both His Highness Leonard and His Highness Arnold are someone who can move for the sake of others. They even lend their power to someone like me.

Leo aside, you really have a high opinion of Al huh. Dont you think so too? Leo.

Lize talked to Leo who was dealing with a giant skeleton.

Eh? What did you say just now!?

Leo couldnt hear her properly so he asked what she said in a loud voice.

Properly listen to your sister would you.

If you have to talk about something important then please choose a more appropriate time and place! I will stop that monster so go on ahead! Take care of Lynfia please!

Yeah, leave her to me. You be careful too.

Yes, Aneue as well.

After such an exchange, Leo along with a number of knights separated a little distance away from the group and started dealing with the giant skeletons.

Meanwhile, Silver is facing multiple dragon zombies in the sky.

They almost reached the city.

Is that okay? Leaving His Highness Leonard there.

Hes my little brother. Dont worry about him. What were we talking about again?

Its about how I have a high opinion about His Highness Arnold.

Ah, thats right. Leo might save people out of pure goodwill but Al is different. He doesnt help anyone who isnt worth saving.

Is that so?

Yeah. he will only help someone when he judges that person is worth saving. From most peoples point of view, he might look whimsical but Al has his standard. Does he have the power to save them, Does he have the cause to save them, Does he have the conviction to save them, those are what he asks himself before he saves someone. So you can be proud. The fact that Al saved you meant that he has acknowledged you.

Saying so, Lize slashes at the skeletons in front of her.

She stopped her horse there and started cutting down the skeletons.

Al reached his hand out to you and Leo walked alongside you. From here on I will pave the path for you. I will not let my little brothers effort go to waste. Make sure you rescue your sister. Never give up.


Replying to Lize, Lynfia advances.

Shortly thereafter, Lynfias and Lize entered the city of Bassau.

Now! Attack its legs!

Leo led the knights to fight against the giant skeleton.

The knights attack the giant skeletons legs all at once and the giant skeleton falls back. Without missing that chance, the knights went in to finish it off.

Another one is coming!

Get to offensive position! Dont let them get close to where Aneue and the others are!

Gathering all the knights around him, Leo leads them to defeat the giant skeleton.

However, Leo suddenly felt a presence behind him.

Leo jumps off his horse and escapes from it.


Fell to the ground, his side felt strangely hot.

When he gently touched it, the place was moist and bloody.

You have quite an instinct, Prince.


It was the Demon who has the ability to turn invisible, Balaam.

The sword he held has red blood dripping from it.

That was Leos blood. He might have died if he hadnt jumped off.

Thinking so, Leo stands up.

The bleeding is severe but the wound was shallow. It wont prevent him from fighting.

Your Highness! We are coming!

Half of you go stop the giant skeleton! The other half take care of monsters around me..I will be Balaams opponent.

However, your injury!

Balaams target is me. Since he can turn himself invisible, theres no choice but to face him directly.

Leo held up his sword.

Thinking of attacking Leo from the back again once he escaped, Balaam clicked his tongue.

There are two types of Demons, those that are suitable for combat and those that are not. Balaam is the latter and his human possession wasnt perfect either.

Furcas possessed an already dead human but the one Balaam is possessing is still alive. Therefore, his current vessel could not exhibit the true power of a demon.

It was more convenient for Balaam to let Leo escape but Leo saw through that and chose to challenge him directly.

You are one cunning prince.

I will accept that as a compliment.

The tension increases between the two.

Meanwhile, Silver came down from the sky.

I will help.

Balaam frowns at the arrival of a powerful enemy.

Balaam has no chance of winning against someone who can block an attack from Furcas.

However, the fact that this masked man is here means that there will be no one who can go against Furcas at the other front.

Balaam wanted to destroy his enemys morale by crushing their leader but since his action is now having a pleasant side effect, he grins.


No need. Please go to Lynfias side.

You do seem like you need help though?

She needs you. Please go.

Leo steps in front and says that to Silver.

However, Silver does not withdraw.

I cant simply comply with that. it will be a problem for me if you die here.

Silver then heals the wound on Leos side with healing magic.

However, Leo didnt express any gratitude or turn toward Silver.

Dont mess with me! Dont worry about my life, worry more about the lives of those children! You came here because of that right! ?

After I get rid of this guy I will follow after her. Dont worry.

Dont worry about me.. Just go.


