The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 561

Chapter 561

Chapter 561: Erik's Private Residence

I had returned to the Imperial Capital, Virt.

Of course, I was going to meet with my father.

"Will the Emperor accept Al's request...?"

In the carriage, Finne mutters. In response, I replied in a matter-of-factly way.

"I'm sure my uncle must have explained the benefits of granting me the position of Grand Marshal. My father is not the kind to fail to understand such reasoning. Therefore, it now becomes a matter of emotions. And I cannot predict where that will lead us."

"The emperor must be worried."

"It's a blessing that he is. That he would worry about a wastrel son like me. But I am the only one who can be a bullet shield for Leo. After all, I have both the capabilities and the position."

If there was a moment for me to step into the spotlight, it would be to draw attention to myself. To divert attention away from Leo.

The fight for the imperial throne is also nearing its end. Even though the long conspiracy of the devil has been revealed, what I need to do remains unchanged.

I have to make Leo the emperor. For that, I need the position of the Grand Marshal. Now is the best time to take the center stage, and if I miss this chance, there will be no opportunity to do so.

By rising to prominence now, the attention of many will be focused on me. Everyone will realize that I was behind Leo's rise to power. Those who had a faint idea would become more wary of me.

Once the war in the kingdom is over, Leo's position would become unshakeable. To overturn that, and to prevent the stabilization of the empire, the means available are limited.

The prime example is assassination.

However, if I step into the limelight now, there will be two targets.

Leonardo, who won the fight for the throne with unstoppable momentum, or Arnold, who manipulated everything from behind the scenes?

It's hard to assassinate both at the same time. At the very least, they would have to get rid of one of them.

At such a time, I would be the easier target, and the one they would want to aim for. After all, someone who has been behind the scenes all this while would appear more threatening than an actor on stage. After all, a behind-the-scenes worker can make an actor shine. Even if an actor is disposed of, another actor could potentially appear. It's even more so if that behind-the-scenes worker can become an actor.

For that reason, I need a rank. A clear rank that can make the current Leo subordinate. That's the Grand Marshal.

"Indeed, this might be something only Al can do. And Al has the power. I know that. But... even though I know, I'm still worried. It's hard to see Al constantly transferring... I'm sure the emperor is even more worried than I am. Please reassure him."

"Reassure him? I'm about to jump into a fire. And you want me to reassure him?"

"If you just say that you will definitely come back... I'm sure that will be enough to reassure him."

"Unfortunately, I don't make promises I can't keep. Any assassination that comes flying at me will be aimed at a royal family member. There's no guarantee that I can survive."

"Even a comforting word would be enough. If you show your intention to live, that you're not going to die, that would... that would be enough."

"Is that all it takes?"

"That's all it takes."

Listening to Finne's words, I let out a quiet sigh.

Would there be so much value in words of comfort? I ask myself and answer, no, there wouldn't be. However, despite such a self-answer...

Finne's opinion has value.

Honestly, whether I live or die, I probably won't return to the Empire.

By stepping into the spotlight, I am becoming Leo's biggest enemy.

There's no need to split precious votes.

I don't intend to be assassinated easily, but I also have no intention of staying in the spotlight.

I can't be alive.

No matter what the result is, Prince Arnold of the Empire has to die.

Because I think so, I don't want to see my father.

Because I don't have the confidence to tell my father, who will be worried, that I will definitely return alive.

Feeling pathetic, I grimace and instruct the carriage to change course.

"There's a place... I need to stop by."

Here is the English translation for the second half of the chapter:

Before heading to the castle, I made a detour to the private residence in the Imperial Capital that Erik owned.

It used to be a place where Erik's wife, my sister-in-law Leia, was recuperating, but now that she's left the capital, it's rarely used.

I went out of my way to stop there because I knew through magic that Erik was there.

"What do you need?"

"Well, I thought I'd drop in to say hello before I return."

Erik's private residence is surrounded by flowers.

He was tending to those flowers.

Without even looking at me who entered the residence, he silently continued to take care of the flowers.

It must be in preparation for his wife's possible return at any moment.

"You're not supposed to be dropping in... well, whatever. Good to have you back, now go see your father."

"I will, once I've finished my errands."

With that said, I forcefully handed a small bottle I had to Erik.

It was one of the three potions I received from the elder.

A disease that even a renowned doctor couldn't cure.

In addition to my mother, there was someone else nearby with suspicious symptoms.

That person was Leia, Erik's wife.

"What's this?"

"It's a rare medicine said to be effective against incurable diseases. I thought I'd bring it for Sister Leia."

After saying just that, I bowed and turned my back.


"We don't need it. Leia and I don't."

With those words, Erik returns the medicine to me.

I was surprised as I hadn't expected him to return it.

The Erik I know loves his wife. He's the type of man who would accept medicine from his enemies for the sake of Sister Leia.

"Why don't you just give it a try? It might cure her!"

"That time has passed. Don't do anything unnecessary."

"Unnecessary...? She might be your wife, but to me, she's my sister-in-law! Is it unnecessary for me to want her to get better?"

"Hmm... you're soft when it comes to family matters. Do you still see me as your brother? Give it up, Arnold. I'll never back down. I'm going to claim the throne that Wilhelm was supposed to sit on. I won't give it to anyone. There's no place for... the family image you idealize in this empire."


There was strength in Erik's words.

Words filled with determination.

He'll claim the throne.

I hadn't expected to hear such words from Erik, who hadn't been proactive so far.

His stance was supposed to be that the throne was rightfully his.

"I... acknowledge you and Leonardo. That's why you should leave your softness behind and come at me. Only by defeating the one who survives can I surpass Wilhelm."

"Unfortunately. And a correction."

"What is it?"

"What I'm seeking is a normal family. A family where each member cares for each other, just a very ordinary family. That's what I'm seeking."

"That's not what you should be asking for from Adler. We've always been washing blood with blood. That's not going to change."


Erik's argument is probably correct.

The Adlers are royalty. That alone makes them extraordinary.

Despite that, asking for normalcy is a luxury.

Still, I have these feelings that want it nonetheless.

"You and I probably can't change. But Leo is different. Leo will change the future of Adler. Leo is different from you and me."

"You're entrusting him with your dreams? Stop it. If you entrust your dreams to someone... they'll shatter along with that person."

"Is that from your own experience?"


"Then rest assured. Leo... I will protect him."

"Hmm, anyone can say that in words. It was the same in the past. Everyone said that. But no one was able to protect their dreams."

"You can say whatever you want. I... am different from you."

With that, I turned my back on Erik.

I have no more business here.

If Erik says he doesn't need it, I should probably give up on giving the medicine to Sister Leia.

I thought this medicine might be a catalyst for something.

No, that's not it. I wanted to think that.

But reality is cruel.

It seems that the family I desire isn't there yet.

That's why I need to create it.

With renewed determination, I gave the command.

"Head to the castle. I'm going to see my father."

TL's Notes:

Am still really sick so idk if I can stick to the upload schedule this week... Will have to see ig.

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