But what! If you recognized me then go!

Leo turns his eyes to Silver.

The strength behind Leos eyes right now is something that Silver, no, Al has never seen before.

What I aim to become is my ideal emperorthe first step toward that is to rescue those children. I have mobilized many knights and adventurers to pursue that ideal. If I still cant save those children despite all that.I will never accept it! I will definitely save those children and solve this incident! Go! Silver! If you call yourself an SS rank Adventurer then let me witness your power!!!!!

it would be putting it nicely to call that an angry bellow.

It was the first time for Al to see Leo like that.

Thats why Al gently kicked the ground and floated up to the sky.

Then witness me well. Dont die before I get to show you that. Prince Leonard.

Its alright.I am a man who would one day become the emperor. I will not die here.

Is that so.

Saying so, Al headed toward the city.

Leo then directed his strong gaze at Balaam.

Come..Balaam. With the name of the imperial prince, I will cut you down for unleashing this disaster on the Empire!

If you think you can do it then come!

With that said, the fight between Balaam and Leo begins.

Their swords collide. The usual Leo may have fought while calmly assessing his opponent.

However, the current Leo was different.



Due to the series of fierce attacks, Balaam who only has one arm took a step back.

Then Leo hits Balaams sword with a powerful strike.



Leo twists his wrist and aims at Balaams remaining arm.

At that moment, Balaam turned himself invisible and fled.

He disappeared

Leo concentrates on the sound and presence in his surroundings.

If Balaam would retreat from just that level of attack then he wouldnt come at him from the start.

He will definitely come to attack him.

Leo is confident in that.

And he was right.



Balaam who suddenly appeared behind Leo leaves a shallow cut on Leos back.

In his hand was a dagger.

Leo turned around and waved his sword but Balaam had already disappeared.

Clicking his tongue, Leo looks around again.

However, he could not find any trace of Balaam and this time Balaam appeared from the side and stabbed his left leg.


Its useless, Prince.

Damn you!

Leo swung his sword at Balaam but he slowly turned invisible and disappeared again.

Aware that blood rushed to his head, Leo let out a huge breath.

Where will he attack next? How should he fight back?

When he was thinking about that, Als face crossed Leos mind.

Deception is Als forte. He is a master of getting his enemy by surprise.

If its Nii-san then.

Leo thought about it a little and put his sword back into the sheath. He then concentrated on detecting the presence around him.

His opponents weapon is a dagger. Balaam has no choice but to aim at a critical point to cause a fatal injury. The attack with the highest possibility of doing that is a thrust. Balaam himself still has a leeway, he will not recklessly make an illogical attack.

Then the place he will aim at will be his heart.

Putting a hand on his heart, the moment Leo felt a presence behind him, he shifted his body to the right.

However, heat runs through his left shoulder causing sharp pain.

Looking at it, he saw a dagger embedded in his left shoulder.

Did you think you could avoid my attack by giving up counter-attacking?

No..I havent given up anything.

Leo clenches his teeth, shifts his body and grabs Balaams neck with his right hand.

He then concentrates his mind and starts casting.

[[Flame descended from heavenSave the virtuousO supreme holy flameNobly burnAnd destroy the evil before me-Holy Blaze]]

A five verses modern magic.

It is a holy magic spell that has a great effect on undead monsters. Although it is a highly advanced spell that has few users among the widespread modern magic, Leo who had equally learned many schools of magic so that the lack of knowledge would not trouble him someday has already mastered this magic as well.

The holy flame was born on Leos right hand, burning Balaam.

Even though Leos hand is aflame, it has no effect on Leo.


I wont let you get away this time.

Balaam, who tried to escape, strongly grabs Leos right arm but unwilling to let him go, Leo strengthens the power of the holy flame.

Eventually, Balaam stopped resisting but Leo continued to burn him until Balaams body completely turned to dust.

Haa, Haa.

Turning to dust, the wind blows and scatters Balaams body to the air.

Leo pulled his sword out of the sheath and raised it high in the sky.

The Eighth Prince of the Empire, Leonard Lakes Adler has defeated the Demon!!!!!

At that moment, the knights around him raise a loud cry of victory.

Leo looks at the city.

Its in your hands now, Lynfia.

At that moment, the black sphere emitted a strong light.

TLN: Balaam/Balam is one of the kings of hell so if he has a proper vessel he might be stronger than this?

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